Вы не можете выбрать более 25 тем Темы должны начинаться с буквы или цифры, могут содержать дефисы(-) и должны содержать не более 35 символов.

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <project name="gitblit" default="compile" basedir=".">
  3. <!-- Google Code upload task -->
  4. <taskdef classname="net.bluecow.googlecode.ant.GoogleCodeUploadTask" classpath="${basedir}/tools/ant-googlecode-0.0.3.jar" name="gcupload"/>
  5. <!-- Project Properties -->
  6. <property name="project.jar" value="gitblit.jar" />
  7. <property name="project.mainclass" value="com.gitblit.Launcher" />
  8. <property name="project.build.dir" value="${basedir}/build" />
  9. <property name="project.deploy.dir" value="${basedir}/deploy" />
  10. <property name="project.war.dir" value="${basedir}/war" />
  11. <property name="project.site.dir" value="${basedir}/site" />
  12. <property name="project.resources.dir" value="${basedir}/resources" />
  13. <!-- Load publication servers, paths, and credentials -->
  14. <loadproperties srcfile="${basedir}/build.properties" />
  15. <!--
  16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. Scrape the version info from code and setup the build properties
  18. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. -->
  20. <target name="buildinfo">
  21. <!-- build date -->
  22. <tstamp>
  23. <format property="gb.buildDate" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" />
  24. </tstamp>
  25. <!-- extract Gitblit version number from source code -->
  26. <loadfile property="gb.version" srcfile="${basedir}/src/com/gitblit/Constants.java">
  27. <filterchain>
  28. <linecontains>
  29. <contains value="public static final String VERSION = " />
  30. </linecontains>
  31. <striplinebreaks />
  32. <tokenfilter>
  33. <replacestring from="public static final String VERSION = &quot;" to="" />
  34. <replacestring from="&quot;;" to="" />
  35. <trim />
  36. </tokenfilter>
  37. </filterchain>
  38. </loadfile>
  39. <!-- extract JGit version number from source code -->
  40. <loadfile property="jgit.version" srcfile="${basedir}/src/com/gitblit/Constants.java">
  41. <filterchain>
  42. <linecontains>
  43. <contains value="public static final String JGIT_VERSION = " />
  44. </linecontains>
  45. <striplinebreaks />
  46. <tokenfilter>
  47. <replacestring from="public static final String JGIT_VERSION = &quot;" to="" />
  48. <replacestring from="&quot;;" to="" />
  49. <trim />
  50. </tokenfilter>
  51. </filterchain>
  52. </loadfile>
  53. <property name="distribution.zipfile" value="gitblit-${gb.version}.zip" />
  54. <property name="distribution.warfile" value="gitblit-${gb.version}.war" />
  55. </target>
  56. <!--
  57. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  58. Compile
  59. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  60. -->
  61. <target name="compile" depends="buildinfo" description="Retrieves dependencies and compiles Gitblit from source">
  62. <!-- copy required distribution files to project folder -->
  63. <copy todir="${basedir}" overwrite="false">
  64. <fileset dir="${basedir}/distrib">
  65. <include name="gitblit.properties" />
  66. <include name="users.properties" />
  67. </fileset>
  68. </copy>
  69. <!-- Compile the build tool and execute it.
  70. This downloads missing compile-time dependencies from Maven. -->
  71. <delete dir="${project.build.dir}" />
  72. <mkdir dir="${project.build.dir}" />
  73. <javac srcdir="${basedir}/src" destdir="${project.build.dir}">
  74. <include name="com/gitblit/build/Build.java" />
  75. <include name="com/gitblit/Constants.java" />
  76. <include name="com/gitblit/utils/StringUtils.java" />
  77. </javac>
  78. <java classpath="${project.build.dir}" classname="com.gitblit.build.Build" />
  79. <!-- Compile Project -->
  80. <path id="master-classpath">
  81. <fileset dir="${basedir}/ext">
  82. <include name="*.jar" />
  83. </fileset>
  84. </path>
  85. <javac destdir="${project.build.dir}" failonerror="false">
  86. <src path="${basedir}/src" />
  87. <classpath refid="master-classpath" />
  88. </javac>
  89. <copy todir="${project.build.dir}">
  90. <fileset dir="${basedir}/src" excludes="**/*.java,**/thumbs.db" />
  91. </copy>
  92. </target>
  93. <!--
  94. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  95. Build Gitblit GO
  96. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  97. -->
  98. <target name="buildGO" depends="compile" description="Build Gitblit GO distribution">
  99. <echo>Building Gitblit GO ${gb.version}</echo>
  100. <!-- Delete the deploy folder -->
  101. <delete dir="${project.deploy.dir}" />
  102. <!-- Create deployment folder structure -->
  103. <mkdir dir="${project.deploy.dir}" />
  104. <copy todir="${project.deploy.dir}">
  105. <fileset dir="${basedir}/distrib">
  106. <include name="**/*" />
  107. </fileset>
  108. </copy>
  109. <!-- Build jar -->
  110. <jar jarfile="${project.deploy.dir}/${project.jar}">
  111. <fileset dir="${project.build.dir}">
  112. <include name="**/*" />
  113. </fileset>
  114. <fileset dir="${project.resources.dir}">
  115. <exclude name="thumbs.db" />
  116. </fileset>
  117. <manifest>
  118. <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${project.mainclass}" />
  119. </manifest>
  120. </jar>
  121. <!-- Build the docs for the deploy -->
  122. <antcall target="buildDocs" inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true">
  123. <param name="docs.output.dir" value="${project.deploy.dir}/docs" />
  124. </antcall>
  125. <!-- Create Zip deployment -->
  126. <zip destfile="${distribution.zipfile}">
  127. <fileset dir="${project.deploy.dir}">
  128. <include name="**/*" />
  129. </fileset>
  130. </zip>
  131. </target>
  132. <!--
  133. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  134. Build Gitblit Docs which are bundled with GO and WAR downloads
  135. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  136. -->
  137. <target name="buildDocs">
  138. <!-- Build Docs -->
  139. <mkdir dir="${docs.output.dir}" />
  140. <copy todir="${docs.output.dir}">
  141. <!-- Copy selected Gitblit resources -->
  142. <fileset dir="${project.resources.dir}">
  143. <include name="background.png" />
  144. <include name="gitblit.css" />
  145. <include name="markdown.css" />
  146. <include name="gitblt_25.png" />
  147. <include name="gitblt-favicon.png" />
  148. <include name="lock_go_16x16.png" />
  149. <include name="lock_pull_16x16.png" />
  150. <include name="shield_16x16.png" />
  151. <include name="cold_16x16.png" />
  152. <include name="bug_16x16.png" />
  153. <include name="book_16x16.png" />
  154. <include name="blank.png" />
  155. </fileset>
  156. <!-- Copy Doc images -->
  157. <fileset dir="${basedir}/docs">
  158. <include name="*.png" />
  159. </fileset>
  160. </copy>
  161. <!-- Copy google-code-prettify -->
  162. <mkdir dir="${docs.output.dir}/prettify" />
  163. <copy todir="${docs.output.dir}/prettify">
  164. <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/prettify">
  165. <exclude name="thumbs.db" />
  166. </fileset>
  167. </copy>
  168. <!-- Build deployment doc pages -->
  169. <java classpath="${project.build.dir}" classname="com.gitblit.build.BuildSite">
  170. <classpath refid="master-classpath" />
  171. <arg value="--sourceFolder" />
  172. <arg value="${basedir}/docs" />
  173. <arg value="--outputFolder" />
  174. <arg value="${docs.output.dir}" />
  175. <arg value="--pageHeader" />
  176. <arg value="${basedir}/docs/doc_header.html" />
  177. <arg value="--pageFooter" />
  178. <arg value="${basedir}/docs/doc_footer.html" />
  179. <arg value="--skip" />
  180. <arg value="screenshots" />
  181. <arg value="--skip" />
  182. <arg value="releases" />
  183. <arg value="--alias" />
  184. <arg value="index=overview" />
  185. <arg value="--alias" />
  186. <arg value="properties=gitblit.properties" />
  187. <arg value="--substitute" />
  188. <arg value="%VERSION%=${gb.version}" />
  189. <arg value="--substitute" />
  190. <arg value="%GO%=${distribution.zipfile}" />
  191. <arg value="--substitute" />
  192. <arg value="%WAR%=${distribution.warfile}" />
  193. <arg value="--substitute" />
  194. <arg value="%BUILDDATE%=${gb.buildDate}" />
  195. <arg value="--substitute" />
  196. <arg value="%JGIT%=${jgit.version}" />
  197. <arg value="--load" />
  198. <arg value="%PROPERTIES%=${basedir}/distrib/gitblit.properties" />
  199. </java>
  200. </target>
  201. <!--
  202. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  203. Build Gitblit WAR
  204. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  205. -->
  206. <target name="buildWAR" depends="compile" description="Build Gitblit WAR">
  207. <echo>Building Gitblit WAR ${gb.version}</echo>
  208. <delete dir="${project.war.dir}" />
  209. <!-- Copy web.xml and users.properties to WEB-INF -->
  210. <copy todir="${project.war.dir}/WEB-INF">
  211. <fileset dir="${basedir}/distrib">
  212. <include name="users.properties" />
  213. </fileset>
  214. <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/WEB-INF">
  215. <include name="web.xml" />
  216. </fileset>
  217. </copy>
  218. <!-- Build the docs for the WAR build -->
  219. <antcall target="buildDocs" inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true">
  220. <param name="docs.output.dir" value="${project.war.dir}/WEB-INF/docs" />
  221. </antcall>
  222. <!-- Build the WAR web.xml from the prototype web.xml and gitblit.properties -->
  223. <java classpath="${project.build.dir}" classname="com.gitblit.build.BuildWebXml">
  224. <classpath refid="master-classpath" />
  225. <arg value="--sourceFile" />
  226. <arg value="${basedir}/src/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
  227. <arg value="--destinationFile" />
  228. <arg value="${project.war.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
  229. <arg value="--propertiesFile" />
  230. <arg value="${basedir}/distrib/gitblit.properties" />
  231. </java>
  232. <!-- Gitblit resources -->
  233. <copy todir="${project.war.dir}">
  234. <fileset dir="${project.resources.dir}">
  235. <exclude name="thumbs.db" />
  236. </fileset>
  237. </copy>
  238. <!-- Gitblit library dependencies -->
  239. <mkdir dir="${project.war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
  240. <copy todir="${project.war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
  241. <fileset dir="${basedir}/ext">
  242. <exclude name="*-sources.jar" />
  243. <exclude name="*-javadoc.jar" />
  244. <exclude name="jcommander*.jar" />
  245. <exclude name="jetty*.jar" />
  246. <exclude name="junit*.jar" />
  247. <exclude name="servlet*.jar" />
  248. </fileset>
  249. </copy>
  250. <!-- Gitblit classes -->
  251. <mkdir dir="${project.war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
  252. <copy todir="${project.war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
  253. <fileset dir="${project.build.dir}">
  254. <exclude name="WEB-INF/web.xml" />
  255. <exclude name="com/gitblit/tests/" />
  256. <exclude name="com/gitblit/build/**" />
  257. <exclude name="com/gitblit/GitBlitServer*.class" />
  258. <exclude name="com/gitblit/Launcher*.class" />
  259. <exclude name="com/gitblit/MakeCertificate*.class" />
  260. </fileset>
  261. </copy>
  262. <!-- Build the WAR file -->
  263. <jar basedir="${project.war.dir}" destfile="${distribution.warfile}" compress="true" />
  264. </target>
  265. <!--
  266. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  267. Build the Gitblit Website
  268. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  269. -->
  270. <target name="buildSite" depends="compile" description="Build the Gitblit website">
  271. <echo>Building Gitblit Website ${gb.version}</echo>
  272. <!-- Build Site -->
  273. <delete dir="${project.site.dir}" />
  274. <mkdir dir="${project.site.dir}" />
  275. <copy todir="${project.site.dir}">
  276. <!-- Copy selected Gitblit resources -->
  277. <fileset dir="${project.resources.dir}">
  278. <include name="background.png" />
  279. <include name="gitblit.css" />
  280. <include name="markdown.css" />
  281. <include name="gitblt_25.png" />
  282. <include name="gitblt-favicon.png" />
  283. <include name="lock_go_16x16.png" />
  284. <include name="lock_pull_16x16.png" />
  285. <include name="shield_16x16.png" />
  286. <include name="cold_16x16.png" />
  287. <include name="bug_16x16.png" />
  288. <include name="book_16x16.png" />
  289. <include name="blank.png" />
  290. </fileset>
  291. <!-- Copy Doc images -->
  292. <fileset dir="${basedir}/docs">
  293. <include name="*.png" />
  294. <include name="*.js" />
  295. </fileset>
  296. </copy>
  297. <!-- Copy Fancybox -->
  298. <mkdir dir="${project.site.dir}/fancybox" />
  299. <copy todir="${project.site.dir}/fancybox">
  300. <fileset dir="${basedir}/docs/fancybox">
  301. <exclude name="thumbs.db" />
  302. </fileset>
  303. </copy>
  304. <!-- Copy google-code-prettify -->
  305. <mkdir dir="${basedir}/src/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/prettify" />
  306. <copy todir="${project.site.dir}/prettify">
  307. <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/com/gitblit/wicket/pages/prettify">
  308. <exclude name="thumbs.db" />
  309. </fileset>
  310. </copy>
  311. <!-- Generate thumbnails of screenshots -->
  312. <java classpath="${project.build.dir}" classname="com.gitblit.build.BuildThumbnails">
  313. <classpath refid="master-classpath" />
  314. <arg value="--sourceFolder" />
  315. <arg value="${basedir}/docs/screenshots" />
  316. <arg value="--destinationFolder" />
  317. <arg value="${project.site.dir}/thumbs" />
  318. <arg value="--maximumDimension" />
  319. <arg value="250" />
  320. </java>
  321. <!-- Copy screenshots -->
  322. <mkdir dir="${project.site.dir}/screenshots" />
  323. <copy todir="${project.site.dir}/screenshots">
  324. <fileset dir="${basedir}/docs/screenshots">
  325. <include name="*.png" />
  326. </fileset>
  327. </copy>
  328. <!-- Build site pages -->
  329. <java classpath="${project.build.dir}" classname="com.gitblit.build.BuildSite">
  330. <classpath refid="master-classpath" />
  331. <arg value="--sourceFolder" />
  332. <arg value="${basedir}/docs" />
  333. <arg value="--outputFolder" />
  334. <arg value="${project.site.dir}" />
  335. <arg value="--pageHeader" />
  336. <arg value="${basedir}/docs/site_header.html" />
  337. <arg value="--pageFooter" />
  338. <arg value="${basedir}/docs/site_footer.html" />
  339. <arg value="--alias" />
  340. <arg value="index=overview" />
  341. <arg value="--alias" />
  342. <arg value="properties=gitblit.properties" />
  343. <arg value="--substitute" />
  344. <arg value="%VERSION%=${gb.version}" />
  345. <arg value="--substitute" />
  346. <arg value="%GO%=${distribution.zipfile}" />
  347. <arg value="--substitute" />
  348. <arg value="%WAR%=${distribution.warfile}" />
  349. <arg value="--substitute" />
  350. <arg value="%BUILDDATE%=${gb.buildDate}" />
  351. <arg value="--substitute" />
  352. <arg value="%JGIT%=${jgit.version}" />
  353. <arg value="--load" />
  354. <arg value="%PROPERTIES%=${basedir}/distrib/gitblit.properties" />
  355. </java>
  356. </target>
  357. <!--
  358. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  359. Compile from source, publish binaries, and build & deploy site
  360. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  361. -->
  362. <target name="buildAll" depends="buildGO,buildWAR,buildSite">
  363. <!-- Cleanup -->
  364. <delete dir="${project.build.dir}" />
  365. <delete dir="${project.war.dir}" />
  366. <delete dir="${project.deploy.dir}" />
  367. </target>
  368. <!--
  369. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  370. Publish binaries to Google Code
  371. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  372. -->
  373. <target name="publishBinaries" depends="buildGO,buildWAR" description="Publish the Gitblit binaries to Google Code">
  374. <echo>Uploading Gitblit ${gb.version} binaries</echo>
  375. <!-- Upload ZIP file -->
  376. <gcupload
  377. username="${googlecode.user}"
  378. password="${googlecode.password}"
  379. projectname="gitblit"
  380. filename="${distribution.zipfile}"
  381. targetfilename="gitblit-${gb.version}.zip"
  382. summary="Standalone, integrated Gitblit server v${gb.version}"
  383. labels="Featured, Type-Package, OpSys-All" />
  384. <!-- Upload WAR file -->
  385. <gcupload
  386. username="${googlecode.user}"
  387. password="${googlecode.password}"
  388. projectname="gitblit"
  389. filename="${distribution.warfile}"
  390. targetfilename="gitblit-${gb.version}.war"
  391. summary="Gitblit WAR v${gb.version} for your servlet container"
  392. labels="Featured, Type-Package, OpSys-All" />
  393. </target>
  394. <!--
  395. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  396. Publish site to hosting service
  397. You must add ext/commons-net-1.4.0.jar to your ANT classpath.
  398. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  399. -->
  400. <target name="publishSite" depends="buildSite" description="Publish the Gitblit site to a webserver (requires ext/commons-net-1.4.0.jar)" >
  401. <echo>Uploading Gitblit ${gb.version} website</echo>
  402. <ftp server="${ftp.server}"
  403. userid="${ftp.user}"
  404. password="${ftp.password}"
  405. remotedir="${ftp.dir}"
  406. passive="true"
  407. verbose="yes">
  408. <fileset dir="${project.site.dir}" />
  409. </ftp>
  410. </target>
  411. <!--
  412. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  413. Compile from source, publish binaries, and build & deploy site
  414. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  415. -->
  416. <target name="publishAll" depends="publishBinaries,publishSite">
  417. <!-- Cleanup -->
  418. <delete dir="${project.build.dir}" />
  419. <delete dir="${project.war.dir}" />
  420. <delete dir="${project.deploy.dir}" />
  421. </target>
  422. </project>