/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.fonts; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphPositioningTable; import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.fonts.GlyphTable; import org.apache.fop.complexscripts.util.CharScript; import org.apache.fop.traits.MinOptMax; import org.apache.fop.util.CharUtilities; import static org.apache.fop.fonts.type1.AdobeStandardEncoding.i; /** * Stores the mapping of a text fragment to glyphs, along with various information. */ public class GlyphMapping { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GlyphMapping.class); /** Inclusive. */ public final int startIndex; /** Exclusive. */ public final int endIndex; private int wordCharLength; public final int wordSpaceCount; public int letterSpaceCount; public MinOptMax areaIPD; public final boolean isHyphenated; public final boolean isSpace; public boolean breakOppAfter; public final Font font; public final int level; public final int[][] gposAdjustments; public String mapping; public List associations; public GlyphMapping(int startIndex, int endIndex, int wordSpaceCount, int letterSpaceCount, MinOptMax areaIPD, boolean isHyphenated, boolean isSpace, boolean breakOppAfter, Font font, int level, int[][] gposAdjustments) { this(startIndex, endIndex, wordSpaceCount, letterSpaceCount, areaIPD, isHyphenated, isSpace, breakOppAfter, font, level, gposAdjustments, null, null); } public GlyphMapping(int startIndex, int endIndex, int wordSpaceCount, int letterSpaceCount, MinOptMax areaIPD, boolean isHyphenated, boolean isSpace, boolean breakOppAfter, Font font, int level, int[][] gposAdjustments, String mapping, List associations) { assert startIndex <= endIndex; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; this.wordCharLength = -1; this.wordSpaceCount = wordSpaceCount; this.letterSpaceCount = letterSpaceCount; this.areaIPD = areaIPD; this.isHyphenated = isHyphenated; this.isSpace = isSpace; this.breakOppAfter = breakOppAfter; this.font = font; this.level = level; this.gposAdjustments = gposAdjustments; this.mapping = mapping; this.associations = associations; } public static GlyphMapping doGlyphMapping(TextFragment text, int startIndex, int endIndex, Font font, MinOptMax letterSpaceIPD, MinOptMax[] letterSpaceAdjustArray, char precedingChar, char breakOpportunityChar, final boolean endsWithHyphen, int level, boolean dontOptimizeForIdentityMapping, boolean retainAssociations, boolean retainControls) { GlyphMapping mapping; if (font.performsSubstitution() || font.performsPositioning()) { mapping = processWordMapping(text, startIndex, endIndex, font, breakOpportunityChar, endsWithHyphen, level, dontOptimizeForIdentityMapping, retainAssociations, retainControls); } else { mapping = processWordNoMapping(text, startIndex, endIndex, font, letterSpaceIPD, letterSpaceAdjustArray, precedingChar, breakOpportunityChar, endsWithHyphen, level); } return mapping; } private static GlyphMapping processWordMapping(TextFragment text, int startIndex, int endIndex, final Font font, final char breakOpportunityChar, final boolean endsWithHyphen, int level, boolean dontOptimizeForIdentityMapping, boolean retainAssociations, boolean retainControls) { int nLS = 0; // # of letter spaces String script = text.getScript(); String language = text.getLanguage(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("PW: [" + startIndex + "," + endIndex + "]: {" + " +M" + ", level = " + level + " }"); } // 1. extract unmapped character sequence. CharSequence ics = text.subSequence(startIndex, endIndex); // 2. if script is not specified (by FO property) or it is specified as 'auto', // then compute dominant script. if ((script == null) || "auto".equals(script)) { script = CharScript.scriptTagFromCode(CharScript.dominantScript(ics)); } if ((language == null) || "none".equals(language)) { language = "dflt"; } // 3. perform mapping of chars to glyphs ... to glyphs ... to chars, retaining // associations if requested. List associations = retainAssociations ? new ArrayList() : null; // This is a workaround to read the ligature from the font even if the script // does not match the one defined for the table. // More info here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOP-2638 // zyyy == SCRIPT_UNDEFINED if ("zyyy".equals(script) || "auto".equals(script)) { script = "*"; } CharSequence mcs = font.performSubstitution(ics, script, language, associations, retainControls); // 4. compute glyph position adjustments on (substituted) characters. int[][] gpa = null; if (font.performsPositioning()) { // handle GPOS adjustments gpa = font.performPositioning(mcs, script, language); } if (useKerningAdjustments(font, script, language)) { // handle standard (non-GPOS) kerning adjustments gpa = getKerningAdjustments(mcs, font, gpa); } // 5. reorder combining marks so that they precede (within the mapped char sequence) the // base to which they are applied; N.B. position adjustments (gpa) are reordered in place. mcs = font.reorderCombiningMarks(mcs, gpa, script, language, associations); // 6. compute word ipd based on final position adjustments. MinOptMax ipd = MinOptMax.ZERO; for (int i = 0, n = mcs.length(); i < n; i++) { int c = mcs.charAt(i); if (CharUtilities.containsSurrogatePairAt(mcs, i)) { c = Character.toCodePoint((char) c, mcs.charAt(++i)); } int w = font.getCharWidth(c); if (w < 0) { w = 0; } if (gpa != null) { w += gpa[i][GlyphPositioningTable.Value.IDX_X_ADVANCE]; } ipd = ipd.plus(w); } // [TBD] - handle letter spacing return new GlyphMapping(startIndex, endIndex, 0, nLS, ipd, endsWithHyphen, false, breakOpportunityChar != 0, font, level, gpa, !dontOptimizeForIdentityMapping && CharUtilities.isSameSequence(mcs, ics) ? null : mcs.toString(), associations); } private static boolean useKerningAdjustments(final Font font, String script, String language) { return font.hasKerning() && !font.hasFeature(GlyphTable.GLYPH_TABLE_TYPE_POSITIONING, script, language, "kern"); } /** * Given a mapped character sequence MCS, obtain glyph position adjustments from the * font's kerning data. * * @param mcs mapped character sequence * @param font applicable font * @return glyph position adjustments (or null if no kerning) */ private static int[][] getKerningAdjustments(CharSequence mcs, final Font font, int[][] gpa) { int numCodepoints = Character.codePointCount(mcs, 0, mcs.length()); // extract kerning array int[] kernings = new int[numCodepoints]; // kerning array int prevCp = -1; int i = 0; for (int cp : CharUtilities.codepointsIter(mcs)) { if (prevCp >= 0) { kernings[i] = font.getKernValue(prevCp, cp); } prevCp = cp; i++; } // was there a non-zero kerning? boolean hasKerning = false; for (int kerningValue : kernings) { if (kerningValue != 0) { hasKerning = true; break; } } // if non-zero kerning, then create and return glyph position adjustment array if (hasKerning) { if (gpa == null) { gpa = new int[numCodepoints][4]; } for (i = 0; i < numCodepoints; i++) { if (i > 0) { gpa [i - 1][GlyphPositioningTable.Value.IDX_X_ADVANCE] += kernings[i]; } } return gpa; } else { return null; } } private static GlyphMapping processWordNoMapping(TextFragment text, int startIndex, int endIndex, final Font font, MinOptMax letterSpaceIPD, MinOptMax[] letterSpaceAdjustArray, char precedingChar, final char breakOpportunityChar, final boolean endsWithHyphen, int level) { boolean kerning = font.hasKerning(); MinOptMax wordIPD = MinOptMax.ZERO; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("PW: [" + startIndex + "," + endIndex + "]: {" + " -M" + ", level = " + level + " }"); } CharSequence ics = text.subSequence(startIndex, endIndex); int offset = 0; for (int currentChar : CharUtilities.codepointsIter(ics)) { // character width int charWidth = font.getCharWidth(currentChar); wordIPD = wordIPD.plus(charWidth); // kerning if (kerning) { int kern = 0; if (offset > 0) { int previousChar = java.lang.Character.codePointAt(ics, offset - 1); kern = font.getKernValue(previousChar, currentChar); } else if (precedingChar != 0) { kern = font.getKernValue(precedingChar, currentChar); } if (kern != 0) { addToLetterAdjust(letterSpaceAdjustArray, startIndex + offset, kern); wordIPD = wordIPD.plus(kern); } } offset++; } if (kerning && (breakOpportunityChar != 0) && !isSpace(breakOpportunityChar) && endIndex > 0 && endsWithHyphen) { int endChar = text.charAt(endIndex - 1); if (java.lang.Character.isLowSurrogate((char) endChar)) { char highSurrogate = text.charAt(endIndex - 2); endChar = java.lang.Character.toCodePoint(highSurrogate, (char) endChar); } int kern = font.getKernValue(endChar, (int) breakOpportunityChar); if (kern != 0) { addToLetterAdjust(letterSpaceAdjustArray, endIndex, kern); // TODO: add kern to wordIPD? } } // shy+chars at start of word: wordLength == 0 && breakOpportunity // shy only characters in word: wordLength == 0 && !breakOpportunity int wordLength = endIndex - startIndex; int letterSpaces = 0; if (wordLength != 0) { letterSpaces = wordLength - 1; // if there is a break opportunity and the next one (break character) // is not a space, it could be used as a line end; // add one more letter space, in case other text follows if ((breakOpportunityChar != 0) && !isSpace(breakOpportunityChar)) { letterSpaces++; } } assert letterSpaces >= 0; wordIPD = wordIPD.plus(letterSpaceIPD.mult(letterSpaces)); // create and return the AreaInfo object return new GlyphMapping(startIndex, endIndex, 0, letterSpaces, wordIPD, endsWithHyphen, false, (breakOpportunityChar != 0) && !isSpace(breakOpportunityChar), font, level, null); } private static void addToLetterAdjust(MinOptMax[] letterSpaceAdjustArray, int index, int width) { if (letterSpaceAdjustArray[index] == null) { letterSpaceAdjustArray[index] = MinOptMax.getInstance(width); } else { letterSpaceAdjustArray[index] = letterSpaceAdjustArray[index].plus(width); } } /** * Indicates whether a character is a space in terms of this layout manager. * * @param ch the character * @return true if it's a space */ public static boolean isSpace(final char ch) { return ch == CharUtilities.SPACE || CharUtilities.isNonBreakableSpace(ch) || CharUtilities.isFixedWidthSpace(ch); } /** * Obtain number of 'characters' contained in word. If word is mapped, then this * number may be less than or greater than the original length (breakIndex - * startIndex). We compute and memoize thius length upon first invocation of this * method. */ public int getWordLength() { if (wordCharLength == -1) { if (mapping != null) { wordCharLength = mapping.length(); } else { assert endIndex >= startIndex; wordCharLength = endIndex - startIndex; } } return wordCharLength; } public void addToAreaIPD(MinOptMax idp) { areaIPD = areaIPD.plus(idp); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + "{" + "interval = [" + startIndex + "," + endIndex + "]" + ", isSpace = " + isSpace + ", level = " + level + ", areaIPD = " + areaIPD + ", letterSpaceCount = " + letterSpaceCount + ", wordSpaceCount = " + wordSpaceCount + ", isHyphenated = " + isHyphenated + ", font = " + font + "}"; } }