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21 KiB
Brut Vue normale Historique

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# $Id$
"""A testcase generator for conditional borders and the collapsing border model, in the FO
Computes all the possible combinations of borders (retained/discarded, with/without header
and footer, etc.) and generates the corresponding tables together with the expected
resolved borders.
The two functions to call are generateTestCases and generateTestCasesHeaderFooter; each of
them returns a complete FO file on stdout and a table of resolved borders on stderr, to be
included in the Java test case. This is all a bit rough be enough to get the testcases
Type definitions:
border specification:
{'length': <string, e.g. '4pt'>,
'cond': <'retain' or 'discard'>
'color': <string, e.g. 'black'>
import sys;
import copy;
fo_table = 0
fo_column = 1
fo_body = 2
fo_row = 3
fo_cell = 4
def printFOStart():
print '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>'
print '<fo:root xmlns:fo="">'
print ' <fo:layout-master-set>'
print ' <fo:simple-page-master master-name="page" page-height="20cm" page-width="15cm" margin="1cm">'
print ' <fo:region-body/>'
print ' </fo:simple-page-master>'
print ' </fo:layout-master-set>'
print ' <fo:page-sequence master-reference="page" font-size="14pt">'
print ' <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">'
def printFOEnd():
print ' </fo:flow>'
print ' </fo:page-sequence>'
print '</fo:root>'
def printBorder(side, border, indent):
"""Prints out the border specifications.
side: one of 'before', 'after', 'start', 'end'
border: a border specification
indent: for pretty-printing, string of whitespaces to put before the border
print indent + ' border-' + side + '-width.length="' + border['length'] + '"'
print indent + ' border-' + side + '-width.conditionality="' + border['cond'] + '"'
print indent + ' border-' + side + '-style="solid"'
print indent + ' border-' + side + '-color="' + border['color'] + '"'
class TableGenerator:
"""Generates on stdout tables with no header and footer, with the border
specifications passed to this object; and on stderr the corresponding resolved borders
in a Java array, for inclusion into the test case. As soon as a pair of border sets is
recorded, a table is generated.
fobjs = [
('<fo:table width="10cm" space-before="12pt" table-layout="fixed"', '>'),
('<fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"', '/>'),
('<fo:table-body', '>'),
('<fo:table-row', '>'),
('<fo:table-cell', '>')
bordersBefore = None
resBefore = {}
"""The comma between each table; nothing before the first one."""
separator = ''
def addBorderSet(self, borderSet, resolution):
"""Records a new border set, and prints out a table if its number is even.
The first set will be used for borders-before, the second one for borders-after.
borderSet: a list of 5 border specifications for resp. table, table-column,
table-body, table-row and table-cell
resolution: the resolved border for the rest case (for the normal and leading
cases the resolution is always the same)
if not self.bordersBefore:
self.bordersBefore = borderSet
self.resBefore = resolution
# First the table
for i in range(5):
fobj = self.fobjs[i]
indent = ' ' * (6 + 2*i)
print indent + fobj[0]
printBorder('before', self.bordersBefore[i], indent)
printBorder('after', borderSet[i], indent)
print indent + fobj[1]
print ' <fo:block>Cell</fo:block>'
print ' </fo:table-cell>'
print ' </fo:table-row>'
print ' </fo:table-body>'
print ' </fo:table>'
# Then the resolution
sys.stderr.write(self.separator + '{')
comma = ''
for beforeAfter in [self.resBefore, resolution]:
sys.stderr.write(comma + '{border' + beforeAfter['length']
+ ', Color.' + beforeAfter['color'] + '}')
comma = ', '
self.separator = ',\n'
# Reset
self.bordersBefore = None
self.resBefore = {}
class TableHFGenerator:
"""Generates on stdout tables with headers and footers, and the border specifications
passed to this object; and on stderr the corresponding resolved borders in a Java
fobjs = [
['<fo:table width="10cm" space-before="12pt" table-layout="fixed"', '>'],
['<fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(1)"', '/>'],
['<fo:table-header', '>'],
['<fo:table-row', '>'],
['<fo:table-cell', '>']
borderHeader = [] # border-before for the header.
borderFooter = [] # border-after for the footer.
bordersBody = [] # borders for the cells in the body.
def addBorderHeader(self, borders, resolution):
self.borderHeader.append((borders, resolution))
def addBorderFooter(self, borders, resolution):
self.borderFooter.append((borders, resolution))
def addBordersBody(self, borders, resolution):
self.bordersBody.append((borders, resolution))
def finish(self):
"""Prints out the tables and the resolved borders."""
separator = '' # The comma between each table, none before the first one
for tableNum in range(len(self.borderHeader)):
# First the table
print ' <!-- Table ' + str(tableNum) + ' -->'
for i in range(2):
fobj = self.fobjs[i]
indent = ' ' * (6 + 2*i)
print indent + fobj[0]
printBorder('before', self.borderHeader[tableNum][0][i], indent)
printBorder('after', self.borderFooter[tableNum][0][i], indent)
print indent + fobj[1]
self.fobjs[fo_body][0] = '<fo:table-header'
for i in range(2, 5):
fobj = self.fobjs[i]
indent = ' ' * (6 + 2*i)
print indent + fobj[0]
printBorder('before', self.borderHeader[tableNum][0][i], indent)
printBorder('after', self.bordersBody[tableNum][0][i-2], indent)
print indent + fobj[1]
print ' <fo:block>Header</fo:block>'
print ' </fo:table-cell>'
print ' </fo:table-row>'
print ' </fo:table-header>'
self.fobjs[fo_body][0] = '<fo:table-footer'
for i in range(2, 5):
fobj = self.fobjs[i]
indent = ' ' * (6 + 2*i)
print indent + fobj[0]
printBorder('before', self.bordersBody[tableNum][0][i+7], indent)
printBorder('after', self.borderFooter[tableNum][0][i], indent)
print indent + fobj[1]
print ' <fo:block>Footer</fo:block>'
print ' </fo:table-cell>'
print ' </fo:table-row>'
print ' </fo:table-footer>'
self.fobjs[fo_body][0] = '<fo:table-body'
for i in range(2, 5):
fobj = self.fobjs[i]
indent = ' ' * (6 + 2*i)
print indent + fobj[0]
printBorder('before', {'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'black'}, indent)
printBorder('after', self.bordersBody[tableNum][0][i+1], indent)
print indent + fobj[1]
print ' <fo:block>Cell1</fo:block>'
print ' </fo:table-cell>'
print ' </fo:table-row>'
print ' </fo:table-body>'
for i in range(2, 5):
fobj = self.fobjs[i]
indent = ' ' * (6 + 2*i)
print indent + fobj[0]
printBorder('before', self.bordersBody[tableNum][0][i+4], indent)
printBorder('after', {'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'blue'}, indent)
print indent + fobj[1]
print ' <fo:block>Cell1</fo:block>'
print ' </fo:table-cell>'
print ' </fo:table-row>'
print ' </fo:table-body>'
print ' </fo:table>'
# Then the resolutions
sys.stderr.write(separator + '{')
comma = ''
for resHeadFoot in [self.borderHeader[tableNum][1], self.borderFooter[tableNum][1]]:
for firstRest in ['first', 'rest']:
sys.stderr.write(comma + '{border'
+ resHeadFoot[firstRest]['length']
+ ', Color.' + resHeadFoot[firstRest]['color']
+ '}')
comma = ', '
resBody = self.bordersBody[tableNum][1]
for i in range(4):
for normLeadRest in ['normal', 'lead', 'rest']:
sys.stderr.write(', {border'
+ resBody[i][normLeadRest][0]
+ ', Color.' + resBody[i][normLeadRest][1]
+ '}')
separator = ',\n'
def generateTestCases():
"""Generates testcases for table without header and footer."""
def createAllCombinations():
def createCombinations(n):
if n == 0:
i = n
while i > 0:
for combinations in allCombinations[i-1]:
allCombinations[i].append(copy.copy(combinations) + [n-1])
i = i - 1
allCombinations = [[] for i in range(6)]
return allCombinations
tableGenerator = TableGenerator()
defaultBorders = []
for color in ['black', 'red', 'magenta', 'blue', 'yellow']:
defaultBorders.append({'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': color})
defaultBorders[fo_table]['length'] = '8pt'
resolution = {'length': '0pt', 'color': 'black'}
tableGenerator.addBorderSet(defaultBorders, resolution)
for combinations in createAllCombinations()[1:]:
for combination in combinations:
retainedBorders = copy.deepcopy(defaultBorders)
for index in combination:
retainedBorders[index]['cond'] = 'retain'
for index in combination:
finalBorders = copy.deepcopy(retainedBorders)
if index != fo_table:
finalBorders[index]['length'] = '6pt'
if fo_table in combination:
resolution = {'length': '8pt', 'color': 'black'}
resolution = {'length': '6pt', 'color': finalBorders[index]['color']}
tableGenerator.addBorderSet(finalBorders, resolution)
def generateTestCasesHeaderFooter():
"""Generates testcases for table with headers and footers."""
def generateBordersHeaderFooter(tableGenerator):
defaultBorders = [
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'black'}, # table
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'black'}, # table-column
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'blue'}, # table-body
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'blue'}, # table-row
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'blue'} # table-cell
defaultResolution = {
'first': {'length': '4pt', 'color': 'blue'},
'rest': {'length': '4pt', 'color': 'blue'}
for (winner, other) in [(fo_table, fo_column), (fo_column, fo_table)]:
borders = copy.deepcopy(defaultBorders)
borders[winner]['length'] = '8pt'
resolution = copy.deepcopy(defaultResolution)
resolution['first'] = {'length': '8pt', 'color': 'black'}
for border in [
((other, '6pt', 'retain'), 'black'),
((fo_body, '6pt', 'discard'), 'blue'),
((fo_row, '6pt', 'discard'), 'blue'),
((fo_cell, '6pt', 'discard'), 'blue')
finalBorders = copy.deepcopy(borders)
finalBorders[border[0][0]]['length'] = border[0][1]
finalBorders[border[0][0]]['cond'] = border[0][2]
finalResolution = copy.deepcopy(resolution)
finalResolution['rest']['length'] = '6pt'
finalResolution['rest']['color'] = border[1]
tableGenerator.addBorderHeader(finalBorders, finalResolution)
tableGenerator.addBorderFooter(finalBorders, finalResolution)
def generateBordersBody(tableGenerator):
# Named indices for readability
header = 0
rowh = 1
cellh = 2
body1 = 3
row1 = 4
cell1 = 5
body2 = 6
row2 = 7
cell2 = 8
footer = 9
rowf = 10
cellf = 11
defaultBorders = [
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'red'}, # header
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'red'}, # header > row
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'red'}, # header > row > cell
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'black'}, # body1
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'black'}, # body1 > row
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'black'}, # body1 > row > cell
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'blue'}, # body2
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'blue'}, # body2 > row
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'blue'}, # body2 > row > cell
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'magenta'}, # footer
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'magenta'}, # footer > row
{'length': '4pt', 'cond': 'discard', 'color': 'magenta'} # footer > row > cell
defaultResolution = [
{'normal': ('4pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')}, # border-before cell 1
{'normal': ('4pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')}, # border-after cell 1
{'normal': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')}, # border-before cell 2
{'normal': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')} # border-after cell 2
# The following contains changes to the default borders. Depending on the object
# targeted (in header, footer, body1 or body2), the affected border is either before
# or after (the other one keeping its default value):
# - for header: border-after
# - for body1: border-after
# - for body2: border-before
# - for footer: border-before
for setting in [
{'borders': [(body2, '8pt', 'discard'), (body1, '6pt', 'discard')], 'res': [
{'normal': ('4pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('6pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')}]},
{'borders': [(row2, '8pt', 'discard'), (row1, '6pt', 'retain')], 'res': [
{'normal': ('4pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('6pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('6pt', 'black')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')}]},
{'borders': [(cell2, '6pt', 'retain'), (cellh, '8pt', 'discard'), (cell1, '4pt', 'retain')], 'res': [
{'normal': ('8pt', 'red'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'red'), 'rest': ('8pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('6pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'black')},
{'normal': ('6pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'red'), 'rest': ('8pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')}]},
{'borders': [(body2, '6pt', 'retain'), (rowh, '8pt', 'discard'), (row1, '4pt', 'retain')], 'res': [
{'normal': ('8pt', 'red'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'red'), 'rest': ('8pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('6pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')},
{'normal': ('6pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'red'), 'rest': ('8pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')}]},
# Almost a copy-paste of the above, swapping 1 and 2, header and footer
{'borders': [(body1, '8pt', 'discard'), (body2, '6pt', 'discard')], 'res': [
{'normal': ('4pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('6pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')}]},
{'borders': [(cell1, '8pt', 'discard'), (cell2, '6pt', 'retain')], 'res': [
{'normal': ('4pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('6pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('6pt', 'blue')},
{'normal': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'magenta')}]},
{'borders': [(row1, '6pt', 'retain'), (footer, '8pt', 'discard'), (body2, '4pt', 'retain')], 'res': [
{'normal': ('4pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('6pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'magenta'), 'rest': ('8pt', 'magenta')},
{'normal': ('6pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'magenta'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'magenta'), 'rest': ('8pt', 'magenta')}]},
{'borders': [(body1, '8pt', 'retain'), (cellf, '6pt', 'discard'), (row2, '4pt', 'retain')], 'res': [
{'normal': ('4pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('8pt', 'black'), 'rest': ('8pt', 'black')},
{'normal': ('8pt', 'black'), 'lead': ('4pt', 'blue'), 'rest': ('4pt', 'red')},
{'normal': ('6pt', 'magenta'), 'lead': ('6pt', 'magenta'), 'rest': ('6pt', 'magenta')}]}]:
finalBorders = copy.deepcopy(defaultBorders)
for border in setting['borders']:
finalBorders[border[0]]['length'] = border[1]
finalBorders[border[0]]['cond'] = border[2]
tableGenerator.addBordersBody(finalBorders, setting['res'])
tableGenerator = TableHFGenerator()
# Uncomment the appropriate line