You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

releasehistory.ftl 465B

  1. <#include "macros.ftl" >
  2. <!-- HISTORY -->
  3. <#if (releases!?size > 0)>
  4. <p></p>
  5. <h2>All Releases</h2>
  6. <table class="table">
  7. <tbody>
  8. <!-- RELEASE HISTORY -->
  9. <#list releases?sort_by("date")?reverse as log>
  10. <tr id="${}">
  11. <td style="width:100px" id="${}">
  12. <b><a href="#${}">${}</a></b><br/>
  13. ${"yyyy-MM-dd")}
  14. </td>
  15. <td><@LogDescriptionMacro log=log /></td>
  16. </tr>
  17. </#list>
  18. </tbody>
  19. </table>
  20. </#if>