/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.pdf; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.io.output.CountingOutputStream; public class PDFLinearization { private PDFDocument doc; private Map> pageObjsMap = new HashMap>(); private PDFDictionary linearDict; private HintTable hintTable; public PDFLinearization(PDFDocument doc) { this.doc = doc; } static class HintTable extends PDFStream { private List pages; int pageStartPos; List sharedLengths = new ArrayList(); List pageLengths = new ArrayList(); List contentStreamLengths = new ArrayList(); List objCount = new ArrayList(); Map hintGroups = new HashMap(); public HintTable(PDFDocument doc) { super(false); doc.assignObjectNumber(this); doc.addObject(this); pages = doc.pageObjs; for (int i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) { pageLengths.add(0); contentStreamLengths.add(0); objCount.add(0); } hintGroups.put("/C", new int[4]); hintGroups.put("/L", new int[4]); hintGroups.put("/I", new int[4]); hintGroups.put("/E", new int[4]); hintGroups.put("/O", new int[4]); hintGroups.put("/V", new int[4]); } @Override public PDFFilterList getFilterList() { return new PDFFilterList(getDocument().isEncryptionActive()); } @Override protected void outputRawStreamData(OutputStream os) throws IOException { CountingOutputStream bos = new CountingOutputStream(os); //start header writeULong(1, bos); //1 writeULong(pageStartPos, bos); //2 writeCard16(32, bos); //3 writeULong(0, bos); //4 writeCard16(32, bos); //5 writeULong(0, bos); //6 writeCard16(0, bos); //7 writeULong(0, bos); //8 writeCard16(32, bos); //9 writeCard16(0, bos); //10 writeCard16(0, bos); //11 writeCard16(0, bos); //12 writeCard16(4, bos); //13 //end header for (PDFPage page : pages) { writeULong(objCount.get(page.pageIndex) - 1, bos); } for (PDFPage page : pages) { writeULong(pageLengths.get(page.pageIndex), bos); } for (PDFPage page : pages) { writeULong(contentStreamLengths.get(page.pageIndex), bos); } writeSharedTable(bos); for (Map.Entry group : hintGroups.entrySet()) { put(group.getKey(), bos.getCount()); for (int i : group.getValue()) { writeULong(i, bos); } if (group.getKey().equals("/C")) { writeULong(0, bos); writeCard16(0, bos); } } } private void writeSharedTable(CountingOutputStream bos) throws IOException { put("/S", bos.getCount()); //Shared object hint table, header section writeULong(0, bos); //1 writeULong(0, bos); //2 writeULong(sharedLengths.size(), bos); //3 writeULong(sharedLengths.size(), bos); //4 writeCard16(0, bos); //5 writeULong(0, bos); //6 writeCard16(32, bos); //7 for (int i : sharedLengths) { writeULong(i, bos); } writeULong(0, bos); } private void writeCard16(int s, OutputStream bos) throws IOException { byte b1 = (byte)((s >> 8) & 0xff); byte b2 = (byte)(s & 0xff); bos.write(b1); bos.write(b2); } private void writeULong(int s, OutputStream bos) throws IOException { byte b1 = (byte)((s >> 24) & 0xff); byte b2 = (byte)((s >> 16) & 0xff); byte b3 = (byte)((s >> 8) & 0xff); byte b4 = (byte)(s & 0xff); bos.write(b1); bos.write(b2); bos.write(b3); bos.write(b4); } } static class LinearPDFDictionary extends PDFDictionary { private int lastsize = -1; public LinearPDFDictionary(PDFDocument doc) { put("Linearized", 1); put("/L", 0); PDFArray larray = new PDFArray(); larray.add(0); larray.add(0); put("/H", larray); doc.assignObjectNumber(this); getObjectNumber().getNumber(); put("/O", getObjectNumber().getNumber() + 3); put("/E", 0); put("/N", doc.pageObjs.size()); put("/T", 0); } public int output(OutputStream stream) throws IOException { int size = super.output(stream); int padding = lastsize - size + 32; if (lastsize == -1) { padding = 32; lastsize = size; } writePadding(padding, stream); return size + padding; } } private Set assignNumbers() throws IOException { Set page1Children = getPage1Children(); if (!doc.pageObjs.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 1; i < doc.pageObjs.size(); i++) { PDFPage page = doc.pageObjs.get(i); Set children = pageObjsMap.get(page); for (PDFObject c : children) { if (!page1Children.contains(c) && c.hasObjectNumber()) { c.getObjectNumber().getNumber(); } } } for (PDFObject o : doc.objects) { if (o instanceof PDFDests || o instanceof PDFOutline) { for (PDFObject c : getChildren(o)) { c.getObjectNumber().getNumber(); } } if (o instanceof PDFInfo || o instanceof PDFPageLabels) { o.getObjectNumber().getNumber(); } } for (PDFObject o : doc.objects) { if (!page1Children.contains(o)) { o.getObjectNumber().getNumber(); } } } linearDict = new LinearPDFDictionary(doc); for (PDFObject o : page1Children) { o.getObjectNumber().getNumber(); } sort(doc.objects); return page1Children; } private void sort(List objects) { Collections.sort(objects, new Comparator() { public int compare(PDFObject o1, PDFObject o2) { return ((Integer) o1.getObjectNumber().getNumber()).compareTo(o2.getObjectNumber().getNumber()); } }); } private Set getChildren(PDFObject o) { Set children = new LinkedHashSet(); children.add(o); o.getChildren(children); return children; } public void outputPages(OutputStream stream) throws IOException { Collections.sort(doc.pageObjs, new Comparator() { public int compare(PDFPage o1, PDFPage o2) { return ((Integer) o1.pageIndex).compareTo(o2.pageIndex); } }); doc.objects.addAll(doc.trailerObjects); doc.trailerObjects = null; if (doc.getStructureTreeElements() != null) { doc.objects.addAll(doc.getStructureTreeElements()); doc.structureTreeElements = null; } for (int i = 0; i < doc.objects.size() * 2; i++) { doc.indirectObjectOffsets.add(0L); } Set page1Children = assignNumbers(); doc.streamIndirectObject(linearDict, new ByteArrayOutputStream()); for (PDFObject o : page1Children) { doc.objects.remove(o); } int sizeOfRest = doc.objects.size(); ByteArrayOutputStream fakeHeaderTrailerStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); long topTrailer = doc.position; doc.writeTrailer(fakeHeaderTrailerStream, sizeOfRest, page1Children.size() + 1, page1Children.size() + sizeOfRest + 1, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0); doc.position += fakeHeaderTrailerStream.size(); ByteArrayOutputStream pageStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writeObjects(page1Children, pageStream, sizeOfRest + 1); long trailerOffset = doc.position; ByteArrayOutputStream footerTrailerStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); doc.writeTrailer(footerTrailerStream, 0, sizeOfRest, sizeOfRest, 0, topTrailer); doc.position += footerTrailerStream.size(); linearDict.put("/L", doc.position); PDFDocument.outputIndirectObject(linearDict, stream); CountingOutputStream realTrailer = new CountingOutputStream(stream); doc.writeTrailer(realTrailer, sizeOfRest, page1Children.size() + 1, page1Children.size() + sizeOfRest + 1, trailerOffset, 0); writePadding(fakeHeaderTrailerStream.size() - realTrailer.getCount(), stream); for (PDFObject o : page1Children) { PDFDocument.outputIndirectObject(o, stream); if (o instanceof HintTable) { break; } } stream.write(pageStream.toByteArray()); stream.write(footerTrailerStream.toByteArray()); } private Set getPage1Children() throws IOException { Set page1Children = new LinkedHashSet(); if (!doc.pageObjs.isEmpty()) { PDFPage page1 = doc.pageObjs.get(0); page1Children.add(doc.getRoot()); hintTable = new HintTable(doc); page1Children.add(hintTable); page1Children.add(page1); page1.getChildren(page1Children); doc.objects.remove(doc.getPages()); doc.objects.add(0, doc.getPages()); pageObjsMap.put(page1, page1Children); for (int i = 1; i < doc.pageObjs.size(); i++) { PDFPage page = doc.pageObjs.get(i); pageObjsMap.put(page, getChildren(page)); } } return page1Children; } private static void writePadding(int padding, OutputStream stream) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) { stream.write(" ".getBytes("UTF-8")); } } private void writeObjects(Set children1, OutputStream pageStream, int sizeOfRest) throws IOException { writePage1(children1, pageStream); linearDict.put("/E", doc.position); for (PDFPage page : doc.pageObjs) { if (page.pageIndex != 0) { writePage(page, pageStream); } } while (!doc.objects.isEmpty()) { PDFObject o = doc.objects.remove(0); if (o instanceof PDFOutline) { writeObjectGroup("/O", getChildren(o), pageStream); } else if (o instanceof PDFDests) { writeObjectGroup("/E", getChildren(o), pageStream); } else if (o instanceof PDFInfo) { writeObjectGroup("/I", getChildren(o), pageStream); } else if (o instanceof PDFPageLabels) { writeObjectGroup("/L", getChildren(o), pageStream); } else if (o instanceof PDFStructTreeRoot) { writeObjectGroup("/C", getChildren(o), pageStream); } else { doc.streamIndirectObject(o, pageStream); } } linearDict.put("/T", doc.position + 8 + String.valueOf(sizeOfRest).length()); } private void writeObjectGroup(String name, Set objects, OutputStream pageStream) throws IOException { List children = new ArrayList(objects); sort(children); int[] values = hintTable.hintGroups.get(name); values[0] = children.iterator().next().getObjectNumber().getNumber(); values[1] = (int) doc.position; values[2] = children.size(); for (PDFObject o : children) { values[3] += doc.streamIndirectObject(o, pageStream); doc.objects.remove(o); } } private void writePage1(Set children1, OutputStream pageStream) throws IOException { hintTable.pageStartPos = (int) doc.position; OutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Set sharedChildren = getSharedObjects(); int page1Len = 0; int objCount = 0; int sharedCount = 0; for (PDFObject o : children1) { if (o instanceof HintTable) { PDFArray a = (PDFArray) linearDict.get("/H"); a.set(0, doc.position); doc.streamIndirectObject(o, stream); a.set(1, doc.position - (Double)a.get(0)); stream = pageStream; } else { int len = doc.streamIndirectObject(o, stream); if (o instanceof PDFStream && hintTable.contentStreamLengths.get(0) == 0) { hintTable.contentStreamLengths.set(0, len); } if (!(o instanceof PDFRoot)) { page1Len += len; objCount++; } if (sharedChildren.contains(o)) { hintTable.sharedLengths.set(sharedCount, len); sharedCount++; } } } hintTable.pageLengths.set(0, page1Len); hintTable.objCount.set(0, objCount); } private Set getSharedObjects() { Set pageSharedChildren = getChildren(doc.pageObjs.get(0)); for (int i = 0; i < pageSharedChildren.size(); i++) { hintTable.sharedLengths.add(0); } return pageSharedChildren; } private void writePage(PDFPage page, OutputStream pageStream) throws IOException { Set children = pageObjsMap.get(page); int pageLen = 0; int objCount = 0; for (PDFObject c : children) { if (doc.objects.contains(c)) { int len = doc.streamIndirectObject(c, pageStream); if (c instanceof PDFStream) { hintTable.contentStreamLengths.set(page.pageIndex, len); } pageLen += len; doc.objects.remove(c); objCount++; } } hintTable.pageLengths.set(page.pageIndex, pageLen); hintTable.objCount.set(page.pageIndex, objCount); } }