## Overview Screenshots Gitblit is an open-source, pure Java stack for managing, viewing, and serving [Git][git] repositories.
Its designed primarily as a tool for small workgroups who want to host centralized repositories. Gitblit is available in two variations: 1. *Gitblit GO* - a complete & integrated pure Java stack This is what you should download if you want to go from zero to Git in less than 5 mins. Gitblit GO is like a mashup of Apache httpd, [Git][git], and Gitweb with simplified configuration and maintenance. All dependencies are downloaded on first execution. 2. *Gitblit WAR* - a traditional WAR distribution This is what you should download if you want to deploy Gitblit into your own servlet container (e.g. Tomcat, Jetty, etc). All dependencies are bundled. ### Tools - *Gitblit Manager* - a Java/Swing application for remote administration of a Gitblit server - *Gitblit Federation Client* - a command line tool to clone/pull groups of repositories and optionally users and settings ### Java Runtime Requirement Gitblit requires a Java 6 Runtime Environment (JRE) or a Java 6 Development Kit (JDK). ### Current Release **%VERSION%** ([go](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%GO%)|[war](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%WAR%)|[fedclient](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%FEDCLIENT%)|[manager](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%MANAGER%)) based on [%JGIT%][jgit]   *released %BUILDDATE%* - improved: updated ui with Twitter's Bootstrap CSS toolkit **New:** *web.loginMessage = gitblit* - added: authenticated JSON RPC mechanism **New:** *web.enableRpcServlet = true* **New:** *web.enableRpcAdministration = false* - added: reusable JSON RPC client class - added: Gitblit Manager (Java/Swing Application) for remote administration of a Gitblit server. - fixed: federation protocol timestamps. dates are now serialized to the [iso8601](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) standard. **This breaks 0.6.0 federation clients/servers.** - fixed: Gitblit now runs on Servlet 3.0 webservers (e.g. Tomcat 7, Jetty 8) - fixed: Set the RSS content type for Firefox 4 (issue 22) - fixed: Null pointer exception if did not set federation strategy (issue 20) - fixed: Gitblit GO allows SSL renegotiation if running on Java 1.6.0_22 or later - added: IUserService.setup(IStoredSettings) for custom user service implementations - added: setting to control Gitblit GO context path for proxy setups **New:** *server.contextPath = /* - updated: MarkdownPapers 1.2.3 issues, binaries, and sources @ [Google Code][googlecode]
sources @ [Github][gitbltsrc] ### License Gitblit is distributed under the terms of the [Apache Software Foundation license, version 2.0][apachelicense] [jgit]: http://eclipse.org/jgit "Eclipse JGit Site" [git]: http://git-scm.com "Official Git Site" [gitbltsrc]: http://github.com/gitblit "gitblit git repository" [googlecode]: http://code.google.com/p/gitblit "gitblit project management" [apachelicense]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 "Apache License, Version 2.0"