Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE hyphenation-info SYSTEM "hyphenation.dtd">
  3. <!-- Created by Carlos Villegas from Lout's french.lh,
  4. converted to ISO-LATIN-1 and added back the
  5. oe ligature patterns, the original comments follow:
  6. %
  7. % Created by Jeff Kingston, 19 May 1996, from a TeX
  8. % hyphenation file. Apart from commenting out things that
  9. % are not relevant to Lout I have made the following changes:
  10. %
  11. % (1) I have guessed that \c c means ccedilla, and I have changed the
  12. % only line containing it from 1\c c to 1\cc, and informed Lout that
  13. % \cc is the code for ccedilla. The change is because Lout does not
  14. % expect to find spaces in the middle of hyphenation patterns.
  15. %
  16. % (2) I have deleted the following lines since I am unsure what to do
  17. % about \oe (it is not an ISO-LATIN-1 character):
  18. %
  19. % 1c\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
  20. % .d\'e2s1\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
  21. % 1m\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
  22. % 1n\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
  23. % 1s\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
  24. %
  25. % In other respects this file should faithfully reflect the original.
  26. -->
  27. <hyphenation-info>
  28. <hyphen-char value="-"/>
  29. <hyphen-min before="2" after="2"/>
  30. <classes>
  31. <!-- @!$%^&*()_-+=~`{[}]:;|<,.>?/0123456789 -->
  32. '
  33. aA
  34. bB
  35. cC
  36. dD
  37. eE
  38. fF
  39. gG
  40. hH
  41. iI
  42. jJ
  43. kK
  44. lL
  45. mM
  46. nN
  47. oO
  48. pP
  49. qQ
  50. rR
  51. sS
  52. tT
  53. uU
  54. vV
  55. wW
  56. xX
  57. yY
  58. zZ
  59. àÀ
  60. âÂ
  61. çÇ
  62. èÈ
  63. éÉ
  64. êÊ
  65. îÎ
  66. ïÏ
  67. ôÔ
  68. ûÛ
  69. &#x0153;&#x0152; <!-- oe OE ligatures -->
  70. </classes>
  71. <patterns>
  72. <!--
  73. % f7hyph.tex % French hyphenation patterns (7-bit OT1 encoding)
  74. % f7hyph.tex is ONLY for people having a MlTeX engine and CMR fonts.
  75. % \message{f7hyph.tex french hyphenation patterns. 7-bit OT1 encoding
  76. % (V2.0) 05/20/94}
  77. %
  78. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  79. % *BEFORE* using this file *PLEASE* run checksum on it: %
  80. % checksum -v f7hyph.tex %
  81. % to make sure that it hasn't been damaged. %
  82. % Then if you notice anything wrong in french hyphenation please report to %
  83. % Daniel Flipo and Bernard Gaulle at the email address: cesure-l@ens.fr %
  84. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  85. %% checksum = "20125 1319 2460 29960"
  86. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  87. %%%%%%%% The most famous good guys who worked hard to obtain something usable.
  88. % Jacques Desarmenien, Universite de Strasbourg :
  89. % - << how to run TeX in a French environment: hyphenation, fonts,
  90. % typography. >> in Tugboat, 5 (1984) 91-102. and TeX85 conference
  91. % - << La division par ordinateur des mots francais :
  92. % application a TeX >> in TSI vol. 5 No 4, 1986 (C) AFCET-
  93. % Gauthier-Villars
  94. % Norman Buckle, UQAH (nb; many additions)
  95. % Michael Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications (mjf) June 1988
  96. % Justin Bur, Universite de Montreal (jbb; checked against original list)
  97. % all patterns including apostrophe missing from nb list
  98. % after that, GUTenberg and specially Daniel Flipo and Bernard Gaulle
  99. % did their best effort to improve the list of patterns.
  100. %\begingroup
  101. % comment the following line when used without MlTeX and outside hyconfig.tex
  102. %\accenthyphcodes\spechyphcodes % changes the \' ... etc
  103. %\lccode`\'=`\'
  104. %%%%%%%%
  105. % hyphenation patterns for french ... for use with fonts that do not
  106. % have the accented characters inside.
  107. %%%%%%%
  108. % Mods to \i and \oe form ... TeX eats up spaces and loses patterns. mjf Jun 88
  109. %\lccode'33='33 %\oe ... both needed in
  110. %\lccode'20='20 % \i .. dotless i
  111. %\patterns{
  112. %===================%=======================%
  113. % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
  114. %===================%=======================%
  115. %%*
  116. %===================%=======================%
  117. % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
  118. %===================%=======================%
  119. %%a
  120. -->
  121. 2'2
  122. .a4
  123. 'a4
  124. .â4
  125. 'â4
  126. .ab3réa
  127. 'ab3réa
  128. a1è2dre
  129. .ae3s4ch
  130. 'ae3s4ch
  131. 1alcool
  132. a2l1algi
  133. .amino1a2c
  134. 'amino1a2c
  135. .ana3s4tr
  136. 'ana3s4tr
  137. 1a2nesthési
  138. .anti1a2
  139. 'anti1a2
  140. .anti1e2
  141. 'anti1e2
  142. .anti1é2
  143. .anti2enne
  144. 'anti2enne
  145. 'anti1é2
  146. .anti1s2
  147. 'anti1s2
  148. .apo2s3ta
  149. 'apo2s3ta
  150. apo2s3tr
  151. archi1é2pis
  152. .as2ta
  153. 'as2ta
  154. a2s3tro
  155. <!--
  156. %==================-%======================-%
  157. % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
  158. %==================-%======================-%
  159. %%b -->
  160. 1ba
  161. 1bâ
  162. .bai2se3main <!-- % hyphen disappeared from french 5/2/94 -->
  163. 1be
  164. 1bé
  165. 1bè
  166. 1bê
  167. 4be.
  168. 4bes.
  169. 2bent. <!-- % mute syllable: tombent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  170. 1bi
  171. 1bî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  172. .bi1a2c
  173. .bi1a2t <!-- % like .tri1a2t for tri-athlon bg 12/27/93 -->
  174. .bi1au
  175. .bio1a2
  176. .bi2s1a2
  177. .bi1u2
  178. 1b2l
  179. 4ble.
  180. 4bles.
  181. 2blent. <!-- % mute syllable: troublent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  182. 1bo
  183. 1bô
  184. 1b2r
  185. 4bre.
  186. 4bres.
  187. 2brent. <!-- % mute syllable: palabrent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  188. 1bu
  189. 1bû
  190. 1by
  191. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  192. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  193. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  194. <!-- %%c -->
  195. 1\cc
  196. 1ca
  197. 1câ
  198. ca3ou3t2 <!-- % pour caoutchou... added 3/1/94 df-bg -->
  199. 1ce
  200. 1cé
  201. 1cè
  202. 1cê
  203. 4ce.
  204. 4ces.
  205. <!-- % words ending with -cent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  206. 2cent.
  207. ja3cent.
  208. ac3cent.
  209. é3cent.
  210. munifi3cent.
  211. réti3cent.
  212. privatdo3cent.
  213. inno3cent.
  214. es3cent.
  215. acquies4cent.
  216. is3cent.
  217. immis4cent.
  218. <!-- % -->
  219. .ch4
  220. 1c2h
  221. 4ch.
  222. 2chb
  223. 4che.
  224. 4ches.
  225. 2chent. <!-- % mute syllable: touchent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  226. .chè2vre3feuille <!-- % hyphen disappeared from french 5/2/94 -->
  227. 2chg
  228. ch2l
  229. 4chle.
  230. 4chles.
  231. chlo2r3a2c
  232. chlo2r3é2t
  233. 2chm
  234. 2chn
  235. 2chp
  236. ch2r
  237. 4chre.
  238. 4chres.
  239. 2chs
  240. 2cht
  241. 2chw
  242. 1ci
  243. 1cî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  244. .ci2s1alp
  245. 1c2k
  246. 4ck.
  247. 2ckb
  248. 4cke.
  249. 4ckes.
  250. 2ckent. <!-- % mute syllable: stockent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  251. 2ckf
  252. 2ckg
  253. 2ck3h
  254. 2ckp
  255. 2cks
  256. 2ckt
  257. 1c2l
  258. 4cle.
  259. 4cles.
  260. 2clent. <!-- % mute syllable: encerclent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  261. 1co
  262. 1cô
  263. co1acc
  264. co1acq
  265. co1a2d
  266. co1ap
  267. co1ar
  268. co1assoc
  269. co1assur
  270. co1au
  271. co1ax
  272. co1é2
  273. co1ef
  274. co1en
  275. co1ex
  276. .con4 <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  277. .cons4 <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  278. .contre1s2c
  279. .contre3maî0tre <!-- % hyphen disappeared from french 5/2/94 -->
  280. co2nurb
  281. .co1o2
  282. .co2o3lie
  283. 1c2r
  284. 4cre.
  285. 4cres.
  286. 2crent. <!-- % mute syllable: massacrent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  287. 1cu
  288. 1cû
  289. 1cy
  290. .cul4 <!-- % == as .con4 .cons4 (march 92) -->
  291. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  292. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  293. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  294. <!-- %%d -->
  295. 1d'
  296. 1da
  297. 1dâ
  298. .dacryo1a2
  299. d1d2h
  300. 1de
  301. 1dé
  302. 1dè
  303. 1dê
  304. 4de.
  305. 4des.
  306. <!-- % words ending with -dent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  307. 2dent.
  308. déca3dent.
  309. é3dent.
  310. cci3dent.
  311. inci3dent.
  312. confi3dent.
  313. tri3dent.
  314. dissi3dent.
  315. chien3dent.
  316. .ar3dent.
  317. impu3dent.
  318. pru3dent.
  319. <!-- % -->
  320. .dé1a2
  321. .dé1io
  322. .dé1o2
  323. .dé2s <!-- % originaly in JD file -->
  324. <!-- %.dé2s1a2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the -->
  325. <!-- % original JD 500 words test -->
  326. .dé3s2a3cr
  327. .dés2a3m <!-- % .dés2a2mi introduced 09/17/92 bec. i -->
  328. <!-- % can't see why désamidonner ran in JD. -->
  329. <!-- % Moved to .dés2a3m df 12/27/93. -->
  330. .dé3s2a3tell
  331. .dé3s2astr
  332. .dé3s2c <!-- % 1 moved 3 due to .dé2s 09/17/92 -->
  333. <!-- %.dé2s1e2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the -->
  334. <!-- % original JD 500 words test -->
  335. .dé2s1é2
  336. .dé3s2é3gr
  337. .dé3s2ensib
  338. .dé3s2ert
  339. .dé3s2exu
  340. <!-- %.dé2s3h removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the -->
  341. <!-- % original JD 500 words test -->
  342. .dé2s1i2
  343. .dé3s2i3d
  344. .dé3s2i3gn
  345. .dé3s2i3li
  346. .dé3s2i3nen
  347. .dé3s2invo
  348. .dé3s2i3r
  349. .dé3s2ist
  350. <!-- %.dé2s1o2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the -->
  351. <!-- % original JD 500 words test -->
  352. .dé3s2o3dé
  353. .dé3s2o3l
  354. .dé3s2o3pil
  355. .dé3s2orm
  356. .dé3s2orp
  357. .dé3s2oufr
  358. .dé3s2p <!-- % 1 moved 3 due to .dé2s 09/17/92 -->
  359. .dé3s2t <!-- % 1 moved 3 due to .dé2s 09/17/92 -->
  360. .dé2s1u2n
  361. 3d2hal
  362. 3d2houd
  363. 1di
  364. 1dî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  365. di2s3cop
  366. .di1a2cé
  367. .di1a2cid
  368. dia2g3n
  369. .di1ald
  370. .di1a2mi
  371. .di1a2tom
  372. .di1e2n
  373. .di2s3h
  374. 2dlent. <!-- % mute syllable: jodlent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  375. 1do
  376. 1dô
  377. 1d2r
  378. 4dre.
  379. 4dres.
  380. 2drent. <!-- % mute syllable: engendrent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  381. d1s2
  382. 1du
  383. 1dû
  384. 1dy
  385. .dy2s3
  386. .dy2s1a2
  387. .dy2s1i2
  388. .dy2s1o2 <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  389. .dy2s1u2
  390. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  391. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  392. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  393. <!-- %%e -->
  394. .e4
  395. 'e4
  396. .ê4
  397. 'ê4
  398. .é4
  399. 'é4
  400. .è4
  401. 'è4
  402. 1é2drie
  403. 1é2drique
  404. 1é2lectr
  405. 1é2lément
  406. .en1a2
  407. 'en1a2
  408. 1é2nerg
  409. e2n1i2vr
  410. .en1o2
  411. 'en1o2
  412. épi2s3cop
  413. épi3s4cope
  414. e2s3cop
  415. .eu2r1a2
  416. 'eu2r1a2
  417. eu1s2tat
  418. extra1
  419. extra2c
  420. extra2i
  421. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  422. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  423. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  424. <!-- %%f -->
  425. 1fa
  426. 1fâ
  427. 1fe
  428. 1fé
  429. 1fè
  430. 1fê
  431. 4fe.
  432. 4fes.
  433. 2fent. <!-- % mute syllable: agrafent chauffent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  434. <!-- % -->
  435. 1fi
  436. 1fî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  437. 1f2l
  438. 4fle.
  439. 4fles.
  440. 2flent. <!-- % mute syllable: gonflent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  441. 1fo
  442. 1fô
  443. 1f2r
  444. 4fre.
  445. 4fres.
  446. 2frent. <!-- % mute syllable: balafrent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  447. f1s2
  448. 1fu
  449. 1fû
  450. 1fy
  451. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  452. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  453. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  454. <!-- %%g -->
  455. 1ga
  456. 1gâ
  457. 1ge
  458. 1gé
  459. 1gè
  460. 1gê
  461. 4ge.
  462. 4ges.
  463. <!-- % words ending with -gent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  464. 2gent.
  465. ré3gent.
  466. entre3gent.
  467. indi3gent.
  468. dili3gent.
  469. intelli3gent.
  470. indul3gent.
  471. tan3gent.
  472. rin3gent.
  473. contin3gent.
  474. .ar3gent.
  475. 'ar3gent.
  476. ser3gent.
  477. ter3gent.
  478. résur3gent.
  479. <!-- % -->
  480. 1g2ha
  481. 1g2he
  482. 1g2hi
  483. 1g2ho
  484. 1g2hy
  485. 1gi
  486. 1gî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  487. 1g2l
  488. 4gle.
  489. 4gles.
  490. 2glent. <!-- % mute syllable: meuglent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  491. 1g2n
  492. .sta2g3n
  493. wa2g3n
  494. 4gne.
  495. 4gnes.
  496. 2gnent. <!-- % mute syllable: accompagnent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  497. 1go
  498. 1gô
  499. 1g2r
  500. 4gre.
  501. 4gres.
  502. 2grent. <!-- % mute syllable: immigrent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  503. 1gu
  504. 1gû
  505. g1s2
  506. 4gue.
  507. 4gues.
  508. <!-- % words ending with -guent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  509. 2guent.
  510. .on3guent.
  511. 'on3guent.
  512. <!-- % -->
  513. 1gy
  514. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  515. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  516. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  517. <!-- %%h -->
  518. 1ha
  519. 1hâ
  520. 1he
  521. 1hé
  522. 1hè
  523. 1hê
  524. hémi1é
  525. hémo1p2t
  526. 4he.
  527. 4hes.
  528. 1hi
  529. 1hî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  530. 1ho
  531. 1hô
  532. 1hu
  533. 1hû
  534. 1hy
  535. hypera2
  536. hypere2
  537. hyperé2
  538. hyperi2
  539. hypero2
  540. hypers2
  541. hype4r1
  542. hyperu2
  543. hypo1a2
  544. hypo1e2 <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  545. hypo1é2
  546. hypo1i2
  547. hypo1o2
  548. hypo1s2
  549. hypo1u2
  550. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  551. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  552. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  553. <!-- %%i -->
  554. .i4
  555. 'i4
  556. .î4
  557. 'î4
  558. i1algi
  559. i1arthr
  560. i1è2dre
  561. <!-- % ill patterns missing from nb list -->
  562. il2l
  563. cil3l
  564. rcil4l
  565. ucil4l
  566. vacil4l
  567. gil3l
  568. hil3l
  569. lil3l
  570. l3lion
  571. mil3l
  572. mil4let
  573. émil4l
  574. semil4l
  575. rmil4l
  576. armil5l
  577. capil3l
  578. papil3la
  579. papil3le
  580. papil3li
  581. papil3lom
  582. pupil3l
  583. piril3l
  584. thril3l
  585. cyril3l
  586. ibril3l
  587. pusil3l
  588. .stil3l
  589. distil3l
  590. instil3l
  591. fritil3l
  592. boutil3l
  593. vanil3lin
  594. vanil3lis
  595. vil3l
  596. avil4l
  597. chevil4l
  598. uevil4l
  599. uvil4l
  600. xil3l
  601. <!-- % end of ill patterns -->
  602. 1informat <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  603. .in1a2
  604. 'in1a2
  605. .in2a3nit
  606. 'in2a3nit
  607. .in2augur
  608. 'in2augur
  609. .in1e2
  610. 'in1e2
  611. .in1é2
  612. 'in1é2
  613. .in2effab <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  614. 'in2effab
  615. .in2é3lucta
  616. 'in2é3lucta
  617. .in2é3narra
  618. 'in2é3narra
  619. .in2ept
  620. 'in2ept
  621. .in2er
  622. 'in2er
  623. .in2exora <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  624. 'in2exora
  625. .in1i2
  626. 'in1i2
  627. .in2i3miti
  628. 'in2i3miti
  629. .in2i3q
  630. 'in2i3q
  631. .in2i3t
  632. 'in2i3t
  633. .in1o2
  634. 'in1o2
  635. .in2o3cul
  636. 'in2o3cul
  637. .in2ond
  638. 'in2ond
  639. .in1s2tab
  640. 'in1s2tab
  641. 'inte4r3
  642. .intera2
  643. 'intera2
  644. .intere2
  645. 'intere2
  646. .interé2
  647. 'interé2
  648. .interi2
  649. 'interi2
  650. .intero2
  651. 'intero2
  652. .inte4r3
  653. .interu2
  654. 'interu2
  655. .inters2
  656. 'inters2
  657. .in1u2
  658. 'in1u2
  659. .in2uit
  660. 'in2uit
  661. .in2u3l
  662. 'in2u3l
  663. io1a2ct
  664. i1oxy
  665. i1s2tat
  666. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  667. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  668. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  669. <!-- %%j -->
  670. 1j
  671. 2jk
  672. 4je.
  673. 4jes.
  674. 2jent. <!-- % mute syllable: galèjent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  675. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  676. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  677. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  678. <!-- %%k -->
  679. 1ka
  680. 1kâ
  681. 1ke
  682. 1ké
  683. 1kè
  684. 1kê
  685. 4ke.
  686. 4kes.
  687. 2kent. <!-- % mute syllable: jerkent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  688. 1k2h
  689. 4kh.
  690. .kh4
  691. 1ki
  692. 1kî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  693. 1ko
  694. 1kô
  695. 1k2r
  696. 1ku
  697. 1kû
  698. 1ky
  699. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  700. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  701. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  702. <!-- %%l -->
  703. 1la
  704. 1lâ
  705. 1là
  706. la2w3re
  707. 1le
  708. 1lé
  709. 1lè
  710. 1lê
  711. 4le.
  712. 4les.
  713. <!-- % words ending with -lent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  714. 2lent.
  715. .ta3lent.
  716. iva3lent.
  717. équiva4lent.
  718. monova3lent.
  719. polyva3lent.
  720. re3lent.
  721. .do3lent.
  722. indo3lent.
  723. inso3lent.
  724. turbu3lent.
  725. succu3lent.
  726. fécu3lent.
  727. trucu3lent.
  728. opu3lent.
  729. corpu3lent.
  730. ru3lent.
  731. sporu4lent.
  732. <!-- % -->
  733. 1li
  734. 1lî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  735. 1lo
  736. 1lô
  737. l1s2t
  738. 1lu
  739. 1lû
  740. 1ly
  741. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  742. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  743. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  744. <!-- %%m -->
  745. 1ma
  746. 1mâ
  747. .ma2c3k
  748. .macro1s2c
  749. .ma2l1a2dres
  750. .ma2l1a2dro
  751. .ma2l1aisé
  752. .ma2l1ap
  753. .ma2l1a2v
  754. .ma2l1en
  755. .ma2l1int
  756. .ma2l1oc
  757. .ma2l1o2d
  758. .ma2r1x <!-- % nb (jbb: ?) -->
  759. 1me
  760. 1mé
  761. 1mè
  762. 1mê
  763. .mé2g1oh
  764. .mé2sa <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  765. .mé3san <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  766. .mé2s1es
  767. .mé2s1i
  768. .mé2s1u2s
  769. .méta1s2ta
  770. 4me.
  771. 4mes.
  772. <!-- % words ending with -ment (df) 22/02/94 -->
  773. â2ment.
  774. da2ment.
  775. fa2ment.
  776. amalga2ment.
  777. cla2ment.
  778. ra2ment.
  779. tempéra3ment.
  780. ta2ment.
  781. testa3ment.
  782. qua2ment.
  783. è2ment.
  784. carê2ment.
  785. diaphrag2ment.
  786. ryth2ment.
  787. ai2ment.
  788. rai3ment.
  789. abî2ment.
  790. éci2ment.
  791. vidi2ment.
  792. subli2ment.
  793. éli2ment.
  794. reli2ment.
  795. mi2ment.
  796. ani2ment.
  797. veni2ment.
  798. ri2ment.
  799. détri3ment.
  800. nutri3ment.
  801. inti2ment.
  802. esti2ment.
  803. l2ment.
  804. flam2ment.
  805. gram2ment.
  806. .gem2ment.
  807. om2ment.
  808. .com3ment.
  809. ô2ment.
  810. slalo2ment.
  811. chro2ment.
  812. to2ment.
  813. ar2ment.
  814. .sar3ment.
  815. er2ment.
  816. antifer3ment.
  817. .ser3ment.
  818. fir2ment.
  819. or2ment.
  820. as2ment.
  821. au2ment.
  822. écu2ment.
  823. fu2ment.
  824. hu2ment.
  825. fichu3ment.
  826. llu2ment.
  827. plu2ment.
  828. bou2ment.
  829. bru2ment.
  830. su2ment.
  831. tu2ment.
  832. <!-- % -->
  833. 1mi
  834. 1mî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  835. .milli1am
  836. 1m2némo
  837. 1m2nès
  838. 1m2nési
  839. 1mo
  840. 1mô
  841. .mono1a2
  842. .mono1e2
  843. .mono1é2
  844. .mono1i2
  845. .mono1ï2dé
  846. .mono1o2
  847. .mono1u2
  848. .mono1s2
  849. mon2t3réal <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  850. m1s2
  851. 1mu
  852. 1mû
  853. 1my
  854. moye2n1â2g
  855. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  856. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  857. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  858. <!-- %%n -->
  859. 1na
  860. 1nâ
  861. 1ne
  862. 1né
  863. 1nè
  864. 1nê
  865. 4ne.
  866. 4nes.
  867. <!-- % words ending with -nent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  868. 2nent. <!-- % fric-tionnent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93 -->
  869. réma3nent.
  870. imma3nent.
  871. perma3nent.
  872. .émi3nent.
  873. préémi3nent.
  874. proémi3nent.
  875. surémi3nent.
  876. immi3nent.
  877. conti3nent.
  878. perti3nent.
  879. absti3nent.
  880. <!-- % -->
  881. 1ni
  882. 1nî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  883. 1no
  884. 1nô
  885. .no2n1obs
  886. 1nu
  887. 1nû
  888. n3s2at.
  889. n3s2ats.
  890. n1x
  891. 1ny
  892. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  893. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  894. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  895. <!-- %%o -->
  896. .o4
  897. 'o4
  898. 'ô4
  899. .ô4
  900. <!-- %'\"o2 % mjf % deleted 3/1/94 df-bg -->
  901. o2b3long
  902. 1octet <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  903. o1d2l
  904. o1è2dre
  905. o1ioni
  906. ombud2s3
  907. omni1s2
  908. o1s2tas
  909. o1s2tat
  910. o1s2téro
  911. o1s2tim
  912. o1s2tom
  913. o1s2trad
  914. o1s2tratu
  915. o1s2triction
  916. .oua1ou
  917. 'oua1ou
  918. .ovi1s2c
  919. 'ovi1s2c
  920. oxy1a2
  921. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  922. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  923. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  924. <!-- %%p -->
  925. 1pa
  926. 1pâ
  927. paléo1é2
  928. .pa2n1a2f
  929. .pa2n1a2mé
  930. .pa2n1a2ra
  931. .pa2n1is
  932. .pa2n1o2ph
  933. .pa2n1opt
  934. .pa2r1a2che
  935. .pa2r1a2chè
  936. .para1s2
  937. .pa2r3hé
  938. 1pe
  939. 1pé
  940. 1pè
  941. 1pê
  942. 4pe.
  943. 4pes.
  944. <!-- % words ending with -pent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  945. 2pent.
  946. re3pent.
  947. .ar3pent.
  948. 'ar3pent.
  949. ser3pent.
  950. <!-- % -->
  951. .pen2ta <!-- % pent- or penta- but never pen-ta bg 12/27/93 -->
  952. per3h
  953. pé2nul <!-- % pé2n1ul moved back 09/17/92 to JD def. -->
  954. .pe4r
  955. .per1a2
  956. .per1e2
  957. .per1é2
  958. .per1i2
  959. .per1o2
  960. .per1u2
  961. pé1r2é2q <!-- % 2r1 moved 09/17/92 to 1r2(it was a typo) -->
  962. .péri1os
  963. .péri1s2
  964. .péri2s3s
  965. .péri2s3ta
  966. .péri1u2
  967. 1p2h
  968. .ph4
  969. 4ph.
  970. .phalan3s2t
  971. 4phe.
  972. 4phes.
  973. 2phent. <!-- % mute syllable: triomphent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  974. ph2l
  975. 4phle.
  976. 4phles.
  977. 2phn
  978. photo1s2
  979. ph2r
  980. 4phre.
  981. 4phres.
  982. 2phs
  983. 2pht
  984. 3ph2talé
  985. 3ph2tis
  986. <!-- %%%% Here is an example of a pb involving phonetic and etymologic patterns 5/94 -->
  987. <!-- %%%% .phyto3ph2 % originaly, but wrong for phy-toph-thora 9/92 -->
  988. <!-- %%%% .phy2topha % for -pharmacie but wrong for phyto-biol.. 5/94 -->
  989. 1pi
  990. 1pî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  991. 1p2l
  992. 4ple.
  993. 4ples.
  994. 2plent. <!-- % mute syllable: accouplent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  995. .pluri1a
  996. 1p2né
  997. 1p2neu
  998. 1po
  999. 1pô
  1000. po1astre
  1001. poly1a2
  1002. poly1e2
  1003. poly1é2
  1004. poly1è2
  1005. poly1i2
  1006. poly1o2
  1007. poly1s2
  1008. poly1u2
  1009. .pon2tet <!-- % JD hypenated it asis 09/17/92, exception -->
  1010. .pos2t3h
  1011. .pos2t1in
  1012. .pos2t1o2
  1013. .pos2t3r
  1014. .post1s2
  1015. 1p2r
  1016. 4pre.
  1017. 4pres.
  1018. 2prent. <!-- % mute syllable: empourprent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  1019. .pré1a2
  1020. .pré2a3la <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  1021. .pré2au
  1022. .pré1é2
  1023. .pré1e2
  1024. .pré1i2
  1025. .pré1o2
  1026. .pré1u2
  1027. .pré1s2
  1028. .pro1é2
  1029. .pro1s2cé
  1030. pro2s3tat
  1031. .prou3d2h
  1032. 1p2sych
  1033. .psycho1a2n
  1034. 1p2tèr
  1035. 1p2tér
  1036. 1pu
  1037. .pud1d2l
  1038. 1pû
  1039. 1py
  1040. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1041. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1042. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1043. <!-- %%q -->
  1044. 1q
  1045. 4que.
  1046. 4ques.
  1047. <!-- % words ending with -quent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1048. 2quent.
  1049. é3quent.
  1050. élo3quent.
  1051. grandilo3quent.
  1052. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1053. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1054. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1055. <!-- %%r -->
  1056. 1ra
  1057. 1râ
  1058. radio1a2 <!-- % missing from nb list -->
  1059. 1re
  1060. 1ré
  1061. 1rè
  1062. 1rê
  1063. .ré1a2
  1064. .ré2a3le
  1065. .ré2a3lis
  1066. .ré2a3lit
  1067. .ré2aux
  1068. .ré1é2
  1069. .ré1e2
  1070. .ré2el
  1071. .ré2er
  1072. .ré2èr
  1073. .ré1i2
  1074. .ré2i3fi
  1075. .ré1o2
  1076. .re1s2
  1077. .re2s3cap
  1078. .re2s3cisi <!-- % for res-cision 09/17/92 (missing from nb) -->
  1079. .re2s3ciso <!-- % for res-cisoire 09/17/92(missing from nb) -->
  1080. .re2s3cou
  1081. .re2s3cri
  1082. .re2s3pect
  1083. .re2s3pir
  1084. .re2s3plend
  1085. .re2s3pons
  1086. .re2s3quil
  1087. .re2s3s
  1088. .re2s3t
  1089. .re3s4tab
  1090. .re3s4tag
  1091. .re3s4tand
  1092. .re3s4tat
  1093. .re3s4tén
  1094. .re3s4tér
  1095. .re3s4tim
  1096. .re3s4tip
  1097. .re3s4toc
  1098. .re3s4top
  1099. .re3s4tr
  1100. .re4s5trein
  1101. .re4s5trict
  1102. .re4s5trin
  1103. .re3s4tu
  1104. .re3s4ty
  1105. .réu2 <!-- %.ré1u2 % pattern rejected 12/2/92 -->
  1106. <!-- % (don't hyphenate as ré-union nor réu-nion) -->
  1107. .ré2uss
  1108. .rétro1a2
  1109. 4re.
  1110. 4res.
  1111. <!-- % words ending with -rent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1112. 2rent. <!-- % es-pèrent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93 -->
  1113. .pa3rent.
  1114. appa3rent.
  1115. transpa3rent.
  1116. é3rent.
  1117. tor3rent.
  1118. cur3rent.
  1119. <!-- % -->
  1120. 1r2h
  1121. 4rhe.
  1122. 4rhes.
  1123. 2r3heur
  1124. 2r3hydr
  1125. 1ri
  1126. 1rî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1127. 1ro
  1128. 1rô
  1129. 1ru
  1130. 1rû
  1131. 1ry
  1132. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1133. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1134. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1135. <!-- %%s -->
  1136. 1sa
  1137. 1sâ
  1138. .sch4
  1139. 1s2caph
  1140. 1s2clér
  1141. 1s2cop
  1142. 1s2ch
  1143. e2s3ch
  1144. i2s3ché
  1145. i2s3chia
  1146. i2s3chio
  1147. 4sch.
  1148. 4sche.
  1149. 4sches.
  1150. 2schs
  1151. 1se
  1152. 1sé
  1153. 1sè
  1154. 1sê
  1155. sesqui1a2
  1156. 4se.
  1157. 4ses.
  1158. <!-- % words ending with -sent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1159. 2sent. <!-- % massent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93 -->
  1160. ab3sent.
  1161. pré3sent.
  1162. .res3sent.
  1163. <!-- % -->
  1164. .seu2le <!-- % jbb -->
  1165. .sh4
  1166. 1s2h
  1167. 4sh.
  1168. 4she.
  1169. 4shes.
  1170. 2shent. <!-- % mute syllable: smashent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1171. 2shm
  1172. 2s3hom
  1173. 2shr
  1174. 2shs
  1175. 1si
  1176. 1sî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1177. 1s2lav
  1178. 1s2lov
  1179. 1so
  1180. 1sô
  1181. 1s2patia
  1182. 1s2perm
  1183. 1s2por
  1184. 1s2phèr
  1185. 1s2phér
  1186. 1s2piel
  1187. 1s2piros
  1188. 1s2tandard
  1189. 1s2tein
  1190. stéréo1s2
  1191. 1s2tigm
  1192. 1s2tock
  1193. 1s2tomos
  1194. 1s2troph
  1195. 1s2tructu
  1196. 1s2tyle
  1197. 1su
  1198. 1sû
  1199. .su2b1a2
  1200. .su3b2alt
  1201. .su2b1é2
  1202. .su3b2é3r
  1203. .su2b1in
  1204. .su2b3limin
  1205. .su2b3lin
  1206. .su2b3lu
  1207. sub1s2
  1208. .su2b1ur
  1209. supero2
  1210. supe4r1
  1211. supers2
  1212. .su2r1a2
  1213. su3r2ah
  1214. .su3r2a3t
  1215. .su2r1e2
  1216. .su3r2eau
  1217. .su3r2ell
  1218. .su3r2et
  1219. .su2r1é2
  1220. .su2r3h
  1221. .su2r1i2m
  1222. .su2r1inf
  1223. .su2r1int
  1224. .su2r1of
  1225. .su2r1ox
  1226. 1sy
  1227. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1228. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1229. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1230. <!-- %%t -->
  1231. 1ta
  1232. 1tâ
  1233. 1tà
  1234. tachy1a2
  1235. tchin3t2
  1236. 1te
  1237. 1té
  1238. 1tè
  1239. 1tê
  1240. télé1e2
  1241. télé1i2
  1242. télé1o2b
  1243. télé1o2p
  1244. télé1s2
  1245. 4te.
  1246. 4tes.
  1247. <!-- % words ending with -tent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1248. 2tent. <!-- % mentent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93 -->
  1249. .la3tent.
  1250. .pa3tent.
  1251. compé3tent.
  1252. éni3tent.
  1253. mécon3tent.
  1254. omnipo3tent.
  1255. ventripo3tent.
  1256. équipo3tent.
  1257. impo3tent.
  1258. mit3tent.
  1259. <!-- % -->
  1260. .th4
  1261. 1t2h
  1262. 4th.
  1263. 4the.
  1264. 4thes.
  1265. thermo1s2
  1266. 2t3heur
  1267. 2thl <!-- % th2l was wrong for ...ath-lon (jd said 2thl) df 12/27/93 -->
  1268. 2thm
  1269. 2thn
  1270. th2r
  1271. 4thre.
  1272. 4thres.
  1273. 2ths
  1274. 1ti
  1275. 1tî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1276. 1to
  1277. 1tô
  1278. 1t2r
  1279. tran2s1a2
  1280. tran3s2act
  1281. tran3s2ats
  1282. tran2s3h
  1283. tran2s1o2
  1284. tran2s3p
  1285. tran2s1u2
  1286. 4tre.
  1287. 4tres.
  1288. 2trent. <!-- % mute syllable: infiltrent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  1289. .tri1a2c
  1290. .tri1a2n
  1291. .tri1a2t
  1292. .tri1o2n
  1293. t1t2l
  1294. 1tu
  1295. 1tû
  1296. tung2s3
  1297. 1ty
  1298. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1299. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1300. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1301. <!-- %%u -->
  1302. .u4
  1303. 'u4
  1304. .û4
  1305. 'û4
  1306. uni1o2v
  1307. uni1a2x
  1308. u2s3tr
  1309. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1310. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1311. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1312. <!-- %%v -->
  1313. 1va
  1314. 1vâ
  1315. 1ve
  1316. 1vé
  1317. 1vè
  1318. 1vê
  1319. vélo1s2ki
  1320. 4ve.
  1321. 4ves.
  1322. <!-- % words ending with -vent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1323. 2vent.
  1324. conni3vent.
  1325. .sou3vent.
  1326. <!-- % -->
  1327. 1vi
  1328. 1vî0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1329. 1vo
  1330. 1vô
  1331. vol2t1amp
  1332. 1v2r
  1333. 4vre.
  1334. 4vres.
  1335. 2vrent. <!-- % mute syllable: recouvrent (df) 28/02/94 -->
  1336. 1vu
  1337. 1vû
  1338. 1vy
  1339. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1340. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1341. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1342. <!-- %%w -->
  1343. 1wa
  1344. 1we
  1345. 4we.
  1346. 4wes.
  1347. 2went. <!-- % mute syllable: interviewent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1348. 1wi
  1349. 1wo
  1350. 1wu
  1351. 1w2r
  1352. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1353. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1354. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1355. <!-- %%x -->
  1356. 2xent. <!-- % mute syllable: malaxent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1357. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1358. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1359. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1360. <!-- %%y -->
  1361. .y4
  1362. 'y4
  1363. y1asth
  1364. y1s2tom
  1365. y1algi
  1366. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1367. <!-- % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns % -->
  1368. <!-- %==================-%======================-% -->
  1369. <!-- %%z -->
  1370. 1za
  1371. 1ze
  1372. 1zé
  1373. 1zè
  1374. 4ze.
  1375. 4zes.
  1376. <!-- % words ending with -zent (df) 22/02/94 -->
  1377. 2zent.
  1378. privatdo3zent.
  1379. <!-- % -->
  1380. 1zi
  1381. 1zo
  1382. 1zu
  1383. 1zy
  1384. <!-- %} -->
  1385. <!-- %\endgroup -->
  1386. <!-- %Fin du fichier f7hyph.tex -->
  1387. <!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
  1388. <!-- Added back the oe ligature patterns. Carlos Villegas -->
  1389. 1c&#x0153;0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1390. .d\'e2s1&#x0153;0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1391. 1m&#x0153;0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1392. 1n&#x0153;0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1393. 1s&#x0153;0 <!-- % final zero essential to terminate cs -->
  1394. </patterns>
  1395. </hyphenation-info>