This test checks that IDs coming from the various elements of a table properly appear in the IF output.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce rutrum leo a diam bibendum auctor. Vivamus porttitor sollicitudin tortor eu vulputate. Header 1.1 id="table-cell_header_1.1" Header 1.2 id="table-header" Cell 1.1 id="table-cell_1.1" Cell 1.2 id="table-row_1" Cell 2.1 id="table-body_1" Cell 2.2 id="table-body_1" Cell 3.1 id="table-cell_3.1" Cell 3.2 id="table-row_3" Cell 4.1 id="block" Cell 4.2 id="table" Proin varius egestas erat. Proin ante eros, consequat eget semper a, molestie non arcu. Praesent hendrerit dolor vel leo luctus dapibus. Mauris ac erat est, sit amet dignissim elit. Ut pulvinar diam ut lorem pellentesque tempus.