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Adjust `release.template` for publishing releases on GitHub

The major change is switching from `publishBinaries`, which still
exists and uploads to Bintray, to `releaseBinaries`, which creates
a draft release on GitHub and uploads the binaries.

Another change is some reordering. Now first the binaries are
uploaded, the maven artifacts pubished and the tag and site pages
pushed. Then the GitHub release is made public.
Only after that is the minor version bumped and pushed.

The whole script could use some error checking and stoping when
things go wrong, instead of blindly continuing.

A minor change, and temporary, is that we need and check for Ant 1.9,
as we still build with Java 7.
Florian Zschocke преди 4 години
променени са 1 файла, в които са добавени 44 реда и са изтрити 20 реда
  1. 44

+ 44
- 20
release.template Целия файл

@@ -3,6 +3,28 @@
# ${project.version} release script

# In order to build on CI systems, we need to make sure we have a Ant
# that we can use. Ant 1.10 requires Java 8, so we cannot use it for
# the current version. Instead, Moxie can be used if present.
if command -v ant 2> /dev/null 1>&2 ; then
if ant -version 2> /dev/null ; then
if [ -z "$antCmd" ] ; then
if command -v moxie 2> /dev/null 1>&2 ; then
if [ -z "$antCmd" ] ; then
echo "Cannot find suitable ant or moxie. No build is possible."
exit 1

# Check which branch we are on, so we can run this script not only on master
branch=$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)

# ensure Maven repository is up-to-date
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
@@ -14,13 +36,13 @@ git checkout gh-pages
git pull
cd ${project.directory}

# go back one commit to RELEASE commit
# go back one commit to RELEASE commit (fzs: what, why? Let's go to the tag)
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Checking out ${project.version} RELEASE commit ${project.commitId}"
echo "Checking out ${project.version} RELEASE commit ${project.tag}"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git checkout ${project.commitId}
git checkout ${project.tag}

# build RELEASE artifacts
echo ""
@@ -28,7 +50,7 @@ echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Building ${project.version} RELEASE artifacts"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
ant clean buildAll buildMavenArtifacts
$antCmd clean buildAll buildMavenArtifacts

# commit all generated artifacts and metadata
echo ""
@@ -47,39 +69,41 @@ echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Uploading ${project.version} artifacts"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
ant publishBinaries
$antCmd releaseBinaries

# build site, update gh-pages, and ftp upload site to hosting provider
# push Maven repository to origin
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Building ${project.version} website"
echo "Pushing Maven repository"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
ant publishSite
cd ${maven.directory}
git push origin gh-pages
cd ${project.directory}

# merge to master
# push project branches
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Updating build identifier for next release cycle"
echo "Pushing master, gh-pages, and tag ${project.tag}"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git checkout master
ant nextPointReleaseCycle
git push origin gh-pages ${project.tag}

# push Maven repository to origin
# publish release draft
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Pushing Maven repository"
echo "Publishing release ${project.version}"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
cd ${maven.directory}
git push origin gh-pages
cd ${project.directory}
$antCmd publishRelease

# push project branches
# merge to master (fzs: what? why merging?)
echo ""
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "Pushing master, gh-pages, and tag ${project.tag}"
echo "Updating build identifier for next release cycle"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo ""
git push origin master gh-pages ${project.tag}
git checkout ${branch}
$antCmd nextPointReleaseCycle
git push origin
