2002-03-17 17:24:10 +00:00

130 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Overview -->
<subtitle>All you wanted to know about the Properties !</subtitle>
<authors> <person name="Keiron Liddle" email=""/>
<body><s1 title="Property Handling">
<p>During XML Parsing, the FO tree is constructed. For each FO object (some
subclass of FObj), the tree builder then passes the list of all
attributes specified on the FO element to the handleAttrs method. This
method converts the attribute specifications into a PropertyList.</p>
<p>The actual work is done by a PropertyListBuilder (PLB for short). The
basic idea of the PLB is to handle each attribute in the list in turn,
find an appropriate "Maker" for it, call the Maker to convert the
attribute value into a Property object of the correct type, and store
that Property in the PropertyList.</p>
<s2 title="Finding a Maker">
The PLB finds a "Maker" for the property based on the attribute name and
the element name. Most Makers are generic and handle the attribute on
any element, but it's possible to set up an element-specific property
Maker. The attribute name to Maker mappings are automatically created
during the code generation phase by processing the XML property
description files.</p>
<s2 title="Processing the attribute list">
<p>The PLB first looks to see if the font-size property is specified, since
it sets up relative units which can be used in other property
specifications. Each attribute is then handled in turn. If the attribute
specifies part of a compound property such as space-before.optimum, the
PLB looks to see if the attribute list also contains the "base" property
(space-before in this case) and processes that first.</p></s2>
<s2 title="How the Property Maker works"><p>There is a family of Maker objects for each of the property datatypes,
such as Length, Number, Enumerated, Space, etc. But since each Property
has specific aspects such as whether it's inherited, its default value,
its corresponding properties, etc. there is usually a specific Maker for
each Property. All these Maker classes are created during the code
generation phase by processing (using XSLT) the XML property description
files to create Java classes.</p>
<p>The Maker first checks for "keyword" values for a property. These are
things like "thin, medium, thick" for the border-width property. The
datatype is really a Length but it can be specified using these keywords
whose actual value is determined by the "User Agent" rather than being
specified in the XSL standard. For FOP, these values are currently
defined in foproperties.xml. The keyword value is just a string, so it
still needs to be parsed as described next.</p>
<p>The Maker also checks to see if the property is an Enumerated type and
then checks whether the value matches one of the specified enumeration
<p>Otherwise the Maker uses the property parser in the fo.expr package to
evaluate the attribute value and return a Property object. The parser
interprets the expression language and performs numeric operations and
function call evaluations.</p>
<p>If the returned Property value is of the correct type (specificed in
foproperties.xml, where else?), the Maker returns it. Otherwise, it may
be able to convert the returned type into the correct type.</p>
<p>Some kinds of property values can't be fully resolved during FO tree
building because they depend on layout information. This is the case of
length values specified as percentages and of the special
proportional-column-width(x) specification for table-column widths.
These are stored as special kinds of Length objects which are evaluated
during layout. Expressions involving "em" units which are relative to
font-size _are_ resolved during the FO tree building however.</p></s2>
<s2 title="Structure of the PropertyList">
<p>The PropertyList extends HashMap and its basic function is to associate
Property value objects with Property names. The Property objects are all
subclasses of the base Property class. Each one simply contains a
reference to one of the property datatype objects. Property provides
accessors for all known datatypes and various subclasses override the
accessor(s) which are reasonable for the datatype they store.</p>
<p>The PropertyList itself provides various ways of looking up Property
values to handle such issues as inheritance and corresponding
properties. </p>
<p>The main logic is:<br/>If the property is a writing-mode relative property (using start, end,
before or after in its name), the corresponding absolute property value
is returned if it's explicitly set on this FO. <br/>Otherwise, the
writing-mode relative value is returned if it's explicitly set. If the
property is inherited, the process repeats using the PropertyList of the
FO's parent object. (This is easy because each PropertyList points to
the PropertyList of the nearest ancestor FO.) If the property isn't
inherited or no value is found at any level, the initial value is
<s2 title="References">
<dl><dt>docs/design/properties.xml</dt> <dd>a more detailed version of this (generated
html in docs/html-docs/design/properties.html)</dd>
<dt>src/codegen/properties.dtd</dt> <dd>heavily commented DTD for foproperties.xml,
but may not be completely up-to-date</dd></dl></s2>
<s2 title="To Do"> <s3 title="documentation">
<ul><li>explain PropertyManager vs. direct access</li>
<li>Explain corresponding properties</li></ul></s3>
<s3 title="development">
<p>Lots of properties are incompletely handled, especially funny kinds of
keyword values and shorthand values (one attribute which sets several