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  93. <%-- POSTPONED to 1.1 series
  94. <li class="none">
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  111. <%-- TODO: future options here.
  112. * Repository Statistics.
  113. * Web Services Statistics.
  114. --%>
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  141. <%-- TODO: future options here.
  142. * Repository Syncing Connectors. (rsync, ftp, scp, etc...)
  143. * Web Services (enable / disable), role based?
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  157. <%
  158. int inceptionYear = 2005;
  159. int currentYear = Calendar.getInstance().get( Calendar.YEAR );
  160. String copyrightRange = String.valueOf( inceptionYear );
  161. if ( inceptionYear != currentYear )
  162. {
  163. copyrightRange = copyrightRange + "-" + String.valueOf( currentYear );
  164. }
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