Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Added Ant target for validating xdocs.

Some FAQ enhancments.
Minor edits to output.xml.

git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/trunk@195816 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Joerg Pietschmann pirms 21 gadiem

+ 62
- 0
build.xml Parādīt failu

@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ list of possible build targets.
<property name="src.dir" value="./src"/>
<property name="src.codegen" value="./src/codegen"/>
<property name="docs.dir" value="./docs"/>
<property name="xdocs.dir" value="./src/documentation/content/xdocs"/>
<property name="fo.examples.dir" value="./docs/examples/fo"/>
<property name="lib.dir" value="./lib"/>
<property name="hyph.dir" value="./hyph"/>
@@ -707,4 +708,65 @@ list of possible build targets.
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="${Name}-*.zip"/>

<target name="validate-xdocs" depends="init" description="Validate the
xdocs. Point schemas.dir to Forrest's 'schemas' directory.">
<property name="schemas.dir" value="../xml-forrest/src/resources/schema"/>
<xmlvalidate failonerror="no">
<fileset dir="${xdocs.dir}" includes="**.xml"/>
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Compliance V1.0//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Specification V1.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD FAQ V1.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Changes V1.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Todo V1.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Book V1.0//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Tab V1.0//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD How-to V1.0//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Gump Descriptor V1.0//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD JavaDoc V1.0//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//DTD Contributors V1.0//EN"
<entity publicId="-//Outerthought//DTD Libre Configuration V0.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//ENTITIES Documentation V1.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//ENTITIES FAQ V1.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//ENTITIES Todo V1.1//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//ENTITIES Common Elements V1.0//EN"
<entity publicId="-//APACHE//ENTITIES Common Character Entity Sets V1.0//EN"

<entity publicId="ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML"
<entity publicId="ISO 9573-15:1993//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN//XML"
<entity publicId="ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN//XML"
<entity publicId="ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN//XML"
<entity publicId="ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML"
<entity publicId="ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN//XML"
<entity publicId="ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML"

+ 252
- 111
src/documentation/content/xdocs/faq.xml Parādīt failu

@@ -78,9 +78,10 @@
XSLFO is an XML vocabulary that is used to specify a pagination and
other styling for page layout output. The acronym &ldquo;FO&rdquo; stands for
other styling for page layout output. The acronym &#8220;FO&#8221;
stands for
<strong>F</strong>ormatting <strong>O</strong>bjects. XSLFO can be
used in conjunction with <jump href="#XSLT">XSLT</jump> to convert
used in conjunction with <link href="#XSLT">XSLT</link> to convert
from any XML format into a paginated layout ready for printing or
@@ -100,9 +101,9 @@
XSLT describes the transformation of arbitrary XML input into other
XML (like XSLFO), HTML or plain text. The &ldquo;T&rdquo; comes from
XML (like XSLFO), HTML or plain text. The &#8220;T&#8221; comes from
<strong>T</strong>ransformation. For historical reasons, a
transformation is often also called a &ldquo;style sheet&rdquo;.
transformation is often also called a &#8220;style sheet&#8221;.
Synonyms: XSL transformation, XSL:T, XSL style sheet.
@@ -147,9 +148,10 @@
<question>My PNG images don't work.</question>
The Jimi image library, which is used for processing images in PNG and
other formats, was removed from the distribution for licensing
reasons. You have to <fork href="http://java.sun.com">download</fork>
The Jimi image library, which is by default used for processing
images in PNG and other formats, was removed from the distribution
for licensing reasons. You have to <fork
and install it by yourself.
@@ -157,7 +159,9 @@
<question>I get a NoClassDefFound exception.</question>
<p>This is typically a problem with your classpath.</p>
This is typically a problem with your <link
<p>If you are running FOP from the command line:</p>
@@ -207,16 +211,23 @@
Avoid forward references. Forward references cause all
pages from the page with the reference on to be held in memory until
the page with the referenced element is encountered. Common forward
Increase memory settings of the JVM, see for example <link
-Xmx option</link>. Be aware that it is usually unwise to
increase the memory allocated to the JVM beyond the amount of
physical RAM, it will significantly slow down. YMMV.
Avoid forward references. Forward references cause all pages from
the page with the reference on to be held in memory until the
page with the referenced element is encountered. Common forward
references are table of contents at the beginning of the document
and the <link href="#pagenum">"page N of TOTAL"</link> in footers. Forward
references may be required by the task, however, if you are getting
a memory overflow you should at least check whether this is really
as necessary as claimed. A TOC, for example, could often be placed
at the end of the document without dimishing it's value too much,
the paper can be reshuffled after printing, and you can use
and the <link href="#pagenum">"page N of TOTAL"</link> in footers.
Forward references may be required by the task, however, if you are
getting a memory overflow you should at least check whether this is
really as necessary as claimed. A TOC, for example, could often be
placed at the end of the document without dimishing it's value too
much, the paper can be reshuffled after printing, and you can use
bookmarks in PDF.
@@ -232,11 +243,6 @@
page by page, some memory allocated for other purposes could
possibly be freed after the page sequence has been rendered.
Increase memory settings of the JVM. Be aware that it
is usually unwise to increase the memory allocated to the JVM beyond
the amount of physical RAM, it will significantly slow down. YMMV.
There are also some bugs which cause FOP to go into an nonterminating
@@ -281,10 +287,10 @@
resolving process, which transforms it into an absolute
See Understanding URIs and URLs and Understanding
URL resolving.
@@ -302,8 +308,10 @@
whether you got them right.
You may find it helpful to use the <link href="#FO-validate">validation tools</link> to validate your
FO document. This will catch most problems, but should not be relied upon to catch all.
You may find it helpful to use the <link
href="#FO-validate">validation tools</link> to validate your
FO document. This will catch most problems, but should not be
relied upon to catch all.
If you use XSLT, problems in your style sheet and in your source XML
@@ -368,22 +376,22 @@ FO document. This will catch most problems, but should not be relied upon to cat
Relative URLs are resolved against the baseDir property of FOP. For
the command line FOP application, the baseDir is the directory of the
input file, either the FO file or the XML source. If FOP is used
embedded in a servlet, <link href="embedding.html">baseDir can be set explicitely</link>. If
it's not set, it is usually the current working directory of the
process which runs FOP.
embedded in a servlet, <link href="embedding.html">baseDir can be
set explicitely</link>. If it's not set, it is usually the current
working directory of the process which runs FOP.
See Understanding URIs and URLs and Understanding
URL resolving.
<question>FOP does not find my fonts.</question>
Did you get: &laquo;Failed to read font metrics file C:\foo\arial.xml
: File "C:\foo\arial.xml" not found&raquo;? The value for the
Did you get: &#171;Failed to read font metrics file C:\foo\arial.xml
: File "C:\foo\arial.xml" not found&#178;? The value for the
metrics-file attribute in the user config file is actually an URL, not
a file name. Use "file:///C:/foo/arial.xml" instead.
@@ -399,12 +407,12 @@ FO document. This will catch most problems, but should not be relied upon to cat
don't work.</question>
These properties are not implemented, except for keep-with-next and
keep-with-previous on table rows. In order to take advantage of them,
you have to nest stuff to be kept together in a table.
These properties are not implemented, except on table rows. In
order to take advantage of them, you have to nest stuff to be
kept together in a table.
The concept is called &ldquo;blind table&rdquo;. The table is used for
The concept is called &#8220;blind table&#8221;. The table is used for
pure layout reasons and not obvious in the output.
@@ -494,7 +502,19 @@ FO document. This will catch most problems, but should not be relied upon to cat
<question>A graphic is not displayed.</question>
Several possibilities:
The most common reason is that the file is not found because
of an empty or wrong baseDir setting, spelling errors in the
file name, in particular using the wrong case, or, if the
image is retrieved over HTTP, the image was not delivered because
of security settings in the server, missing cookies or other
authorization information or other server misconfigurations.
One way to check this is to cut&amp;paste the source URL
from the fo:external-graphic into the Location field of
a browser <strong>on the machine where the FOP process
will be running</strong>.
Several other possibilities:
@@ -510,9 +530,9 @@ FO document. This will catch most problems, but should not be relied upon to cat
content (very rare, but has happened).
<!-- p>
See also supported image formats.
</p -->
@@ -527,7 +547,7 @@ FO document. This will catch most problems, but should not be relied upon to cat
<title>Embedding FOP. Using FOP in a servlet</title>
<title>Embedding FOP. Using FOP in a servlet.</title>
<question>How do I use FOP in a servlet?</question>
@@ -546,8 +566,8 @@ driver.run();</source>
with IEx and view it later. There are other problems with this code.
Please look into Howto embed FOP in a servlet for all
kinds of details.
Please look into <link href="embedding.html">Embedding FOP</link>
for all kinds of details.
@@ -793,8 +813,8 @@ transformer.transform(xmlsource, new SAXResult(driver.getContentHandler()));</so
<question>Problems with SVG referring to gradients etc. using
"uri(#stuff)" (MalformedURLException or stuff not found)</question>
<question>I have problems with SVG referring to gradients etc. using
"uri(#stuff)". I get a MalformedURLException.</question>
This is really a "resolving relative URI" problem with some
@@ -852,40 +872,109 @@ transformer.transform(xmlsource, new SAXResult(driver.getContentHandler()));</so
<question>Characters not displayed, or displayed incorrectly, or displayed
as "#"</question>
<p>Answers are that fonts must be available for the output format, and
the selected font must contain glyphs for the desired character.
PDF has a set of <link href="output.html#pdf-fonts">defined fonts</link>, other fonts can be embedded following the
<link href="fonts.html">instructions</link>.
To find out if the characters you need are in the core fonts then
(todo - find a glyph font table for the fonts).
<p> For example, for most symbols, the symbol font has to be selected
explicitely (in future it should be possible to specify a list of fonts
where it will select the font for the specified character):
<p> &lt;fo:inline font-family="Symbol">&amp;#x2205;&lt;/fo:inline></p>
<p> gives EMPTY SET while the same characters in the default font results
in AE LIGATURE (which happens to occupy the same place in the default
font as the EMPTY SET in the Symbol font). The "#" shows up if the
selected font does not define a glyph for the translated index.</p>
<question>Some characters are not displayed, or displayed incorrectly, or
displayed as &#8220;#&#8221;.</question>
There are a few fonts supplied with Acrobat Reader. If you use other
fonts, the font must be available on the machine where the PDF is
viewed or it must have been embedded in the PDF file. See
<link href="fonts.html">embedding fonts</link>.
Furthermore, if you select a certain font family, the font must
contain glyphs for the desired character. There is an <link
href="output.html#pdf-fonts">overview</link> available for the
default PDF fonts. For most symbols, it is better to select the symbol
font explicitely, for example in order to get the symbol for the
mathematical empty set, write:
<source><![CDATA[<fo:inline font-family="Symbol">&#x2205;</fo:inline>]]></source>
The "#" shows up if the selected font does not define a glyph for the
required character, for example if you try:
<source><![CDATA[<fo:inline font-family="Helvetica">&#x2205;</fo:inline>]]></source>
<faq id="PDF-postprocess">
<question>What tools are available for post-processing my PDF document?</question>
<li>The most popular one that we are aware of is <link href="http://www.lowagie.com/iText">iText</link>, which has tools for adding security features, document properties, watermarks, and many other features to PDF files. See also Joerg Pietschmann's <link href="http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=fop-dev&amp;m=102002975028427&amp;w=2">posting on PDF Encryption</link> for an example of Java application using iText.</li>
<li>You can use Adobe Acrobat (the full version, not the Reader) to process the file manually or with scripting that it supports.</li>
The most popular one that we are aware of is <link
href="http://www.lowagie.com/iText">iText</link>, which has tools
for adding security features, document properties, watermarks, and
many other features to PDF files. FOP and iText can be integrated
into one Java application, see sample code for <link
The bad news is that iText swallows PDF bookmarks.
You can use Adobe Acrobat (the full version, not the Reader) to
process the file manually or with scripting that it supports.
<question>How do I add security features (encryption, for example) to my PDF document?</question>
<p>FOP does not currently support this feature. Possible workarounds include those mentioned in the <link href="#PDF-postprocess">PDF Post-Processing FAQ</link>.</p>
<faq id="pdf-security">
<question>How do I add security features (encryption, disable printing) to my PDF document?</question>
FOP does not currently support this feature. Possible workarounds
include those mentioned in the <link href="#PDF-postprocess">PDF
Post-Processing FAQ</link>.
Some sample code for encrypting a FOP generated PDF with iText to
get you started:
<source><![CDATA[public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream fopout=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
FileOutputStream outfile=new FileOutputStream(args[2]);
Driver driver =new Driver();
Transformer transformer=TransformerFactory
.newInstance().newTransformer(new StreamSource(new File(args[1])));
transformer.transform(new StreamSource(new File(args[0])),
new SAXResult(driver.getContentHandler()));
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fopout.toByteArray());
int n = reader.getNumberOfPages();
Document document = new Document(reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(1));
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outfile);
writer.setEncryption(PdfWriter.STRENGTH40BITS, "pdf", null,
PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent();
PdfImportedPage page;
int rotation;
int i = 0;
while (i < n) {
page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i);
rotation = reader.getPageRotation(i);
if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) {
cb.addTemplate(page, 0, -1f, 1f, 0, 0,
reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(i).height()); }
else {
cb.addTemplate(page, 1f, 0, 0, 1f, 0, 0);
System.out.println("Processed page " + i);
catch( Exception e) {
Check the iText tutorial and documentation for setting access flags,
password, encryption strength and other parameters.
@@ -899,27 +988,46 @@ where it will select the font for the specified character):
<p>FOP does not currently support this feature. Possible workarounds:</p>
<li>See the <link href="#PDF-postprocess">PDF Post-Processing FAQ</link>.</li>
<li>(submitted by Trevor_Campbell@kaz.com.au) Place an image in a region that overlaps the flowing text. For example, make region-before large enough to contain your image. Then include a block (if necessary, use an absolutely positioned block-container) containing the watermark image in the static-content for the region-before.</li>
Use a background image for the body region.
See the <link href="#PDF-postprocess">PDF Post-Processing
(submitted by Trevor_Campbell@kaz.com.au) Place an image in a
region that overlaps the flowing text. For example, make
region-before large enough to contain your image. Then include
a block (if necessary, use an absolutely positioned
block-container) containing the watermark image in the
static-content for the region-before.
Note that the image will be drawn on top of the normal content.
<question>PDF prints contorted</question>
<p>Check paper size in Acrobat settings and "fit to page" (or something)</p>
<question>Controlling Acrobat bookmark display</question>
<question>The PDF is printed contorted!</question>
<p> Not possible with FOP. Postprocess the PDF.</p>
Check the paper size in Acrobat settings and the "fit to page" print
setting. Contorted printing is often caused by a mismatched paper
format, for example if the setting is "US Letter" but the PDF was made
for A4.
Sometimes also the printer driver interferes, check its settings
<question>PDF (more precise: Acrobat Reader) and IEx</question>
<question>How do I control the Acrobat bookmark display?</question>
<p>see #later</p>
FOP does not currently support this feature. Possible workarounds
include those mentioned in the <link href="#PDF-postprocess">PDF
Post-Processing FAQ</link>.
@@ -934,7 +1042,7 @@ where it will select the font for the specified character):
Use a URL ending in <code>.pdf</code>, like
Use an URL ending in <code>.pdf</code>, like
<code>http://myserver/servlet/stuff.pdf</code>. Yes, the servlet can
be configured to handle this. If the URL has to contain parameters,
try to have both the base URL as well as the last parameter end in
@@ -966,7 +1074,7 @@ where it will select the font for the specified character):
For the first problem, look at the print servlet in the FOP
examples. You'll have to gather any printer settings in an HTML form
examples. You'll have to gather any printer settings in a HTML form
and send it to the server.
@@ -1196,21 +1304,35 @@ where it will select the font for the specified character):
<question>(FO) How to get Euro sign/checkbox/some other stuff</question>
<question>(FO) How do I print an Euro sign, a checkbox or other some other
special symbols?</question>
Try to look it up in the Unicode reference at the <link
Try to look the character up in the Unicode reference at the <link
href="http://www.unicode.org">Unicode Consortium</link>, in
particular search the <link
href="http://www.unicode.org/charts/charindex.html">reference by
name</link>. Use <link
Use <link
character references</link> to put the character into your source
Watch out for font traps, see #, change font temporarily using
fo:inline if necessary.
For example, the following will result in an Euro sign:
The selected font family must have a glyph for the character you want
to show. This is actually a somewhat tricky issue, especially for
symbol characters.
Some environments provide also a character table utility (like Win2K
or WinXP), which can also help you to get an idea what glyphs are
available in a certain font.
Alternative: Use an embedded graphic: GIF, PNG, SVG, whatever.
@@ -1218,8 +1340,8 @@ where it will select the font for the specified character):
<question>(FO) How do I keep linebreaks/hard spaces? How do I get
preformatted text displayed as expected.</question>
<question>(FO) How do I keep linebreaks and hard spaces? How do I get
preformatted text displayed as expected?</question>
The specification provides some properties for this: <link
@@ -1238,15 +1360,15 @@ where it will select the font for the specified character):
<anchor id="pagenum"/>
This is an XSL FAQ.
Put an empty block with an id at the end of the flow:
<source><![CDATA[<fo:flow ...>
<fo:block id="last-page"/>
Get the number of the last page as follows:
@@ -1310,7 +1432,7 @@ class rendtest {
<question>(FO) The header overlaps body content. The body extends into
the footer.</question>
Contrary to popular opinion, the regions on a page may overlap.
@@ -1355,13 +1477,26 @@ class rendtest {
<faq id="FO-validate">
<question>(FO) How do I validate my FO document?</question>
<p><link href="http://www.renderx.com">RenderX</link> has provided an <link href="http://www.renderx.com/Tests/validator/fo.dtd.html">Unofficial DTD for FO Documents</link>. This document may be helpful in validating general FO issues.</p>
<p>FOP also maintains an <link href="http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/xml-fop/docs/foschema/fop.xsd?rev=HEAD&amp;content-type=text/plain">Unofficial FOP Schema</link> in the FOP CVS Repository. This document can be used either to validate against the FO standard, or against the actual FOP implementation. See the notes near the beginning of the document for instructions on how to use it.</p>
<link href="http://www.renderx.com">RenderX</link> has provided an
DTD for FO Documents</link>. This document may be helpful in
validating general FO issues.
FOP also maintains an <link
FOP Schema</link> in the FOP CVS Repository. This document can be
used either to validate against the FO standard, or against the
actual FOP implementation. See the notes near the beginning of the
document for instructions on how to use it.
<question>(XML) Complaints about &amp;nbsp;. How do I get a non-breaking
space in FO?</question>
<question>(XML) There are complaints about <code>&amp;nbsp;</code>. How
do I get a non-breaking space in FO?</question>
Use &amp;#160; everywhere. In your own XML, you could also use a DTD
@@ -1371,8 +1506,8 @@ class rendtest {
<question>(XML) There are complaints about undefined entities, for example
complaints about &amp;uuml; which used to work in HTML. How do I enter
special characters like in HTML?</question>
about <code>&amp;uuml;</code> which used to work in HTML. How do I enter
special characters like in HTML?</question>
Don't use names as in HTML, use numbers (unless you have a DTD which
@@ -1397,7 +1532,8 @@ class rendtest {
offending characters.
Refer to the <link href="http://www.w3.org/XML/">XML specification</link> or to a good tutorial for
Refer to the <link href="http://www.w3.org/XML/">XML
specification</link> or to a good tutorial for
details of the XML file format.
@@ -1412,19 +1548,20 @@ class rendtest {
packages producing XML, in particular most XSLT processors, produce by
default UTF-8 encoded files. If you view them with something not aware
of the encoding, like Notepad for Win95/98/ME/NT, funny characters are
displayed. A &Aring; is a giveaway.
displayed. A &#197; is a giveaway.
<title>General suggestions. How to solve problems</title>
<title>General suggestions. How to solve problems.</title>
<question>Where to post bugs</question>
<question>Where to post bugs.</question>
See docs. See also <jump href="#postquestions">"where to post
See <link href="bugs.html">documentation</link>. See also
<link href="#postquestions">"where to post
@@ -1439,7 +1576,7 @@ class rendtest {
You get exceptions. First, check the FAQ whether the exception is
mentioned. ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException and
NoSuchFieldException problems are almost always a problem with the
local environment. Check <link
local environment, try to get local help first. Check <link
href="http://nagoya.apache.org">bugzilla</link>. If still not found,
post to fop-dev.
@@ -1459,17 +1596,21 @@ class rendtest {
XSLT specific stuff sould go to the <link
list</link>. This includes problems with the language and XSLT
Problems specific to a certain XSLT processor, like Xalan, Saxon or
MSXML, should be handled by processor specific lists. This includes
problems with deployment, processor specific extensions, suspected
bugs and processor specific APIs.
bugs and processor specific APIs. Note that JDK 1.4 comes with an
XML parser and an XSLT processor which are older versions of
Xerces and Xalan, respectively, and both have a number of annoying
bugs. See $$$FIXME on how to use more recent versions or other
packages instead.
Problems with servlet containers should be asked on the vendor
specific lists for these software packets.
specific lists for these software packages.
More general questions regarding Java, including deployment, Java

+ 6
- 6
src/documentation/content/xdocs/output.xml Parādīt failu

@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ output format and associated data and flow.
Fonts and Layout - some formats (eg. PDF and AWT) rely on different
font information. The fonts for these outputs have different sizes
for the same point size. This means that the layout can be quite
different for the same fo document.
different for the same FO document.
DPI - This is an important issue when creating output for printing.
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ images and the rendering of certain graphics in the output. Currently
FOP uses a value of 72dpi.
You may want to send your output directly to a printer. The Print
renderer uses the java api to print the document or you might be
You may want to send your output directly to a printer. The print
renderer can use the Java API to print the document. You might also be
able to send the output stream directly to a printer. If your printer
supports postscript you could send the postscript to the printer. If
you have a printer that supports PCL you could stream the PCL document
to your printer.
On Windows:
On Windows, you can use:
<source><![CDATA[fop ... -ps \\computername\printer or fop ... -pcl \\computername\printer]]></source>
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ On UNIX:
<source><![CDATA[proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("lp -d" + print_queue + " -o -dp -");
out = proc.getOutputStream();]]></source>
And give the OutputStream (out) to the PCLRenderer and it happily sends the
PCL to the AIX print queue.
Set the OutputStream (out) to the PCLRenderer and it happily sends the
PCL to the UNIX printer queue.

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