/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.fonts.truetype; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.xmlgraphics.fonts.Glyphs; import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontUtil; /** * Reads a TrueType file or a TrueType Collection. * The TrueType spec can be found at the Microsoft. * Typography site: http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/ */ public class TTFFile { static final byte NTABS = 24; static final int NMACGLYPHS = 258; static final int MAX_CHAR_CODE = 255; static final int ENC_BUF_SIZE = 1024; /** Set to true to get even more debug output than with level DEBUG */ public static final boolean TRACE_ENABLED = false; private String encoding = "WinAnsiEncoding"; // Default encoding private short firstChar = 0; private boolean isEmbeddable = true; private boolean hasSerifs = true; /** * Table directory */ protected Map dirTabs; private Map kerningTab; // for CIDs private Map ansiKerningTab; // For winAnsiEncoding private List cmaps; private List unicodeMapping; private int upem; // unitsPerEm from "head" table private int nhmtx; // Number of horizontal metrics private int postFormat; private int locaFormat; /** * Offset to last loca */ protected long lastLoca = 0; private int numberOfGlyphs; // Number of glyphs in font (read from "maxp" table) private int nmGlyphs; // Used in fixWidths - remove? /** * Contains glyph data */ protected TTFMtxEntry[] mtxTab; // Contains glyph data private int[] mtxEncoded = null; private String postScriptName = ""; private String fullName = ""; private String notice = ""; private Set familyNames = new java.util.HashSet(); //Set private String subFamilyName = ""; private long italicAngle = 0; private long isFixedPitch = 0; private int fontBBox1 = 0; private int fontBBox2 = 0; private int fontBBox3 = 0; private int fontBBox4 = 0; private int capHeight = 0; private int os2CapHeight = 0; private int underlinePosition = 0; private int underlineThickness = 0; private int xHeight = 0; private int os2xHeight = 0; //Effective ascender/descender private int ascender = 0; private int descender = 0; //Ascender/descender from hhea table private int hheaAscender = 0; private int hheaDescender = 0; //Ascender/descender from OS/2 table private int os2Ascender = 0; private int os2Descender = 0; private int usWeightClass = 0; private short lastChar = 0; private int[] ansiWidth; private Map ansiIndex; // internal mapping of glyph indexes to unicode indexes // used for quick mappings in this class private Map glyphToUnicodeMap = new java.util.HashMap(); private Map unicodeToGlyphMap = new java.util.HashMap(); private TTFDirTabEntry currentDirTab; private boolean isCFF; /** * logging instance */ protected Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TTFFile.class); /** * Key-value helper class */ class UnicodeMapping { private int unicodeIndex; private int glyphIndex; UnicodeMapping(int glyphIndex, int unicodeIndex) { this.unicodeIndex = unicodeIndex; this.glyphIndex = glyphIndex; glyphToUnicodeMap.put(new Integer(glyphIndex), new Integer(unicodeIndex)); unicodeToGlyphMap.put(new Integer(unicodeIndex), new Integer(glyphIndex)); } /** * Returns the glyphIndex. * @return the glyph index */ public int getGlyphIndex() { return glyphIndex; } /** * Returns the unicodeIndex. * @return the Unicode index */ public int getUnicodeIndex() { return unicodeIndex; } } /** * Position inputstream to position indicated * in the dirtab offset + offset */ boolean seekTab(FontFileReader in, String name, long offset) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry dt = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get(name); if (dt == null) { log.error("Dirtab " + name + " not found."); return false; } else { in.seekSet(dt.getOffset() + offset); this.currentDirTab = dt; } return true; } /** * Convert from truetype unit to pdf unit based on the * unitsPerEm field in the "head" table * @param n truetype unit * @return pdf unit */ public int convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(int n) { int ret; if (n < 0) { long rest1 = n % upem; long storrest = 1000 * rest1; long ledd2 = (storrest != 0 ? rest1 / storrest : 0); ret = -((-1000 * n) / upem - (int)ledd2); } else { ret = (n / upem) * 1000 + ((n % upem) * 1000) / upem; } return ret; } /** * Read the cmap table, * return false if the table is not present or only unsupported * tables are present. Currently only unicode cmaps are supported. * Set the unicodeIndex in the TTFMtxEntries and fills in the * cmaps vector. */ private boolean readCMAP(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { unicodeMapping = new java.util.ArrayList(); //Read CMAP table and correct mtxTab.index int mtxPtr = 0; seekTab(in, "cmap", 2); int numCMap = in.readTTFUShort(); // Number of cmap subtables long cmapUniOffset = 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(numCMap + " cmap tables"); } //Read offset for all tables. We are only interested in the unicode table for (int i = 0; i < numCMap; i++) { int cmapPID = in.readTTFUShort(); int cmapEID = in.readTTFUShort(); long cmapOffset = in.readTTFULong(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Platform ID: " + cmapPID + " Encoding: " + cmapEID); } if (cmapPID == 3 && cmapEID == 1) { cmapUniOffset = cmapOffset; } } if (cmapUniOffset <= 0) { log.fatal("Unsupported TrueType font: Unicode cmap table not present. Aborting"); return false; } // Read unicode cmap seekTab(in, "cmap", cmapUniOffset); int cmapFormat = in.readTTFUShort(); /*int cmap_length =*/ in.readTTFUShort(); //skip cmap length if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("CMAP format: " + cmapFormat); } if (cmapFormat == 4) { in.skip(2); // Skip version number int cmapSegCountX2 = in.readTTFUShort(); int cmapSearchRange = in.readTTFUShort(); int cmapEntrySelector = in.readTTFUShort(); int cmapRangeShift = in.readTTFUShort(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("segCountX2 : " + cmapSegCountX2); log.debug("searchRange : " + cmapSearchRange); log.debug("entrySelector: " + cmapEntrySelector); log.debug("rangeShift : " + cmapRangeShift); } int[] cmapEndCounts = new int[cmapSegCountX2 / 2]; int[] cmapStartCounts = new int[cmapSegCountX2 / 2]; int[] cmapDeltas = new int[cmapSegCountX2 / 2]; int[] cmapRangeOffsets = new int[cmapSegCountX2 / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < (cmapSegCountX2 / 2); i++) { cmapEndCounts[i] = in.readTTFUShort(); } in.skip(2); // Skip reservedPad for (int i = 0; i < (cmapSegCountX2 / 2); i++) { cmapStartCounts[i] = in.readTTFUShort(); } for (int i = 0; i < (cmapSegCountX2 / 2); i++) { cmapDeltas[i] = in.readTTFShort(); } //int startRangeOffset = in.getCurrentPos(); for (int i = 0; i < (cmapSegCountX2 / 2); i++) { cmapRangeOffsets[i] = in.readTTFUShort(); } int glyphIdArrayOffset = in.getCurrentPos(); // Insert the unicode id for the glyphs in mtxTab // and fill in the cmaps ArrayList for (int i = 0; i < cmapStartCounts.length; i++) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(i + ": " + cmapStartCounts[i] + " - " + cmapEndCounts[i]); } for (int j = cmapStartCounts[i]; j <= cmapEndCounts[i]; j++) { // Update lastChar if (j < 256 && j > lastChar) { lastChar = (short)j; } if (mtxPtr < mtxTab.length) { int glyphIdx; // the last character 65535 = .notdef // may have a range offset if (cmapRangeOffsets[i] != 0 && j != 65535) { int glyphOffset = glyphIdArrayOffset + ((cmapRangeOffsets[i] / 2) + (j - cmapStartCounts[i]) + (i) - cmapSegCountX2 / 2) * 2; in.seekSet(glyphOffset); glyphIdx = (in.readTTFUShort() + cmapDeltas[i]) & 0xffff; unicodeMapping.add(new UnicodeMapping(glyphIdx, j)); mtxTab[glyphIdx].getUnicodeIndex().add(new Integer(j)); // Also add winAnsiWidth List v = (List)ansiIndex.get(new Integer(j)); if (v != null) { Iterator e = v.listIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Integer aIdx = (Integer)e.next(); ansiWidth[aIdx.intValue()] = mtxTab[glyphIdx].getWx(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Added width " + mtxTab[glyphIdx].getWx() + " uni: " + j + " ansi: " + aIdx.intValue()); } } } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Idx: " + glyphIdx + " Delta: " + cmapDeltas[i] + " Unicode: " + j + " name: " + mtxTab[glyphIdx].getName()); } } else { glyphIdx = (j + cmapDeltas[i]) & 0xffff; if (glyphIdx < mtxTab.length) { mtxTab[glyphIdx].getUnicodeIndex().add(new Integer(j)); } else { log.debug("Glyph " + glyphIdx + " out of range: " + mtxTab.length); } unicodeMapping.add(new UnicodeMapping(glyphIdx, j)); if (glyphIdx < mtxTab.length) { mtxTab[glyphIdx].getUnicodeIndex().add(new Integer(j)); } else { log.debug("Glyph " + glyphIdx + " out of range: " + mtxTab.length); } // Also add winAnsiWidth List v = (List)ansiIndex.get(new Integer(j)); if (v != null) { Iterator e = v.listIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { Integer aIdx = (Integer)e.next(); ansiWidth[aIdx.intValue()] = mtxTab[glyphIdx].getWx(); } } //getLogger().debug("IIdx: " + // mtxPtr + // " Delta: " + cmap_deltas[i] + // " Unicode: " + j + // " name: " + // mtxTab[(j+cmap_deltas[i]) & 0xffff].name); } if (glyphIdx < mtxTab.length) { if (mtxTab[glyphIdx].getUnicodeIndex().size() < 2) { mtxPtr++; } } } } } } return true; } /** * Print first char/last char */ private void printMaxMin() { int min = 255; int max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mtxTab.length; i++) { if (mtxTab[i].getIndex() < min) { min = mtxTab[i].getIndex(); } if (mtxTab[i].getIndex() > max) { max = mtxTab[i].getIndex(); } } log.info("Min: " + min); log.info("Max: " + max); } /** * Reads the font using a FontFileReader. * * @param in The FontFileReader to use * @throws IOException In case of an I/O problem */ public void readFont(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { readFont(in, (String)null); } /** * initialize the ansiWidths array (for winAnsiEncoding) * and fill with the missingwidth */ private void initAnsiWidths() { ansiWidth = new int[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ansiWidth[i] = mtxTab[0].getWx(); } // Create an index hash to the ansiWidth // Can't just index the winAnsiEncoding when inserting widths // same char (eg bullet) is repeated more than one place ansiIndex = new java.util.HashMap(); for (int i = 32; i < Glyphs.WINANSI_ENCODING.length; i++) { Integer ansi = new Integer(i); Integer uni = new Integer((int)Glyphs.WINANSI_ENCODING[i]); List v = (List)ansiIndex.get(uni); if (v == null) { v = new java.util.ArrayList(); ansiIndex.put(uni, v); } v.add(ansi); } } /** * Read the font data. * If the fontfile is a TrueType Collection (.ttc file) * the name of the font to read data for must be supplied, * else the name is ignored. * * @param in The FontFileReader to use * @param name The name of the font * @return boolean Returns true if the font is valid * @throws IOException In case of an I/O problem */ public boolean readFont(FontFileReader in, String name) throws IOException { /* * Check if TrueType collection, and that the name * exists in the collection */ if (!checkTTC(in, name)) { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "For TrueType collection you must specify which font " + "to select (-ttcname)"); } else { throw new IOException( "Name does not exist in the TrueType collection: " + name); } } readDirTabs(in); readFontHeader(in); getNumGlyphs(in); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Number of glyphs in font: " + numberOfGlyphs); } readHorizontalHeader(in); readHorizontalMetrics(in); initAnsiWidths(); readPostScript(in); readOS2(in); determineAscDesc(); if (!isCFF) { readIndexToLocation(in); readGlyf(in); } readName(in); boolean pcltFound = readPCLT(in); // Read cmap table and fill in ansiwidths boolean valid = readCMAP(in); if (!valid) { return false; } // Create cmaps for bfentries createCMaps(); // print_max_min(); readKerning(in); guessVerticalMetricsFromGlyphBBox(); return true; } private void createCMaps() { cmaps = new java.util.ArrayList(); TTFCmapEntry tce = new TTFCmapEntry(); Iterator e = unicodeMapping.listIterator(); UnicodeMapping um = (UnicodeMapping)e.next(); UnicodeMapping lastMapping = um; tce.setUnicodeStart(um.getUnicodeIndex()); tce.setGlyphStartIndex(um.getGlyphIndex()); while (e.hasNext()) { um = (UnicodeMapping)e.next(); if (((lastMapping.getUnicodeIndex() + 1) != um.getUnicodeIndex()) || ((lastMapping.getGlyphIndex() + 1) != um.getGlyphIndex())) { tce.setUnicodeEnd(lastMapping.getUnicodeIndex()); cmaps.add(tce); tce = new TTFCmapEntry(); tce.setUnicodeStart(um.getUnicodeIndex()); tce.setGlyphStartIndex(um.getGlyphIndex()); } lastMapping = um; } tce.setUnicodeEnd(um.getUnicodeIndex()); cmaps.add(tce); } /** * Returns the PostScript name of the font. * @return String The PostScript name */ public String getPostScriptName() { if (postScriptName.length() == 0) { return FontUtil.stripWhiteSpace(getFullName()); } else { return postScriptName; } } /** * Returns the font family names of the font. * @return Set The family names (a Set of Strings) */ public Set getFamilyNames() { return familyNames; } /** * Returns the font sub family name of the font. * @return String The sub family name */ public String getSubFamilyName() { return subFamilyName; } /** * Returns the full name of the font. * @return String The full name */ public String getFullName() { return fullName; } /** * Returns the name of the character set used. * @return String The caracter set */ public String getCharSetName() { return encoding; } /** * Returns the CapHeight attribute of the font. * @return int The CapHeight */ public int getCapHeight() { return (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(capHeight); } /** * Returns the XHeight attribute of the font. * @return int The XHeight */ public int getXHeight() { return (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(xHeight); } /** * Returns the Flags attribute of the font. * @return int The Flags */ public int getFlags() { int flags = 32; // Use Adobe Standard charset if (italicAngle != 0) { flags = flags | 64; } if (isFixedPitch != 0) { flags = flags | 2; } if (hasSerifs) { flags = flags | 1; } return flags; } /** * Returns the weight class of this font. Valid values are 100, 200....,800, 900. * @return the weight class value (or 0 if there was no OS/2 table in the font) */ public int getWeightClass() { return this.usWeightClass; } /** * Returns the StemV attribute of the font. * @return String The StemV */ public String getStemV() { return "0"; } /** * Returns the ItalicAngle attribute of the font. * @return String The ItalicAngle */ public String getItalicAngle() { String ia = Short.toString((short)(italicAngle / 0x10000)); // This is the correct italic angle, however only int italic // angles are supported at the moment so this is commented out. /* * if ((italicAngle % 0x10000) > 0 ) * ia=ia+(comma+Short.toString((short)((short)((italicAngle % 0x10000)*1000)/0x10000))); */ return ia; } /** * Returns the font bounding box. * @return int[] The font bbox */ public int[] getFontBBox() { final int[] fbb = new int[4]; fbb[0] = (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(fontBBox1); fbb[1] = (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(fontBBox2); fbb[2] = (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(fontBBox3); fbb[3] = (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(fontBBox4); return fbb; } /** * Returns the LowerCaseAscent attribute of the font. * @return int The LowerCaseAscent */ public int getLowerCaseAscent() { return (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(ascender); } /** * Returns the LowerCaseDescent attribute of the font. * @return int The LowerCaseDescent */ public int getLowerCaseDescent() { return (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(descender); } /** * Returns the index of the last character, but this is for WinAnsiEncoding * only, so the last char is < 256. * @return short Index of the last character (<256) */ public short getLastChar() { return lastChar; } /** * Returns the index of the first character. * @return short Index of the first character */ public short getFirstChar() { return firstChar; } /** * Returns an array of character widths. * @return int[] The character widths */ public int[] getWidths() { int[] wx = new int[mtxTab.length]; for (int i = 0; i < wx.length; i++) { wx[i] = (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(mtxTab[i].getWx()); } return wx; } /** * Returns the width of a given character. * @param idx Index of the character * @return int Standard width */ public int getCharWidth(int idx) { return (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(ansiWidth[idx]); } /** * Returns the kerning table. * @return Map The kerning table */ public Map getKerning() { return kerningTab; } /** * Returns the ANSI kerning table. * @return Map The ANSI kerning table */ public Map getAnsiKerning() { return ansiKerningTab; } /** * Indicates if the font may be embedded. * @return boolean True if it may be embedded */ public boolean isEmbeddable() { return isEmbeddable; } /** * Indicates whether or not the font is an OpenType * CFF font (rather than a TrueType font). * @return true if the font is in OpenType CFF format. */ public boolean isCFF() { return this.isCFF; } /** * Read Table Directory from the current position in the * FontFileReader and fill the global HashMap dirTabs * with the table name (String) as key and a TTFDirTabEntry * as value. * @param in FontFileReader to read the table directory from * @throws IOException in case of an I/O problem */ protected void readDirTabs(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { int sfntVersion = in.readTTFLong(); // TTF_FIXED_SIZE (4 bytes) switch (sfntVersion) { case 0x10000: log.debug("sfnt version: OpenType 1.0"); break; case 0x4F54544F: //"OTTO" this.isCFF = true; log.debug("sfnt version: OpenType with CFF data"); break; case 0x74727565: //"true" log.debug("sfnt version: Apple TrueType"); break; case 0x74797031: //"typ1" log.debug("sfnt version: Apple Type 1 housed in sfnt wrapper"); break; default: log.debug("Unknown sfnt version: " + Integer.toHexString(sfntVersion)); break; } int ntabs = in.readTTFUShort(); in.skip(6); // 3xTTF_USHORT_SIZE dirTabs = new java.util.HashMap(); TTFDirTabEntry[] pd = new TTFDirTabEntry[ntabs]; log.debug("Reading " + ntabs + " dir tables"); for (int i = 0; i < ntabs; i++) { pd[i] = new TTFDirTabEntry(); dirTabs.put(pd[i].read(in), pd[i]); } log.debug("dir tables: " + dirTabs.keySet()); } /** * Read the "head" table, this reads the bounding box and * sets the upem (unitsPerEM) variable * @param in FontFileReader to read the header from * @throws IOException in case of an I/O problem */ protected void readFontHeader(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { seekTab(in, "head", 2 * 4 + 2 * 4 + 2); upem = in.readTTFUShort(); log.debug("unit per em: " + upem); in.skip(16); fontBBox1 = in.readTTFShort(); fontBBox2 = in.readTTFShort(); fontBBox3 = in.readTTFShort(); fontBBox4 = in.readTTFShort(); in.skip(2 + 2 + 2); locaFormat = in.readTTFShort(); } /** * Read the number of glyphs from the "maxp" table * @param in FontFileReader to read the number of glyphs from * @throws IOException in case of an I/O problem */ protected void getNumGlyphs(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { seekTab(in, "maxp", 4); numberOfGlyphs = in.readTTFUShort(); } /** * Read the "hhea" table to find the ascender and descender and * size of "hmtx" table, as a fixed size font might have only * one width. * @param in FontFileReader to read the hhea table from * @throws IOException in case of an I/O problem */ protected void readHorizontalHeader(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { seekTab(in, "hhea", 4); hheaAscender = in.readTTFShort(); log.debug("hhea.Ascender: " + hheaAscender + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(hheaAscender)); hheaDescender = in.readTTFShort(); log.debug("hhea.Descender: " + hheaDescender + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(hheaDescender)); in.skip(2 + 2 + 3 * 2 + 8 * 2); nhmtx = in.readTTFUShort(); log.debug("Number of horizontal metrics: " + nhmtx); } /** * Read "hmtx" table and put the horizontal metrics * in the mtxTab array. If the number of metrics is less * than the number of glyphs (eg fixed size fonts), extend * the mtxTab array and fill in the missing widths * @param in FontFileReader to read the hmtx table from * @throws IOException in case of an I/O problem */ protected void readHorizontalMetrics(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { seekTab(in, "hmtx", 0); int mtxSize = Math.max(numberOfGlyphs, nhmtx); mtxTab = new TTFMtxEntry[mtxSize]; if (TRACE_ENABLED) { log.debug("*** Widths array: \n"); } for (int i = 0; i < mtxSize; i++) { mtxTab[i] = new TTFMtxEntry(); } for (int i = 0; i < nhmtx; i++) { mtxTab[i].setWx(in.readTTFUShort()); mtxTab[i].setLsb(in.readTTFUShort()); if (TRACE_ENABLED) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(" width[" + i + "] = " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(mtxTab[i].getWx()) + ";"); } } } if (nhmtx < mtxSize) { // Fill in the missing widths int lastWidth = mtxTab[nhmtx - 1].getWx(); for (int i = nhmtx; i < mtxSize; i++) { mtxTab[i].setWx(lastWidth); mtxTab[i].setLsb(in.readTTFUShort()); } } } /** * Read the "post" table * containing the PostScript names of the glyphs. */ private final void readPostScript(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { seekTab(in, "post", 0); postFormat = in.readTTFLong(); italicAngle = in.readTTFULong(); underlinePosition = in.readTTFShort(); underlineThickness = in.readTTFShort(); isFixedPitch = in.readTTFULong(); //Skip memory usage values in.skip(4 * 4); log.debug("PostScript format: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(postFormat)); switch (postFormat) { case 0x00010000: log.debug("PostScript format 1"); for (int i = 0; i < Glyphs.MAC_GLYPH_NAMES.length; i++) { mtxTab[i].setName(Glyphs.MAC_GLYPH_NAMES[i]); } break; case 0x00020000: log.debug("PostScript format 2"); int numGlyphStrings = 0; // Read Number of Glyphs int l = in.readTTFUShort(); // Read indexes for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { mtxTab[i].setIndex(in.readTTFUShort()); if (mtxTab[i].getIndex() > 257) { //Index is not in the Macintosh standard set numGlyphStrings++; } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("PostScript index: " + mtxTab[i].getIndexAsString()); } } // firstChar=minIndex; String[] psGlyphsBuffer = new String[numGlyphStrings]; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Reading " + numGlyphStrings + " glyphnames, that are not in the standard Macintosh" + " set. Total number of glyphs=" + l); } for (int i = 0; i < psGlyphsBuffer.length; i++) { psGlyphsBuffer[i] = in.readTTFString(in.readTTFUByte()); } //Set glyph names for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (mtxTab[i].getIndex() < NMACGLYPHS) { mtxTab[i].setName(Glyphs.MAC_GLYPH_NAMES[mtxTab[i].getIndex()]); } else { if (!mtxTab[i].isIndexReserved()) { int k = mtxTab[i].getIndex() - NMACGLYPHS; if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(k + " i=" + i + " mtx=" + mtxTab.length + " ps=" + psGlyphsBuffer.length); } mtxTab[i].setName(psGlyphsBuffer[k]); } } } break; case 0x00030000: // PostScript format 3 contains no glyph names log.debug("PostScript format 3"); break; default: log.error("Unknown PostScript format: " + postFormat); } } /** * Read the "OS/2" table */ private void readOS2(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { // Check if font is embeddable TTFDirTabEntry os2Entry = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("OS/2"); if (os2Entry != null) { seekTab(in, "OS/2", 0); int version = in.readTTFUShort(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("OS/2 table: version=" + version + ", offset=" + os2Entry.getOffset() + ", len=" + os2Entry.getLength()); } in.skip(2); //xAvgCharWidth this.usWeightClass = in.readTTFUShort(); // usWidthClass in.skip(2); int fsType = in.readTTFUShort(); if (fsType == 2) { isEmbeddable = false; } else { isEmbeddable = true; } in.skip(11 * 2); in.skip(10); //panose array in.skip(4 * 4); //unicode ranges in.skip(4); in.skip(3 * 2); int v; os2Ascender = in.readTTFShort(); //sTypoAscender os2Descender = in.readTTFShort(); //sTypoDescender v = in.readTTFShort(); //sTypoLineGap v = in.readTTFUShort(); //usWinAscent v = in.readTTFUShort(); //usWinDescent if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("sTypoAscender: " + os2Ascender + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(os2Ascender)); log.debug("sTypoDescender: " + os2Descender + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(os2Descender)); log.debug("sTypoLineGap: " + v); log.debug("usWinAscent: " + v + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(v)); log.debug("usWinDescent: " + v + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(v)); } //version 1 OS/2 table might end here if (os2Entry.getLength() >= 78 + (2 * 4) + (2 * 2)) { in.skip(2 * 4); this.os2xHeight = in.readTTFShort(); //sxHeight this.os2CapHeight = in.readTTFShort(); //sCapHeight if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("sxHeight: " + this.os2xHeight); log.debug("sCapHeight: " + this.os2CapHeight); } } } else { isEmbeddable = true; } } /** * Read the "loca" table. * @param in FontFileReader to read from * @throws IOException In case of a I/O problem */ protected final void readIndexToLocation(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { if (!seekTab(in, "loca", 0)) { throw new IOException("'loca' table not found, happens when the font file doesn't" + " contain TrueType outlines (trying to read an OpenType CFF font maybe?)"); } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGlyphs; i++) { mtxTab[i].setOffset(locaFormat == 1 ? in.readTTFULong() : (in.readTTFUShort() << 1)); } lastLoca = (locaFormat == 1 ? in.readTTFULong() : (in.readTTFUShort() << 1)); } /** * Read the "glyf" table to find the bounding boxes. * @param in FontFileReader to read from * @throws IOException In case of a I/O problem */ private final void readGlyf(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry dirTab = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("glyf"); if (dirTab == null) { throw new IOException("glyf table not found, cannot continue"); } for (int i = 0; i < (numberOfGlyphs - 1); i++) { if (mtxTab[i].getOffset() != mtxTab[i + 1].getOffset()) { in.seekSet(dirTab.getOffset() + mtxTab[i].getOffset()); in.skip(2); final int[] bbox = { in.readTTFShort(), in.readTTFShort(), in.readTTFShort(), in.readTTFShort()}; mtxTab[i].setBoundingBox(bbox); } else { mtxTab[i].setBoundingBox(mtxTab[0].getBoundingBox()); } } long n = ((TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("glyf")).getOffset(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGlyphs; i++) { if ((i + 1) >= mtxTab.length || mtxTab[i].getOffset() != mtxTab[i + 1].getOffset()) { in.seekSet(n + mtxTab[i].getOffset()); in.skip(2); final int[] bbox = { in.readTTFShort(), in.readTTFShort(), in.readTTFShort(), in.readTTFShort()}; mtxTab[i].setBoundingBox(bbox); } else { /**@todo Verify that this is correct, looks like a copy/paste bug (jm)*/ final int bbox0 = mtxTab[0].getBoundingBox()[0]; final int[] bbox = {bbox0, bbox0, bbox0, bbox0}; mtxTab[i].setBoundingBox(bbox); /* Original code mtxTab[i].bbox[0] = mtxTab[0].bbox[0]; mtxTab[i].bbox[1] = mtxTab[0].bbox[0]; mtxTab[i].bbox[2] = mtxTab[0].bbox[0]; mtxTab[i].bbox[3] = mtxTab[0].bbox[0]; */ } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(mtxTab[i].toString(this)); } } } /** * Read the "name" table. * @param in FontFileReader to read from * @throws IOException In case of a I/O problem */ private final void readName(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { seekTab(in, "name", 2); int i = in.getCurrentPos(); int n = in.readTTFUShort(); int j = in.readTTFUShort() + i - 2; i += 2 * 2; while (n-- > 0) { // getLogger().debug("Iteration: " + n); in.seekSet(i); final int platformID = in.readTTFUShort(); final int encodingID = in.readTTFUShort(); final int languageID = in.readTTFUShort(); int k = in.readTTFUShort(); int l = in.readTTFUShort(); if (((platformID == 1 || platformID == 3) && (encodingID == 0 || encodingID == 1))) { in.seekSet(j + in.readTTFUShort()); String txt; if (platformID == 3) { txt = in.readTTFString(l, encodingID); } else { txt = in.readTTFString(l); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(platformID + " " + encodingID + " " + languageID + " " + k + " " + txt); } switch (k) { case 0: if (notice.length() == 0) { notice = txt; } break; case 1: //Font Family Name case 16: //Preferred Family familyNames.add(txt); break; case 2: if (subFamilyName.length() == 0) { subFamilyName = txt; } break; case 4: if (fullName.length() == 0 || (platformID == 3 && languageID == 1033)) { fullName = txt; } break; case 6: if (postScriptName.length() == 0) { postScriptName = txt; } break; default: break; } } i += 6 * 2; } } /** * Read the "PCLT" table to find xHeight and capHeight. * @param in FontFileReader to read from * @throws IOException In case of a I/O problem */ private final boolean readPCLT(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { TTFDirTabEntry dirTab = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("PCLT"); if (dirTab != null) { in.seekSet(dirTab.getOffset() + 4 + 4 + 2); xHeight = in.readTTFUShort(); log.debug("xHeight from PCLT: " + xHeight + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(xHeight)); in.skip(2 * 2); capHeight = in.readTTFUShort(); log.debug("capHeight from PCLT: " + capHeight + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(capHeight)); in.skip(2 + 16 + 8 + 6 + 1 + 1); int serifStyle = in.readTTFUByte(); serifStyle = serifStyle >> 6; serifStyle = serifStyle & 3; if (serifStyle == 1) { hasSerifs = false; } else { hasSerifs = true; } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Determines the right source for the ascender and descender values. The problem here is * that the interpretation of these values is not the same for every font. There doesn't seem * to be a uniform definition of an ascender and a descender. In some fonts * the hhea values are defined after the Apple interpretation, but not in every font. The * same problem is in the OS/2 table. FOP needs the ascender and descender to determine the * baseline so we need values which add up more or less to the "em box". However, due to * accent modifiers a character can grow beyond the em box. */ private void determineAscDesc() { int hheaBoxHeight = hheaAscender - hheaDescender; int os2BoxHeight = os2Ascender - os2Descender; if (os2Ascender > 0 && os2BoxHeight <= upem) { ascender = os2Ascender; descender = os2Descender; } else if (hheaAscender > 0 && hheaBoxHeight <= upem) { ascender = hheaAscender; descender = hheaDescender; } else { if (os2Ascender > 0) { //Fall back to info from OS/2 if possible ascender = os2Ascender; descender = os2Descender; } else { ascender = hheaAscender; descender = hheaDescender; } } log.debug("Font box height: " + (ascender - descender)); if (ascender - descender > upem) { log.warn("Ascender and descender together are larger than the em box." + " This could lead to a wrong baseline placement in Apache FOP."); } } private void guessVerticalMetricsFromGlyphBBox() { // Approximate capHeight from height of "H" // It's most unlikely that a font misses the PCLT table // This also assumes that postscriptnames exists ("H") // Should look it up int the cmap (that wouldn't help // for charsets without H anyway...) // Same for xHeight with the letter "x" int localCapHeight = 0; int localXHeight = 0; int localAscender = 0; int localDescender = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mtxTab.length; i++) { if ("H".equals(mtxTab[i].getName())) { localCapHeight = mtxTab[i].getBoundingBox()[3]; } else if ("x".equals(mtxTab[i].getName())) { localXHeight = mtxTab[i].getBoundingBox()[3]; } else if ("d".equals(mtxTab[i].getName())) { localAscender = mtxTab[i].getBoundingBox()[3]; } else if ("p".equals(mtxTab[i].getName())) { localDescender = mtxTab[i].getBoundingBox()[1]; } else { // OpenType Fonts with a version 3.0 "post" table don't have glyph names. // Use Unicode indices instead. List unicodeIndex = mtxTab[i].getUnicodeIndex(); if (unicodeIndex.size() > 0) { //Only the first index is used char ch = (char)((Integer)unicodeIndex.get(0)).intValue(); if (ch == 'H') { localCapHeight = mtxTab[i].getBoundingBox()[3]; } else if (ch == 'x') { localXHeight = mtxTab[i].getBoundingBox()[3]; } else if (ch == 'd') { localAscender = mtxTab[i].getBoundingBox()[3]; } else if (ch == 'p') { localDescender = mtxTab[i].getBoundingBox()[1]; } } } } log.debug("Ascender from glyph 'd': " + localAscender + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(localAscender)); log.debug("Descender from glyph 'p': " + localDescender + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(localDescender)); if (ascender - descender > upem) { log.debug("Replacing specified ascender/descender with derived values to get values" + " which fit in the em box."); ascender = localAscender; descender = localDescender; } log.debug("xHeight from glyph 'x': " + localXHeight + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(localXHeight)); log.debug("CapHeight from glyph 'H': " + localCapHeight + " " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(localCapHeight)); if (capHeight == 0) { capHeight = localCapHeight; if (capHeight == 0) { capHeight = os2CapHeight; } if (capHeight == 0) { log.warn("capHeight value could not be determined." + " The font may not work as expected."); } } if (xHeight == 0) { xHeight = localXHeight; if (xHeight == 0) { xHeight = os2xHeight; } if (xHeight == 0) { log.warn("xHeight value could not be determined." + " The font may not work as expected."); } } } /** * Read the kerning table, create a table for both CIDs and * winAnsiEncoding. * @param in FontFileReader to read from * @throws IOException In case of a I/O problem */ private final void readKerning(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { // Read kerning kerningTab = new java.util.HashMap(); ansiKerningTab = new java.util.HashMap(); TTFDirTabEntry dirTab = (TTFDirTabEntry)dirTabs.get("kern"); if (dirTab != null) { seekTab(in, "kern", 2); for (int n = in.readTTFUShort(); n > 0; n--) { in.skip(2 * 2); int k = in.readTTFUShort(); if (!((k & 1) != 0) || (k & 2) != 0 || (k & 4) != 0) { return; } if ((k >> 8) != 0) { continue; } k = in.readTTFUShort(); in.skip(3 * 2); while (k-- > 0) { int i = in.readTTFUShort(); int j = in.readTTFUShort(); int kpx = in.readTTFShort(); if (kpx != 0) { // CID kerning table entry, using unicode indexes final Integer iObj = glyphToUnicode(i); final Integer u2 = glyphToUnicode(j); if (iObj == null) { // happens for many fonts (Ubuntu font set), // stray entries in the kerning table?? log.debug("Ignoring kerning pair because no Unicode index was" + " found for the first glyph " + i); } else if (u2 == null) { log.debug("Ignoring kerning pair because Unicode index was" + " found for the second glyph " + i); } else { Map adjTab = (Map)kerningTab.get(iObj); if (adjTab == null) { adjTab = new java.util.HashMap(); } adjTab.put(u2, new Integer((int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(kpx))); kerningTab.put(iObj, adjTab); } } } } // Create winAnsiEncoded kerning table from kerningTab // (could probably be simplified, for now we remap back to CID indexes and // then to winAnsi) Iterator ae = kerningTab.keySet().iterator(); while (ae.hasNext()) { Integer unicodeKey1 = (Integer)ae.next(); Integer cidKey1 = unicodeToGlyph(unicodeKey1.intValue()); Map akpx = new java.util.HashMap(); Map ckpx = (Map)kerningTab.get(unicodeKey1); Iterator aee = ckpx.keySet().iterator(); while (aee.hasNext()) { Integer unicodeKey2 = (Integer)aee.next(); Integer cidKey2 = unicodeToGlyph(unicodeKey2.intValue()); Integer kern = (Integer)ckpx.get(unicodeKey2); Iterator uniMap = mtxTab[cidKey2.intValue()].getUnicodeIndex().listIterator(); while (uniMap.hasNext()) { Integer unicodeKey = (Integer)uniMap.next(); Integer[] ansiKeys = unicodeToWinAnsi(unicodeKey.intValue()); for (int u = 0; u < ansiKeys.length; u++) { akpx.put(ansiKeys[u], kern); } } } if (akpx.size() > 0) { Iterator uniMap = mtxTab[cidKey1.intValue()].getUnicodeIndex().listIterator(); while (uniMap.hasNext()) { Integer unicodeKey = (Integer)uniMap.next(); Integer[] ansiKeys = unicodeToWinAnsi(unicodeKey.intValue()); for (int u = 0; u < ansiKeys.length; u++) { ansiKerningTab.put(ansiKeys[u], akpx); } } } } } } /** * Return a List with TTFCmapEntry. * @return A list of TTFCmapEntry objects */ public List getCMaps() { return cmaps; } /** * Check if this is a TrueType collection and that the given * name exists in the collection. * If it does, set offset in fontfile to the beginning of * the Table Directory for that font. * @param in FontFileReader to read from * @param name The name to check * @return True if not collection or font name present, false otherwise * @throws IOException In case of an I/O problem */ protected final boolean checkTTC(FontFileReader in, String name) throws IOException { String tag = in.readTTFString(4); if ("ttcf".equals(tag)) { // This is a TrueType Collection in.skip(4); // Read directory offsets int numDirectories = (int)in.readTTFULong(); // int numDirectories=in.readTTFUShort(); long[] dirOffsets = new long[numDirectories]; for (int i = 0; i < numDirectories; i++) { dirOffsets[i] = in.readTTFULong(); } log.info("This is a TrueType collection file with " + numDirectories + " fonts"); log.info("Containing the following fonts: "); // Read all the directories and name tables to check // If the font exists - this is a bit ugly, but... boolean found = false; // Iterate through all name tables even if font // Is found, just to show all the names long dirTabOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; (i < numDirectories); i++) { in.seekSet(dirOffsets[i]); readDirTabs(in); readName(in); if (fullName.equals(name)) { found = true; dirTabOffset = dirOffsets[i]; log.info(fullName + " <-- selected"); } else { log.info(fullName); } // Reset names notice = ""; fullName = ""; familyNames.clear(); postScriptName = ""; subFamilyName = ""; } in.seekSet(dirTabOffset); return found; } else { in.seekSet(0); return true; } } /** * Return TTC font names * @param in FontFileReader to read from * @return True if not collection or font name present, false otherwise * @throws IOException In case of an I/O problem */ public final List getTTCnames(FontFileReader in) throws IOException { List fontNames = new java.util.ArrayList(); String tag = in.readTTFString(4); if ("ttcf".equals(tag)) { // This is a TrueType Collection in.skip(4); // Read directory offsets int numDirectories = (int)in.readTTFULong(); long[] dirOffsets = new long[numDirectories]; for (int i = 0; i < numDirectories; i++) { dirOffsets[i] = in.readTTFULong(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("This is a TrueType collection file with " + numDirectories + " fonts"); log.debug("Containing the following fonts: "); } for (int i = 0; (i < numDirectories); i++) { in.seekSet(dirOffsets[i]); readDirTabs(in); readName(in); log.debug(fullName); fontNames.add(fullName); // Reset names notice = ""; fullName = ""; familyNames.clear(); postScriptName = ""; subFamilyName = ""; } in.seekSet(0); return fontNames; } else { log.error("Not a TTC!"); return null; } } /* * Helper classes, they are not very efficient, but that really * doesn't matter... */ private Integer[] unicodeToWinAnsi(int unicode) { List ret = new java.util.ArrayList(); for (int i = 32; i < Glyphs.WINANSI_ENCODING.length; i++) { if (unicode == Glyphs.WINANSI_ENCODING[i]) { ret.add(new Integer(i)); } } return (Integer[])ret.toArray(new Integer[0]); } /** * Dumps a few informational values to System.out. */ public void printStuff() { System.out.println("Font name: " + postScriptName); System.out.println("Full name: " + fullName); System.out.println("Family name: " + familyNames); System.out.println("Subfamily name: " + subFamilyName); System.out.println("Notice: " + notice); System.out.println("xHeight: " + (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(xHeight)); System.out.println("capheight: " + (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(capHeight)); int italic = (int)(italicAngle >> 16); System.out.println("Italic: " + italic); System.out.print("ItalicAngle: " + (short)(italicAngle / 0x10000)); if ((italicAngle % 0x10000) > 0) { System.out.print("." + (short)((italicAngle % 0x10000) * 1000) / 0x10000); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Ascender: " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(ascender)); System.out.println("Descender: " + convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(descender)); System.out.println("FontBBox: [" + (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(fontBBox1) + " " + (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(fontBBox2) + " " + (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(fontBBox3) + " " + (int)convertTTFUnit2PDFUnit(fontBBox4) + "]"); } /** * Map a glyph index to the corresponding unicode code point * * @param glyphIndex * @return unicode code point * @throws IOException if glyphIndex not found */ private Integer glyphToUnicode(int glyphIndex) throws IOException { return (Integer) glyphToUnicodeMap.get(new Integer(glyphIndex)); } /** * Map a unicode code point to the corresponding glyph index * * @param unicodeIndex unicode code point * @return glyph index * @throws IOException if unicodeIndex not found */ private Integer unicodeToGlyph(int unicodeIndex) throws IOException { final Integer result = (Integer) unicodeToGlyphMap.get(new Integer(unicodeIndex)); if (result == null) { throw new IOException( "Glyph index not found for unicode value " + unicodeIndex); } return result; } /** * Static main method to get info about a TrueType font. * @param args The command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { TTFFile ttfFile = new TTFFile(); FontFileReader reader = new FontFileReader(args[0]); String name = null; if (args.length >= 2) { name = args[1]; } ttfFile.readFont(reader, name); ttfFile.printStuff(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Problem reading font: " + ioe.toString()); ioe.printStackTrace(System.err); } } }