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readme 1.0KB

This directory contains some libraries or class files necessary 
for compiling, running or testing Fop.

version 1.5
Ant is the scripting tool which is used to build Fop or to run
the test scripts. see build.xml in root for more information
Also has the class org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.TraXLiaison
added which is needed for the style task.

version 1.5beta2
created from all-jar build target
the svg library from Batik at xml.apache.org

Ant tasks required for building FOP. Rebuild with
build.sh -f buildtools.xml in the top level directory.

Jar used for creating the FOP website

version 1.4.3
xerces is the xslt stylesheet processor

version 1.0
loggin library for logging in fop

xml processor

*** OPTIONAL ***

May be obtained from http://java.sun.com/products/jimi/.
Place jimi*.jar in lib/; modify batch/shell script classpaths.
version 1.0
Jimi is an image library that is used to load images