

James Moger 10年前
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src/site/tickets_overview.mkd ファイルの表示

@@ -114,36 +114,23 @@ The answer is, it's really not that different from a GitHub pull request. When

Additionally, because the patchset is not linked to a user's personal fork it is possible to allow others to collaborate on development.

## Status

The Tickets feature is highly functional but there are several areas which need further refinements.

#### What is working
#### Features

- My Tickets page
- Ticket creation and editing
- Ticket creation on patchset push
- Ticket creation on patchset push (proposal)
- Branch-based pull-requests
- Comments with Markdown syntax support
- Rich email notifications
- Fast-forward patchset updates and patchset rewrites
- Voting
- Watching
- Mentions
- Partial milestone support
- Milestones
- Querying
- Searching
- Is Mergeable test on view ticket page load
- Server-side merge
- Close-on-push of detected merge
- Multiple backend choices
- Server-side merge (testing)

#### TODO

- Implement a My Tickets page (ticket-15)
- Ticket Lifecycle Hooks (ticket-16)
- CRUD pages for Milestones (ticket-17)
- Ticket service migration tool (ticket-19)
- Collapsible ticket description (e.g. AUI expander)
- Edit a comment
- Delete a comment
- REST API for tooling
- Client-side Markdown previews (AngularMarkdown?)

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src/site/tickets_using.mkd ファイルの表示

@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Add some commits (fast-forward) to ticket *12*. Set the milestone to *1.4.1*.

### Merging Patchsets

The Gitblit web ui offers a merge button which *should work* but is not fully tested. Gitblit does verify that you can cleanly merge a patchset to the integration branch.
The Gitblit web ui offers a merge button which will work for clean merges of a patchset to the integration branch.

There are complicated merge scenarios for which it may be best to merge using your Git client. There are several ways to do this, here is a safe merge strategy which pulls into a new branch and then fast-forwards your integration branch, assuming you were happy with the pull (merge).
