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xml2pdf.xsl 8.5KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <!-- XSLT stylesheet to convert the Fop documentation collected in one xml file into a fo file
  3. for use in FOP
  4. TBD: - The faq doesn't show in the content
  5. - check why margin-bottom on the page with properties is too large
  6. - check why keep-next not only doesn't work, but leads to repeating already printed lines
  7. - make lines containing only code look nicer (smaller line height)
  8. - replace bullets in ordered lists with numbers
  9. - correct the hack replacing nbsp with '-'
  10. - handle the links correctly which have been external in the html doc and are now internal
  11. -->
  12. <xsl:stylesheet
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  38. FOP documentation - p. <fo:page-number/>
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  49. FOP - an xsl:fo renderer
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  58. Content
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  148. <!-- p + code
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  156. <xsl:apply-templates/>
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  159. -->
  160. <!-- faqs -->
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