You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 5.0KB

  1. #
  2. # Git Servlet Settings
  3. #
  4. # Allow push/pull over http/https with JGit servlet
  5. git.allowPushPull = true
  6. # Base folder for repositories
  7. # Use forward slashes on Windows!!
  8. git.repositoriesFolder = c:/projects/git
  9. # Export all repositories
  10. # if false, each exported repository must have a .git/git-daemon-export-ok file
  11. git.exportAll = true
  12. # Search repositories folder for nested repositories
  13. git.nestedRepositories = true
  14. # The root clone url
  15. git.cloneUrl = https://localhost/git/
  16. #
  17. # Authentication Settings
  18. #
  19. # Require authentication for http/https push/pull access of git repositories
  20. git.authenticate = true
  21. # Require authentication to see everything but the admin pages
  22. web.authenticateViewPages = false
  23. # Require admin authentication for the admin functions and pages
  24. web.authenticateAdminPages = true
  25. # Simple user realm file to authenticate users
  26. server.realmFile =
  27. #
  28. # Git:Blit Web Settings
  29. #
  30. web.siteName =
  31. # If web.authenticate=true, users with "admin" role can create repositories,
  32. # create users, and edit repository metadata (owner, description, etc)
  33. #
  34. # If web.authenticate=false, any user can execute the aforementioned functions.
  35. web.allowAdministration = true
  36. # This is the message display above the repositories table.
  37. # This can point to a file with Markdown content.
  38. # Specifying "gitblit" uses the internal welcome message.
  39. web.repositoriesMessage = gitblit
  40. # Use the client timezone when formatting dates.
  41. # This uses AJAX to determine the browser's timezone and enables Wicket
  42. # session management for the connection.
  43. web.useClientTimezone = false
  44. # Date and Time formats
  45. web.datestampShortFormat = yyyy-MM-dd
  46. web.datetimestampLongFormat = EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a z
  47. # Choose the diff presentation style: gitblt, gitweb, or plain
  48. web.diffStyle = gitblit
  49. # Control if email addresses are shown in web ui
  50. web.showEmailAddresses = true
  51. # Shows a combobox in the page links header with commit, committer, and author
  52. # search selection. Default search is commit.
  53. web.showSearchTypeSelection = false
  54. # Generates a line graph of repository activity over time on the Summary page.
  55. # This is a real-time graph so generation may be expensive.
  56. web.generateActivityGraph = true
  57. # The number of commits to display on the summary page
  58. # Value must exceed 0 else default of 20 is used
  59. web.summaryCommitCount = 16
  60. # The number of tags/heads to display on the summary page
  61. # Value must exceed 0 else default of 5 is used
  62. web.summaryRefsCount = 5
  63. # The number of items to show on a page before showing the first, prev, next
  64. # pagination links. A default if 50 is used for any invalid value.
  65. web.itemsPerPage = 50
  66. # Registered extensions for google-code-prettify
  67. web.prettyPrintExtensions = c cpp cs css htm html java js php pl prefs properties py rb sh sql xml vb
  68. # Registered extensions for markdown transformation
  69. web.markdownExtensions = md mkd markdown
  70. # Image extensions
  71. web.imageExtensions = bmp jpg gif png
  72. # Registered extensions for binary blobs
  73. web.binaryExtensions = jar pdf tar.gz zip
  74. # Aggressive heap management will run the garbage collector on every generated
  75. # page. This slows down page generation but improves heap consumption.
  76. web.aggressiveHeapManagement = true
  77. # Run the webapp in debug mode
  78. web.debugMode = true
  79. # Enable/disable global regex substitutions (i.e. shared across repositories)
  80. = true
  81. # Example global regex substitutions
  82. # Use !!! to separate the search pattern and the replace pattern
  83. # searchpattern!!!replacepattern
  84. = \\b(Bug:)(\\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\\d+)\\b!!!<a href="http://somehost/bug/$3">Bug-Id: $3</a>
  85. = \\b(Change-Id:\\s*)([A-Za-z0-9]*)\\b!!!<a href="http://somehost/changeid/$2">Change-Id: $2</a>
  86. # Example per-repository regex substitutions overrides global
  87. #regex.myrepository.bug = \\b(Bug:)(\\s*[#]?|-){0,1}(\\d+)\\b!!!<a href="http://elsewhere/bug/$3">Bug-Id: $3</a>
  88. #
  89. # Server Settings
  90. #
  91. server.tempFolder = temp
  92. server.log4jPattern = %-5p %d{MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-20.20c{1} %m%n
  93. = %-5p %m%n
  94. server.log4jPattern.linux =
  95. #
  96. # Jetty Settings
  97. #
  98. # use NIO connectors. If false, socket connectors will be used.
  99. server.useNio = true
  100. # Standard http port to serve. <= 0 disables this connector.
  101. server.httpPort = 0
  102. # Secure/SSL https port to serve. <= 0 disables this connector.
  103. server.httpsPort = 443
  104. # Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the standard connector.
  105. # You may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces.
  106. server.httpBindInterface = localhost
  107. # Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the secure connector.
  108. # You may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces.
  109. server.httpsBindInterface = localhost
  110. # Password for SSL keystore (keystore password and certificate password must match)
  111. server.storePassword = dosomegit
  112. # Port for shutdown monitor to listen on.
  113. server.shutdownPort = 8081