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пре 10 година
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пре 10 година
  1. # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
  2. __pycache__/
  3. *.py[cod]
  4. *$py.class
  5. # C extensions
  6. *.so
  7. # Distribution / packaging
  8. .Python
  9. env/
  10. build/
  11. develop-eggs/
  12. dist/
  14. eggs/
  15. .eggs/
  16. lib/
  17. lib64/
  18. parts/
  19. sdist/
  20. var/
  21. *.egg-info/
  22. .installed.cfg
  23. *.egg
  24. # PyInstaller
  25. # Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
  26. # before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
  27. *.manifest
  28. *.spec
  29. # Installer logs
  30. pip-log.txt
  31. pip-delete-this-directory.txt
  32. # Unit test / coverage reports
  33. htmlcov/
  34. .tox/
  35. .coverage
  36. .coverage.*
  37. .cache
  38. nosetests.xml
  39. coverage.xml
  40. *,cover
  41. # Translations
  42. *.mo
  43. *.pot
  44. # Django stuff:
  45. *.log
  46. # Sphinx documentation
  47. docs/_build/
  48. # PyBuilder
  49. target/