You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

.gitbugtraq 570B

  1. [bugtraq "issues"]
  2. url =
  3. loglinkregex = "[Ii]ssue[-#:\\s]{1}\\d+"
  4. logregex = "\\d+"
  5. loglinktext = issue-%BUGID%
  6. [bugtraq "pullrequests"]
  7. url = ""
  8. loglinkregex = "(?:pull request|pull|pr)\\s*[-#]?[0-9]+"
  9. logregex = "\\d+"
  10. loglinktext = "pull request #%BUGID%"
  11. [bugtraq "tickets"]
  12. url = ""
  13. loglinkregex = "(?:ticket)\\s*[-#]?[0-9]+"
  14. logregex = "\\d+"
  15. loglinktext = "ticket #%BUGID%"