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build.gradle 9.4KB

  1. // Global settings
  2. project.ext {
  3. // Source JRE used for compilation, etc
  4. if (!project.hasProperty('jre')) {
  5. jre = System.getProperty('java.home')
  6. }
  7. os = Os.current()
  8. arch = Arch.current()
  9. if (!project.hasProperty('targetJre')) {
  10. targetJre = jre
  11. }
  12. }
  13. def targetJreFile = file(targetJre)
  14. def jreFile = file(jre)
  15. // HotSpot itself
  16. project('hotspot') {
  17. task clean(type: InvokeMake) {
  18. onlyIf { file('hotspot/make').exists() }
  19. args 'clean'
  20. }
  21. task prepareJvm {
  22. onlyIf { jreFile.canonicalPath != targetJreFile.canonicalPath }
  23. doLast {
  24. // FIXME: We probably should check if source path is different and delete old JRE in that case
  25. ant.copy(todir: targetJreFile, overwrite: true) {
  26. fileset(dir: jreFile)
  27. }
  28. ant.chmod(file: new File(targetJreFile, 'bin/java'), perm: '0755')
  29. }
  30. }
  31. task checkMercurial(description: 'Verify Mercurial is installed') << {
  32. def os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
  33. try {
  34. exec {
  35. executable 'hg'
  36. args 'help', 'init'
  37. standardOutput = os
  38. errorOutput = os
  39. }
  40. } catch (GradleException e) {
  41. throw new GradleException("Failed to execute 'hg'. Make sure you have Mercurial installed!")
  42. }
  43. def str = os.toString()
  44. if (!str.contains('--mq')) {
  45. throw new GradleException("Mercurial does not have mq extension installed! Consult README.md for details.")
  46. }
  47. }
  48. task init(description: 'Initialize HotSpot repository', dependsOn: checkMercurial) << {
  49. file('hotspot').mkdir()
  50. exec {
  51. executable 'hg'
  52. args 'init'
  53. ignoreExitValue = true
  54. }
  55. }
  56. task pull(description: 'Pull OpenJDK HotSpot changes', dependsOn: init) {
  57. doLast {
  58. def hotspotRepository = hotspotTag.contains('jdk7') ?
  59. 'http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u/hotspot' :
  60. 'http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/jdk8u/hotspot'
  61. exec {
  62. executable 'hg'
  63. args 'pull', hotspotRepository
  64. }
  65. }
  66. }
  67. task patch(description: 'Patch HotSpot sources', dependsOn: pull) {
  68. doLast {
  69. exec {
  70. executable 'hg'
  71. args 'qpop', '-a'
  72. }
  73. exec {
  74. executable 'hg'
  75. args 'update', '-C', '-r', hotspotTag
  76. }
  77. new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
  78. exec {
  79. workingDir 'hotspot'
  80. executable 'hg'
  81. args 'status'
  82. standardOutput os
  83. }
  84. // Purge unversioned files
  85. def str = os.toString()
  86. def matcher = str =~ /(?m)^\?\s+(.*)$/
  87. matcher.each {
  88. ant.delete(file: new File(file('hotspot'), it[1]))
  89. }
  90. }
  91. def guards = [flavor, hotspotTag.contains('jdk7') ? 'jdk7' : 'jdk8',
  92. hotspotTag, flavor + '-' + hotspotTag]
  93. exec {
  94. executable 'hg'
  95. args 'qselect'
  96. args guards
  97. }
  98. exec {
  99. executable 'hg'
  100. args 'qpush', '-a'
  101. }
  102. }
  103. }
  104. def arguments = ['product' : ['ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=0'],
  105. 'fastdebug': ['ENABLE_FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=1', 'STRIP_POLICY=no_strip', 'ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=0']]
  106. ['product', 'fastdebug'].each { k ->
  107. // Compile given kind of DCEVM
  108. def compile = task("compile${k.capitalize()}", type: InvokeMake) {
  109. args arguments[k]
  110. args k
  111. doLast {
  112. ant.copy(todir: "build/${k}", overwrite: true) {
  113. fileset(dir: "build/${os.buildPath}/${os.buildPath}_${arch.buildArch}_${compiler}/${k}",
  114. includes: 'libjvm.so,libjsig.so,jvm.dll,jsig.dll,libjvm.dylib,libjsig.dylib')
  115. }
  116. }
  117. }
  118. compile.mustRunAfter(patch)
  119. // Install given kind of DCEVM into destination JRE
  120. task("install${k.capitalize()}", dependsOn: [prepareJvm, compile]) << {
  121. def installPath = new File(new File(targetJreFile, arch == Arch.X86 ? os.installPath32 : os.installPath64), jvmName)
  122. logger.info("Installing DCEVM runtime into JRE with JVM name '${jvmName}' and kind '${k}' at ${installPath}")
  123. ant.copy(todir: installPath, overwrite: true) {
  124. fileset(dir: "build/${os.buildPath}/${os.buildPath}_${arch.buildArch}_${compiler}/${k}",
  125. includes: 'libjvm.so,libjsig.so,jvm.dll,jsig.dll,libjvm.dylib,libjsig.dylib')
  126. }
  127. }
  128. }
  129. }
  130. configure([project(':agent'), project(':dcevm')]) {
  131. apply plugin: 'java'
  132. apply plugin: 'idea'
  133. repositories {
  134. mavenCentral()
  135. }
  136. }
  137. project('agent') {
  138. jar {
  139. manifest {
  140. from "src/main/java/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
  141. }
  142. }
  143. }
  144. project('native') {
  145. apply plugin: 'base'
  146. task compile(type: Exec) {
  147. doFirst {
  148. buildDir.mkdirs()
  149. }
  150. if (os != Os.WINDOWS) {
  151. commandLine 'gcc'
  152. args "-I${jre}/../include"
  153. args '-shared'
  154. args 'natives.c'
  155. if (os == Os.UNIX) {
  156. args "-I${jre}/../include/linux"
  157. args '-o'
  158. args 'build/libnatives.so'
  159. args(arch == Arch.X86 ? '-m32' : '-m64')
  160. } else if (os == Os.MAC) {
  161. args "-I${jre}/../include/darwin"
  162. args '-o'
  163. args 'build/libnatives.dylib'
  164. }
  165. } else {
  166. commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'compile.cmd'
  167. environment ARCH: arch == Arch.X86 ? 'x86' : 'x64'
  168. environment JAVA_HOME: jre
  169. }
  170. }
  171. }
  172. project('dcevm') {
  173. dependencies {
  174. compile project(':agent')
  175. compile group: 'org.ow2.asm', name: 'asm-all', version: '5.0.2'
  176. compile files(jre + '/../lib/tools.jar')
  177. testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.11'
  178. }
  179. def m = System.getProperty('java.version') =~ /^1\.([0-9]+)\.*/
  180. def major = m[0][1].toInteger()
  181. if (major >= 7) {
  182. sourceSets.test.java.srcDirs += 'src/test/java7'
  183. }
  184. if (major >= 8) {
  185. sourceSets.test.java.srcDirs += 'src/test/java8'
  186. }
  187. test {
  188. executable new File(targetJreFile, 'bin/java')
  189. systemProperty 'dcevm.test.light', (flavor == 'light')
  190. if (kind == 'fastdebug') {
  191. jvmArgs '-XX:LogFile=build/hotspot.log'
  192. }
  193. jvmArgs "-XXaltjvm=${jvmName}"
  194. jvmArgs '-javaagent:../agent/build/libs/agent.jar'
  195. if (arch == Arch.X86_64) {
  196. jvmArgs(project.oops == "compressed" ? '-XX:+UseCompressedOops' : "-XX:-UseCompressedOops")
  197. }
  198. jvmArgs "-XX:TraceRedefineClasses=${traceRedefinition}"
  199. jvmArgs "-Djava.library.path=../native/build"
  200. ignoreFailures = true
  201. outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
  202. useJUnit {
  203. excludeCategories('com.github.dcevm.test.category.' + (flavor == 'light' ? 'Full' : 'Light'))
  204. }
  205. }
  206. test.dependsOn project(':native').tasks['compile']
  207. test.dependsOn project(':hotspot').tasks[kind == 'fastdebug' ? 'installFastdebug' : 'installProduct']
  208. }
  209. enum Arch {
  210. X86(["i386", "i486", "i586", "x86"], 'i486', 32),
  211. X86_64(["x86_64", "x64", "amd64"], 'amd64', 64)
  212. final List<String> names
  213. final String buildArch
  214. final int bits
  215. Arch(List<String> names, String buildArch, int bits) {
  216. this.names = names
  217. this.buildArch = buildArch
  218. this.bits = bits
  219. }
  220. static Arch find(String token) {
  221. Arch res = values().find({ v -> v.names.contains(token) })
  222. return res
  223. }
  224. static Arch current() {
  225. return find(System.getProperty("os.arch"))
  226. }
  227. }
  228. enum Os {
  229. MAC('bsd', 'lib', 'lib'),
  230. WINDOWS('windows', 'bin', 'bin'),
  231. UNIX('linux', 'lib/i386', 'lib/amd64')
  232. final String buildPath;
  233. final String installPath32;
  234. final String installPath64;
  235. Os(String buildPath, String installPath32, String installPath64) {
  236. this.buildPath = buildPath
  237. this.installPath32 = installPath32
  238. this.installPath64 = installPath64
  239. }
  240. static Os current() {
  241. return values().find { os -> org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os.isFamily(os.name().toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH)) }
  242. }
  243. }
  244. // Helper task to run make targets against hotspot
  245. class InvokeMake extends org.gradle.api.tasks.Exec {
  246. InvokeMake() {
  247. def root = project.rootProject
  248. logging.captureStandardOutput LogLevel.INFO
  249. if (root.os != Os.WINDOWS) {
  250. commandLine 'make', '-C', 'make'
  251. } else {
  252. // Using launcher script
  253. commandLine 'cmd', '/c', '..\\build.cmd'
  254. environment ARCH: root.arch == Arch.X86 ? 'x86' : 'x64'
  255. }
  256. args 'OPENJDK=true'
  257. args "HOTSPOT_BUILD_VERSION=dcevm${root.flavor}-${root.buildNumber}"
  258. args "ARCH_DATA_MODEL=${root.arch.bits}"
  259. args "ALT_BOOTDIR=${root.jre.replace('\\', '/')}/.."
  260. // Replacing backslashes is essential for Windows!
  261. args 'COMPILER_WARNINGS_FATAL=false' // Clang is very serious about warnings
  262. args 'HOTSPOT_BUILD_JOBS=4'
  263. }
  264. }