$Id$ STATUS Things worked on: rewrite of the org.apache.fop.layout in a new package (implements xsl 2000) [James Tauber] image support [Eric Schaeffer, Pankaj Narula] simple-links [Arved Sandstrom] SVG support [Keiron Liddle][Torsten Friebe] more borders, padding and absolute positioning [Jon Smirl] smooth shading in PDF [Steve Coffman] Things to do: Get images working [PARTIAL] Get padding working [DONE] Incorporate Arved Sandstrom's simple-link implementation [PARTIAL] Implement basic keeps [PARTIAL] Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's further table fixes Implement MessageHandler (or similar) Support XSL Working Draft 12 January 2000 Other Bugs to fix: colour not continued onto subsequent pages if coloured block goes over page simple-link doesn't seem to work (I think I, JKT, broke it) with AWT Previewer: - currently the layout process uses PDF fonts. This gives sometimes trouble with java.awt.Font - we need some progress messages even if the process itself is fast - GIF format is supported by the viewer, but disabled in FOP. BMP is not done, because there are no standard libraries. - more comments/english comments - first preview is painted twice (flashing screen) - should "preview" be an option when calling FOP instead of having it's own main method? History Done since 0.12.1 release - using Ant to build Fop instead of make [Giacomo Pati] - borders, padding and absolute positioning [Jon Smirl] 0.12.1 release to make the bug fix on XTCommandLine available to non developers basic support for padding-{top,left,bottom,right} on blocks. implemented simple-link (don't think it works, though) XTCommandLine now works again background color works on list-block list-blocks can now be in table-cell Done for 0.12.0 release: Make sure Makefiles work Switch to using Status object as return from layout() Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's fix to tables in static-content Incorporate Kelly Campell's fixes to GifJpegImage Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's background colour implementation (actually used different approach with background colour as trait) A list of changes to the fo and properties implemented in FOP in the WD XSL 2000 (contributed by Pankaj Narula) Formatting Objects root Yes layout-master-set Yes simple-page-master Yes region-body Yes region-before Yes region-after Yes page-sequence Yes sequence-specification changed to page-sequence-master sequence-specifier-single changed to single-page-master-reference sequence-specifier-repeating changed to repeatable-page-master-reference sequence-specifier-alternating changed to repeatable-page-master-alternatives flow Yes static-content Yes block Yes list-block Yes list-item Yes list-item-label Yes list-item-body Yes page-number Yes display-sequence nuked tbd the equivalent tag is block-container inline-sequence nuked tbd the equivalent tag is inline-container display-rule nuked tbd the equivalent thing display-graphic nuked now two tags external-graphic instream-graphic table (minimal support) Yes table-column (minimal support) Yes table-body (minimal support) Yes table-row (minimal support) Yes table-cell (minimal support) Yes Properties end-indent Yes page-master-name nuked replaced with master-name page-master-first implemented using conditional page reference object page-master-repeating do page-master-odd do page-master-even do margin-top (only on pages and regions) Yes margin-bottom (only on pages and regions) Yes margin-left (only on pages and regions) Yes margin-right (only on pages and regions) Yes extent Yes page-width Yes page-height Yes flow-name Yes font-family Yes font-style Yes font-weight Yes font-size Yes line-height Yes text-align Yes text-align-last Yes space-before.optimum Yes space-after.optimum Yes start-indent Yes end-indent Yes provisional-distance-between-starts Yes provisional-label-separation Yes rule-thickness Yes color Yes wrap-option Yes white-space-treatment Yes break-before Yes break-after Yes text-indent Yes href Yes column-width Yes background-color Yes padding-top (in conjunction with bgcolor) Yes padding-left (in conjunction with bgcolor) Yes padding-bottom (in conjunction with bgcolor) Yes padding-right (in conjunction with bgcolor) Yes