/* * Copyright 2011 gitblit.com. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.gitblit.wicket.panels; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.RequestCycle; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.image.ContextImage; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Fragment; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.Item; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.data.DataView; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.data.ListDataProvider; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebRequest; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.request.WebClientInfo; import com.gitblit.Constants.AccessPermission; import com.gitblit.Constants.AccessRestrictionType; import com.gitblit.GitBlit; import com.gitblit.Keys; import com.gitblit.models.GitClientApplication; import com.gitblit.models.RepositoryModel; import com.gitblit.models.RepositoryUrl; import com.gitblit.models.UserModel; import com.gitblit.utils.StringUtils; import com.gitblit.wicket.ExternalImage; import com.gitblit.wicket.GitBlitWebSession; import com.gitblit.wicket.WicketUtils; /** * Smart repository url panel which can display multiple Gitblit repository urls * and also supports 3rd party app clone links. * * @author James Moger * */ public class RepositoryUrlPanel extends BasePanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final String externalPermission = "?"; private boolean onlyUrls; private UserModel user; private RepositoryModel repository; private RepositoryUrl primaryUrl; private Map urlPermissionsMap; private Map accessRestrictionsMap; public RepositoryUrlPanel(String wicketId, boolean onlyUrls, UserModel user, RepositoryModel repository) { super(wicketId); this.onlyUrls = onlyUrls; this.user = user == null ? UserModel.ANONYMOUS : user; this.repository = repository; this.urlPermissionsMap = new HashMap(); } @Override protected void onInitialize() { super.onInitialize(); HttpServletRequest req = ((WebRequest) getRequest()).getHttpServletRequest(); List repositoryUrls = GitBlit.self().getRepositoryUrls(req, user, repository); // grab primary url from the top of the list primaryUrl = repositoryUrls.size() == 0 ? null : repositoryUrls.get(0); boolean canClone = primaryUrl != null && ((primaryUrl.permission == null) || primaryUrl.permission.atLeast(AccessPermission.CLONE)); if (repositoryUrls.size() == 0 || !canClone) { // no urls, nothing to show. add(new Label("repositoryUrlPanel").setVisible(false)); add(new Label("applicationMenusPanel").setVisible(false)); add(new Label("repositoryIndicators").setVisible(false)); return; } // display primary url add(createPrimaryUrlPanel("repositoryUrlPanel", repository, repositoryUrls)); if (onlyUrls) { add(new Label("repositoryIndicators").setVisible(false)); } else { add(createRepositoryIndicators(repository)); } boolean allowAppLinks = GitBlit.getBoolean(Keys.web.allowAppCloneLinks, true); if (onlyUrls || !canClone || !allowAppLinks) { // only display the url(s) add(new Label("applicationMenusPanel").setVisible(false)); return; } // create the git client application menus add(createApplicationMenus("applicationMenusPanel", user, repository, repositoryUrls)); } public String getPrimaryUrl() { return primaryUrl == null ? "" : primaryUrl.url; } protected Fragment createPrimaryUrlPanel(String wicketId, final RepositoryModel repository, List repositoryUrls) { Fragment urlPanel = new Fragment(wicketId, "repositoryUrlFragment", this); urlPanel.setRenderBodyOnly(true); if (repositoryUrls.size() == 1) { // // Single repository url, no dropdown menu // urlPanel.add(new Label("menu").setVisible(false)); } else { // // Multiple repository urls, show url drop down menu // ListDataProvider urlsDp = new ListDataProvider(repositoryUrls); DataView repoUrlMenuItems = new DataView("repoUrls", urlsDp) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void populateItem(final Item item) { RepositoryUrl repoUrl = item.getModelObject(); // repository url Fragment fragment = new Fragment("repoUrl", "actionFragment", this); Component content = new Label("content", repoUrl.url).setRenderBodyOnly(true); WicketUtils.setCssClass(content, "commandMenuItem"); fragment.add(content); item.add(fragment); Label permissionLabel = new Label("permission", repoUrl.isExternal() ? externalPermission : repoUrl.permission.toString()); WicketUtils.setPermissionClass(permissionLabel, repoUrl.permission); String tooltip = getProtocolPermissionDescription(repository, repoUrl); WicketUtils.setHtmlTooltip(permissionLabel, tooltip); fragment.add(permissionLabel); fragment.add(createCopyFragment(repoUrl.url)); } }; Fragment urlMenuFragment = new Fragment("menu", "urlProtocolMenuFragment", this); urlMenuFragment.setRenderBodyOnly(true); urlMenuFragment.add(new Label("menuText", getString("gb.url"))); urlMenuFragment.add(repoUrlMenuItems); urlPanel.add(urlMenuFragment); } // access restriction icon and tooltip if (GitBlit.isServingRepositories()) { switch (repository.accessRestriction) { case NONE: urlPanel.add(WicketUtils.newClearPixel("accessRestrictionIcon").setVisible(false)); break; case PUSH: urlPanel.add(WicketUtils.newImage("accessRestrictionIcon", "lock_go_16x16.png", getAccessRestrictions().get(repository.accessRestriction))); break; case CLONE: urlPanel.add(WicketUtils.newImage("accessRestrictionIcon", "lock_pull_16x16.png", getAccessRestrictions().get(repository.accessRestriction))); break; case VIEW: urlPanel.add(WicketUtils.newImage("accessRestrictionIcon", "shield_16x16.png", getAccessRestrictions().get(repository.accessRestriction))); break; default: if (repositoryUrls.size() == 1) { // force left end cap to have some width urlPanel.add(WicketUtils.newBlankIcon("accessRestrictionIcon")); } else { urlPanel.add(WicketUtils.newClearPixel("accessRestrictionIcon").setVisible(false)); } } } else { if (repositoryUrls.size() == 1) { // force left end cap to have some width urlPanel.add(WicketUtils.newBlankIcon("accessRestrictionIcon")); } else { urlPanel.add(WicketUtils.newClearPixel("accessRestrictionIcon").setVisible(false)); } } urlPanel.add(new Label("primaryUrl", primaryUrl.url).setRenderBodyOnly(true)); Label permissionLabel = new Label("primaryUrlPermission", primaryUrl.isExternal() ? externalPermission : primaryUrl.permission.toString()); String tooltip = getProtocolPermissionDescription(repository, primaryUrl); WicketUtils.setHtmlTooltip(permissionLabel, tooltip); urlPanel.add(permissionLabel); urlPanel.add(createCopyFragment(primaryUrl.url)); return urlPanel; } protected Fragment createApplicationMenus(String wicketId, UserModel user, final RepositoryModel repository, final List repositoryUrls) { final List displayedApps = new ArrayList(); final String userAgent = ((WebClientInfo) GitBlitWebSession.get().getClientInfo()).getUserAgent(); if (user.canClone(repository)) { for (GitClientApplication app : GitBlit.self().getClientApplications()) { if (app.isActive && app.allowsPlatform(userAgent)) { displayedApps.add(app); } } } final String baseURL = WicketUtils.getGitblitURL(RequestCycle.get().getRequest()); ListDataProvider displayedAppsDp = new ListDataProvider(displayedApps); DataView appMenus = new DataView("appMenus", displayedAppsDp) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void populateItem(final Item item) { final GitClientApplication clientApp = item.getModelObject(); // filter the urls for the client app List urls = new ArrayList(); for (RepositoryUrl repoUrl : repositoryUrls) { if (clientApp.minimumPermission == null || repoUrl.permission == null) { // no minimum permission or external permissions, assume it is satisfactory if (clientApp.supportsTransport(repoUrl.url)) { urls.add(repoUrl); } } else if (repoUrl.permission.atLeast(clientApp.minimumPermission)) { // repo url meets minimum permission requirement if (clientApp.supportsTransport(repoUrl.url)) { urls.add(repoUrl); } } } if (urls.size() == 0) { // do not show this app menu because there are no urls item.add(new Label("appMenu").setVisible(false)); return; } Fragment appMenu = new Fragment("appMenu", "appMenuFragment", this); appMenu.setRenderBodyOnly(true); item.add(appMenu); // menu button appMenu.add(new Label("applicationName", clientApp.name)); // application icon Component img; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(clientApp.icon)) { img = WicketUtils.newClearPixel("applicationIcon").setVisible(false); } else { if (clientApp.icon.contains("://")) { // external image img = new ExternalImage("applicationIcon", clientApp.icon); } else { // context image img = WicketUtils.newImage("applicationIcon", clientApp.icon); } } appMenu.add(img); // application menu title, may be a link if (StringUtils.isEmpty(clientApp.productUrl)) { appMenu.add(new Label("applicationTitle", clientApp.toString())); } else { appMenu.add(new LinkPanel("applicationTitle", null, clientApp.toString(), clientApp.productUrl, true)); } // brief application description if (StringUtils.isEmpty(clientApp.description)) { appMenu.add(new Label("applicationDescription").setVisible(false)); } else { appMenu.add(new Label("applicationDescription", clientApp.description)); } // brief application legal info, copyright, license, etc if (StringUtils.isEmpty(clientApp.legal)) { appMenu.add(new Label("applicationLegal").setVisible(false)); } else { appMenu.add(new Label("applicationLegal", clientApp.legal)); } // a nested repeater for all action items ListDataProvider urlsDp = new ListDataProvider(urls); DataView actionItems = new DataView("actionItems", urlsDp) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public void populateItem(final Item repoLinkItem) { RepositoryUrl repoUrl = repoLinkItem.getModelObject(); Fragment fragment = new Fragment("actionItem", "actionFragment", this); fragment.add(createPermissionBadge("permission", repoUrl)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(clientApp.cloneUrl)) { // custom registered url String url = substitute(clientApp.cloneUrl, repoUrl.url, baseURL); fragment.add(new LinkPanel("content", "applicationMenuItem", getString("gb.clone") + " " + repoUrl.url, url)); repoLinkItem.add(fragment); fragment.add(new Label("copyFunction").setVisible(false)); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(clientApp.command)) { // command-line String command = substitute(clientApp.command, repoUrl.url, baseURL); Label content = new Label("content", command); WicketUtils.setCssClass(content, "commandMenuItem"); fragment.add(content); repoLinkItem.add(fragment); // copy function for command fragment.add(createCopyFragment(command)); } }}; appMenu.add(actionItems); } }; Fragment applicationMenus = new Fragment(wicketId, "applicationMenusFragment", this); applicationMenus.add(appMenus); return applicationMenus; } protected String substitute(String pattern, String repoUrl, String baseUrl) { return pattern.replace("${repoUrl}", repoUrl).replace("${baseUrl}", baseUrl); } protected Label createPermissionBadge(String wicketId, RepositoryUrl repoUrl) { Label permissionLabel = new Label(wicketId, repoUrl.isExternal() ? externalPermission : repoUrl.permission.toString()); WicketUtils.setPermissionClass(permissionLabel, repoUrl.permission); String tooltip = getProtocolPermissionDescription(repository, repoUrl); WicketUtils.setHtmlTooltip(permissionLabel, tooltip); return permissionLabel; } protected Fragment createCopyFragment(String text) { if (GitBlit.getBoolean(Keys.web.allowFlashCopyToClipboard, true)) { // clippy: flash-based copy & paste Fragment copyFragment = new Fragment("copyFunction", "clippyPanel", this); String baseUrl = WicketUtils.getGitblitURL(getRequest()); ShockWaveComponent clippy = new ShockWaveComponent("clippy", baseUrl + "/clippy.swf"); clippy.setValue("flashVars", "text=" + StringUtils.encodeURL(text)); copyFragment.add(clippy); return copyFragment; } else { // javascript: manual copy & paste with modal browser prompt dialog Fragment copyFragment = new Fragment("copyFunction", "jsPanel", this); ContextImage img = WicketUtils.newImage("copyIcon", "clippy.png"); img.add(new JavascriptTextPrompt("onclick", "Copy to Clipboard (Ctrl+C, Enter)", text)); copyFragment.add(img); return copyFragment; } } protected String getProtocolPermissionDescription(RepositoryModel repository, RepositoryUrl repoUrl) { if (!urlPermissionsMap.containsKey(repoUrl.url)) { String note; if (repoUrl.isExternal()) { String protocol; int protocolIndex = repoUrl.url.indexOf("://"); if (protocolIndex > -1) { // explicit protocol specified protocol = repoUrl.url.substring(0, protocolIndex); } else { // implicit SSH url protocol = "ssh"; } note = MessageFormat.format(getString("gb.externalPermissions"), protocol); } else { note = null; String key; switch (repoUrl.permission) { case OWNER: case REWIND: key = "gb.rewindPermission"; break; case DELETE: key = "gb.deletePermission"; break; case CREATE: key = "gb.createPermission"; break; case PUSH: key = "gb.pushPermission"; break; case CLONE: key = "gb.clonePermission"; break; default: key = null; note = getString("gb.viewAccess"); break; } if (note == null) { String pattern = getString(key); String description = MessageFormat.format(pattern, repoUrl.permission.toString()); note = description; } } urlPermissionsMap.put(repoUrl.url, note); } return urlPermissionsMap.get(repoUrl.url); } protected Map getAccessRestrictions() { if (accessRestrictionsMap == null) { accessRestrictionsMap = new HashMap(); for (AccessRestrictionType type : AccessRestrictionType.values()) { switch (type) { case NONE: accessRestrictionsMap.put(type, getString("gb.notRestricted")); break; case PUSH: accessRestrictionsMap.put(type, getString("gb.pushRestricted")); break; case CLONE: accessRestrictionsMap.put(type, getString("gb.cloneRestricted")); break; case VIEW: accessRestrictionsMap.put(type, getString("gb.viewRestricted")); break; } } } return accessRestrictionsMap; } protected Component createRepositoryIndicators(RepositoryModel repository) { Fragment fragment = new Fragment("repositoryIndicators", "indicatorsFragment", this); if (repository.isBare) { fragment.add(new Label("workingCopyIndicator").setVisible(false)); } else { Fragment wc = new Fragment("workingCopyIndicator", "workingCopyFragment", this); Label lbl = new Label("workingCopy", getString("gb.workingCopy")); WicketUtils.setHtmlTooltip(lbl, getString("gb.workingCopyWarning")); wc.add(lbl); fragment.add(wc); } boolean allowForking = GitBlit.getBoolean(Keys.web.allowForking, true); if (!allowForking || user == null || !user.isAuthenticated) { // must be logged-in to fork, hide all fork controls fragment.add(new Label("forksProhibitedIndicator").setVisible(false)); } else { String fork = GitBlit.self().getFork(user.username, repository.name); boolean hasFork = fork != null; boolean canFork = user.canFork(repository); if (hasFork || !canFork) { if (user.canFork() && !repository.allowForks) { // show forks prohibited indicator Fragment wc = new Fragment("forksProhibitedIndicator", "forksProhibitedFragment", this); Label lbl = new Label("forksProhibited", getString("gb.forksProhibited")); WicketUtils.setHtmlTooltip(lbl, getString("gb.forksProhibitedWarning")); wc.add(lbl); fragment.add(wc); } else { // can not fork, no need for forks prohibited indicator fragment.add(new Label("forksProhibitedIndicator").setVisible(false)); } } else if (canFork) { // can fork and we do not have one fragment.add(new Label("forksProhibitedIndicator").setVisible(false)); } } return fragment; } }