/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.fonts.truetype; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Reads a TrueType file and generates a subset * that can be used to embed a TrueType CID font. * TrueType tables needed for embedded CID fonts are: * "head", "hhea", "loca", "maxp", "cvt ", "prep", "glyf", "hmtx" and "fpgm". * The TrueType spec can be found at the Microsoft * Typography site: http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/ */ public class TTFSubSetFile extends TTFFile { private byte[] output = null; private int realSize = 0; private int currentPos = 0; /* * Offsets in name table to be filled out by table. * The offsets are to the checkSum field */ private int cvtDirOffset = 0; private int fpgmDirOffset = 0; private int glyfDirOffset = 0; private int headDirOffset = 0; private int hheaDirOffset = 0; private int hmtxDirOffset = 0; private int locaDirOffset = 0; private int maxpDirOffset = 0; private int prepDirOffset = 0; private int checkSumAdjustmentOffset = 0; private int locaOffset = 0; /** * Initalize the output array */ private void init(int size) { output = new byte[size]; realSize = 0; currentPos = 0; // createDirectory() } private int determineTableCount() { int numTables = 4; //4 req'd tables: head,hhea,hmtx,maxp if (isCFF()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "OpenType fonts with CFF glyphs are not supported"); } else { numTables += 2; //1 req'd table: glyf,loca if (hasCvt()) { numTables++; } if (hasFpgm()) { numTables++; } if (hasPrep()) { numTables++; } } return numTables; } /** * Create the directory table */ private void createDirectory() { int numTables = determineTableCount(); // Create the TrueType header writeByte((byte)0); writeByte((byte)1); writeByte((byte)0); writeByte((byte)0); realSize += 4; writeUShort(numTables); realSize += 2; // Create searchRange, entrySelector and rangeShift int maxPow = maxPow2(numTables); int searchRange = maxPow * 16; writeUShort(searchRange); realSize += 2; writeUShort(maxPow); realSize += 2; writeUShort((numTables * 16) - searchRange); realSize += 2; // Create space for the table entries if (hasCvt()) { writeString("cvt "); cvtDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; } if (hasFpgm()) { writeString("fpgm"); fpgmDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; } writeString("glyf"); glyfDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; writeString("head"); headDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; writeString("hhea"); hheaDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; writeString("hmtx"); hmtxDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; writeString("loca"); locaDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; writeString("maxp"); maxpDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; if (hasPrep()) { writeString("prep"); prepDirOffset = currentPos; currentPos += 12; realSize += 16; } } /** * Copy the cvt table as is from original font to subset font */ private boolean createCvt(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("cvt "); if (entry != null) { pad4(); seekTab(in, "cvt ", 0); System.arraycopy(in.getBytes((int)entry.getOffset(), (int)entry.getLength()), 0, output, currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); int checksum = getCheckSum(currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); writeULong(cvtDirOffset, checksum); writeULong(cvtDirOffset + 4, currentPos); writeULong(cvtDirOffset + 8, (int)entry.getLength()); currentPos += (int)entry.getLength(); realSize += (int)entry.getLength(); return true; } else { return false; //throw new IOException("Can't find cvt table"); } } private boolean hasCvt() { return dirTabs.containsKey("cvt "); } private boolean hasFpgm() { return dirTabs.containsKey("fpgm"); } private boolean hasPrep() { return dirTabs.containsKey("prep"); } /** * Copy the fpgm table as is from original font to subset font */ private boolean createFpgm(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("fpgm"); if (entry != null) { pad4(); seekTab(in, "fpgm", 0); System.arraycopy(in.getBytes((int)entry.getOffset(), (int)entry.getLength()), 0, output, currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); int checksum = getCheckSum(currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); writeULong(fpgmDirOffset, checksum); writeULong(fpgmDirOffset + 4, currentPos); writeULong(fpgmDirOffset + 8, (int)entry.getLength()); currentPos += (int)entry.getLength(); realSize += (int)entry.getLength(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Create an empty loca table without updating checksum */ private void createLoca(int size) throws IOException { pad4(); locaOffset = currentPos; writeULong(locaDirOffset + 4, currentPos); writeULong(locaDirOffset + 8, size * 4 + 4); currentPos += size * 4 + 4; realSize += size * 4 + 4; } /** * Copy the maxp table as is from original font to subset font * and set num glyphs to size */ private void createMaxp(FontFileReader in, int size) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("maxp"); if (entry != null) { pad4(); seekTab(in, "maxp", 0); System.arraycopy(in.getBytes((int)entry.getOffset(), (int)entry.getLength()), 0, output, currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); writeUShort(currentPos + 4, size); int checksum = getCheckSum(currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); writeULong(maxpDirOffset, checksum); writeULong(maxpDirOffset + 4, currentPos); writeULong(maxpDirOffset + 8, (int)entry.getLength()); currentPos += (int)entry.getLength(); realSize += (int)entry.getLength(); } else { throw new IOException("Can't find maxp table"); } } /** * Copy the prep table as is from original font to subset font */ private boolean createPrep(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("prep"); if (entry != null) { pad4(); seekTab(in, "prep", 0); System.arraycopy(in.getBytes((int)entry.getOffset(), (int)entry.getLength()), 0, output, currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); int checksum = getCheckSum(currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); writeULong(prepDirOffset, checksum); writeULong(prepDirOffset + 4, currentPos); writeULong(prepDirOffset + 8, (int)entry.getLength()); currentPos += (int)entry.getLength(); realSize += (int)entry.getLength(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Copy the hhea table as is from original font to subset font * and fill in size of hmtx table */ private void createHhea(FontFileReader in, int size) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("hhea"); if (entry != null) { pad4(); seekTab(in, "hhea", 0); System.arraycopy(in.getBytes((int)entry.getOffset(), (int)entry.getLength()), 0, output, currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); writeUShort((int)entry.getLength() + currentPos - 2, size); int checksum = getCheckSum(currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); writeULong(hheaDirOffset, checksum); writeULong(hheaDirOffset + 4, currentPos); writeULong(hheaDirOffset + 8, (int)entry.getLength()); currentPos += (int)entry.getLength(); realSize += (int)entry.getLength(); } else { throw new IOException("Can't find hhea table"); } } /** * Copy the head table as is from original font to subset font * and set indexToLocaFormat to long and set * checkSumAdjustment to 0, store offset to checkSumAdjustment * in checkSumAdjustmentOffset */ private void createHead(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("head"); if (entry != null) { pad4(); seekTab(in, "head", 0); System.arraycopy(in.getBytes((int)entry.getOffset(), (int)entry.getLength()), 0, output, currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); checkSumAdjustmentOffset = currentPos + 8; output[currentPos + 8] = 0; // Set checkSumAdjustment to 0 output[currentPos + 9] = 0; output[currentPos + 10] = 0; output[currentPos + 11] = 0; output[currentPos + 50] = 0; // long locaformat output[currentPos + 51] = 1; // long locaformat int checksum = getCheckSum(currentPos, (int)entry.getLength()); writeULong(headDirOffset, checksum); writeULong(headDirOffset + 4, currentPos); writeULong(headDirOffset + 8, (int)entry.getLength()); currentPos += (int)entry.getLength(); realSize += (int)entry.getLength(); } else { throw new IOException("Can't find head table"); } } /** * Create the glyf table and fill in loca table */ private void createGlyf(FontFileReader in, Map glyphs) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("glyf"); int size = 0; int start = 0; int endOffset = 0; // Store this as the last loca if (entry != null) { pad4(); start = currentPos; /* Loca table must be in order by glyph index, so build * an array first and then write the glyph info and * location offset. */ int[] origIndexes = new int[glyphs.size()]; Iterator e = glyphs.keySet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Integer origIndex = (Integer)e.next(); Integer subsetIndex = (Integer)glyphs.get(origIndex); origIndexes[subsetIndex.intValue()] = origIndex.intValue(); } for (int i = 0; i < origIndexes.length; i++) { int glyphLength = 0; int nextOffset = 0; int origGlyphIndex = origIndexes[i]; if (origGlyphIndex >= (mtxTab.length - 1)) { nextOffset = (int)lastLoca; } else { nextOffset = (int)mtxTab[origGlyphIndex + 1].getOffset(); } glyphLength = nextOffset - (int)mtxTab[origGlyphIndex].getOffset(); // Copy glyph System.arraycopy( in.getBytes((int)entry.getOffset() + (int)mtxTab[origGlyphIndex].getOffset(), glyphLength), 0, output, currentPos, glyphLength); // Update loca table writeULong(locaOffset + i * 4, currentPos - start); if ((currentPos - start + glyphLength) > endOffset) { endOffset = (currentPos - start + glyphLength); } currentPos += glyphLength; realSize += glyphLength; } size = currentPos - start; int checksum = getCheckSum(start, size); writeULong(glyfDirOffset, checksum); writeULong(glyfDirOffset + 4, start); writeULong(glyfDirOffset + 8, size); currentPos += 12; realSize += 12; // Update loca checksum and last loca index writeULong(locaOffset + glyphs.size() * 4, endOffset); checksum = getCheckSum(locaOffset, glyphs.size() * 4 + 4); writeULong(locaDirOffset, checksum); } else { throw new IOException("Can't find glyf table"); } } /** * Create the hmtx table by copying metrics from original * font to subset font. The glyphs Map contains an * Integer key and Integer value that maps the original * metric (key) to the subset metric (value) */ private void createHmtx(FontFileReader in, Map glyphs) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("hmtx"); int longHorMetricSize = glyphs.size() * 2; int leftSideBearingSize = glyphs.size() * 2; int hmtxSize = longHorMetricSize + leftSideBearingSize; if (entry != null) { pad4(); //int offset = (int)entry.offset; Iterator e = glyphs.keySet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Integer origIndex = (Integer)e.next(); Integer subsetIndex = (Integer)glyphs.get(origIndex); writeUShort(currentPos + subsetIndex.intValue() * 4, mtxTab[origIndex.intValue()].getWx()); writeUShort(currentPos + subsetIndex.intValue() * 4 + 2, mtxTab[origIndex.intValue()].getLsb()); } int checksum = getCheckSum(currentPos, hmtxSize); writeULong(hmtxDirOffset, checksum); writeULong(hmtxDirOffset + 4, currentPos); writeULong(hmtxDirOffset + 8, hmtxSize); currentPos += hmtxSize; realSize += hmtxSize; } else { throw new IOException("Can't find hmtx table"); } } /** * Returns a List containing the glyph itself plus all glyphs * that this composite glyph uses */ private List getIncludedGlyphs(FontFileReader in, int glyphOffset, Integer glyphIdx) throws IOException { List ret = new java.util.ArrayList(); ret.add(glyphIdx); int offset = glyphOffset + (int)mtxTab[glyphIdx.intValue()].getOffset() + 10; Integer compositeIdx = null; int flags = 0; boolean moreComposites = true; while (moreComposites) { flags = in.readTTFUShort(offset); compositeIdx = Integer.valueOf(in.readTTFUShort(offset + 2)); ret.add(compositeIdx); offset += 4; if ((flags & 1) > 0) { // ARG_1_AND_ARG_2_ARE_WORDS offset += 4; } else { offset += 2; } if ((flags & 8) > 0) { offset += 2; // WE_HAVE_A_SCALE } else if ((flags & 64) > 0) { offset += 4; // WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE } else if ((flags & 128) > 0) { offset += 8; // WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO } if ((flags & 32) > 0) { moreComposites = true; } else { moreComposites = false; } } return ret; } /** * We need to remember which composites were already remapped because the value to be * remapped is being read from the TTF file and being replaced right there. Doing this * twice would create a bad map the second time. */ private Set remappedComposites = null; /** * Rewrite all compositepointers in glyphindex glyphIdx */ private void remapComposite(FontFileReader in, Map glyphs, long glyphOffset, Integer glyphIdx) throws IOException { if (remappedComposites == null) { remappedComposites = new java.util.HashSet(); } TTFMtxEntry mtxEntry = mtxTab[glyphIdx.intValue()]; long offset = glyphOffset + mtxEntry.getOffset() + 10; //Avoid duplicate remapping (see javadoc for remappedComposites above) if (!remappedComposites.contains(offset)) { remappedComposites.add(offset); innerRemapComposite(in, glyphs, offset); } } private void innerRemapComposite(FontFileReader in, Map glyphs, long offset) throws IOException { Integer compositeIdx = null; int flags = 0; boolean moreComposites = true; while (moreComposites) { flags = in.readTTFUShort(offset); compositeIdx = Integer.valueOf(in.readTTFUShort(offset + 2)); Integer newIdx = glyphs.get(compositeIdx); if (newIdx == null) { // This errormessage would look much better // if the fontname was printed to //log.error("An embedded font " // + "contains bad glyph data. " // + "Characters might not display " // + "correctly."); moreComposites = false; continue; } in.writeTTFUShort((int)(offset + 2), newIdx.intValue()); offset += 4; if ((flags & 1) > 0) { // ARG_1_AND_ARG_2_ARE_WORDS offset += 4; } else { offset += 2; } if ((flags & 8) > 0) { offset += 2; // WE_HAVE_A_SCALE } else if ((flags & 64) > 0) { offset += 4; // WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE } else if ((flags & 128) > 0) { offset += 8; // WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO } if ((flags & 32) > 0) { moreComposites = true; } else { moreComposites = false; } } } /** * Scan all the original glyphs for composite glyphs and add those glyphs * to the glyphmapping also rewrite the composite glyph pointers to the new * mapping */ private void scanGlyphs(FontFileReader in, Map glyphs) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry glyfTable = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("glyf"); Map newComposites = null; Set allComposites = new java.util.HashSet(); int newIndex = glyphs.size(); if (glyfTable != null) { while (newComposites == null || newComposites.size() > 0) { // Inefficient to iterate through all glyphs newComposites = new java.util.HashMap(); for (int origIndex : glyphs.keySet()) { short numberOfContours = in.readTTFShort(glyfTable.getOffset() + mtxTab[origIndex].getOffset()); if (numberOfContours < 0) { // origIndex is a composite glyph allComposites.add(origIndex); List composites = getIncludedGlyphs(in, (int)glyfTable.getOffset(), origIndex); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Glyph " + origIndex + " is a composite glyph using the following glyphs: " + composites); } // Iterate through all composites pointed to // by this composite and check if they exists // in the glyphs map, add them if not. for (int cIdx : composites) { if (glyphs.get(cIdx) == null && newComposites.get(cIdx) == null) { newComposites.put(cIdx, newIndex); newIndex++; } } } } // Add composites to glyphs for (int im : newComposites.keySet()) { glyphs.put(im, newComposites.get(im)); } } // Iterate through all composites to remap their composite index for (int glyphIdx : allComposites) { remapComposite(in, glyphs, glyfTable.getOffset(), glyphIdx); } } else { throw new IOException("Can't find glyf table"); } } /** * Returns a subset of the original font. * * @param in FontFileReader to read from * @param name Name to be checked for in the font file * @param glyphs Map of glyphs (glyphs has old index as (Integer) key and * new index as (Integer) value) * @return A subset of the original font * @throws IOException in case of an I/O problem */ public byte[] readFont(FontFileReader in, String name, Map glyphs) throws IOException { //Check if TrueType collection, and that the name exists in the collection if (!checkTTC(in, name)) { throw new IOException("Failed to read font"); } //Copy the Map as we're going to modify it Map subsetGlyphs = new java.util.HashMap(glyphs); output = new byte[in.getFileSize()]; readDirTabs(in); readFontHeader(in); getNumGlyphs(in); readHorizontalHeader(in); readHorizontalMetrics(in); readIndexToLocation(in); scanGlyphs(in, subsetGlyphs); createDirectory(); // Create the TrueType header and directory createHead(in); createHhea(in, subsetGlyphs.size()); // Create the hhea table createHmtx(in, subsetGlyphs); // Create hmtx table createMaxp(in, subsetGlyphs.size()); // copy the maxp table boolean optionalTableFound; optionalTableFound = createCvt(in); // copy the cvt table if (!optionalTableFound) { // cvt is optional (used in TrueType fonts only) log.debug("TrueType: ctv table not present. Skipped."); } optionalTableFound = createFpgm(in); // copy fpgm table if (!optionalTableFound) { // fpgm is optional (used in TrueType fonts only) log.debug("TrueType: fpgm table not present. Skipped."); } optionalTableFound = createPrep(in); // copy prep table if (!optionalTableFound) { // prep is optional (used in TrueType fonts only) log.debug("TrueType: prep table not present. Skipped."); } createLoca(subsetGlyphs.size()); // create empty loca table createGlyf(in, subsetGlyphs); //create glyf table and update loca table pad4(); createCheckSumAdjustment(); byte[] ret = new byte[realSize]; System.arraycopy(output, 0, ret, 0, realSize); return ret; } /** * writes a ISO-8859-1 string at the currentPosition * updates currentPosition but not realSize * @return number of bytes written */ private int writeString(String str) { int length = 0; try { byte[] buf = str.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); System.arraycopy(buf, 0, output, currentPos, buf.length); length = buf.length; currentPos += length; } catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // This should never happen! } return length; } /** * Appends a byte to the output array, * updates currentPost but not realSize */ private void writeByte(byte b) { output[currentPos++] = b; } /** * Appends a USHORT to the output array, * updates currentPost but not realSize */ private void writeUShort(int s) { byte b1 = (byte)((s >> 8) & 0xff); byte b2 = (byte)(s & 0xff); writeByte(b1); writeByte(b2); } /** * Appends a USHORT to the output array, * at the given position without changing currentPos */ private void writeUShort(int pos, int s) { byte b1 = (byte)((s >> 8) & 0xff); byte b2 = (byte)(s & 0xff); output[pos] = b1; output[pos + 1] = b2; } /** * Appends a ULONG to the output array, * updates currentPos but not realSize */ private void writeULong(int s) { byte b1 = (byte)((s >> 24) & 0xff); byte b2 = (byte)((s >> 16) & 0xff); byte b3 = (byte)((s >> 8) & 0xff); byte b4 = (byte)(s & 0xff); writeByte(b1); writeByte(b2); writeByte(b3); writeByte(b4); } /** * Appends a ULONG to the output array, * at the given position without changing currentPos */ private void writeULong(int pos, int s) { byte b1 = (byte)((s >> 24) & 0xff); byte b2 = (byte)((s >> 16) & 0xff); byte b3 = (byte)((s >> 8) & 0xff); byte b4 = (byte)(s & 0xff); output[pos] = b1; output[pos + 1] = b2; output[pos + 2] = b3; output[pos + 3] = b4; } /** * Read a signed short value at given position */ private short readShort(int pos) { int ret = readUShort(pos); return (short)ret; } /** * Read a unsigned short value at given position */ private int readUShort(int pos) { int ret = output[pos]; if (ret < 0) { ret += 256; } ret = ret << 8; if (output[pos + 1] < 0) { ret |= output[pos + 1] + 256; } else { ret |= output[pos + 1]; } return ret; } /** * Create a padding in the fontfile to align * on a 4-byte boundary */ private void pad4() { int padSize = currentPos % 4; for (int i = 0; i < padSize; i++) { output[currentPos++] = 0; realSize++; } } /** * Returns the maximum power of 2 <= max */ private int maxPow2(int max) { int i = 0; while (Math.pow(2, i) < max) { i++; } return (i - 1); } private int log2(int num) { return (int)(Math.log(num) / Math.log(2)); } private int getCheckSum(int start, int size) { return (int)getLongCheckSum(start, size); } private long getLongCheckSum(int start, int size) { // All the tables here are aligned on four byte boundaries // Add remainder to size if it's not a multiple of 4 int remainder = size % 4; if (remainder != 0) { size += remainder; } long sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 4) { int l = (output[start + i] << 24); l += (output[start + i + 1] << 16); l += (output[start + i + 2] << 16); l += (output[start + i + 3] << 16); sum += l; if (sum > 0xffffffff) { sum = sum - 0xffffffff; } } return sum; } private void createCheckSumAdjustment() { long sum = getLongCheckSum(0, realSize); int checksum = (int)(0xb1b0afba - sum); writeULong(checkSumAdjustmentOffset, checksum); } }