You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 2.7KB

  1. gb.repository = repository
  2. gb.owner = owner
  3. gb.description = description
  4. gb.lastChange = last change
  5. gb.refs = refs
  6. gb.tag = tag
  7. gb.tags = tags
  8. = author
  9. gb.committer = committer
  10. gb.commit = commit
  11. gb.tree = tree
  12. gb.parent = parent
  13. gb.url = URL
  14. gb.history = history
  15. gb.raw = raw
  16. gb.object = object
  17. gb.ticketId = ticket id
  18. gb.ticketAssigned = assigned
  19. gb.ticketOpenDate = open date
  20. gb.ticketState = state
  21. gb.ticketComments = comments
  22. gb.view = view
  23. gb.local = local
  24. gb.remote = remote
  25. gb.branches = branches
  26. gb.patch = patch
  27. gb.diff = diff
  28. gb.log = log
  29. gb.moreLogs = more commits...
  30. gb.allTags = all tags...
  31. gb.allBranches = all branches...
  32. gb.summary = summary
  33. gb.ticket = ticket
  34. gb.newRepository = new repository
  35. gb.newUser = new user
  36. gb.commitdiff = commitdiff
  37. = tickets
  38. gb.pageFirst = first
  39. gb.pagePrevious prev
  40. gb.pageNext = next
  41. gb.parent = parent
  42. gb.head = HEAD
  43. gb.blame = blame
  44. gb.login = Login
  45. gb.logout = Logout
  46. gb.username = username
  47. gb.password = password
  48. gb.tagger = tagger
  49. gb.moreHistory = more history...
  50. gb.difftocurrent = diff to current
  51. = search
  52. gb.searchForAuthor = Search for commits authored by
  53. gb.searchForCommitter = Search for commits committed by
  54. gb.addition = addition
  55. gb.modification = modification
  56. gb.deletion = deletion
  57. gb.rename = rename
  58. gb.stats = stats
  59. gb.markdown = markdown
  60. gb.changedFiles = changed files
  61. gb.filesAdded = {0} files added
  62. gb.filesModified = {0} files modified
  63. gb.filesDeleted = {0} files deleted
  64. gb.filesCopied = {0} files copied
  65. gb.filesRenamed = {0} files renamed
  66. gb.missingUsername = Missing Username
  67. gb.edit = edit
  68. gb.searchTypeTooltip = Select Search Type
  69. gb.searchTooltip = Search Git:Blit
  70. gb.rename = rename
  71. gb.delete = delete
  72. = docs
  73. gb.accessRestriction = access restriction
  74. = name
  75. gb.description = description
  76. gb.enableTickets = enable tickets
  77. gb.enableDocs = enable docs
  78. = save
  79. gb.showRemoteBranches = show remote branches
  80. gb.editUsers = edit users
  81. gb.password = password
  82. gb.confirmPassword = confirm password
  83. gb.restrictedRepositories = restricted repositories
  84. gb.canAdmin can admin
  85. gb.notRestricted = anonymous view, clone, & push
  86. gb.pushRestricted = authenticated push
  87. gb.cloneRestricted = authenticated clone & push
  88. gb.viewRestricted = authenticated view, clone, & push
  89. gb.useTicketsDescription = distributed Ticgit issues
  90. gb.useDocsDescription = enumerates Markdown documentation in repository
  91. gb.showRemoteBranchesDescription = show remote branches
  92. gb.canAdminDescription = can administer Git:Blit server
  93. gb.permittedUsers = permitted users
  94. gb.isFrozen = is frozen
  95. gb.isFrozenDescription = deny push operations
  96. = zip