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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <!-- =======================================================================
  3. Instructions for building the buildtools.jar:
  4. Classpath should contain the following:
  5. Xerces 1.2.x
  6. Xalan 1.2.x
  7. Xalan 2.x
  8. xml-fop/lib/ant.jar
  9. Run "ant -f buildtools.xml" to build a new version of the buildtools jar
  10. ======================================================================= -->
  11. <project default="buildtools" basedir=".">
  12. <target name="init">
  13. <property name="src.dir" value="./src"/>
  14. <property name="build.src" value="./lib/src"/>
  15. <property name="build.dest" value="./lib/classes"/>
  16. <property name="tools" value="org/apache/fop/tools"/>
  17. <property name="hyph" value="org/apache/fop/layout/hyphenation"/>
  18. <property name="buildtools.jar" value="./lib/buildtools.jar"/>
  19. <property name="xalan1" value=""/>
  20. <property name="trax" value=""/>
  21. <available property="trax.present" classname="javax.xml.transform.Transformer"/>
  22. <available property="xalan1.present" classname="org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLTProcessor"/>
  23. </target>
  24. <target name="compile" depends="init,prepare.src">
  25. <mkdir dir="${build.dest}"/>
  26. <javac srcdir="${build.src}"
  27. destdir="${build.dest}"/>
  28. </target>
  29. <target name="buildtools" depends="clean,init,compile">
  30. <echo message="Creating the jar file ${buildtools.jar}"/>
  31. <jar jarfile="${buildtools.jar}"
  32. basedir="${build.dest}"
  33. includes="${tools}/**,${hyph}/**"/>
  34. </target>
  35. <target name="prepare.src" depends="prepare.xalan1,prepare.trax">
  36. <copydir src="${src.dir}"
  37. dest="${build.src}"
  38. includes="${tools}/**,${hyph}/**"
  39. excludes="${tools}/anttasks/,${hyph}/,**/${xalan1},**/${trax}"/>
  40. </target>
  41. <target name="prepare.xalan1" if="xalan1.present">
  42. <echo message="Xalan1 is present. Installing Xalan1 support"/>
  43. <copydir src="${src.dir}"
  44. dest="${build.src}"
  45. includes="**/${xalan1}"/>
  46. </target>
  47. <target name="prepare.trax" if="trax.present">
  48. <echo message="JAXP1.1 transforms is present. Installing TRaX support"/>
  49. <copydir src="${src.dir}"
  50. dest="${build.src}"
  51. includes="**/${trax}"/>
  52. </target>
  53. <target name="clean" depends="init">
  54. <deltree dir="${build.src}"/>
  55. <deltree dir="${build.dest}"/>
  56. </target>
  57. </project>