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  1. ## Troubleshooting
  2. ### Eclipse/Egit/Git complains that it "can't open upload pack"?
  3. There are a few ways this can occur:
  4. 1. You are using https with a self-signed certificate and you **did not** configure *http.sslVerify=false*
  5. 1. Window->Preferences->Team->Git->Configuration
  6. 2. Click the *New Entry* button
  7. 3. <pre>Key = *http.sslVerify*
  8. Value = *false*</pre>
  9. 2. The repository is clone-restricted and you don't have access.
  10. 3. The repository is clone-restricted and your password changed.
  11. 4. A regression in Gitblit. :(
  12. ### Why can't I access Gitblit-Go from another machine?
  13. Please check *server.httpBindInterface* and *server.httpsBindInterface* in ``.
  14. ### How do I run Gitblit-Go on port 80 or 443 in Linux?
  15. Linux requires root permissions to serve on ports < 1024.<br/>
  16. Run the server as *root* (security concern) or change the ports you are serving to 8080 (http) and/or 8443 (https).
  17. ## General Interest Questions
  18. ### Gitblit? What kind of name is that?
  19. It's a phonetic play on [bitblt][bitblt] which is an image processing operation meaning *bit-block transfer*.
  20. ### Why use Gitblit?
  21. It's a small tool that allows you to easily manage shared repositories and doesn't require alot of setup or git kung-foo.
  22. ### Who is the target user for Gitblit?
  23. Small workgroups that require centralized repositories.
  24. Gitblit is not meant to be a social coding resource like [Github]( or [Bitbucket]( with 100s or 1000s of users. Gitblit is designed to fulfill the same function as your centralized Subversion or CVS server.
  25. ### Why does Gitblit exist?
  26. As a Java developer I prefer that as much of my tooling as possible is Java.<br/>
  27. Originally, I was going to use [Mercurial]( but...
  28. - MercurialEclipse [shells to Python, writes to System.out, and captures](<br/>
  29. Parsing command-line output is fragile and suboptimal.<br/>Unfortunately this is necessary because Mercurial is an application, not a library.
  30. - Mercurial HTTP/HTTPS needs to run as CGI through Apache/IIS/etc, as mod_python through Apache, or served with a built-in http server.<br/>
  31. This requires setup and maintenance of multiple, mixed 3rd party components.
  32. Gitblit eliminates all that complication with its 100% Java stack and simple single configuration file.
  33. ### Do I need real Git?
  34. No. Gitblit is based on [JGit][jgit] which is a pure Java implementation of the [Git version control system][git].<br/>
  35. Everything you need for Gitblit is either in the zip distribution file or automatically downloaded on execution.
  36. ### Can I run Gitblit in conjunction with my existing Git tooling?
  37. Yes.
  38. ### Do I need a JDK or can I use a JRE?
  39. Gitblit will run just fine with a JRE. Gitblit can optionally use `keytool` from the JDK to generate self-signed certificates, but normally Gitblit uses [BouncyCastle][bouncycastle] for that need.
  40. ### Does Gitblit use a database to store its data?
  41. No. Gitblit stores its repository configuration information within the `.git/config` file and its user information in `` or whatever filename is configured in ``.
  42. ### Can I manually edit,, or .git/config?
  43. Yes. You can manually manipulate all of them and (most) changes will be immediately available to Gitblit.<br/>Exceptions to this are noted in ``.
  44. *NOTE:* Care must be taken to preserve the relationship between user roles and repository names.<br/>Please see the [setup](/setup.html) page for details.
  45. ### Can I restrict access to paths within a repository?
  46. No. Access restrictions apply to the repository as a whole.
  47. Gitblit's simple authentication and authorization mechanism can be used to facilitate one or more of the [workflows outlined here]( Should you require more fine-grained access controls you might consider using [gitolite](
  48. ### Can I authenticate users against XYZ?
  49. Yes. The login service is pluggable. You may write your own authentication module by implementing the *ILoginService* interface. Set the fully qualified classname as the *realm.realmFile* property.
  50. ### Why doesn't Gitblit support SSH?
  51. Gitblit could integrate [Apache Mina][mina] to provide SSH access. However, doing so violates Gitblit's first design principle: [KISS](<br/>
  52. SSH support requires creating, exchanging, and managing SSH keys (arguably not more complicated than managing users). While this is possible, JGit's SmartHTTP implementation is a simpler and universal transport mechanism.
  53. You might consider running [Gerrit]( which does integrate [Apache Mina][mina] and supports SSH or you might consider serving [Git][git] on Linux which would offer real SSH support and also allow use of [many other compelling Git solutions](
  54. ### What types of Search does Gitblit support?
  55. Gitblit supports case-insensitive searches of *commit message* (default), *author*, and *committer*.<br/>
  56. To search by *author* or *committer* use the following syntax in the search box:
  57. author: james
  58. committer: james
  59. Alternatively, you could enable the search type dropdown list in your `` file.
  60. ### Can Gitblit be translated?
  61. Yes. Most messages are localized to a standard Java properties file.
  62. [bitblt]: "Wikipedia Bitblt"
  63. [jgit]: "Eclipse JGit Site"
  64. [git]: "Official Git Site"
  65. [mina]: "Apache Mina"
  66. [bouncycastle]: "The Legion of the Bouncy Castle"