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Updated Dutch translation

Jeroen Baten 10 years ago
2 changed files with 52 additions and 50 deletions
  1. 3
  2. 49

+ 3
- 1
releases.moxie View File

@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ r18: {
- Reset dashboard and activity commit cache on branch REWIND or DELETE
- Fixed bug with adding new local users with external authentication
- updated Chinese translation
- updated Chinese translation
- updated Dutch translation
additions: ~
dependencyChanges: ~
- Rainer Alföldi
- Liyu Wang
- Jeroen Baten
- James Moger
- Stardrad Yin

+ 49
- 49
src/main/java/com/gitblit/wicket/ View File

@@ -445,60 +445,60 @@ gb.isSparkleshared = repository is Sparkleshared
gb.owners = owners
gb.sessionEnded = Sessie is afgesloten
gb.closeBrowser = Sluit de browser af om de sessie helemaal te beeindigen.
gb.doesNotExistInTree = {0} does not exist in tree {1}
gb.enableIncrementalPushTags = enable incremental push tags
gb.useIncrementalPushTagsDescription = on push, automatically tag each branch tip with an incremental revision number
gb.incrementalPushTagMessage = Auto-tagged [{0}] branch on push
gb.externalPermissions = {0} access permissions are externally maintained
gb.viewAccess = You do not have Gitblit read or write access
gb.doesNotExistInTree = {0} bestaat niet in de tree {1}
gb.enableIncrementalPushTags = enable incrementele push tags
gb.useIncrementalPushTagsDescription = bij een push, automatisch tag elke branch tip met een incrementeel revisie nummer
gb.incrementalPushTagMessage = Auto-tagged [{0}] branch door een push
gb.externalPermissions = {0} toegangsrechten worden exter beheert
gb.viewAccess = U heeft geen Gitblit lees- of schrijfrechten
gb.overview = overview
gb.dashboard = dashboard
gb.monthlyActivity = monthly activity
gb.myProfile = my profile = compare
gb.monthlyActivity = maandelijkse activiteit
gb.myProfile = mijn profiel = vergelijk
gb.manual = manual
gb.from = from = to = at
gb.of = of
gb.from = van = aan = op
gb.of = van = in
gb.moreChanges = all changes...
gb.pushedNCommitsTo = pushed {0} commits to
gb.pushedOneCommitTo = pushed 1 commit to
gb.commitsTo = {0} commits to
gb.oneCommitTo = 1 commit to
gb.byNAuthors = by {0} authors
gb.byOneAuthor = by {0}
gb.viewComparison = view comparison of these {0} commits \u00bb
gb.nMoreCommits = {0} more commits \u00bb
gb.oneMoreCommit = 1 more commit \u00bb
gb.pushedNewTag = pushed new tag
gb.createdNewTag = created new tag
gb.deletedTag = deleted tag
gb.pushedNewBranch = pushed new branch
gb.createdNewBranch = created new branch
gb.deletedBranch = deleted branch
gb.createdNewPullRequest = created pull request
gb.mergedPullRequest = merged pull request
gb.moreChanges = alle wijzigingen...
gb.pushedNCommitsTo = push {0} commits naar
gb.pushedOneCommitTo = push 1 commit naar
gb.commitsTo = {0} commits naar
gb.oneCommitTo = 1 commit naar
gb.byNAuthors = door {0} auteurs
gb.byOneAuthor = door {0}
gb.viewComparison = toon vergelijking van deze {0} commits \u00bb
gb.nMoreCommits = {0} commits \u00bb
gb.oneMoreCommit = 1 commit \u00bb
gb.pushedNewTag = push nieuwe tag
gb.createdNewTag = nieuww tag gemaakt
gb.deletedTag = tag verwijderd
gb.pushedNewBranch = push neuwe branch
gb.createdNewBranch = nieuwe branch gemaakt
gb.deletedBranch = branch verwijderd
gb.createdNewPullRequest = pull verzoek gemaakt
gb.mergedPullRequest = pull verzoek gemerged
gb.rewind = REWIND = star
gb.unstar = unstar
gb.stargazers = stargazers
gb.starredRepositories = starred repositories
gb.failedToUpdateUser = Failed to update user account!
gb.myRepositories = my repositories
gb.noActivity = there has been no activity in the last {0} days
gb.findSomeRepositories = find some repositories = markeer
gb.unstar = demarkeer
gb.stargazers = sterrenkijkers
gb.starredRepositories = repositories met een ster
gb.failedToUpdateUser = Bijwerken gebruikersaccount niet gelukt!
gb.myRepositories = mijn repositories
gb.noActivity = er is geen activiteit geweest in de laatste {0} dagen
gb.findSomeRepositories = vind repositories
gb.metricAuthorExclusions = author metric exclusions
gb.myDashboard = my dashboard
gb.failedToFindAccount = failed to find user account ''{0}''
gb.myDashboard = mijn dashboard
gb.failedToFindAccount = kan gebruikersaccount ''{0}'' niet vinden
gb.reflog = reflog = active
gb.starred = starred
gb.owned = owned
gb.starredAndOwned = starred & owned = actief
gb.starred = gemarkeerd
gb.owned = eigendom
gb.starredAndOwned = gemarkeerd & eigendom
gb.reviewPatchset = review {0} patchset {1}
gb.todaysActivityStats = today / {1} commits by {2} authors
gb.todaysActivityNone = today / none
gb.noActivityToday = there has been no activity today
gb.anonymousUser= anonymous
gb.todaysActivityStats = vandaag / {1} commits door {2} auteurs
gb.todaysActivityNone = vandaag / geen
gb.noActivityToday = er is vandaag geen activiteit geweest
gb.anonymousUser= anoniem
