/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Id$ */ package org.apache.fop.fo.properties; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.ImageException; import org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.ImageInfo; import org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.ImageManager; import org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.loader.ImageSessionContext; import org.apache.fop.ResourceEventProducer; import org.apache.fop.apps.FOUserAgent; import org.apache.fop.datatypes.Length; import org.apache.fop.datatypes.PercentBaseContext; import org.apache.fop.datatypes.URISpecification; import org.apache.fop.fo.Constants; import org.apache.fop.fo.FObj; import org.apache.fop.fo.PropertyList; import org.apache.fop.fo.expr.PropertyException; /** * Stores all common border and padding properties. * See Sec. 7.7 of the XSL-FO Standard. */ public class CommonBorderPaddingBackground { /** * cache holding all canonical instances * (w/ absolute background-position-* and padding-*) */ private static final PropertyCache CACHE = new PropertyCache(); private int hash = -1; /** * The "background-attachment" property. */ public final int backgroundAttachment; /** * The "background-color" property. */ public final Color backgroundColor; /** * The "background-image" property. */ public final String backgroundImage; /** * The "background-repeat" property. */ public final int backgroundRepeat; /** * The "background-position-horizontal" property. */ public final Length backgroundPositionHorizontal; /** * The "background-position-vertical" property. */ public final Length backgroundPositionVertical; public final Length backgroungImageTargetWidth; public final Length backgroungImageTargetHeight; private ImageInfo backgroundImageInfo; /** the "before" edge */ public static final int BEFORE = 0; /** the "after" edge */ public static final int AFTER = 1; /** the "start" edge */ public static final int START = 2; /** the "end" edge */ public static final int END = 3; /** * Utility class to express border info. */ public static final class BorderInfo { /** cache holding all canonical instances */ private static final PropertyCache CACHE = new PropertyCache(); private int mStyle; // Enum for border style private Color mColor; // Border color private CondLengthProperty mWidth; private CondLengthProperty radiusStart; private CondLengthProperty radiusEnd; private int hash = -1; /** * Hidden constructor */ private BorderInfo(int style, CondLengthProperty width, Color color, CondLengthProperty radiusStart, CondLengthProperty radiusEnd) { mStyle = style; mWidth = width; mColor = color; this.radiusStart = radiusStart; this.radiusEnd = radiusEnd; } /** * Returns a BorderInfo instance corresponding to the given values. * * @param style the border-style * @param width the border-width * @param color the border-color * @param radiusStart the start radius for rounded borders * @param radiusEnd the end radius for rounded borders * @return a cached BorderInfo instance */ public static BorderInfo getInstance(int style, CondLengthProperty width, Color color, CondLengthProperty radiusStart, CondLengthProperty radiusEnd) { return CACHE.fetch(new BorderInfo(style, width, color, radiusStart, radiusEnd)); } /** * @return the border-style */ public int getStyle() { return this.mStyle; } /** * @return the border-color */ public Color getColor() { return this.mColor; } /** * @return the border-width */ public CondLengthProperty getWidth() { return this.mWidth; } /** * Convenience method returning the border-width, * taking into account values of "none" and "hidden" * * @return the retained border-width */ public int getRetainedWidth() { if ((mStyle == Constants.EN_NONE) || (mStyle == Constants.EN_HIDDEN)) { return 0; } else { return mWidth.getLengthValue(); } } /** * @return the border-*-start-radius */ public CondLengthProperty getRadiusStart() { return this.radiusStart; } /** * @return the border-*-end-radius */ public CondLengthProperty getRadiusEnd() { return this.radiusEnd; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("BorderInfo"); sb.append(" {"); sb.append(mStyle); sb.append(", "); sb.append(mColor); sb.append(", "); sb.append(mWidth); sb.append(", "); sb.append(radiusStart); sb.append(", "); sb.append(radiusEnd); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof BorderInfo)) { return false; } BorderInfo bi = (BorderInfo)obj; return (this.mColor == bi.mColor && this.mStyle == bi.mStyle && this.mWidth == bi.mWidth && this.radiusStart == bi.radiusStart && this.radiusEnd == bi.radiusEnd); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (this.hash == -1) { int hash = 17; hash = 37 * hash + (mColor == null ? 0 : mColor.hashCode()); hash = 37 * hash + mStyle; hash = 37 * hash + (mWidth == null ? 0 : mWidth.hashCode()); hash = 37 * hash + (radiusStart == null ? 0 : radiusStart.hashCode()); hash = 37 * hash + (radiusEnd == null ? 0 : radiusEnd.hashCode()); this.hash = hash; } return this.hash; } } /** * A border info with style "none". Used as a singleton, in the collapsing-border model, * for elements which don't specify any border on some of their sides. */ private static final BorderInfo DEFAULT_BORDER_INFO = BorderInfo.getInstance( Constants.EN_NONE, new ConditionalNullLength(), null, new ConditionalNullLength(), new ConditionalNullLength()); /** * A conditional length of value 0. Returned by the * {@link CommonBorderPaddingBackground#getBorderInfo(int)} method when the * corresponding border isn't specified, to avoid to callers painful checks for null. */ private static class ConditionalNullLength extends CondLengthProperty { @Override public Property getComponent(int cmpId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Property getConditionality() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Length getLength() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Property getLengthComponent() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public int getLengthValue() { return 0; } @Override public int getLengthValue(PercentBaseContext context) { return 0; } @Override public boolean isDiscard() { return true; } @Override public void setComponent(int cmpId, Property cmpnValue, boolean isDefault) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public String toString() { return "CondLength[0mpt, discard]"; } } /** * Returns a default BorderInfo of style none. * * @return a BorderInfo instance with style set to {@link Constants#EN_NONE} */ public static BorderInfo getDefaultBorderInfo() { return DEFAULT_BORDER_INFO; } private BorderInfo[] borderInfo = new BorderInfo[4]; private CondLengthProperty[] padding = new CondLengthProperty[4]; /** * Construct a CommonBorderPaddingBackground object. * * @param pList The PropertyList to get properties from. * @throws PropertyException if there's an error while binding the properties */ CommonBorderPaddingBackground(PropertyList pList) throws PropertyException { backgroundAttachment = pList.get(Constants.PR_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT).getEnum(); Color bc = pList.get(Constants.PR_BACKGROUND_COLOR).getColor( pList.getFObj().getUserAgent()); if (bc.getAlpha() == 0) { backgroundColor = null; } else { backgroundColor = bc; } String img = pList.get(Constants.PR_BACKGROUND_IMAGE).getString(); if (img == null || "none".equals(img)) { backgroundImage = ""; backgroundRepeat = -1; backgroundPositionHorizontal = null; backgroundPositionVertical = null; } else { backgroundImage = img; backgroundRepeat = pList.get(Constants.PR_BACKGROUND_REPEAT).getEnum(); backgroundPositionHorizontal = pList.get( Constants.PR_BACKGROUND_POSITION_HORIZONTAL).getLength(); backgroundPositionVertical = pList.get( Constants.PR_BACKGROUND_POSITION_VERTICAL).getLength(); } backgroungImageTargetWidth = pList.get(Constants.PR_X_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_WIDTH).getLength(); backgroungImageTargetHeight = pList.get(Constants.PR_X_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_HEIGHT).getLength(); initBorderInfo(pList, BEFORE, Constants.PR_BORDER_BEFORE_COLOR, Constants.PR_BORDER_BEFORE_STYLE, Constants.PR_BORDER_BEFORE_WIDTH, Constants.PR_PADDING_BEFORE, Constants.PR_X_BORDER_BEFORE_RADIUS_START, Constants.PR_X_BORDER_BEFORE_RADIUS_END); initBorderInfo(pList, AFTER, Constants.PR_BORDER_AFTER_COLOR, Constants.PR_BORDER_AFTER_STYLE, Constants.PR_BORDER_AFTER_WIDTH, Constants.PR_PADDING_AFTER, Constants.PR_X_BORDER_AFTER_RADIUS_START, Constants.PR_X_BORDER_AFTER_RADIUS_END); initBorderInfo(pList, START, Constants.PR_BORDER_START_COLOR, Constants.PR_BORDER_START_STYLE, Constants.PR_BORDER_START_WIDTH, Constants.PR_PADDING_START, Constants.PR_X_BORDER_START_RADIUS_BEFORE, Constants.PR_X_BORDER_START_RADIUS_AFTER); initBorderInfo(pList, END, Constants.PR_BORDER_END_COLOR, Constants.PR_BORDER_END_STYLE, Constants.PR_BORDER_END_WIDTH, Constants.PR_PADDING_END, Constants.PR_X_BORDER_END_RADIUS_BEFORE, Constants.PR_X_BORDER_END_RADIUS_AFTER); } /** * Obtain a CommonBorderPaddingBackground instance based on the * related property valus in the given {@link PropertyList} * * @param pList the {@link PropertyList} to use * @return a CommonBorderPaddingBackground instance (cached if possible) * @throws PropertyException in case of an error */ public static CommonBorderPaddingBackground getInstance(PropertyList pList) throws PropertyException { CommonBorderPaddingBackground newInstance = new CommonBorderPaddingBackground(pList); CommonBorderPaddingBackground cachedInstance = null; /* if padding-* and background-position-* resolve to absolute lengths * the whole instance can be cached */ if ((newInstance.padding[BEFORE] == null || newInstance.padding[BEFORE].getLength().isAbsolute()) && (newInstance.padding[AFTER] == null || newInstance.padding[AFTER].getLength().isAbsolute()) && (newInstance.padding[START] == null || newInstance.padding[START].getLength().isAbsolute()) && (newInstance.padding[END] == null || newInstance.padding[END].getLength().isAbsolute()) && (newInstance.backgroundPositionHorizontal == null || newInstance.backgroundPositionHorizontal .isAbsolute()) && (newInstance.backgroundPositionVertical == null || newInstance.backgroundPositionVertical .isAbsolute()) && (newInstance.backgroungImageTargetHeight == null || newInstance.backgroungImageTargetHeight .isAbsolute()) && (newInstance.backgroungImageTargetWidth == null || newInstance.backgroungImageTargetWidth .isAbsolute())) { cachedInstance = CACHE.fetch(newInstance); } synchronized (newInstance.backgroundImage.intern()) { /* for non-cached, or not-yet-cached instances, preload the image */ if ((cachedInstance == null || cachedInstance == newInstance) && !("".equals(newInstance.backgroundImage))) { //Additional processing: preload image String uri = URISpecification.getURL(newInstance.backgroundImage); FObj fobj = pList.getFObj(); FOUserAgent userAgent = pList.getFObj().getUserAgent(); ImageManager manager = userAgent.getImageManager(); ImageSessionContext sessionContext = userAgent.getImageSessionContext(); ImageInfo info; try { info = manager.getImageInfo(uri, sessionContext); newInstance.backgroundImageInfo = info; } catch (ImageException e) { ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get( fobj.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster()); eventProducer.imageError(fobj, uri, e, fobj.getLocator()); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get( fobj.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster()); eventProducer.imageNotFound(fobj, uri, fnfe, fobj.getLocator()); } catch (IOException ioe) { ResourceEventProducer eventProducer = ResourceEventProducer.Provider.get( fobj.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster()); eventProducer.imageIOError(fobj, uri, ioe, fobj.getLocator()); } } } return (cachedInstance != null ? cachedInstance : newInstance); } private void initBorderInfo(PropertyList pList, int side, int colorProp, int styleProp, int widthProp, int paddingProp, int radiusStartProp, int radiusEndProp) throws PropertyException { padding[side] = pList.get(paddingProp).getCondLength(); // If style = none, force width to 0, don't get Color (spec 7.7.20) int style = pList.get(styleProp).getEnum(); FOUserAgent ua = pList.getFObj().getUserAgent(); setBorderInfo(BorderInfo.getInstance(style, pList.get(widthProp).getCondLength(), pList.get(colorProp).getColor(ua), pList.get(radiusStartProp).getCondLength(), pList.get(radiusEndProp).getCondLength()), side); } /** * Sets a border. * @param info the border information * @param side the side to apply the info to */ private void setBorderInfo(BorderInfo info, int side) { this.borderInfo[side] = info; } /** * @param side the side to retrieve * @return the border info for a side */ public BorderInfo getBorderInfo(int side) { if (this.borderInfo[side] == null) { return getDefaultBorderInfo(); } else { return this.borderInfo[side]; } } /** * @return the background image info object, null if there is * no background image. */ public ImageInfo getImageInfo() { return this.backgroundImageInfo; } /** * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (start of a reference-area) * @return the width of the start-border, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getBorderStartWidth(boolean discard) { return getBorderWidth(START, discard); } /** * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (end of a reference-area) * @return the width of the end-border, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getBorderEndWidth(boolean discard) { return getBorderWidth(END, discard); } /** * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (start of a reference-area) * @return the width of the before-border, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getBorderBeforeWidth(boolean discard) { return getBorderWidth(BEFORE, discard); } /** * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (end of a reference-area) * @return the width of the after-border, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getBorderAfterWidth(boolean discard) { return getBorderWidth(AFTER, discard); } /** * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (start of a reference-area) * @param context the context to evaluate percentage values * @return the width of the start-padding, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getPaddingStart(boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { return getPadding(START, discard, context); } /** * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (start of a reference-area) * @param context the context to evaluate percentage values * @return the width of the end-padding, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getPaddingEnd(boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { return getPadding(END, discard, context); } /** * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (start of a reference-area) * @param context the context to evaluate percentage values * @return the width of the before-padding, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getPaddingBefore(boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { return getPadding(BEFORE, discard, context); } /** * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (start of a reference-area) * @param context the context to evaluate percentage values * @return the width of the after-padding, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getPaddingAfter(boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { return getPadding(AFTER, discard, context); } /** * @param side the side of the border * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be considered (end of a * reference-area) * @return the width of the start-border, taking into account the specified conditionality */ public int getBorderWidth(int side, boolean discard) { if ((borderInfo[side] == null) || (borderInfo[side].mStyle == Constants.EN_NONE) || (borderInfo[side].mStyle == Constants.EN_HIDDEN) || (discard && borderInfo[side].mWidth.isDiscard())) { return 0; } else { return borderInfo[side].mWidth.getLengthValue(); } } /** * Returns the border corner radius of the starting edge * i.e. the edge either adjacent to the before or start border. * @param side the border side * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (end of a reference-area) * @param context the context for percentage calculations * @return the border radius of the of the starting corner */ public int getBorderRadiusStart(int side, boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { if (borderInfo[side] == null) { return 0; } else { return borderInfo[side].radiusStart.getLengthValue(context); } } /** * Returns the border corner radius of the ending edge * i.e. the edge either adjacent to the after or end border * @param side the border side * @param discard indicates whether the .conditionality component should be * considered (end of a reference-area) * @param context the context for percentage calculations * @return the border radius of the of the ending corner */ public int getBorderRadiusEnd(int side, boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { if (borderInfo[side] == null) { return 0; } else { return borderInfo[side].radiusEnd.getLengthValue(context); } } /** * The border-color for the given side * * @param side one of {@link #BEFORE}, {@link #AFTER}, {@link #START}, {@link #END} * @return the border-color for the given side */ public Color getBorderColor(int side) { if (borderInfo[side] != null) { return borderInfo[side].getColor(); } else { return null; } } /** * The border-style for the given side * * @param side one of {@link #BEFORE}, {@link #AFTER}, {@link #START}, {@link #END} * @return the border-style for the given side */ public int getBorderStyle(int side) { if (borderInfo[side] != null) { return borderInfo[side].mStyle; } else { return Constants.EN_NONE; } } /** * Return the padding for the given side, taking into account * the conditionality and evaluating any percentages in the given * context. * * @param side one of {@link #BEFORE}, {@link #AFTER}, {@link #START}, {@link #END} * @param discard true if the conditionality component should be considered * @param context the context for percentage-resolution * @return the computed padding for the given side */ public int getPadding(int side, boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { if ((padding[side] == null) || (discard && padding[side].isDiscard())) { return 0; } else { return padding[side].getLengthValue(context); } } /** * Returns the CondLengthProperty for the padding on one side. * @param side the side * @return the requested CondLengthProperty */ public CondLengthProperty getPaddingLengthProperty(int side) { return padding[side]; } /** * Return all the border and padding width in the inline progression * dimension. * @param discard the discard flag. * @param context for percentage evaluation. * @return all the padding and border width. */ public int getIPPaddingAndBorder(boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { return getPaddingStart(discard, context) + getPaddingEnd(discard, context) + getBorderStartWidth(discard) + getBorderEndWidth(discard); } /** * Return all the border and padding height in the block progression * dimension. * @param discard the discard flag. * @param context for percentage evaluation * @return all the padding and border height. */ public int getBPPaddingAndBorder(boolean discard, PercentBaseContext context) { return getPaddingBefore(discard, context) + getPaddingAfter(discard, context) + getBorderBeforeWidth(discard) + getBorderAfterWidth(discard); } @Override public String toString() { return "CommonBordersAndPadding (Before, After, Start, End):\n" + "Borders: (" + getBorderBeforeWidth(false) + ", " + getBorderAfterWidth(false) + ", " + getBorderStartWidth(false) + ", " + getBorderEndWidth(false) + ")\n" + "Border Colors: (" + getBorderColor(BEFORE) + ", " + getBorderColor(AFTER) + ", " + getBorderColor(START) + ", " + getBorderColor(END) + ")\n" + "Padding: (" + getPaddingBefore(false, null) + ", " + getPaddingAfter(false, null) + ", " + getPaddingStart(false, null) + ", " + getPaddingEnd(false, null) + ")\n"; } /** * @return true if there is any kind of background to be painted */ public boolean hasBackground() { return ((backgroundColor != null || getImageInfo() != null)); } /** @return true if border is non-zero. */ public boolean hasBorder() { return ((getBorderBeforeWidth(false) + getBorderAfterWidth(false) + getBorderStartWidth(false) + getBorderEndWidth(false)) > 0); } /** * @param context for percentage based evaluation. * @return true if padding is non-zero. */ public boolean hasPadding(PercentBaseContext context) { return ((getPaddingBefore(false, context) + getPaddingAfter(false, context) + getPaddingStart(false, context) + getPaddingEnd(false, context)) > 0); } /** @return true if there are any borders defined. */ public boolean hasBorderInfo() { return (borderInfo[BEFORE] != null || borderInfo[AFTER] != null || borderInfo[START] != null || borderInfo[END] != null); } /** * Returns the "background-color" property. * @return the "background-color" property. */ public Color getBackgroundColor() { return backgroundColor; } /** * Returns the "background-attachment" property. * @return the "background-attachment" property. */ public int getBackgroundAttachment() { return backgroundAttachment; } /** * Returns the "background-image" property. * @return the "background-image" property. */ public String getBackgroundImage() { return backgroundImage; } /** * Returns the "background-repeat" property. * @return the "background-repeat" property. */ public int getBackgroundRepeat() { return backgroundRepeat; } /** * Returns the "background-position-horizontal" property. * @return the "background-position-horizontal" property. */ public Length getBackgroundPositionHorizontal() { return backgroundPositionHorizontal; } /** * Returns the "background-position-vertical" property. * @return the "background-position-vertical" property. */ public Length getBackgroundPositionVertical() { return backgroundPositionVertical; } /** * Returns the background image info * @return the background image info */ public ImageInfo getBackgroundImageInfo() { return backgroundImageInfo; } /** * Returns the border info * @return the border info */ public BorderInfo[] getBorderInfo() { return borderInfo; } /** * Returns the padding * @return the padding */ public CondLengthProperty[] getPadding() { return padding; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj instanceof CommonBorderPaddingBackground) { CommonBorderPaddingBackground cbpb = (CommonBorderPaddingBackground)obj; return (this.backgroundAttachment == cbpb.backgroundAttachment && this.backgroundColor == cbpb.backgroundColor && this.backgroundImage.equals(cbpb.backgroundImage) && this.backgroundPositionHorizontal == cbpb.backgroundPositionHorizontal && this.backgroundPositionVertical == cbpb.backgroundPositionVertical && this.backgroundRepeat == cbpb.backgroundRepeat && Arrays.equals(borderInfo, cbpb.borderInfo) && Arrays.equals(padding, cbpb.padding)); } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { if (this.hash == -1) { int hash = getHashCode(backgroundColor, backgroundImage, backgroundPositionHorizontal, backgroundPositionVertical, backgroungImageTargetWidth, backgroungImageTargetHeight, borderInfo[BEFORE], borderInfo[AFTER], borderInfo[START], borderInfo[END], padding[BEFORE], padding[AFTER], padding[START], padding[END]); hash = 37 * hash + backgroundAttachment; hash = 37 * hash + backgroundRepeat; this.hash = hash; } return this.hash; } private int getHashCode(Object... objects) { int hash = 17; for (Object o : objects) { hash = 37 * hash + (o == null ? 0 : o.hashCode()); } return hash; } }