package;/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * @author Martin Stockhammer */ @XmlRootElement(name="ldapConfiguration") public class LdapConfiguration implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4736767846016398583L; private String hostName = ""; private int port = 389; private boolean sslEnabled = false; private String baseDn = ""; private String groupsBaseDn = ""; private String bindDn = ""; private String bindPassword = ""; private String authenticationMethod = ""; private boolean bindAuthenticatorEnabled = true; private boolean useRoleNameAsGroup = false; private final Map properties = new TreeMap<>(); private boolean writable = false; public LdapConfiguration( ) { } public static LdapConfiguration of( org.apache.archiva.admin.model.beans.LdapConfiguration ldapConfiguration ) { LdapConfiguration newCfg = new LdapConfiguration( ); newCfg.setAuthenticationMethod( ldapConfiguration.getAuthenticationMethod( ) ); newCfg.setBaseDn( ldapConfiguration.getBaseDn( ) ); newCfg.setGroupsBaseDn( ldapConfiguration.getBaseGroupsDn() ); newCfg.setBindDn( ldapConfiguration.getBindDn() ); newCfg.setBindPassword( ldapConfiguration.getPassword() ); newCfg.setBindAuthenticatorEnabled( ldapConfiguration.isBindAuthenticatorEnabled() ); newCfg.setHostName( ldapConfiguration.getHostName( ) ); newCfg.setPort( ldapConfiguration.getPort( ) ); newCfg.setProperties( ldapConfiguration.getExtraProperties( ) ); newCfg.setSslEnabled( ldapConfiguration.isSsl() ); newCfg.setWritable( ldapConfiguration.isWritable() ); return newCfg; } @Schema(description = "The hostname to use to connect to the LDAP server") public String getHostName( ) { return hostName; } public void setHostName( String hostName ) { this.hostName = hostName; } @Schema(description = "The port to use to connect to the LDAP server") public int getPort( ) { return port; } public void setPort( int port ) { this.port = port; } @Schema(description = "If SSL should be used for connecting the LDAP server") public boolean isSslEnabled( ) { return sslEnabled; } public void setSslEnabled( boolean sslEnabled ) { this.sslEnabled = sslEnabled; } @Schema(description = "The BASE DN used for the LDAP server") public String getBaseDn( ) { return baseDn; } public void setBaseDn( String baseDn ) { this.baseDn = baseDn; } @Schema(description = "The distinguished name of the bind user which is used to bind to the LDAP server") public String getBindDn( ) { return bindDn; } public void setBindDn( String bindDn ) { this.bindDn = bindDn; } @Schema(description = "The password used to bind to the ldap server") public String getBindPassword( ) { return bindPassword; } public void setBindPassword( String bindPassword ) { this.bindPassword = bindPassword; } @Schema(description = "The distinguished name of the base to use for searching group.") public String getGroupsBaseDn( ) { return groupsBaseDn; } public void setGroupsBaseDn( String groupsBaseDn ) { this.groupsBaseDn = groupsBaseDn; } @Schema(description = "The authentication method used to bind to the LDAP server (PLAINTEXT, SASL, ...)") public String getAuthenticationMethod( ) { return authenticationMethod; } public void setAuthenticationMethod( String authenticationMethod ) { this.authenticationMethod = authenticationMethod; } @Schema(description = "True, if the LDAP bind authentication is used for logging in to Archiva") public boolean isBindAuthenticatorEnabled( ) { return bindAuthenticatorEnabled; } public void setBindAuthenticatorEnabled( boolean bindAuthenticatorEnabled ) { this.bindAuthenticatorEnabled = bindAuthenticatorEnabled; } @Schema(description = "True, if the archiva role name is also the LDAP group name") public boolean isUseRoleNameAsGroup( ) { return useRoleNameAsGroup; } public void setUseRoleNameAsGroup( boolean useRoleNameAsGroup ) { this.useRoleNameAsGroup = useRoleNameAsGroup; } @Schema(description = "Map of additional properties") public Map getProperties( ) { return properties; } public void setProperties( Map properties ) {; properties ); } @Schema(description = "True, if attributes in the the LDAP server can be edited by Archiva") public boolean isWritable( ) { return writable; } public void setWritable( boolean writable ) { this.writable = writable; } @Override public boolean equals( Object o ) { if ( this == o ) return true; if ( o == null || getClass( ) != o.getClass( ) ) return false; LdapConfiguration that = (LdapConfiguration) o; if ( port != that.port ) return false; if ( sslEnabled != that.sslEnabled ) return false; if ( bindAuthenticatorEnabled != that.bindAuthenticatorEnabled ) return false; if ( useRoleNameAsGroup != that.useRoleNameAsGroup ) return false; if ( writable != that.writable ) return false; if ( !Objects.equals( hostName, that.hostName ) ) return false; if ( !Objects.equals( baseDn, that.baseDn ) ) return false; if ( !Objects.equals( bindDn, that.bindDn ) ) return false; if ( !Objects.equals( groupsBaseDn, that.groupsBaseDn ) ) return false; if ( !Objects.equals( bindPassword, that.bindPassword ) ) return false; if ( !Objects.equals( authenticationMethod, that.authenticationMethod ) ) return false; return properties.equals( ); } @Override public int hashCode( ) { int result = hostName != null ? hostName.hashCode( ) : 0; result = 31 * result + port; result = 31 * result + ( sslEnabled ? 1 : 0 ); result = 31 * result + ( baseDn != null ? baseDn.hashCode( ) : 0 ); result = 31 * result + ( bindDn != null ? bindDn.hashCode( ) : 0 ); result = 31 * result + ( groupsBaseDn != null ? groupsBaseDn.hashCode( ) : 0 ); result = 31 * result + ( bindPassword != null ? bindPassword.hashCode( ) : 0 ); result = 31 * result + ( authenticationMethod != null ? authenticationMethod.hashCode( ) : 0 ); result = 31 * result + ( bindAuthenticatorEnabled ? 1 : 0 ); result = 31 * result + ( useRoleNameAsGroup ? 1 : 0 ); result = 31 * result + properties.hashCode( ); result = 31 * result + ( writable ? 1 : 0 ); return result; } @SuppressWarnings( "StringBufferReplaceableByString" ) @Override public String toString( ) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "LdapConfiguration{" ); sb.append( "hostName='" ).append( hostName ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( ", port=" ).append( port ); sb.append( ", sslEnabled=" ).append( sslEnabled ); sb.append( ", baseDn='" ).append( baseDn ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( ", groupsBaseDn='" ).append( groupsBaseDn ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( ", bindDn='" ).append( bindDn ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( ", bindPassword='" ).append( bindPassword ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( ", authenticationMethod='" ).append( authenticationMethod ).append( '\'' ); sb.append( ", bindAuthenticatorEnabled=" ).append( bindAuthenticatorEnabled ); sb.append( ", useRoleNameAsGroup=" ).append( useRoleNameAsGroup ); sb.append( ", properties=" ).append( properties ); sb.append( ", writable=" ).append( writable ); sb.append( '}' ); return sb.toString( ); } }