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status.xml 22KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <status>
  3. <developers>
  4. <!-- in strict alphabetical order -->
  5. <person name="Finn Bock" email="bckfnn@apache.org" id="FB"/>
  6. <person name="Chris Bowditch" email="cbowditch@apache.org" id="CB"/>
  7. <person name="Andreas L. Delmelle" email="adelmelle@apache.org" id="ALD"/>
  8. <person name="Peter Herweg" email="pherweg@apache.org" id="PH"/>
  9. <person name="Jeremias Maerki" email="jeremias@apache.org" id="JM"/>
  10. <person name="Glen Mazza" email="gmazza@apache.org" id="GM"/>
  11. <person name="Joerg Pietschmann" email="pietsch@apache.org" id="JP"/>
  12. <person name="Peter B. West" email="pbwest@apache.org" id="PBW"/>
  13. <!--
  14. inactive??
  15. <person name="Kelly Campbell" email="kellyc@apache.org" id="KC"/>
  16. <person name="Steven Coffman" email="gears@apache.org" id="SC"/>
  17. <person name="Bertrand Delacretaz" email="bdelacretaz@apache.org" id="BD"/>
  18. <person name="Tore Engvig" email="tore@apache.org" id=""/>
  19. <person name="Christian Geisert" email="chrisg@apache.org" id="CG"/>
  20. <person name="Stanislav Gorkhover" email="stanislav@apache.org" id=""/>
  21. <person name="Fotis Jannidis" email="fotis@apache.org" id=""/>
  22. <person name="Karen Lease" email="klease@apache.org" id="KL"/>
  23. <person name="Keiron Liddle" email="keiron@apache.org" id="KLL"/>
  24. <person name="Victor Mote" email="vmote@apache.org" id="VM"/>
  25. <person name="Jordan Naftolin" email="jordan@apache.org" id=""/>
  26. <person name="Arved Sandstrom" email="arved@apache.org" id="AS"/>
  27. <person name="Eric Schaeffer" email="eschaeffer@apache.org" id=""/>
  28. <person name="Oleg Tkachenko" email="olegt@apache.org" id="OT"/>
  29. <person name="Art Welch" email="artw@apache.org" id=""/>
  30. -->
  31. <person name="Volunteer needed" email="fop-dev@xml.apache.org" id="open"/>
  32. </developers>
  33. <todo>
  34. <actions priority="high">
  35. <action context="code" dev="JM, open">
  36. Finish applying Apache License 2.0. Open items: documentation files, hyphenation patterns...
  37. </action>
  38. <action context="code" dev="open">
  39. From branch: char encoding for pdf output.
  40. </action>
  41. <action context="code" dev="open">
  42. From branch: delete output file if error occured.
  43. </action>
  44. <action context="code" dev="open">
  45. From branch: add CCITT TIFF file support for embedding in pdf.
  46. </action>
  47. <action context="code" dev="open">
  48. Implement spacing between blocks and the adjustment to
  49. actual height when adding areas.
  50. </action>
  51. <action context="code" dev="open">
  52. Implement force page breaks.
  53. </action>
  54. <action context="code" dev="open">
  55. Implement page columns.
  56. Each column will need to layout until the page is complete.
  57. Need to improve the way that breaks are stored.
  58. </action>
  59. <action context="code" dev="open">
  60. Implement footnote.
  61. A footnote creates an inline parent and a block that is put into
  62. the footnote area.
  63. </action>
  64. <action context="code" dev="open">
  65. Implement floats.
  66. A float adds an anchor inline or block area to the parent
  67. and a block is added to the nearest reference area. The
  68. reference area layout manager needs to check it fits and
  69. adjust ipd available to line areas.
  70. </action>
  71. <action context="code" dev="open">
  72. Sort out writing directions and stacking.
  73. All blocks and line areas can be stack in different directions
  74. depending on writing mode and orientation.
  75. Need to ensure that all areas can be stacked properly in the
  76. correct direction.
  77. </action>
  78. </actions>
  79. <actions priority="medium">
  80. <action context="design" dev="open">
  81. Design FOP API interfaces.
  82. </action>
  83. <action context="design" dev="open">
  84. Integrate with Jakarta Avalon: logging, configuration, URI resolver,
  85. component management, image caching etc.
  86. </action>
  87. <action context="code" dev="open">
  88. Make it possible to redo static regions by determining which
  89. areas need a new layout for new page.
  90. </action>
  91. </actions>
  92. <actions priority="low">
  93. <action context="design" dev="open">
  94. Investigate using form XObject for repeated areas
  95. such as static and table header/footer only when the
  96. area does not change.
  97. </action>
  98. <action context="code" dev="open">
  99. Investigate using form XObject for svg images
  100. this can make the svg cacheable in the pdf doc
  101. </action>
  102. </actions>
  103. </todo>
  104. <changes>
  105. <release version="2004" date="2004">
  106. <action context="code" dev="FB" type="update">
  107. Rolled property datatypes classes into the property classes and
  108. un-nested the Property.Maker inner-class.
  109. </action>
  110. <action context="code" dev="FB" type="update">
  111. Abandoned code-generated property maker classes.
  112. </action>
  113. </release>
  114. <release version="2003" date="2003">
  115. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix" due-to="CTB/McGraw-Hill">
  116. Fix for bad font encodings in the PS renderer (Fonts get reencoded as
  117. WinAnsiEncoding, Symbol and ZapfDingbats show correctly now)
  118. </action>
  119. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
  120. Fix for bug #20239: Failure while generating XML metrics files from TT
  121. collections when names are in Unicode (JM)
  122. </action>
  123. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix"
  124. due-to="Matthias Germann" due-to-email="germannm@post.ch">
  125. Fixed bug: PFBParser reports "Could not load the whole segment" (#19764).
  126. </action>
  127. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="add">
  128. PS renderer got a configurable setting to do auto-landscape rotation.
  129. </action>
  130. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
  131. Fixed TrueType embedding. Width array now reflects the subset again.
  132. </action>
  133. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
  134. Fixed font registration for PDF renderer. "normal" and "bold" get
  135. accepted as font-weight again. Fixed font-weight normalization.
  136. </action>
  137. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  138. Added markers to page when areas added.
  139. When an area is added that is created by an FO that contains markers
  140. then the markers can also be added. There are four types of positions
  141. for markers.
  142. </action>
  143. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  144. Retrieved markers from page.
  145. When doing the static areas the markers will need to be available for
  146. retrieving. Layout currently has some issues.
  147. </action>
  148. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  149. PDF and PS transcoders now have a common base class. It also
  150. optionally supports Avalon Logging and Configuration. Support for
  151. plugging in an EntityResolver into Batik is now included.
  152. </action>
  153. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  154. Implemented on-the-fly stream output (less buffering leads to
  155. decreased memory usage and increased speed).
  156. </action>
  157. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  158. General refactoring of the PDF library to centralize certain
  159. behaviour and reduce redundancy. Some memory allocation
  160. optimizations.
  161. </action>
  162. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  163. Enhanced PDF encryption support so it is optional depending on the
  164. availability of JCE and/or cryptographic algorithms.
  165. </action>
  166. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="add"
  167. due-to="Patrick C. Lankswert" due-to-email="PLankswert@InsightBB.COM">
  168. Added PDF encryption support (40bit RC4, PDF 1.3 level).
  169. </action>
  170. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  171. Moved all sources from src/org/** to src/java/org/**.
  172. </action>
  173. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update"
  174. due-to="Zhong Yi" due-to-email="yidaomao@yahoo.com">
  175. Port of the PDF TextPainter to PostScript. Support for SEG_QUADTO (curves).
  176. Some support for viewport traits (background and borders).
  177. </action>
  178. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  179. Brought back the PostScript renderer. Compared to the branch it
  180. has a cleaner separation of PostScript generation code from
  181. renderer-specific code.
  182. </action>
  183. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
  184. Fixed bug #16257: Get ascender/descender from OS/2 table if the ones in
  185. hhea are zero (TrueType fonts).
  186. </action>
  187. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="fix">
  188. Fixed bug #15877: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException with certain TrueType
  189. fonts. Reserved name indexes were not ignored.
  190. </action>
  191. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  192. Moved general font classes away from the PDF-dependent places to
  193. org.apache.fop.fonts. Various detail improvements to make the code
  194. easier to understand. No semantical changes.
  195. </action>
  196. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  197. Moved all TrueType font related classes to
  198. org.apache.fop.fonts.truetype.
  199. </action>
  200. </release>
  201. <release version="2002" date="2002">
  202. <action context="code" dev="JM" type="update">
  203. Moved all Adobe Type 1 font related classes to
  204. org.apache.fop.fonts.type1. Added a PFB parser for proper decoding of
  205. PFB files.
  206. </action>
  207. <action context="build" dev="JM" type="update">
  208. Updated to Xerces 2.2.1 and Xalan 2.4.1. Updated all the related files
  209. and made sure all contrib builds work again. Removed necessity for a
  210. buildtools.jar.
  211. </action>
  212. <action context="code" dev="KL" type="fix" fixes-bug="14290">
  213. Correct ordering of loca table in embedded true type fonts.
  214. Fix taken over from maintenance branch.
  215. </action>
  216. <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
  217. due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
  218. New dev fonts.xml file to store some useful links and information
  219. about font work
  220. </action>
  221. <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
  222. due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
  223. Added links to the Eyebrowse mail list archives.
  224. Added help and unsubscribe email addresses for the fop-user
  225. &amp; fop-dev lists.
  226. Rewrote/rearranged some of the verbiage for better structure.
  227. </action>
  228. <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
  229. due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
  230. Valid URIs for all xdoc DTD declarations.
  231. Some minor changes for xdoc documents that were discovered to be invalid
  232. after the DTD declarations were fixed.
  233. Changed tabs.xml so that the 2nd tab on our site will now read "Redesign"
  234. instead of "dev".
  235. </action>
  236. <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
  237. due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
  238. Better links to Bugzilla.
  239. Reorganized content into a checklist.
  240. </action>
  241. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  242. Added support for markers in fo tree. Markers added when valid
  243. to proper fo objects.
  244. </action>
  245. <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
  246. due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
  247. Added compliance document showing table of fop compliance.
  248. </action>
  249. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update"
  250. due-to="Stephan Neuhaus" due-to-email="stephan.neuhaus@myview.de">
  251. From branch: fixed jpeg icc profile error with acrobat 5.
  252. </action>
  253. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update"
  254. due-to="Oleg Tkachenko" due-to-email="olegt@multiconn.com">
  255. Awt viewer improvements - uses java PropertyResourceBundle
  256. for locale strings, cleaned up code and removed old classes
  257. and other small improvements
  258. </action>
  259. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  260. Started list layout implementation.
  261. </action>
  262. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  263. Improved pagination and page number for page sequences.
  264. </action>
  265. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  266. Implemented border and background for many areas.
  267. </action>
  268. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  269. Started table layout implementation.
  270. </action>
  271. <action context="docs" dev="KLL" type="update"
  272. due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
  273. Added link for patch queue.
  274. </action>
  275. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update"
  276. due-to="Rainer Garus" due-to-email="rainer.garus@arcor.de">
  277. Fixed npe when a page has several forward links.
  278. Use HashSet to store unresolved references (pages) in area tree
  279. to prevent duplication.
  280. </action>
  281. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  282. Implemented example caching mechanism to store pages.
  283. When a page contains a forward reference that has not been
  284. resolved then it can save the page contents to
  285. disk to save memory.
  286. </action>
  287. <action dev="CG" type="add" context="code"
  288. due-to="Bernd Brandstetter" due-to-email="bbrand@freenet.de">
  289. Linking to a specific page and a named destinations of an
  290. external PDF file.
  291. (see www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/pdfs/c01acrotip.pdf)
  292. </action>
  293. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  294. Started table layout managers.
  295. </action>
  296. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  297. Implemented render pages model.
  298. </action>
  299. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  300. Implemented link part of basic link. Internal destination
  301. is resolved. The link is a trait on the inline parent.
  302. </action>
  303. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  304. Got bookmark extension working.
  305. Make sure the extension id references are resolved. Once the data is
  306. fully resolved then implement a way for the pdf renderer to add the
  307. bookmarks. See branch for code how to add bookmarks.
  308. </action>
  309. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  310. add the pdf side part of bookmark extension
  311. </action>
  312. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  313. complete resolving id areas
  314. </action>
  315. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  316. Add id areas to page when area added.
  317. When the layout managers add an area to the page it can also add the id
  318. information.
  319. </action>
  320. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  321. Resolve id references on other pages, extensions.
  322. When an id is added to a page this will allow id references to be
  323. resolved.
  324. </action>
  325. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  326. Fixed a bug in the TTFReader where it tried to read
  327. values for the end character. Handles unsupported
  328. non-unicode cmap better. Added logging.
  329. </action>
  330. <action context="code" dev="JP" type="update">
  331. Add static areas to page
  332. The static areas will need to be handled in a similar way to the flow
  333. except the bpd is unlimited and it will need to reset and repeat for
  334. each page.
  335. </action>
  336. <action context="code" dev="KLL" type="update">
  337. Implemented leader, get leader working and sort out
  338. how inline objects adjust to the ipd
  339. </action>
  340. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  341. Calculate line height.
  342. The line height is calculated while finding breaks.
  343. Improved alignment to use the breaks and context.
  344. </action>
  345. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  346. Updated batik with change to TextPainter interface and UserAgent.
  347. Improved PDFTextPainter to handle more types of text.
  348. </action>
  349. <action dev="JM" type="update" context="code"
  350. due-to="Stephen Wolke" due-to-email="smwolke@geistig.com">
  351. Added a RunLengthEncode filter for the PostScript renderer.
  352. </action>
  353. <action dev="JM" type="update" context="code">
  354. Replaced the PostScript filters with the refactored ones from the maintenance
  355. branch.
  356. </action>
  357. <action dev="JM" type="update" context="code">
  358. First batch of changes in preparation for adoption of Avalon patterns.
  359. Only changes on logging for now. Mostly usage of LogEnabled contract interface.
  360. </action>
  361. <action dev="JM" type="update" context="build">
  362. Improve build process for more flexibility when external jars change.
  363. Changed to use -projecthelp option from Ant 1.5 instead of "usage" target.
  364. </action>
  365. <action dev="JM" type="update" context="build">
  366. Updated Avalon Framework JAR (with Log4J support, Bug 11274)
  367. </action>
  368. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="docs"
  369. due-to="Victor Mote" due-to-email="vic@outfitr.com">
  370. Copies across overview for javadocs build.
  371. chmod antRun in build.sh.
  372. </action>
  373. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code"
  374. due-to="Kevin O'Neill" due-to-email="kevin@rocketred.com.au">
  375. Minor patch for the TTFReader to remove an unreachable statement
  376. compiler warning
  377. </action>
  378. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code"
  379. due-to="Torsten Erler" due-to-email="erlto@net-linx.de">
  380. workaround for eps files that have invalid float bounding box values
  381. float values are rounded off according to the spec the
  382. %%HiResBoundingBox should be used instead for floating position
  383. values
  384. </action>
  385. <action dev="JP" type="update" context="code">
  386. Simplified ASCII85Filter computation, thereby hopefully
  387. working around JVM bugs
  388. </action>
  389. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="docs"
  390. due-to="Cyril Rognon" due-to-email="crognon@objectiva.fr">
  391. added understanding layout manager document
  392. </action>
  393. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="docs"
  394. due-to="Peter Kullmann" due-to-email="p.kullmann@arenae.ch">
  395. fixed master-name and a test setup problem
  396. </action>
  397. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  398. moved embed font info into the render.pdf package
  399. reduced dependancy on Configuration
  400. </action>
  401. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code"
  402. due-to="Kevin O'Neill" due-to-email="kevin@rocketred.com.au">
  403. separated the specific PDFRender functionality from the CTM class
  404. and created a small utility class for the renderer to use
  405. </action>
  406. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  407. FontState only used for calculations,
  408. stores font name and size on area tree
  409. </action>
  410. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  411. Improved PDFTextPainter to handle different text better
  412. </action>
  413. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  414. Applied root element viewBox transform for svg to pdf transcoder
  415. </action>
  416. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  417. image test for formats, viewport and scaling
  418. </action>
  419. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
  420. added various SVG to PDF tests for trancoder
  421. and including in fo
  422. </action>
  423. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  424. Implemented viewport and scaling for images
  425. </action>
  426. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  427. Implemented viewport and scaling for instream svg
  428. </action>
  429. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  430. Removed old area tree
  431. </action>
  432. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  433. Optimised gstate usage in pdf files to minimize file size
  434. </action>
  435. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  436. Optimised function usage, reuses old functions in pdf files
  437. to minimize file size
  438. </action>
  439. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
  440. Added transparancy to pdf
  441. </action>
  442. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  443. Outputs images immediately to the stream, also drops
  444. reference to image data
  445. </action>
  446. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
  447. Added resource context for pattern resources
  448. </action>
  449. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="build">
  450. Added pdf transcoder build target
  451. </action>
  452. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  453. Made PDF streams externally configured
  454. </action>
  455. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  456. Fixed svg linking in pdf, works with viewbox and url
  457. </action>
  458. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
  459. Start to mif implementation with new structure handlers
  460. </action>
  461. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
  462. New structure handler for structure type documents, rtf, mif
  463. and for better layout processing.
  464. </action>
  465. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  466. Changed extensions to allow for external xml
  467. </action>
  468. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
  469. Can have a default element mapping for extensions
  470. </action>
  471. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
  472. New area tree model
  473. </action>
  474. <action dev="KLL" type="add" context="code">
  475. New renderer model
  476. </action>
  477. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  478. Added handlers for xml in renderer
  479. </action>
  480. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  481. svg now in an xml handler, FOP can be used without batik
  482. </action>
  483. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="build">
  484. Removed old xerces and xalan
  485. </action>
  486. <action dev="" type="update" context="code">
  487. Updated to use Jaxp
  488. </action>
  489. <action dev="" type="update" context="code">
  490. Updated to use new avalon framework logger
  491. </action>
  492. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  493. Redid image handling so it can use a cache and synchronizes properly
  494. only on the current image while loading
  495. </action>
  496. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  497. Changed bookmark extension, now requires a wrapping element bookmark
  498. </action>
  499. <action dev="KL" type="add" context="code">
  500. New layout system using layout managers
  501. </action>
  502. <action dev="KL" type="add" context="code">
  503. Implemented handlers for whitespace handling that collapse whitespace
  504. better in various places
  505. </action>
  506. <action dev="KLL" type="update" context="code">
  507. Changed area tree xml format to match the area tree hierarchy
  508. </action>
  509. </release>
  510. </changes>
  511. </status>