Du kannst nicht mehr als 25 Themen auswählen Themen müssen mit entweder einem Buchstaben oder einer Ziffer beginnen. Sie können Bindestriche („-“) enthalten und bis zu 35 Zeichen lang sein.

  1. <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
  2. <!--
  3. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  4. contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
  5. this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  6. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  7. (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  8. the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  9. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  10. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  11. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  12. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  13. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  14. limitations under the License.
  15. -->
  16. <!-- $Id$ -->
  17. <schema xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xmlns:fo = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xmlns:xs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault = "qualified">
  18. <annotation>
  19. <documentation>
  20. I'm not sure where to place this.
  21. It applies to the page context (NOT implemented)
  22. <attribute name = "size" type = "size_Type"/>
  23. I have not coded for the functions described in 5.10 Core Function Library
  24. They need to be segregated into groups and then inserted in the types
  25. common_functions
  26. object inherited-property-value(NCName)
  27. object from-parent( NCName)
  28. object from-nearest-specified-value( NCName)
  29. object merge-property-values( NCName)
  30. font_functions
  31. object system-font( NCName , NCName)
  32. length_functions
  33. numeric floor( numeric)
  34. numeric ceiling(numeric)
  35. numeric round(numeric)
  36. numeric min( numeric , numeric)
  37. numeric max(numeric , numeric)
  38. numeric abs( numeric)
  39. table_cell_or_descendants_functions
  40. object from-table-column( NCName)
  41. color_functions
  42. color rgb(numeric , numeric , numeric)
  43. color rgb-icc(numeric , numeric , numeric , NCName , numeric , numeric)
  44. color system-color( NCName)
  45. label_functions
  46. numeric body-start()
  47. numeric label-end()
  48. (defined)
  49. table-column_functions
  50. numeric proportional-column-width( numeric)
  51. This schema has been developed in order to validate XSL FO documents for FOP
  52. All of the elements need to be prefixed with fo:
  53. The namespace prefix is xmlns:fo = "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format".
  54. This schema, as delivered, may either validate the full spec, or, just the FOP portion.
  55. (What it validates depends upon what I was doing with it when released.)
  56. If you want to restrict it to just those elements and attributes implemented by FOP,
  57. you need to edit the <group xmlns=""/> and <attributeGroup xmlns=""/> tags to exclude the groups ending with _Not
  58. Some schema tools complain about the placement of comments in this schema and will remove or reorder them
  59. There are fop_result and fop_fail comments on specific features not implemented by FOP
  60. FOP does not enforce the following schema requirements
  61. fo:simple-page-master model = "(region-body,region-before?,region-after?,region-start?,region-end?)"
  62. elements can be in any order
  63. fo:table-cell model = "(%block;)+"
  64. Can be empty
  65. fo:flow model = "(%block;)+"
  66. Can be empty
  67. This schema allows the length attribute to be negative for some elements like margins.
  68. There may be instances where I've entered %integer_Type; and it should be positive-integer or number
  69. The schema trys to handle the text based rules re: fo:markers, fo:float, footer and fo:initial-property-set
  70. But, allows you to do illegal things if you want because I couldn't figure out how to constrain against the illegal actions.
  71. Please e-mail your comments to cpaussa@myrealbox.com
  72. Contribution by Oleg Tkachenko
  73. (Declarations able to include non-xsl children)
  74. <xs:any minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded" namespace = "##other" processContents = "skip"/>
  75. This declaration assumes that all <fo:color-profile/> elements must come before other stuff,
  76. which is not required by spec, but I cannot see any way to express such constraints in schema,
  77. one could use <xs:choice/> instead of <xs:sequence/>, but this way we lose control over (color-profile)+ constraint.
  78. VCP 21-Oct-2002
  79. Updated all (px|pt|mm|cm|in|em) to (px|pt|mm|cm|in|em|%) to allow percentage types.
  80. Updated the restriction base of those types from NMTOKEN to string
  81. </documentation>
  82. </annotation>
  83. <group name = "initial_property_set_List_Not">
  84. <choice>
  85. <element ref = "fo:initial-property-set"/>
  86. </choice>
  87. </group>
  88. <annotation>
  89. <documentation>
  90. empty group so cannot be defined
  91. <group name = "initial_property_set_List_FOP">
  92. <choice/>
  93. </group>
  94. </documentation>
  95. </annotation>
  96. <group name = "initial_property_set_List">
  97. <annotation>
  98. <documentation>
  99. <choice>
  100. <group ref = "fo:initial_property_set_List_FOP"/>
  101. </choice>
  102. </documentation>
  103. </annotation>
  104. <choice>
  105. <group ref = "fo:initial_property_set_List_Not"/>
  106. </choice>
  107. </group>
  108. <group name = "marker_List">
  109. <choice>
  110. <element ref = "fo:marker"/>
  111. </choice>
  112. </group>
  113. <group name = "inline_List_FOP">
  114. <choice>
  115. <element ref = "fo:character"/>
  116. <element ref = "fo:external-graphic"/>
  117. <element ref = "fo:instream-foreign-object"/>
  118. <element ref = "fo:inline"/>
  119. <element ref = "fo:leader"/>
  120. <element ref = "fo:page-number"/>
  121. <element ref = "fo:page-number-citation"/>
  122. <element ref = "fo:basic-link"/>
  123. </choice>
  124. </group>
  125. <group name = "inline_List_Not">
  126. <choice>
  127. <element ref = "fo:bidi-override"/>
  128. <element ref = "fo:inline-container"/>
  129. <element ref = "fo:multi-toggle"/>
  130. </choice>
  131. </group>
  132. <group name = "inline_List">
  133. <choice>
  134. <group ref = "fo:inline_List_FOP"/>
  135. <group ref = "fo:inline_List_Not"/>
  136. </choice>
  137. </group>
  138. <group name = "block_List_FOP">
  139. <choice>
  140. <element ref = "fo:block"/>
  141. <element ref = "fo:block-container"/>
  142. <element ref = "fo:table"/>
  143. <element ref = "fo:list-block"/>
  144. </choice>
  145. </group>
  146. <group name = "block_List_Not">
  147. <choice>
  148. <element ref = "fo:table-and-caption"/>
  149. </choice>
  150. </group>
  151. <group name = "block_List">
  152. <choice>
  153. <group ref = "fo:block_List_FOP"/>
  154. <group ref = "fo:block_List_Not"/>
  155. </choice>
  156. </group>
  157. <group name = "neutral_List_FOP">
  158. <choice>
  159. <element ref = "fo:wrapper"/>
  160. <element ref = "fo:retrieve-marker"/>
  161. </choice>
  162. </group>
  163. <group name = "neutral_List_Not">
  164. <choice>
  165. <element ref = "fo:multi-switch"/>
  166. <element ref = "fo:multi-properties"/>
  167. </choice>
  168. </group>
  169. <group name = "neutral_List">
  170. <choice>
  171. <group ref = "fo:neutral_List_FOP"/>
  172. <group ref = "fo:neutral_List_Not"/>
  173. </choice>
  174. </group>
  175. <annotation>
  176. <documentation>
  177. empty group so cannot be defined
  178. <group name = "float_List_FOP">
  179. <choice/>
  180. </group>
  181. </documentation>
  182. </annotation>
  183. <group name = "float_List_Not">
  184. <choice>
  185. <element ref = "fo:float"/>
  186. </choice>
  187. </group>
  188. <group name = "float_List">
  189. <annotation>
  190. <documentation>
  191. empty group
  192. <choice>
  193. <group ref = "fo:float_List_FOP"/>
  194. </choice>
  195. </documentation>
  196. </annotation>
  197. <choice>
  198. <group ref = "fo:float_List_Not"/>
  199. </choice>
  200. </group>
  201. <group name = "footnote_List">
  202. <choice>
  203. <element ref = "fo:footnote"/>
  204. </choice>
  205. </group>
  206. <attributeGroup name = "block_properties_Not">
  207. <attribute name = "page-break-after" type = "fo:page_break_after_Type"/>
  208. <attribute name = "page-break-before" type = "fo:page_break_after_Type"/>
  209. </attributeGroup>
  210. <attributeGroup name = "block_properties_FOP">
  211. </attributeGroup>
  212. <attributeGroup name = "block_properties">
  213. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:block_properties_FOP"/>
  214. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:block_properties_Not"/>
  215. </attributeGroup>
  216. <attributeGroup name = "list_properties_Not">
  217. <attribute name = "page-break-after" type = "fo:page_break_after_Type"/>
  218. <attribute name = "page-break-before" type = "fo:page_break_after_Type"/>
  219. <attribute name = "background-position" type = "fo:background_position_Type"/>
  220. </attributeGroup>
  221. <attributeGroup name = "list_properties_FOP">
  222. </attributeGroup>
  223. <attributeGroup name = "list_properties">
  224. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:list_properties_FOP"/>
  225. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:list_properties_Not"/>
  226. </attributeGroup>
  227. <attributeGroup name = "inheritable_properties_List_Not">
  228. <attribute name = "auto-restore" type = "fo:auto_restore_Type"/>
  229. <attribute name = "background" type = "fo:background_Type" />
  230. <attribute name = "border-spacing" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  231. <attribute name = "caption-side" type = "fo:caption_side_Type"/>
  232. <attribute name = "direction" type = "fo:direction_Type"/>
  233. <attribute name = "empty-cells" type = "fo:empty_cells_Type"/>
  234. <attribute name = "font" type = "xs:string"/>
  235. <attribute name = "font-selection-strategy" type = "fo:font_selection_strategy_Type"/>
  236. <attribute name = "font-size-adjust" type = "fo:font_size_adjust_Type"/>
  237. <attribute name = "font-stretch" type = "xs:string"/>
  238. <attribute name = "font-variant" type = "fo:font_variant_Type"/>
  239. <attribute name = "glyph-orientation-vertical" type = "fo:orientation_Type"/>
  240. <attribute name = "glyph-orientation-horizontal" type = "fo:orientation_Type"/>
  241. <attribute name = "hyphenation-keep" type = "fo:hyphenation_keep_Type"/>
  242. <attribute name = "hyphenation-ladder-count" type = "fo:hyphenation_ladder_count_Type"/>
  243. <attribute name = "intrusion-displace" type = "fo:displace_Type"/>
  244. <attribute name = "last-line-end-indent" type = "fo:last_line_end_indent_Type"/>
  245. <attribute name = "line-height-shift-adjustment" type = "fo:line_height_shift_adjustment_Type"/>
  246. <attribute name = "line-stacking-strategy" type = "fo:line_stacking_strategy_Type"/>
  247. <attribute name = "linefeed-treatment" type = "fo:linefeed_treatment_Type"/>
  248. <attribute name = "margin" type = "fo:border_margin_width_Type" />
  249. <attribute name = "max-width" type = "fo:max_width_Type"/>
  250. <attribute name = "min-height" type = "fo:start_indent_Type"/>
  251. <attribute name = "min-width" type = "fo:start_indent_Type"/>
  252. <attribute name = "page-break-inside" type = "fo:page_break_inside_Type"/>
  253. <attribute name = "reference-orientation" type = "fo:orientation_Type"/>
  254. <attribute name = "score-spaces" type = "fo:score_spaces_Type"/>
  255. <attribute name = "script" type = "xs:string"/>
  256. <attribute name = "text-transform" type = "fo:text_transform_Type"/>
  257. <attribute name = "visibility" type = "fo:visibility_Type"/>
  258. <attribute name = "white-space" type = "fo:white_space_Type"/>
  259. <attribute name = "white-space-treatment" type = "fo:white_space_treatment_Type"/>
  260. <attribute name = "word-spacing" type = "fo:letter_spacing_Type"/>
  261. <attribute name = "writing-mode" type = "fo:writing_mode_Type"/>
  262. </attributeGroup>
  263. <attributeGroup name = "inheritable_properties_List_FOP">
  264. <annotation>
  265. <documentation>
  266. Removed because I'm not sure how to handle this<attribute xmlns="" name = "xml:lang" type = "xs:string"/>
  267. </documentation>
  268. </annotation>
  269. <attribute name = "border-bottom" type = "fo:border_side_Type"/>
  270. <attribute name = "border-collapse" type = "fo:border_collapse_Type"/>
  271. <attribute name = "border-color" type = "fo:border_color_Type" />
  272. <attribute name = "border-left" type = "fo:border_side_Type" />
  273. <attribute name = "border-right" type = "fo:border_side_Type" />
  274. <attribute name = "border-separation" type = "fo:length_bp_ip_direction_Type"/>
  275. <attribute name = "border-style" type = "fo:border_multi_style_Type" />
  276. <attribute name = "border-top" type = "fo:border_side_Type" />
  277. <attribute name = "border-width" type = "fo:border_margin_width_Type" />
  278. <attribute name = "color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  279. <attribute name = "country" type = "fo:country_Type"/>
  280. <attribute name = "display-align" type = "fo:display_align_Type"/>
  281. <attribute name = "end-indent" type = "fo:end_indent_Type"/>
  282. <attribute name = "font-family" type = "fo:family_name_Type"/>
  283. <attribute name = "font-size" type = "fo:font_size_Type"/>
  284. <attribute name = "font-style" type = "fo:font_style_Type"/>
  285. <attribute name = "font-weight" type = "fo:font_weight_Type"/>
  286. <attribute name = "hyphenate" type = "fo:hyphenate_Type"/>
  287. <attribute name = "hyphenation-character" type = "fo:hyphenation_character_Type"/>
  288. <attribute name = "hyphenation-push-character-count" type = "fo:integer_Type"/>
  289. <attribute name = "hyphenation-remain-character-count" type = "fo:integer_Type"/>
  290. <attribute name = "keep-together" type = "fo:keep_compound_Type"/>
  291. <attribute name = "keep-together.within-column" type = "fo:keep_integer_Type"/>
  292. <attribute name = "keep-together.within-line" type = "fo:keep_integer_Type"/>
  293. <attribute name = "keep-together.within-page" type = "fo:keep_integer_Type"/>
  294. <attribute name = "language" type = "fo:language_Type"/>
  295. <attribute name = "leader-alignment" type = "fo:leader_alignment_Type"/>
  296. <attribute name = "leader-length" type = "fo:leader_length_Type"/>
  297. <attribute name = "leader-length.maximum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  298. <attribute name = "leader-length.minimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  299. <attribute name = "leader-length.optimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  300. <attribute name = "leader-pattern" type = "fo:leader_pattern_Type"/>
  301. <attribute name = "leader-pattern-width" type = "fo:leader_pattern_width_Type"/>
  302. <attribute name = "letter-spacing" type = "fo:letter_spacing_Type"/>
  303. <attribute name = "line-height" type = "fo:line_height_Type"/>
  304. <attribute name = "orphans" type = "fo:orphans_Type"/>
  305. <attribute name = "position" type = "fo:position_Type"/>
  306. <attribute name = "provisional-distance-between-starts" type = "fo:provisional_distance_between_starts_Type"/>
  307. <attribute name = "provisional-label-separation" type = "fo:provisional_label_separation_Type"/>
  308. <attribute name = "relative-align" type = "fo:relative_align_Type"/>
  309. <attribute name = "rule-style" type = "fo:rule_style_Type"/>
  310. <attribute name = "rule-thickness" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  311. <attribute name = "start-indent" type = "fo:start_indent_Type"/>
  312. <attribute name = "text-align" type = "fo:text_align_Type"/>
  313. <attribute name = "text-align-last" type = "fo:text_align_last_Type"/>
  314. <attribute name = "text-indent" type = "fo:length_percentage_Type"/>
  315. <attribute name = "white-space-collapse" type = "fo:white_space_collapse_Type"/>
  316. <attribute name = "widows" type = "fo:widows_Type"/>
  317. <attribute name = "wrap-option" type = "fo:wrap_option_Type"/>
  318. </attributeGroup>
  319. <attributeGroup name = "inheritable_properties_List">
  320. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:inheritable_properties_List_FOP"/>
  321. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:inheritable_properties_List_Not"/>
  322. </attributeGroup>
  323. <attributeGroup name = "break_Properties_List_Not">
  324. <annotation>
  325. <documentation>
  326. Inheritable
  327. <attribute name = "page-break-inside" type = "fo:breaks_Type"/>
  328. </documentation>
  329. </annotation>
  330. </attributeGroup>
  331. <attributeGroup name = "break_Properties_List_FOP">
  332. <attribute name = "break-after" type = "fo:breaks_Type"/>
  333. <attribute name = "break-before" type = "fo:breaks_Type"/>
  334. </attributeGroup>
  335. <attributeGroup name = "break_Properties_List">
  336. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:break_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  337. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:break_Properties_List_Not"/>
  338. </attributeGroup>
  339. <attributeGroup name = "text_one_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  340. <attributeGroup name = "text_one_Properties_List_Not">
  341. <attribute name = "text-depth" type = "fo:text_depth_Type"/>
  342. <attribute name = "text-altitude" type = "fo:text_altitude_Type"/>
  343. </attributeGroup>
  344. <attributeGroup name = "text_one_Properties_List">
  345. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:text_one_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  346. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:text_one_Properties_List_Not"/>
  347. </attributeGroup>
  348. <attributeGroup name = "line_height_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  349. <attributeGroup name = "line_height_Properties_List_Not">
  350. <annotation>
  351. <documentation>
  352. Inheritable
  353. <attribute name = "line-height-shift-adjustment" type = "fo:line_height_shift_adjustment_Type"/>
  354. <attribute name = "line-stacking-strategy" type = "fo:line_stacking_strategy_Type"/>
  355. </documentation>
  356. </annotation>
  357. </attributeGroup>
  358. <attributeGroup name = "line_height_Properties_List">
  359. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:line_height_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  360. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:line_height_Properties_List_Not"/>
  361. </attributeGroup>
  362. <attributeGroup name = "keep_Properties_List_FOP">
  363. <attribute name = "keep-with-next" type = "fo:keep_integer_Type"/>
  364. </attributeGroup>
  365. <attributeGroup name = "keep_Properties_List_Not">
  366. <annotation>
  367. <documentation>
  368. Inheritable
  369. <attribute name = "keep-together" type = "fo:keep_compound_Type"/>
  370. <attribute name = "keep-together.within-line" type = "fo:keep_integer_Type"/>
  371. <attribute name = "keep-together.within-column" type = "fo:keep_integer_Type"/>
  372. <attribute name = "keep-together.within-page" type = "fo:keep_integer_Type"/>
  373. </documentation>
  374. </annotation>
  375. <attribute name = "keep-with-previous" type = "fo:keep_integer_Type"/>
  376. </attributeGroup>
  377. <attributeGroup name = "keep_Properties_List">
  378. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:keep_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  379. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:keep_Properties_List_Not"/>
  380. </attributeGroup>
  381. <attributeGroup name = "block_hyphenation_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  382. <attributeGroup name = "block_hyphenation_Properties_List_Not">
  383. <annotation>
  384. <documentation>
  385. Inheritable
  386. <attribute name = "hyphenation-keep" type = "fo:hyphenation_keep_Type"/>
  387. <attribute name = "hyphenation-ladder-count" type = "fo:hyphenation_ladder_count_Type"/>
  388. </documentation>
  389. </annotation>
  390. </attributeGroup>
  391. <attributeGroup name = "block_hyphenation_Properties_List">
  392. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:block_hyphenation_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  393. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:block_hyphenation_Properties_List_Not"/>
  394. </attributeGroup>
  395. <attributeGroup name = "intrusion_displace_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  396. <attributeGroup name = "intrusion_displace_Properties_List_Not">
  397. <annotation>
  398. <documentation>
  399. Inheritable attributes
  400. <attribute name = "intrusion-displace" type = "fo:displace_Type"/>
  401. </documentation>
  402. </annotation>
  403. </attributeGroup>
  404. <attributeGroup name = "intrusion_displace_Properties_List">
  405. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:intrusion_displace_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  406. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:intrusion_displace_Properties_List_Not"/>
  407. </attributeGroup>
  408. <attributeGroup name = "progression_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  409. <attributeGroup name = "progression_Properties_List_Not">
  410. <attribute name = "block-progression-dimension" type = "fo:margin_width_Type"/>
  411. <attribute name = "block-progression-dimension.minimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  412. <attribute name = "block-progression-dimension.optimum" type = "fo:block_progression_dimension_optimum_Type"/>
  413. <attribute name = "block-progression-dimension.maximum" type = "fo:block_progression_dimension_maximum_Type"/>
  414. <attribute name = "inline-progression-dimension" type = "fo:margin_width_Type"/>
  415. <attribute name = "inline-progression-dimension.minimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  416. <attribute name = "inline-progression-dimension.optimum" type = "fo:block_progression_dimension_optimum_Type"/>
  417. <attribute name = "inline-progression-dimension.maximum" type = "fo:block_progression_dimension_maximum_Type"/>
  418. </attributeGroup>
  419. <attributeGroup name = "progression_Properties_List">
  420. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:progression_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  421. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:progression_Properties_List_Not"/>
  422. </attributeGroup>
  423. <attributeGroup name = "clip_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  424. <attributeGroup name = "clip_Properties_List_Not">
  425. <attribute name = "clip" type = "fo:clip_Type"/>
  426. </attributeGroup>
  427. <attributeGroup name = "clip_Properties_List">
  428. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:clip_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  429. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:clip_Properties_List_Not"/>
  430. </attributeGroup>
  431. <attributeGroup name = "reference_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  432. <attributeGroup name = "reference_Properties_List_Not">
  433. <annotation>
  434. <documentation>
  435. Inherited
  436. <attribute name = "reference-orientation" type = "fo:orientation_Type"/>
  437. <attribute name = "writing-mode" type = "fo:writing_mode_Type"/>
  438. </documentation>
  439. </annotation>
  440. </attributeGroup>
  441. <attributeGroup name = "reference_Properties_List">
  442. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:reference_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  443. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:reference_Properties_List_Not"/>
  444. </attributeGroup>
  445. <attributeGroup name = "Accessibility_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  446. <attributeGroup name = "Accessibility_Properties_List_Not">
  447. <attribute name = "source-document" type = "xs:string"/>
  448. <attribute name = "role" type = "xs:string"/>
  449. </attributeGroup>
  450. <attributeGroup name = "Accessibility_Properties_List">
  451. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Accessibility_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  452. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Accessibility_Properties_List_Not"/>
  453. </attributeGroup>
  454. <attributeGroup name = "Relative_Position_Properties_List_FOP">
  455. <annotation>
  456. <documentation>
  457. Inherited
  458. <attribute name = "position" type = "fo:position_Type"/>
  459. </documentation>
  460. </annotation>
  461. <attribute name = "top" type = "fo:top_Type"/>
  462. <attribute name = "right" type = "fo:right_Type"/>
  463. <attribute name = "bottom" type = "fo:bottom_Type"/>
  464. <attribute name = "left" type = "fo:left_Type"/>
  465. </attributeGroup>
  466. <attributeGroup name = "Relative_Position_Properties_List_Not">
  467. <attribute name = "relative-position" type = "fo:relative_position_Type"/>
  468. </attributeGroup>
  469. <attributeGroup name = "Relative_Position_Properties_List">
  470. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Relative_Position_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  471. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Relative_Position_Properties_List_Not"/>
  472. </attributeGroup>
  473. <attributeGroup name = "absolute_or_Relative_Position_Properties_List_FOP">
  474. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Relative_Position_Properties_List"/>
  475. </attributeGroup>
  476. <attributeGroup name = "absolute_or_Relative_Position_Properties_List_Not">
  477. <attribute name = "absolute-position" type = "fo:absolute_position_Type"/>
  478. </attributeGroup>
  479. <attributeGroup name = "absolute_or_Relative_Position_Properties_List">
  480. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:absolute_or_Relative_Position_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  481. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:absolute_or_Relative_Position_Properties_List_Not"/>
  482. </attributeGroup>
  483. <attributeGroup name = "Aural_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  484. <attributeGroup name = "Aural_Properties_List_Not">
  485. <attribute name = "azimuth" type = "fo:azimuth_Type"/>
  486. <attribute name = "cue" type = "xs:string"/>
  487. <attribute name = "cue-after" type = "xs:string"/>
  488. <attribute name = "cue-before" type = "xs:string"/>
  489. <attribute name = "elevation" type = "fo:elevation_Type"/>
  490. <attribute name = "pause" type = "xs:string"/>
  491. <attribute name = "pause-after" type = "xs:string"/>
  492. <attribute name = "pause-before" type = "xs:string"/>
  493. <attribute name = "pitch" type = "xs:string"/>
  494. <attribute name = "pitch-range" type = "xs:string"/>
  495. <attribute name = "play-during" type = "xs:string"/>
  496. <attribute name = "richness" type = "xs:string"/>
  497. <attribute name = "speak" type = "xs:string"/>
  498. <attribute name = "speak-header" type = "xs:string"/>
  499. <attribute name = "speak-numeral" type = "fo:speak_numeral_Type"/>
  500. <attribute name = "speak-punctuation" type = "xs:string"/>
  501. <attribute name = "speech-rate" type = "fo:speech_rate_Type"/>
  502. <attribute name = "stress" type = "xs:string"/>
  503. <attribute name = "voice-family" type = "xs:string"/>
  504. <attribute name = "volume" type = "xs:string"/>
  505. </attributeGroup>
  506. <attributeGroup name = "Aural_Properties_List">
  507. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Aural_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  508. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Aural_Properties_List_Not"/>
  509. </attributeGroup>
  510. <attributeGroup name = "Border_Padding_and_Background_Properties_List">
  511. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Border_Properties_List"/>
  512. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Padding_Properties_List"/>
  513. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Background_Properties_List"/>
  514. </attributeGroup>
  515. <attributeGroup name = "Absolute_Position_Properties_List_FOP">
  516. <annotation>
  517. <documentation>
  518. Inherited
  519. <attribute name = "position" type = "fo:position_Type"/>
  520. </documentation>
  521. </annotation>
  522. <attribute name = "top" type = "fo:top_Type"/>
  523. <attribute name = "right" type = "fo:right_Type"/>
  524. <attribute name = "bottom" type = "fo:bottom_Type"/>
  525. <attribute name = "left" type = "fo:left_Type"/>
  526. </attributeGroup>
  527. <attributeGroup name = "Absolute_Position_Properties_List_Not">
  528. <attribute name = "absolute-position" type = "fo:absolute_position_Type"/>
  529. </attributeGroup>
  530. <attributeGroup name = "Absolute_Position_Properties_List">
  531. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Absolute_Position_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  532. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Absolute_Position_Properties_List_Not"/>
  533. </attributeGroup>
  534. <attributeGroup name = "Background_Properties_List_FOP">
  535. <attribute name = "background-color" type = "fo:background_color_Type"/>
  536. </attributeGroup>
  537. <attributeGroup name = "Background_Properties_List_Not">
  538. <attribute name = "background-attachment" type = "fo:background_attachment_Type"/>
  539. <attribute name = "background-image" type = "xs:string"/>
  540. <attribute name = "background-repeat" type = "fo:background_repeat_Type"/>
  541. <attribute name = "background-position-horizontal" type = "fo:background_position_horizontal_Type"/>
  542. <attribute name = "background-position-vertical" type = "fo:background_position_vertical_Type"/>
  543. </attributeGroup>
  544. <attributeGroup name = "Background_Properties_List">
  545. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Background_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  546. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Background_Properties_List_Not"/>
  547. </attributeGroup>
  548. <attributeGroup name = "Border_Properties_List">
  549. <attribute name = "border" type = "fo:border_Type"/>
  550. <attribute name = "border-before-color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  551. <attribute name = "border-before-style" type = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  552. <attribute name = "border-before-width" type = "fo:border_before_width_Type"/>
  553. <attribute name = "border-before-width.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  554. <attribute name = "border-before-width.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  555. <attribute name = "border-after-color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  556. <attribute name = "border-after-style" type = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  557. <attribute name = "border-after-width" type = "fo:border_before_width_Type"/>
  558. <attribute name = "border-after-width.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  559. <attribute name = "border-after-width.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  560. <attribute name = "border-start-color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  561. <attribute name = "border-start-style" type = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  562. <attribute name = "border-start-width" type = "fo:border_before_width_Type"/>
  563. <attribute name = "border-start-width.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  564. <attribute name = "border-start-width.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  565. <attribute name = "border-end-color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  566. <attribute name = "border-end-style" type = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  567. <attribute name = "border-end-width" type = "fo:border_before_width_Type"/>
  568. <attribute name = "border-end-width.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  569. <attribute name = "border-end-width.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  570. <attribute name = "border-top-color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  571. <attribute name = "border-top-style" type = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  572. <attribute name = "border-top-width" type = "fo:border_top_width_Type"/>
  573. <attribute name = "border-top-width.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  574. <attribute name = "border-top-width.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  575. <attribute name = "border-bottom-color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  576. <attribute name = "border-bottom-style" type = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  577. <attribute name = "border-bottom-width" type = "fo:border_top_width_Type"/>
  578. <attribute name = "border-bottom-width.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  579. <attribute name = "border-bottom-width.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  580. <attribute name = "border-left-color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  581. <attribute name = "border-left-style" type = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  582. <attribute name = "border-left-width" type = "fo:border_top_width_Type"/>
  583. <attribute name = "border-left-width.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  584. <attribute name = "border-left-width.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  585. <attribute name = "border-right-color" type = "fo:color_Type"/>
  586. <attribute name = "border-right-style" type = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  587. <attribute name = "border-right-width" type = "fo:border_top_width_Type"/>
  588. <attribute name = "border-right-width.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  589. <attribute name = "border-right-width.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  590. </attributeGroup>
  591. <attributeGroup name = "Padding_Properties_List">
  592. <attribute name = "padding" type = "fo:padding_before_Type"/>
  593. <attribute name = "padding-before" type = "fo:padding_before_Type"/>
  594. <attribute name = "padding-before.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  595. <attribute name = "padding-before.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  596. <attribute name = "padding-after" type = "fo:padding_before_Type"/>
  597. <attribute name = "padding-after.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  598. <attribute name = "padding-after.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  599. <attribute name = "padding-start" type = "fo:padding_before_Type"/>
  600. <attribute name = "padding-start.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  601. <attribute name = "padding-start.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  602. <attribute name = "padding-end" type = "fo:padding_before_Type"/>
  603. <attribute name = "padding-end.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  604. <attribute name = "padding-end.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  605. <attribute name = "padding-top" type = "fo:padding_top_Type"/>
  606. <attribute name = "padding-top.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  607. <attribute name = "padding-top.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  608. <attribute name = "padding-bottom" type = "fo:padding_top_Type"/>
  609. <attribute name = "padding-bottom.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  610. <attribute name = "padding-bottom.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  611. <attribute name = "padding-left" type = "fo:padding_top_Type"/>
  612. <attribute name = "padding-left.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  613. <attribute name = "padding-left.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  614. <attribute name = "padding-right" type = "fo:padding_top_Type"/>
  615. <attribute name = "padding-right.length" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  616. <attribute name = "padding-right.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  617. </attributeGroup>
  618. <attributeGroup name = "Font_Properties_List_FOP">
  619. <annotation>
  620. <documentation>
  621. Font properties are all inheritable
  622. <attribute name = "font-family" type = "fo:family_name_Type"/>
  623. <attribute name = "font-size" type = "fo:font_size_Type"/>
  624. <attribute name = "font-style" type = "fo:font_style_Type"/>
  625. <attribute name = "font-weight" type = "fo:font_weight_Type"/>
  626. </documentation>
  627. </annotation>
  628. </attributeGroup>
  629. <attributeGroup name = "Font_Properties_List_Not">
  630. <annotation>
  631. <documentation>
  632. Font properties are all inheritable
  633. <attribute name = "font" type = "xs:string"/>
  634. <attribute name = "font-selection-strategy" type = "fo:font_selection_strategy_Type"/>
  635. <attribute name = "font-size-adjust" type = "xs:string"/>
  636. <attribute name = "font-stretch" type = "xs:string"/>
  637. <attribute name = "font-variant" type = "fo:font_variant_Type"/>
  638. </documentation>
  639. </annotation>
  640. </attributeGroup>
  641. <attributeGroup name = "Font_Properties_List">
  642. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Font_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  643. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Font_Properties_List_Not"/>
  644. </attributeGroup>
  645. <attributeGroup name = "Hyphenation_Properties_List_FOP">
  646. <annotation>
  647. <documentation>
  648. The hyphenation properties are all inheritable and so superceeded by that list
  649. <attribute name = "country" type = "fo:country_Type"/>
  650. <attribute name = "language" type = "fo:language_Type"/>
  651. <attribute name = "hyphenate" type = "fo:hyphenate_Type"/>
  652. <attribute name = "hyphenation-character" type = "fo:hyphenation_character_Type"/>
  653. <attribute name = "hyphenation-push-character-count" type = "fo:integer_Type"/>
  654. <attribute name = "hyphenation-remain-character-count" type = "fo:integer_Type"/>
  655. </documentation>
  656. </annotation>
  657. </attributeGroup>
  658. <attributeGroup name = "Hyphenation_Properties_List_Not">
  659. <annotation>
  660. <documentation>
  661. The hyphenation properties are all inheritable and so superceeded by that list
  662. <attribute name = "script" type = "xs:string"/>
  663. </documentation>
  664. </annotation>
  665. </attributeGroup>
  666. <attributeGroup name = "Hyphenation_Properties_List">
  667. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Hyphenation_Properties_List_FOP"/>
  668. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Hyphenation_Properties_List_Not"/>
  669. </attributeGroup>
  670. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_Basic_List">
  671. <attribute name = "margin-top" type = "fo:margin_width_Type"/>
  672. <attribute name = "margin-bottom" type = "fo:margin_width_Type"/>
  673. <attribute name = "margin-left" type = "fo:margin_width_Type"/>
  674. <attribute name = "margin-right" type = "fo:margin_width_Type"/>
  675. </attributeGroup>
  676. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_vertical_Space_List_FOP">
  677. <annotation>
  678. <documentation>
  679. Indent properties are inheritable
  680. <attribute name = "start-indent" type = "fo:start_indent_Type"/>
  681. <attribute name = "end-indent" type = "fo:end_indent_Type"/>
  682. </documentation>
  683. </annotation>
  684. <attribute name = "space-before.optimum" type = "fo:space_before_optimum_Type"/>
  685. <attribute name = "space-after.optimum" type = "fo:space_after_optimum_Type"/>
  686. </attributeGroup>
  687. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_vertical_Space_List_Not">
  688. <attribute name = "space-before" type = "fo:space_Type"/>
  689. <attribute name = "space-before.minimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  690. <attribute name = "space-before.maximum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  691. <attribute name = "space-before.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  692. <attribute name = "space-before.precedence" type = "fo:integer_Force_Type"/>
  693. <attribute name = "space-after" type = "fo:space_Type"/>
  694. <attribute name = "space-after.minimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  695. <attribute name = "space-after.maximum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  696. <attribute name = "space-after.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  697. <attribute name = "space-after.precedence" type = "fo:integer_Force_Type"/>
  698. </attributeGroup>
  699. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_vertical_Space_List">
  700. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Margin_Properties_vertical_Space_List_FOP"/>
  701. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Margin_Properties_vertical_Space_List_Not"/>
  702. </attributeGroup>
  703. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_Block_List">
  704. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Margin_Properties_Basic_List"/>
  705. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Margin_Properties_vertical_Space_List"/>
  706. </attributeGroup>
  707. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_Inline_List">
  708. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Margin_Properties_Basic_List"/>
  709. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Margin_Properties_Horizontal_Space_List"/>
  710. </attributeGroup>
  711. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_Horizontal_Space_List_FOP"/>
  712. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_Horizontal_Space_List_Not">
  713. <attribute name = "space-start" type = "fo:space_start_Type"/>
  714. <attribute name = "space-start.minimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  715. <attribute name = "space-start.optimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  716. <attribute name = "space-start.maximum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  717. <attribute name = "space-start.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  718. <attribute name = "space-start.precedence" type = "fo:integer_Force_Type"/>
  719. <attribute name = "space-end" type = "fo:space_start_Type"/>
  720. <attribute name = "space-end.minimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  721. <attribute name = "space-end.optimum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  722. <attribute name = "space-end.maximum" type = "fo:length_Type"/>
  723. <attribute name = "space-end.conditionality" type = "fo:conditionality_Type"/>
  724. <attribute name = "space-end.precedence" type = "fo:integer_Force_Type"/>
  725. </attributeGroup>
  726. <attributeGroup name = "Margin_Properties_Horizontal_Space_List">
  727. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Margin_Properties_Horizontal_Space_List_FOP"/>
  728. <attributeGroup ref = "fo:Margin_Properties_Horizontal_Space_List_Not"/>
  729. </attributeGroup>
  730. <annotation>
  731. <documentation>
  732. Simple Types definitions
  733. </documentation>
  734. </annotation>
  735. <simpleType name = "integer_Type">
  736. <annotation>
  737. <documentation>
  738. A signed integer value which consists of an optional '+' or '-' character followed by a sequence of digits. A property may define additional constraints on the value.
  739. <enumeration value = "-3"/>
  740. <enumeration value = "0"/>
  741. <enumeration value = "1"/>
  742. <enumeration value = "+3"/>
  743. <enumeration value = "5"/>
  744. </documentation>
  745. </annotation>
  746. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  747. <pattern value = "[\+\-]?\d+"/>
  748. </restriction>
  749. </simpleType>
  750. <simpleType name = "number_Type">
  751. <annotation>
  752. <documentation>
  753. A signed real number which consists of an optional '+' or '-' character followed by a sequence of digits followed by an optional '.' character and sequence of digits. A property may define additional constraints on the value.
  754. <enumeration value = "-2.4"/>
  755. <enumeration value = "2"/>
  756. <enumeration value = "4"/>
  757. </documentation>
  758. </annotation>
  759. <restriction base = "string">
  760. <pattern value = "[\+\-]?\d+\.\d*"/>
  761. </restriction>
  762. </simpleType>
  763. <simpleType name = "length_Type">
  764. <annotation>
  765. <documentation>
  766. A signed length value where a 'length' is a real number plus a unit qualification. A property may define additional constraints on the value.
  767. <enumeration value = "1px"/>
  768. <enumeration value = "1pt"/>
  769. <enumeration value = "1mm"/>
  770. <enumeration value = "1cm"/>
  771. <enumeration value = "1in"/>
  772. <enumeration value = "1em"/>
  773. </documentation>
  774. </annotation>
  775. <restriction base = "string">
  776. <pattern value = "[\+\-]?\d+\.?\d*(px|pt|mm|cm|in|em|%)"/>
  777. </restriction>
  778. </simpleType>
  779. <simpleType name = "length_range_Type">
  780. <annotation>
  781. <documentation>
  782. A compound datatype, with components: minimum, optimum, maximum. Each component is a <length xmlns=""/>. If "minimum" is greater than optimum, it will be treated as if it had been set to "optimum". If "maximum" is less than optimum, it will be treated as if it had been set to "optimum". A property may define additional constraints on the values.
  783. <enumeration value = "1mm 2mm 3mm"/>
  784. <enumeration value = "2mm 2mm 1mm"/>
  785. <enumeration value = "3mm 2mm 1mm"/>
  786. </documentation>
  787. </annotation>
  788. <xs:restriction>
  789. <xs:simpleType>
  790. <xs:list>
  791. <xs:simpleType>
  792. <xs:restriction base = "fo:length_Type"/>
  793. </xs:simpleType>
  794. </xs:list>
  795. </xs:simpleType>
  796. <xs:minLength value = "3" />
  797. <xs:maxLength value = "3" />
  798. </xs:restriction>
  799. </simpleType>
  800. <simpleType name = "length_conditional_Type">
  801. <annotation>
  802. <documentation>
  803. A compound datatype, with components: length, conditionality. The length component is a <length xmlns=""/>. The conditionality component is either "discard" or "retain". A property may define additional constraints on the values.
  804. <enumeration value = "1mm retain"/>
  805. <enumeration value = "1mm discard"/>
  806. <enumeration value = "1px retain"/>
  807. <enumeration value = "1px discard"/>
  808. <enumeration value = "1pt retain"/>
  809. <enumeration value = "1pt discard"/>
  810. <enumeration value = "1mm retain"/>
  811. <enumeration value = "1mm discard"/>
  812. <enumeration value = "1cm retain"/>
  813. <enumeration value = "1cm discard"/>
  814. <enumeration value = "1in retain"/>
  815. <enumeration value = "1in discard"/>
  816. <enumeration value = "1em retain"/>
  817. <enumeration value = "1em discard"/>
  818. </documentation>
  819. </annotation>
  820. <restriction base = "string">
  821. <pattern value = "\+?\d+\.?\d*(px|pt|mm|cm|in|em|%) (retain|discard)"/>
  822. </restriction>
  823. </simpleType>
  824. <xs:simpleType name = "length_bp_ip_direction_Type">
  825. <annotation>
  826. <documentation>
  827. A compound datatype, with components: block-progression-direction, and inline-progression-direction. Each component is a <length xmlns=""/>. A property may define additional constraints on the values.
  828. <enumeration value = "1mm 2mm"/>
  829. <enumeration value = "2mm"/>
  830. <enumeration value = "3mm 2mm"/>
  831. </documentation>
  832. </annotation>
  833. <xs:restriction>
  834. <xs:simpleType>
  835. <xs:list>
  836. <xs:simpleType>
  837. <xs:restriction base = "fo:length_Type"/>
  838. </xs:simpleType>
  839. </xs:list>
  840. </xs:simpleType>
  841. <xs:minLength value = "1" />
  842. <xs:maxLength value = "2" />
  843. </xs:restriction>
  844. </xs:simpleType>
  845. <simpleType name = "space_Type">
  846. <annotation>
  847. <documentation>
  848. A compound datatype, with components: minimum, optimum, maximum, precedence, and conditionality. The minimum, optimum, and maximum components are <length xmlns=""/>s. The precedence component is either "force" or an <integer/>. The conditionality component is either "discard" or "retain". If "minimum" is greater than optimum, it will be treated as if it had been set to "optimum". If "maximum" is less than optimum, it will be treated as if it had been set to "optimum".
  849. <enumeration value = "1mm 2mm 3mm force retain"/>
  850. <enumeration value = "1mm 2mm 3mm force discard"/>
  851. <enumeration value = "1mm 2mm 3mm 3 retain"/>
  852. </documentation>
  853. </annotation>
  854. <restriction base = "string">
  855. <pattern value = "([ ]?\+?\d+\.?\d*(px|pt|mm|cm|in|em|%)){1,3}( \+?\d+| force)?( retain| discard)?"/>
  856. </restriction>
  857. </simpleType>
  858. <simpleType name = "angle_Type">
  859. <annotation>
  860. <documentation>
  861. A representation of an angle consisting of an optional '+' or '-' character immediately followed by a <number/> immediately followed by an angle unit identifier. Angle unit identifiers are: 'deg' (for degrees), 'grad' (for grads), and 'rad' (for radians). The specified values are normalized to the range 0deg to 360deg. A property may define additional constraints on the value.
  862. <enumeration value = "3deg"/>
  863. <enumeration value = "45deg"/>
  864. <enumeration value = "-12deg"/>
  865. </documentation>
  866. </annotation>
  867. <restriction base = "string">
  868. <pattern value = "[\+\-]?[1-3]?\d?\d?\.?\d*(deg|grad|rad)"/>
  869. </restriction>
  870. </simpleType>
  871. <simpleType name = "percentage_Type">
  872. <annotation>
  873. <documentation>
  874. A signed real percentage which consists of an optional '+' or '-' character followed by a sequence of digits followed by an optional '.' character and sequence of digits followed by '%'. A property may define additional constraints on the value.
  875. <enumeration value = "10%"/>
  876. <enumeration value = "30%"/>
  877. <enumeration value = "100%"/>
  878. </documentation>
  879. </annotation>
  880. <restriction base = "string">
  881. <pattern value = "[\+\-]?\d+\.?\d*%"/>
  882. </restriction>
  883. </simpleType>
  884. <simpleType name = "character_Type">
  885. <annotation>
  886. <documentation>
  887. <enumeration value = "-"/>
  888. <enumeration value = "h"/>
  889. <enumeration value = "e"/>
  890. <enumeration value = "l"/>
  891. <enumeration value = "p"/>
  892. <enumeration value = "o"/>
  893. </documentation>
  894. </annotation>
  895. <restriction base = "string">
  896. <pattern value = "."/>
  897. </restriction>
  898. </simpleType>
  899. <simpleType name = "name_Type">
  900. <annotation>
  901. <documentation>
  902. A string of characters representing a name. It must conform to the definition of an NCName in
  903. </documentation>
  904. </annotation>
  905. <restriction base = "string">
  906. <pattern value = ".*"/>
  907. </restriction>
  908. </simpleType>
  909. <simpleType name = "family_name_Type">
  910. <annotation>
  911. <documentation>
  912. A string of characters identifying a font.
  913. <enumeration value = "serif"/>
  914. <enumeration value = "sans-serif"/>
  915. <enumeration value = "Arial"/>
  916. <enumeration value = "Times"/>
  917. <enumeration value = "Courier"/>
  918. <enumeration value = "Zapf Dingbats"/>
  919. <enumeration value = "code39"/>
  920. <enumeration value = "cyberbit"/>
  921. <enumeration value = "Edwardian Script ITC"/>
  922. <enumeration value = "Viner Hand ITC"/>
  923. <enumeration value = "Georgia"/>
  924. <enumeration value = "Bookman Old Style"/>
  925. <enumeration value = "Book Antiqua"/>
  926. </documentation>
  927. </annotation>
  928. <restriction base = "string">
  929. <pattern value = ".*"/>
  930. </restriction>
  931. </simpleType>
  932. <simpleType name = "color_Type">
  933. <annotation>
  934. <documentation>
  935. Either a string of characters representing a keyword or a color function defined in . The list of keyword color names is: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.
  936. <enumeration value = "red"/>
  937. <enumeration value = "blue"/>
  938. <enumeration value = "yellow"/>
  939. <enumeration value = "green"/>
  940. </documentation>
  941. </annotation>
  942. <union memberTypes = "fo:color_Hex_Type fo:color_Name_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  943. </simpleType>
  944. <simpleType name = "proportional_column_width_Type">
  945. <annotation>
  946. <documentation>
  947. The function proportional-column-width(N[0])
  948. This returns a width as a fraction of the available width as ( N[0] / sum1 ) * available space
  949. The parent table must have width="x" and table-layout="fixed"
  950. <enumeration value = "proportional-column-width(Number)"/>
  951. </documentation>
  952. </annotation>
  953. <restriction base = "string">
  954. <pattern value = "proportional-column-width\(\d+\)"/>
  955. </restriction>
  956. </simpleType>
  957. <simpleType name = "column_width_Type">
  958. <annotation>
  959. <documentation>
  960. <length xmlns=""/>, <percentage/>, <function>proportional-column-width</function>, or <function>common-functions</function>
  961. <enumeration value = "20mm"/>
  962. <enumeration value = "15%"/>
  963. </documentation>
  964. </annotation>
  965. <union memberTypes = "fo:length_percentage_Type fo:proportional_column_width_Type"/>
  966. </simpleType>
  967. <annotation>
  968. <documentation>
  969. <script/> A string of characters conforming to an ISO 15924 script code.
  970. </documentation>
  971. </annotation>
  972. <annotation>
  973. <documentation>
  974. <id/> A string of characters conforming to the definition of an NCName in and is unique within the stylesheet.
  975. </documentation>
  976. </annotation>
  977. <annotation>
  978. <documentation>
  979. <idRef/> A string of characters conforming to the definition of an NCName in and that matches an ID property value used within the stylesheet.
  980. </documentation>
  981. </annotation>
  982. <annotation>
  983. <documentation>
  984. <uri-specification/> A sequence of characters that is "url(", followed by optional white space, followed by an optional single quote (') or double quote (") character, followed by a URI reference as defined in , followed by an optional single quote (') or double quote (") character, followed by optional white space, followed by ")". The two quote characters must be the same and must both be present or absent. If the URI reference contains a single quote, the two quote characters must be present and be double quotes.
  985. </documentation>
  986. </annotation>
  987. <annotation>
  988. <documentation>
  989. <time/> A <number/> immediately followed by a time unit identifier. Time unit identifiers are: 'ms' (for milliseconds) and 's' (for seconds).
  990. </documentation>
  991. </annotation>
  992. <annotation>
  993. <documentation>
  994. <frequency/> A <number/> immediately followed by a frequency unit identifier. Frequency unit identifiers are: 'Hz' (for Hertz) and 'kHz' (for kilo Hertz).
  995. </documentation>
  996. </annotation>
  997. <annotation>
  998. <documentation>
  999. <generic-family/> The following generic families are defined: "serif", "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy", and "monospace". Please see the section on generic font families for descriptions of these families. Generic font family names are keywords, and therefore must not be quoted.
  1000. </documentation>
  1001. </annotation>
  1002. <simpleType name = "absolute_size_Type">
  1003. <annotation>
  1004. <documentation>
  1005. An <absolute-size/> keyword refers to an entry in a table of font sizes computed and kept by the user agent. Possible values are: [ xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large ] On a computer screen a scaling factor of 1.2 is suggested between adjacent indexes; if the "medium" font is 12pt, the "large" font could be 14.4pt. Different media may need different scaling factors. Also, the user agent should take the quality and availability of fonts into account when computing the table. The table may be different from one font family to another. Note. In CSS1, the suggested scaling factor between adjacent indexes was 1.5 which user experience proved to be too large.
  1006. </documentation>
  1007. </annotation>
  1008. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1009. <enumeration value = "xx-small"/>
  1010. <enumeration value = "x-small"/>
  1011. <enumeration value = "small"/>
  1012. <enumeration value = "medium"/>
  1013. <enumeration value = "large"/>
  1014. <enumeration value = "x-large"/>
  1015. <enumeration value = "xx-large"/>
  1016. </restriction>
  1017. </simpleType>
  1018. <simpleType name = "relative_size_Type">
  1019. <annotation>
  1020. <documentation>
  1021. A <relative-size/> keyword is interpreted relative to the table of font sizes and the font size of the parent element. Possible values are: [ larger | smaller ] For example, if the parent element has a font size of "medium", a value of "larger" will make the font size of the current element be "large". If the parent element's size is not close to a table entry, the user agent is free to interpolate between table entries or round off to the closest one. The user agent may have to extrapolate table values if the numerical value goes beyond the keywords.
  1022. </documentation>
  1023. </annotation>
  1024. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1025. <enumeration value = "larger"/>
  1026. <enumeration value = "smaller"/>
  1027. </restriction>
  1028. </simpleType>
  1029. <simpleType name = "clip_Type">
  1030. <annotation>
  1031. <documentation>
  1032. shape_Type In CSS2, the only valid <shape/> value is: rect (<top/>, <right/>, <bottom/>, <left/>) where <top/>, <bottom/> <right/>, and <left/> specify offsets from the respective sides of the box. <top/>, <right/>, <bottom/>, and <left/> may either have a <length xmlns=""/> value or "auto". Negative lengths are permitted. The value "auto" means that a given edge of the clipping region will be the same as the edge of the element's generated box (i.e., "auto" means the same as "0".) When coordinates are rounded to pixel coordinates, care should be taken that no pixels remain visible when <left/> + <right/> is equal to the element's width (or <top/> + <bottom/> equals the element's height), and conversely that no pixels remain hidden when these values are 0.
  1033. </documentation>
  1034. </annotation>
  1035. <restriction base = "string">
  1036. <annotation>
  1037. <documentation>
  1038. length_Type{1,2}
  1039. </documentation>
  1040. </annotation>
  1041. <pattern value = "(rect\((\+?\d+\.?\d*(px|pt|mm|cm|in|em|%)|auto),(\+?\d+\.?\d*(px|pt|mm|cm|in|em|%)|auto),(\+?\d+\.?\d*(px|pt|mm|cm|in|em|%)|auto),(\+?\d+\.?\d*(px|pt|mm|cm|in|em|%)|auto)\)|auto|inherit)"/>
  1042. </restriction>
  1043. </simpleType>
  1044. <simpleType name = "border_side_Type">
  1045. <annotation>
  1046. <documentation>
  1047. "fo:width_Type fo:border_style_Type fo:color_Type"
  1048. <enumeration value="thin solid red"/>
  1049. <enumeration value="medium solid black"/>
  1050. <enumeration value="thick solid blue"/>
  1051. </documentation>
  1052. </annotation>
  1053. <restriction base = "string">
  1054. <pattern value = "(thin|medium|thick) (none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge|inset|outset) ([a-z]{3,16}|#[0-9A-F]{6})"/>
  1055. </restriction>
  1056. </simpleType>
  1057. <simpleType name = "border_margin_width_Type">
  1058. <annotation>
  1059. <documentation>
  1060. "fo:width_Type{1,4} fo:inherit_Type"
  1061. <enumeration value = "none"/>
  1062. <enumeration value = "thin"/>
  1063. <enumeration value = "medium"/>
  1064. <enumeration value = "thick"/>
  1065. <enumeration value = "thick thin medium none"/>
  1066. </documentation>
  1067. </annotation>
  1068. <xs:restriction>
  1069. <xs:simpleType>
  1070. <xs:list>
  1071. <xs:simpleType>
  1072. <union memberTypes = "fo:width_Type fo:positive_length_Type"/>
  1073. </xs:simpleType>
  1074. </xs:list>
  1075. </xs:simpleType>
  1076. <xs:minLength value = "1" />
  1077. <xs:maxLength value = "4" />
  1078. </xs:restriction>
  1079. </simpleType>
  1080. <simpleType name = "border_multi_style_Type" >
  1081. <annotation>
  1082. <documentation>
  1083. "fo:border_style_Type{1,4} fo:inherit_Type"
  1084. <enumeration value = "none"/>
  1085. <enumeration value = "hidden"/>
  1086. <enumeration value = "dotted"/>
  1087. <enumeration value = "dashed"/>
  1088. <enumeration value = "solid"/>
  1089. <enumeration value = "double"/>
  1090. <enumeration value = "groove"/>
  1091. <enumeration value = "ridge"/>
  1092. <enumeration value = "inset"/>
  1093. <enumeration value = "outset"/>
  1094. <enumeration value = "solid dashed ridge groove"/>
  1095. </documentation>
  1096. </annotation>
  1097. <xs:restriction>
  1098. <xs:simpleType>
  1099. <xs:list>
  1100. <xs:simpleType>
  1101. <xs:restriction base = "fo:border_style_Type"/>
  1102. </xs:simpleType>
  1103. </xs:list>
  1104. </xs:simpleType>
  1105. <xs:minLength value = "1" />
  1106. <xs:maxLength value = "4" />
  1107. </xs:restriction>
  1108. </simpleType>
  1109. <simpleType name = "border_color_Type" >
  1110. <annotation>
  1111. <documentation>
  1112. "fo:background_color_Type{1,4}"
  1113. <enumeration value="red"/>
  1114. <enumeration value="green"/>
  1115. <enumeration value="blue red yellow"/>
  1116. <enumeration value="black"/>
  1117. <enumeration value="black red yellow green"/>
  1118. <enumeration value="silver black"/>
  1119. </documentation>
  1120. </annotation>
  1121. <xs:restriction>
  1122. <xs:simpleType>
  1123. <xs:list>
  1124. <xs:simpleType>
  1125. <xs:restriction base = "fo:color_Type"/>
  1126. </xs:simpleType>
  1127. </xs:list>
  1128. </xs:simpleType>
  1129. <xs:minLength value = "1" />
  1130. <xs:maxLength value = "4" />
  1131. </xs:restriction>
  1132. </simpleType>
  1133. <simpleType name = "max_width_Type">
  1134. <annotation>
  1135. <documentation>
  1136. <enumeration value="100%"/>
  1137. <enumeration value="160mm"/>
  1138. </documentation>
  1139. </annotation>
  1140. <union memberTypes = "fo:length_Type fo:percentage_Type fo:none_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1141. </simpleType>
  1142. <simpleType name = "background_Type">
  1143. <union memberTypes = "fo:background_color_Type fo:background_image_Type fo:background_repeat_Type fo:background_attachment_Type fo:background_position_Type"/>
  1144. </simpleType>
  1145. <simpleType name = "background_position_Type">
  1146. <union memberTypes = "fo:background_position_percentage_Type fo:background_position_length_Type fo:background_position_base_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1147. </simpleType>
  1148. <simpleType name = "background_position_percentage_Type">
  1149. <xs:restriction>
  1150. <xs:simpleType>
  1151. <xs:list>
  1152. <xs:simpleType>
  1153. <xs:restriction base = "fo:percentage_Type"/>
  1154. </xs:simpleType>
  1155. </xs:list>
  1156. </xs:simpleType>
  1157. <xs:minLength value = "1" />
  1158. <xs:maxLength value = "2" />
  1159. </xs:restriction>
  1160. </simpleType>
  1161. <simpleType name = "background_position_length_Type">
  1162. <xs:restriction>
  1163. <xs:simpleType>
  1164. <xs:list>
  1165. <xs:simpleType>
  1166. <xs:restriction base = "fo:length_Type"/>
  1167. </xs:simpleType>
  1168. </xs:list>
  1169. </xs:simpleType>
  1170. <xs:minLength value = "1" />
  1171. <xs:maxLength value = "2" />
  1172. </xs:restriction>
  1173. </simpleType>
  1174. <simpleType name = "background_position_base_Type">
  1175. <restriction base = "string">
  1176. <enumeration value = "top left"/>
  1177. <enumeration value = "top center"/>
  1178. <enumeration value = "top right"/>
  1179. <enumeration value = "center left"/>
  1180. <enumeration value = "center center"/>
  1181. <enumeration value = "center right"/>
  1182. <enumeration value = "bottom left"/>
  1183. <enumeration value = "bottom center"/>
  1184. <enumeration value = "bottom right"/>
  1185. </restriction>
  1186. </simpleType>
  1187. <simpleType name = "size_Type">
  1188. <union memberTypes = "fo:background_position_length_Type fo:size_base_Type"/>
  1189. </simpleType>
  1190. <simpleType name = "size_base_Type">
  1191. <restriction base = "string">
  1192. <enumeration value = "auto"/>
  1193. <enumeration value = "landscape"/>
  1194. <enumeration value = "portrait"/>
  1195. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1196. </restriction>
  1197. </simpleType>
  1198. <simpleType name = "vertical_align_base_Type">
  1199. <restriction base = "string">
  1200. <enumeration value = "baseline"/>
  1201. <enumeration value = "middle"/>
  1202. <enumeration value = "sub"/>
  1203. <enumeration value = "super"/>
  1204. <enumeration value = "text-top"/>
  1205. <enumeration value = "text-bottom"/>
  1206. <enumeration value = "top"/>
  1207. <enumeration value = "bottom"/>
  1208. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1209. </restriction>
  1210. </simpleType>
  1211. <simpleType name = "vertical_align_Type">
  1212. <union memberTypes = "fo:vertical_align_base_Type fo:percentage_Type fo:length_Type"/>
  1213. </simpleType>
  1214. <simpleType name = "leader_length_Type">
  1215. <annotation>
  1216. <documentation>
  1217. <enumeration value = "50% 100% 100%"/>
  1218. </documentation>
  1219. </annotation>
  1220. <union memberTypes = "fo:length_range_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1221. </simpleType>
  1222. <simpleType name = "letter_spacing_Type">
  1223. <union memberTypes = "fo:normal_Type fo:length_Type fo:space_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1224. </simpleType>
  1225. <simpleType name = "font_size_adjust_Type">
  1226. <union memberTypes = "fo:number_Type fo:none_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1227. </simpleType>
  1228. <simpleType name = "space_start_Type">
  1229. <union memberTypes = "fo:space_Type fo:percentage_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1230. </simpleType>
  1231. <simpleType name = "normal_Type">
  1232. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1233. <enumeration value = "normal"/>
  1234. </restriction>
  1235. </simpleType>
  1236. <simpleType name = "background_attachment_Type">
  1237. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1238. <enumeration value = "scroll"/>
  1239. <enumeration value = "fixed"/>
  1240. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1241. </restriction>
  1242. </simpleType>
  1243. <simpleType name = "background_repeat_Type">
  1244. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1245. <enumeration value = "repeat"/>
  1246. <enumeration value = "repeat-x"/>
  1247. <enumeration value = "repeat-y"/>
  1248. <enumeration value = "no-repeat"/>
  1249. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1250. </restriction>
  1251. </simpleType>
  1252. <simpleType name = "speech_rate_base_Type">
  1253. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1254. <enumeration value = "x-slow"/>
  1255. <enumeration value = "slow"/>
  1256. <enumeration value = "medium"/>
  1257. <enumeration value = "fast"/>
  1258. <enumeration value = "x-fast"/>
  1259. <enumeration value = "faster"/>
  1260. <enumeration value = "slower"/>
  1261. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1262. </restriction>
  1263. </simpleType>
  1264. <simpleType name = "speech_rate_Type">
  1265. <union memberTypes = "fo:speech_rate_base_Type fo:integer_Type"/>
  1266. </simpleType>
  1267. <simpleType name = "speak_numeral_Type">
  1268. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1269. <enumeration value = "digits"/>
  1270. <enumeration value = "continuous"/>
  1271. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1272. </restriction>
  1273. </simpleType>
  1274. <simpleType name = "font_variant_Type">
  1275. <restriction base = "string">
  1276. <enumeration value = "normal"/>
  1277. <enumeration value = "small-caps"/>
  1278. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1279. </restriction>
  1280. </simpleType>
  1281. <simpleType name = "line_height_Type">
  1282. <union memberTypes = "fo:normal_Type fo:length_Type fo:integer_Type fo:percentage_Type fo:space_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1283. </simpleType>
  1284. <simpleType name = "text_shadow_Type">
  1285. <union memberTypes = "fo:none_Type fo:color_Type fo:length_range_Type"/>
  1286. </simpleType>
  1287. <simpleType name = "height_Type">
  1288. <union memberTypes = "fo:length_Type fo:percentage_Type fo:auto_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1289. </simpleType>
  1290. <simpleType name = "hyphenation_character_Type">
  1291. <union memberTypes = "fo:character_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1292. </simpleType>
  1293. <simpleType name = "content_height_Type">
  1294. <union memberTypes = "fo:auto_Type fo:scale_to_fit_Type fo:length_Type fo:percentage_Type fo:inherit_Type"/>
  1295. </simpleType>
  1296. <simpleType name = "scale_to_fit_Type">
  1297. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1298. <enumeration value = "scale-to-fit"/>
  1299. </restriction>
  1300. </simpleType>
  1301. <simpleType name = "font_weight_Type">
  1302. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1303. <enumeration value = "normal"/>
  1304. <enumeration value = "bold">
  1305. <annotation>
  1306. <documentation>
  1307. <fop_result>heavier than no value</fop_result>
  1308. </documentation>
  1309. </annotation>
  1310. </enumeration>
  1311. <enumeration value = "bolder">
  1312. <annotation>
  1313. <documentation>
  1314. <fop_result>lighter than normal</fop_result> <fop_fail>unknown font</fop_fail>
  1315. </documentation>
  1316. </annotation>
  1317. </enumeration>
  1318. <enumeration value = "lighter">
  1319. <annotation>
  1320. <documentation>
  1321. <fop_result>lighter than normal</fop_result> <fop_fail>unknown font</fop_fail>
  1322. </documentation>
  1323. </annotation>
  1324. </enumeration>
  1325. <enumeration value = "100">
  1326. <annotation>
  1327. <documentation>
  1328. <fop_result>same as normal</fop_result>
  1329. </documentation>
  1330. </annotation>
  1331. </enumeration>
  1332. <enumeration value = "200">
  1333. <annotation>
  1334. <documentation>
  1335. <fop_result>same as normal</fop_result>
  1336. </documentation>
  1337. </annotation>
  1338. </enumeration>
  1339. <enumeration value = "300">
  1340. <annotation>
  1341. <documentation>
  1342. <fop_result>same as normal</fop_result>
  1343. </documentation>
  1344. </annotation>
  1345. </enumeration>
  1346. <enumeration value = "400">
  1347. <annotation>
  1348. <documentation>
  1349. <fop_result>same as normal</fop_result>
  1350. </documentation>
  1351. </annotation>
  1352. </enumeration>
  1353. <enumeration value = "500">
  1354. <annotation>
  1355. <documentation>
  1356. <fop_result>same as normal</fop_result>
  1357. </documentation>
  1358. </annotation>
  1359. </enumeration>
  1360. <enumeration value = "600">
  1361. <annotation>
  1362. <documentation>
  1363. <fop_result>same as normal</fop_result>
  1364. </documentation>
  1365. </annotation>
  1366. </enumeration>
  1367. <enumeration value = "700">
  1368. <annotation>
  1369. <documentation>
  1370. <fop_result>same as bold</fop_result>
  1371. </documentation>
  1372. </annotation>
  1373. </enumeration>
  1374. <enumeration value = "800">
  1375. <annotation>
  1376. <documentation>
  1377. <fop_result>same as bold</fop_result>
  1378. </documentation>
  1379. </annotation>
  1380. </enumeration>
  1381. <enumeration value = "900">
  1382. <annotation>
  1383. <documentation>
  1384. <fop_result>same as bold</fop_result>
  1385. </documentation>
  1386. </annotation>
  1387. </enumeration>
  1388. <enumeration value = "inherit">
  1389. <annotation>
  1390. <documentation>
  1391. <fop_result>lighter than normal</fop_result> <fop_fail>unknown font</fop_fail>
  1392. </documentation>
  1393. </annotation>
  1394. </enumeration>
  1395. </restriction>
  1396. </simpleType>
  1397. <simpleType name = "font_style_Type">
  1398. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1399. <enumeration value = "normal"/>
  1400. <enumeration value = "italic"/>
  1401. <enumeration value = "oblique"/>
  1402. <enumeration value = "backslant">
  1403. <annotation>
  1404. <documentation>
  1405. <fop_fail>unknown font</fop_fail>
  1406. </documentation>
  1407. </annotation>
  1408. </enumeration>
  1409. <enumeration value = "inherit">
  1410. <annotation>
  1411. <documentation>
  1412. <fop_fail>unknown font</fop_fail>
  1413. </documentation>
  1414. </annotation>
  1415. </enumeration>
  1416. </restriction>
  1417. </simpleType>
  1418. <simpleType name = "page_break_inside_Type">
  1419. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1420. <enumeration value = "auto"/>
  1421. <enumeration value = "avoid"/>
  1422. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1423. </restriction>
  1424. </simpleType>
  1425. <simpleType name = "page_break_after_Type">
  1426. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1427. <enumeration value = "auto"/>
  1428. <enumeration value = "always"/>
  1429. <enumeration value = "avoid"/>
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  1496. <annotation>
  1497. <documentation>
  1498. <fop_fail>Unknown enumerated value</fop_fail>
  1499. </documentation>
  1500. </annotation>
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  1513. A compound datatype, with components: within-line, within-column, within-page. Each component is a <keep/>.
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  1522. <xs:simpleType>
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  1578. <annotation>
  1579. <documentation>
  1580. <fop_fail>Unknown enumerated value</fop_fail>
  1581. </documentation>
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  1650. <annotation>
  1651. <documentation>
  1652. <fop_fail>Unknown enumerated value</fop_fail>
  1653. </documentation>
  1654. </annotation>
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  1707. <annotation>
  1708. <documentation>
  1709. Here to document the acceptable measurements
  1710. </documentation>
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  1743. <annotation>
  1744. <documentation>
  1745. A string of characters conforming to an ISO 3166 country code.
  1746. </documentation>
  1747. </annotation>
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  1761. <enumeration value = "AM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ARMENIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
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  1764. <enumeration value = "AT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "AUSTRIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
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  1767. <enumeration value = "BH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BAHRAIN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1768. <enumeration value = "BD"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BANGLADESH"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1769. <enumeration value = "BB"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BARBADOS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1770. <enumeration value = "BY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BELARUS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1771. <enumeration value = "BE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BELGIUM"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1772. <enumeration value = "BZ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BELIZE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1773. <enumeration value = "BJ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BENIN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1774. <enumeration value = "BM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BERMUDA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1775. <enumeration value = "BT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BHUTAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1776. <enumeration value = "BO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BOLIVIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1777. <enumeration value = "BA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BOSNIAANDHERZEGOVINA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1778. <enumeration value = "BW"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BOTSWANA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1779. <enumeration value = "BV"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BOUVETISLAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1780. <enumeration value = "BR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BRAZIL"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1781. <enumeration value = "IO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BRITISHINDIANOCEANTERRITORY"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1782. <enumeration value = "BN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BRUNEIDARUSSALAM"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1783. <enumeration value = "BG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BULGARIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1784. <enumeration value = "BF"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BURKINAFASO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1785. <enumeration value = "BI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "BURUNDI"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1786. <enumeration value = "KH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CAMBODIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1787. <enumeration value = "CM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CAMEROON"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1788. <enumeration value = "CA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CANADA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1789. <enumeration value = "CV"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CAPEVERDE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1790. <enumeration value = "KY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CAYMANISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1791. <enumeration value = "CF"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CENTRALAFRICANREPUBLIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1792. <enumeration value = "TD"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CHAD"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1793. <enumeration value = "CL"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CHILE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1794. <enumeration value = "CN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CHINA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1795. <enumeration value = "CX"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CHRISTMASISLAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1796. <enumeration value = "CC"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "COCOS(KEELING)ISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1797. <enumeration value = "CO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "COLOMBIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1798. <enumeration value = "KM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "COMOROS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1799. <enumeration value = "CG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CONGO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1800. <enumeration value = "CD"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CONGO,THEDEMOCRATICREPUBLICOFTHE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1801. <enumeration value = "CK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "COOKISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1802. <enumeration value = "CR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "COSTARICA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1803. <enumeration value = "CI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "COTED'IVOIRE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1804. <enumeration value = "HR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CROATIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1805. <enumeration value = "CU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CUBA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1806. <enumeration value = "CY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CYPRUS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1807. <enumeration value = "CZ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "CZECHREPUBLIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1808. <enumeration value = "DK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "DENMARK"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1809. <enumeration value = "DJ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "DJIBOUTI"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1810. <enumeration value = "DM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "DOMINICA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1811. <enumeration value = "DO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "DOMINICANREPUBLIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1812. <enumeration value = "TP"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "EASTTIMOR"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1813. <enumeration value = "EC"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ECUADOR"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1814. <enumeration value = "EG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "EGYPT"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1815. <enumeration value = "SV"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ELSALVADOR"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1816. <enumeration value = "GQ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "EQUATORIALGUINEA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1817. <enumeration value = "ER"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ERITREA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1818. <enumeration value = "EE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ESTONIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1819. <enumeration value = "ET"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ETHIOPIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1820. <enumeration value = "FK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "FALKLANDISLANDS(MALVINAS)"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1821. <enumeration value = "FO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "FAROEISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1822. <enumeration value = "FJ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "FIJI"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1823. <enumeration value = "FI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "FINLAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1824. <enumeration value = "FR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "FRANCE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1825. <enumeration value = "GF"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "FRENCHGUIANA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1826. <enumeration value = "PF"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "FRENCHPOLYNESIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1827. <enumeration value = "TF"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "FRENCHSOUTHERNTERRITORIES"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1828. <enumeration value = "GA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GABON"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1829. <enumeration value = "GM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GAMBIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1830. <enumeration value = "GE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GEORGIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1831. <enumeration value = "DE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GERMANY"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1832. <enumeration value = "GH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GHANA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1833. <enumeration value = "GI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GIBRALTAR"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1834. <enumeration value = "GR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GREECE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1835. <enumeration value = "GL"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GREENLAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1836. <enumeration value = "GD"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GRENADA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1837. <enumeration value = "GP"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GUADELOUPE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1838. <enumeration value = "GU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GUAM"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1839. <enumeration value = "GT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GUATEMALA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1840. <enumeration value = "GN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GUINEA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1841. <enumeration value = "GW"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GUINEA-BISSAU"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1842. <enumeration value = "GY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "GUYANA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1843. <enumeration value = "HT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "HAITI"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1844. <enumeration value = "HM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "HEARDISLANDANDMCDONALDISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1845. <enumeration value = "VA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "HOLYSEE(VATICANCITYSTATE)"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1846. <enumeration value = "HN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "HONDURAS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1847. <enumeration value = "HK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "HONGKONG"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1848. <enumeration value = "HU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "HUNGARY"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1849. <enumeration value = "IS"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ICELAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1850. <enumeration value = "IN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "INDIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1851. <enumeration value = "ID"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "INDONESIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1852. <enumeration value = "IR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "IRAN,ISLAMICREPUBLICOF"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1853. <enumeration value = "IQ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "IRAQ"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1854. <enumeration value = "IE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "IRELAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1855. <enumeration value = "IL"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ISRAEL"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1856. <enumeration value = "IT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ITALY"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1857. <enumeration value = "JM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "JAMAICA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1858. <enumeration value = "JP"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "JAPAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1859. <enumeration value = "JO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "JORDAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1860. <enumeration value = "KZ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "KAZAKSTAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1861. <enumeration value = "KE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "KENYA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1862. <enumeration value = "KI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "KIRIBATI"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1863. <enumeration value = "KP"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "KOREA,DEMOCRATICPEOPLE'SREPUBLICOF"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1864. <enumeration value = "KR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "KOREA,REPUBLICOF"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1865. <enumeration value = "KW"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "KUWAIT"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1866. <enumeration value = "KG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "KYRGYZSTAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1867. <enumeration value = "LA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LAOPEOPLE'SDEMOCRATICREPUBLIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1868. <enumeration value = "LV"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LATVIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1869. <enumeration value = "LB"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LEBANON"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1870. <enumeration value = "LS"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LESOTHO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1871. <enumeration value = "LR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LIBERIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1872. <enumeration value = "LY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LIBYANARABJAMAHIRIYA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1873. <enumeration value = "LI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LIECHTENSTEIN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1874. <enumeration value = "LT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LITHUANIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1875. <enumeration value = "LU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "LUXEMBOURG"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1876. <enumeration value = "MO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MACAU"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1877. <enumeration value = "MK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MACEDONIA,THEFORMERYUGOSLAVREPUBLICOF"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1878. <enumeration value = "MG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MADAGASCAR"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1879. <enumeration value = "MW"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MALAWI"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1880. <enumeration value = "MY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MALAYSIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1881. <enumeration value = "MV"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MALDIVES"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1882. <enumeration value = "ML"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MALI"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1883. <enumeration value = "MT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MALTA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1884. <enumeration value = "MH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MARSHALLISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1885. <enumeration value = "MQ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MARTINIQUE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1886. <enumeration value = "MR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MAURITANIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1887. <enumeration value = "MU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MAURITIUS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1888. <enumeration value = "YT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MAYOTTE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1889. <enumeration value = "MX"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MEXICO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1890. <enumeration value = "FM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MICRONESIA,FEDERATEDSTATESOF"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1891. <enumeration value = "MD"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MOLDOVA,REPUBLICOF"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1892. <enumeration value = "MC"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MONACO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1893. <enumeration value = "MN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MONGOLIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1894. <enumeration value = "MS"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MONTSERRAT"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1895. <enumeration value = "MA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MOROCCO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1896. <enumeration value = "MZ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MOZAMBIQUE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1897. <enumeration value = "MM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "MYANMAR"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1898. <enumeration value = "NA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NAMIBIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1899. <enumeration value = "NR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NAURU"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1900. <enumeration value = "NP"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NEPAL"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1901. <enumeration value = "NL"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NETHERLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1902. <enumeration value = "AN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NETHERLANDSANTILLES"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1903. <enumeration value = "NC"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NEWCALEDONIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1904. <enumeration value = "NZ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NEWZEALAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1905. <enumeration value = "NI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NICARAGUA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1906. <enumeration value = "NE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NIGER"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1907. <enumeration value = "NG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NIGERIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1908. <enumeration value = "NU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NIUE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1909. <enumeration value = "NF"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NORFOLKISLAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1910. <enumeration value = "MP"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NORTHERNMARIANAISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1911. <enumeration value = "NO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "NORWAY"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1912. <enumeration value = "OM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "OMAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1913. <enumeration value = "PK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PAKISTAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1914. <enumeration value = "PW"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PALAU"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1915. <enumeration value = "PS"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PALESTINIANTERRITORY,OCCUPIED"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1916. <enumeration value = "PA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PANAMA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1917. <enumeration value = "PG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PAPUANEWGUINEA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1918. <enumeration value = "PY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PARAGUAY"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1919. <enumeration value = "PE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PERU"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1920. <enumeration value = "PH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PHILIPPINES"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1921. <enumeration value = "PN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PITCAIRN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1922. <enumeration value = "PL"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "POLAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1923. <enumeration value = "PT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PORTUGAL"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1924. <enumeration value = "PR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "PUERTORICO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1925. <enumeration value = "QA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "QATAR"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1926. <enumeration value = "RE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "R+UNION"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1927. <enumeration value = "RO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ROMANIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1928. <enumeration value = "RU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "RUSSIANFEDERATION"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1929. <enumeration value = "RW"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "RWANDA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1930. <enumeration value = "SH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SAINTHELENA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1931. <enumeration value = "KN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SAINTKITTSANDNEVIS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1932. <enumeration value = "LC"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SAINTLUCIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1933. <enumeration value = "PM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SAINTPIERREANDMIQUELON"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1934. <enumeration value = "VC"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SAINTVINCENTANDTHEGRENADINES"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1935. <enumeration value = "WS"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SAMOA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1936. <enumeration value = "SM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SANMARINO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1937. <enumeration value = "ST"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SAOTOMEANDPRINCIPE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1938. <enumeration value = "SA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SAUDIARABIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1939. <enumeration value = "SN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SENEGAL"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1940. <enumeration value = "SC"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SEYCHELLES"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1941. <enumeration value = "SL"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SIERRALEONE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1942. <enumeration value = "SG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SINGAPORE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1943. <enumeration value = "SK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SLOVAKIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1944. <enumeration value = "SI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SLOVENIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1945. <enumeration value = "SB"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SOLOMONISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1946. <enumeration value = "SO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SOMALIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1947. <enumeration value = "ZA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SOUTHAFRICA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1948. <enumeration value = "GS"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SOUTHGEORGIAANDTHESOUTHSANDWICHISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1949. <enumeration value = "ES"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SPAIN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1950. <enumeration value = "LK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SRILANKA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1951. <enumeration value = "SD"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SUDAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1952. <enumeration value = "SR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SURINAME"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1953. <enumeration value = "SJ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SVALBARDANDJANMAYEN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1954. <enumeration value = "SZ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SWAZILAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1955. <enumeration value = "SE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SWEDEN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1956. <enumeration value = "CH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SWITZERLAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1957. <enumeration value = "SY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "SYRIANARABREPUBLIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1958. <enumeration value = "TW"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TAIWAN,PROVINCEOFCHINA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1959. <enumeration value = "TJ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TAJIKISTAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1960. <enumeration value = "TZ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TANZANIA,UNITEDREPUBLICOF"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1961. <enumeration value = "TH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "THAILAND"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1962. <enumeration value = "TG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TOGO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1963. <enumeration value = "TK"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TOKELAU"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1964. <enumeration value = "TO"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TONGA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1965. <enumeration value = "TT"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TRINIDADANDTOBAGO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1966. <enumeration value = "TN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TUNISIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1967. <enumeration value = "TR"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TURKEY"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1968. <enumeration value = "TM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TURKMENISTAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1969. <enumeration value = "TC"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TURKSANDCAICOSISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1970. <enumeration value = "TV"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "TUVALU"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1971. <enumeration value = "UG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "UGANDA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1972. <enumeration value = "UA"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "UKRAINE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1973. <enumeration value = "AE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "UNITEDARABEMIRATES"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1974. <enumeration value = "GB"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "UNITEDKINGDOM"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1975. <enumeration value = "US"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "UNITEDSTATES"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1976. <enumeration value = "UM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "UNITEDSTATESMINOROUTLYINGISLANDS"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1977. <enumeration value = "UY"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "URUGUAY"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1978. <enumeration value = "UZ"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "UZBEKISTAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1979. <enumeration value = "VU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "VANUATU"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1980. <enumeration value = "VE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "VENEZUELA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1981. <enumeration value = "VN"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "VIETNAM"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1982. <enumeration value = "VG"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "VIRGINISLANDS,BRITISH"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1983. <enumeration value = "VI"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "VIRGINISLANDS,U.S."/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1984. <enumeration value = "WF"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "WALLISANDFUTUNA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1985. <enumeration value = "EH"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "WESTERNSAHARA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1986. <enumeration value = "YE"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "YEMEN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1987. <enumeration value = "YU"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "YUGOSLAVIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1988. <enumeration value = "ZM"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ZAMBIA"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1989. <enumeration value = "ZW"><annotation><documentation> country-name = "ZIMBABWE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1990. </restriction>
  1991. </simpleType>
  1992. <simpleType name = "language_Type">
  1993. <annotation><documentation> A string of characters conforming to the ISO 639 3-letter code. (Rather odd since all of them have 2 letters)</documentation></annotation>
  1994. <restriction base = "NMTOKEN">
  1995. <enumeration value = "none"/>
  1996. <enumeration value = "inherit"/>
  1997. <enumeration value = "AY"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "AYMARA" language-family = "AMERINDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1998. <enumeration value = "GN"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "GUARANI" language-family = "AMERINDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  1999. <enumeration value = "QU"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "QUECHUA" language-family = "AMERINDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2000. <enumeration value = "DZ"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "BHUTANI" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2001. <enumeration value = "MY"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "BURMESE" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2002. <enumeration value = "KM"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "CAMBODIAN" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2003. <enumeration value = "ZH"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "CHINESE" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2004. <enumeration value = "JA"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "JAPANESE" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2005. <enumeration value = "KO"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "KOREAN" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2006. <enumeration value = "LO"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "LAOTHIAN" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2007. <enumeration value = "TH"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "THAI" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2008. <enumeration value = "BO"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "TIBETAN" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2009. <enumeration value = "VI"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "VIETNAMESE" language-family = "ASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2010. <enumeration value = "LV"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "LATVIAN;LETTISH" language-family = "BALTIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2011. <enumeration value = "LT"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "LITHUANIAN" language-family = "BALTIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2012. <enumeration value = "EU"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "BASQUE" language-family = "BASQUE"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2013. <enumeration value = "BR"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "BRETON" language-family = "CELTIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2014. <enumeration value = "GA"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "IRISH" language-family = "CELTIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2015. <enumeration value = "GD"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "SCOTS-GAELIC" language-family = "CELTIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2016. <enumeration value = "CY"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "WELSH" language-family = "CELTIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2017. <enumeration value = "KN"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "KANNADA" language-family = "DRAVIDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2018. <enumeration value = "ML"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "MALAYALAM" language-family = "DRAVIDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2019. <enumeration value = "TA"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "TAMIL" language-family = "DRAVIDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2020. <enumeration value = "TE"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "TELUGU" language-family = "DRAVIDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2021. <enumeration value = "KL"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "GREENLANDIC" language-family = "ESKIMO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2022. <enumeration value = "IK"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "INUPIAK" language-family = "ESKIMO"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2023. <enumeration value = "ET"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "ESTONIAN" language-family = "FINNO-UGRIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2024. <enumeration value = "FI"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "FINNISH" language-family = "FINNO-UGRIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2025. <enumeration value = "HU"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "HUNGARIAN" language-family = "FINNO-UGRIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2026. <enumeration value = "AF"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "AFRIKAANS" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2027. <enumeration value = "DA"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "DANISH" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2028. <enumeration value = "NL"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "DUTCH" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2029. <enumeration value = "EN"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "ENGLISH" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2030. <enumeration value = "FO"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "FAROESE" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2031. <enumeration value = "FY"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "FRISIAN" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2032. <enumeration value = "DE"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "GERMAN" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2033. <enumeration value = "IS"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "ICELANDIC" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2034. <enumeration value = "NO"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "NORWEGIAN" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2035. <enumeration value = "SV"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "SWEDISH" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2036. <enumeration value = "YI"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "YIDDISH" language-family = "GERMANIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2037. <enumeration value = "OM"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "AFAN-(OROMO)" language-family = "HAMITIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2038. <enumeration value = "AA"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "AFAR" language-family = "HAMITIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2039. <enumeration value = "SO"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "SOMALI" language-family = "HAMITIC"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2040. <enumeration value = "AB"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "ABKHAZIAN" language-family = "IBERO-CAUCASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2041. <enumeration value = "KA"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "GEORGIAN" language-family = "IBERO-CAUCASIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2042. <enumeration value = "AS"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "ASSAMESE" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2043. <enumeration value = "BN"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "BENGALI;BANGLA" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2044. <enumeration value = "BH"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "BIHARI" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2045. <enumeration value = "GU"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "GUJARATI" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2046. <enumeration value = "HI"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "HINDI" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2047. <enumeration value = "KS"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "KASHMIRI" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2048. <enumeration value = "MR"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "MARATHI" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2049. <enumeration value = "NE"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "NEPALI" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2050. <enumeration value = "OR"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "ORIYA" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2051. <enumeration value = "PA"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "PUNJABI" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
  2052. <enumeration value = "SA"><annotation><documentation> language-name = "SANSKRIT" language-family = "INDIAN"/ </documentation></annotation> </enumeration>
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