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  1. $Id$
  3. **** COMMITTERS ****
  4. Arved Sandstrom (release coordinator)
  5. James Tauber (started it all and wrote most of the code)
  6. Steven Coffman
  7. Fotis Jannidis
  8. Jordan Naftolin
  9. Eric Schaeffer
  10. Jon Smirl
  11. **** THINGS WORKED ON *****
  12. rewrite of the org.apache.fop.layout in a new package (implements xsl 2000) [James Tauber]
  13. image support [Eric Schaeffer, Pankaj Narula, Andreas Rueckert]
  14. SVG support [Keiron Liddle][Torsten Friebe]
  15. more borders, padding and absolute positioning [Jon Smirl]
  16. smooth shading in PDF [Steven Coffman]
  17. tables: fo: table-header, table-and-caption,
  18. properties:
  19. column-number,
  20. number-columns-repeated
  21. number-columns-spanned
  22. number-rows-spanned
  23. general properties wrt tables
  24. [Karen Lease]
  25. docs, message handler [Fotis Jannidis]
  26. **** THINGS TO DO ****
  27. Support XSL Working Draft 27 March 2000
  28. 1.One category of tasks will be to implement missing formatting objects.
  29. There are 6 (7) such objects:
  30. fo:character (?)
  31. fo:external-graphic
  32. fo:leader
  33. fo:table-and-caption
  34. fo:table-header
  35. fo:multi-case
  36. fo:wrapper
  37. 2.A second category of tasks will be to update existing objects.
  38. This typically entails renaming modifications. There are at least 3 of these:
  39. fo:page-sequence-master
  40. fo:single-page-master-reference
  41. fo:repeatable-page-master-reference
  42. 3.A third category of tasks is to retire obsolescent objects. The primary issue
  43. here seems to be the migration of FOP from officially supporting
  44. DisplayGraphic and InlineGraphic FO's to officially supporting at least an
  45. ExternalGraphic FO, and ideally also the InstreamForeignObject FO, the latter
  46. aimed at SVG support.
  47. 4.A fourth, and not insignificant, category of tasks is to decide upon and
  48. implement all reasonable properties required by the specification. This
  49. also means that at this point, until further review, no FO can be considered
  50. to be compliant.
  51. a) CHANGED
  52. 11.href (Dropped/Changed)
  53. (Dropped/Changed)
  54. (Dropped/Changed)
  55. (Dropped/Changed)
  56. (Dropped/Changed)
  57. (Dropped/Changed)
  58. (Incomplete)
  59. (Incomplete)
  60. 25.white-space-treatment (Dropped/Changed)
  61. b) NEW
  62. 1.alignment-adjust 26.min-width
  63. 2.baseline-identifier 27.number-columns-repeated
  64. 3.baseline-shift 28.number-columns-spanned
  65. 4.block-progression-dimension 29.number-rows-spanned
  66. 5.character 30.orphans
  67. 6.clip 31.overflow
  68. 7.column-number
  69. 8.content-type
  70. 9.direction 34.precedence
  71. 10.display-align 35.ref-id
  72. 11.dominant-baseline 36.reference-orientation
  73. 12.font-variant 37.region-name
  74. 13.format 38.relative-align
  75. 14.grouping-separator 39.role
  76. 15.grouping-size 40.rule-style
  77. 16.inline-progression-dimension 41.source-document
  78. 17.keep-with-previous
  79. 18.leader-length
  80. 19.leader-pattern
  81. 20.letter-value
  82. 21.line-stacking-strategy 46.src
  83. 22.master-name 47.visibility
  84. 23.max-height 48.widows
  85. 24.max-width 49.writing-mode
  86. 25.min-height 50.z-index
  87. 5.A fifth category of tasks is the ongoing effort to promote maintainability,
  88. write
  89. more and better documentation, and to refine the build process.
  90. a) Don't use 'make' any longer and make sure that and build.bat work
  91. b) Add the property files to the source code (how is the vote on this?)
  92. c) update the examples to the new spec
  93. d) add examples so that all the FOs supported are used in some example
  94. **** Bugs ****
  95. - colour not continued onto subsequent pages if coloured block goes over page
  96. - no SVG support in AWTCommandLine
  97. - keep-next doesn't work and doubles the text lines which should be moved to the next page
  98. - pdf files created with Fop don't print correctly on postscript printers
  99. - lists containing list do not keep their indentation correctly over a page boundary
  100. - id references are marked as illegally doubled, if they are first layouted at the bottom of a page
  101. and then moved to the next page
  102. with AWT Previewer:
  103. - currently the layout process uses PDF fonts. This gives sometimes
  104. trouble with java.awt.Font
  105. - we need some progress messages even if the process itself is fast
  106. - GIF format is supported by the viewer, but disabled in FOP. BMP is
  107. not done, because there are no standard libraries.
  108. - more comments/english comments
  109. - first preview is painted twice (flashing screen)
  110. - should "preview" be an option when calling FOP instead of having
  111. it's own main method?
  112. **** HISTORY ****
  113. Done since 0.13 release
  114. - added support for fo page-number-citation [Mike Crowe, Jordan Naftolin]
  115. - added image support using Jimi [Eric Schaeffer]
  116. - added support for external and internal simple-links [Jordan Naftolin]
  117. - added support for the fonts Symbol and ZapfDingbats [Fotis Jannidis]
  118. - added a MessageHandler [Fotis Jannidis]
  119. Done since 0.12.1 release
  120. - using Ant to build Fop instead of make [Giacomo Pati]
  121. - borders, padding and absolute positioning [Jon Smirl]
  122. 0.12.1 release
  123. to make the bug fix on XTCommandLine available to non developers
  124. basic support for padding-{top,left,bottom,right} on blocks.
  125. implemented simple-link (don't think it works, though)
  126. XTCommandLine now works again
  127. background color works on list-block
  128. list-blocks can now be in table-cell
  129. Done for 0.12.0 release:
  130. Make sure Makefiles work
  131. Switch to using Status object as return from layout()
  132. Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's fix to tables in static-content
  133. Incorporate Kelly Campell's fixes to GifJpegImage
  134. Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's background colour implementation
  135. (actually used different approach with background colour as trait)