You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <!--
  3. Copyright 1999-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
  4. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  5. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  6. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  8. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  9. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  10. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  11. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  12. limitations under the License.
  13. -->
  14. <!-- =========================================================================== -->
  15. <project default="newPDF" basedir=".">
  16. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  17. <!-- Initialization target -->
  18. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  19. <target name="init">
  20. <tstamp/>
  21. <mkdir dir="tests"/>
  22. <property name="referenceDir" value="reference"/>
  23. <property name="testDir" value="tests"/>
  24. <property name="foDir" value="fo"/>
  25. <path id="run-classpath">
  26. <fileset dir="../../lib">
  27. <include name="*.jar"/>
  28. </fileset>
  29. <pathelement location="../../build/fop.jar"/>
  30. </path>
  31. <taskdef name="fop" classname="" classpathref="run-classpath"/>
  32. <taskdef name="compare" classname="" classpathref="run-classpath"/>
  33. </target>
  34. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  35. <!-- Help on usage -->
  36. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  37. <target name="usage">
  38. <echo message="Use '-projecthelp' instead"/>
  39. </target>
  40. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  41. <!-- Produces new test files (function) -->
  42. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  43. <target name="newTestFiles">
  44. <fop format="${mimetype}" outdir="${outDir}" messagelevel="${msglevel}" relativebase="true">
  45. <fileset dir="basic">
  46. <include name="**/*.fo"/>
  47. </fileset>
  48. <fileset dir="footnotes">
  49. <include name="**/*.fo"/>
  50. </fileset>
  51. <fileset dir="pagination">
  52. <include name="**/*.fo"/>
  53. </fileset>
  54. <fileset dir="keeps_and_breaks">
  55. <include name="**/*.fo"/>
  56. </fileset>
  57. <fileset dir="markers">
  58. <include name="**/*.fo"/>
  59. </fileset>
  60. <fileset dir="region_body">
  61. <include name="**/*.fo"/>
  62. </fileset>
  63. <fileset dir="tables">
  64. <include name="**/*.fo"/>
  65. </fileset>
  66. <fileset dir="svg">
  67. <include name="**/*.fo"/>
  68. </fileset>
  69. <fileset dir="advanced">
  70. <include name="**/"/>
  71. </fileset>
  72. </fop>
  73. </target>
  74. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  75. <!-- Produces new test PDF files -->
  76. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  77. <target name="newPDF" depends="init" description="Creates a new set of PDF test files">
  78. <antcall target="newTestFiles">
  79. <param name="mimetype" value="application/pdf"/>
  80. <param name="msglevel" value="warn"/>
  81. <param name="outDir" value="${testDir}"/>
  82. </antcall>
  83. </target>
  84. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  85. <!-- Produces new test ps files -->
  86. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  87. <target name="newPS" depends="init" description="Creates a new set of PostScript test files">
  88. <antcall target="newTestFiles">
  89. <param name="mimetype" value="application/postscript"/>
  90. <param name="msglevel" value="warn"/>
  91. <param name="outDir" value="${testDir}"/>
  92. </antcall>
  93. </target>
  94. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  95. <!-- Produces new test areatree files -->
  96. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  97. <target name="newAT" depends="init" description="Creates a new set of AreaTree XML test files">
  98. <antcall target="newTestFiles">
  99. <param name="mimetype" value="text/xml"/>
  100. <param name="msglevel" value="warn"/>
  101. <param name="outDir" value="${testDir}"/>
  102. </antcall>
  103. </target>
  104. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  105. <!-- Compares new test pdf files to reference pdf files -->
  106. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  107. <target name="comparePDF" depends="newPDF">
  108. <compare referenceDirectory="${referenceDir}" testDirectory="${testDir}" filenames="normal.pdf,table.pdf,list.pdf,link.pdf,border.pdf,images.pdf,extensive.pdf,readme.pdf,fonts.pdf,bordershorthand.pdf,character.pdf,corresprop.pdf,hyphen.pdf,inhprop.pdf,instream.pdf,leader.pdf,newlinktest.pdf,normalex.pdf,pdfoutline.pdf,simple.pdf,textdeko.pdf,tableunits.pdf"/>
  109. </target>
  110. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  111. <!-- Produces new reference pdf files -->
  112. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  113. <target name="referencePDF" depends="init">
  114. <antcall target="newTestFiles">
  115. <param name="mimetype" value="application/pdf"/>
  116. <param name="msglevel" value="warn"/>
  117. <param name="outDir" value="${referenceDir}"/>
  118. </antcall>
  119. </target>
  120. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  121. <!-- Starts the test -->
  122. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  123. <target name="runtest" depends="comparePDF">
  124. <echo message="Running Fop tests"/>
  125. </target>
  126. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  127. <!-- Clean targets -->
  128. <!-- =================================================================== -->
  129. <target name="clean" depends="init">
  130. <delete dir="${testDir}"/>
  131. </target>
  132. </project>
  133. <!-- End of file -->