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Fixes cli error for Asciidoctor (#12677)

The original fix for #8676 introduced illegal arguments for Asciidoctor, causing no rendering at all. This PR fixes the command line arguments so that Asciidoctor properly renders the text. See https://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#piping-content-through-the-cli as reference.
Martin pirms 3 gadiem
Revīzijas autora e-pasta adrese nav piesaistīta nevienam kontam

+ 2
- 2
docs/content/doc/advanced/external-renderers.en-us.md Parādīt failu

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ add one `[markup.XXXXX]` section per external renderer on your custom `app.ini`:
ENABLED = true
FILE_EXTENSIONS = .adoc,.asciidoc
RENDER_COMMAND = "asciidoctor -e -a leveloffset=-1 --out-file=- -"
RENDER_COMMAND = "asciidoctor -s -a showtitle --out-file=- -"
; Input is not a standard input but a file

@@ -93,4 +93,4 @@ To define multiple entries, add a unique alphanumeric suffix (e.g., `[markup.san
Once your configuration changes have been made, restart Gitea to have changes take effect.

**Note**: Prior to Gitea 1.12 there was a single `markup.sanitiser` section with keys that were redefined for multiple rules, however,
there were significant problems with this method of configuration necessitating configuration through multiple sections.
there were significant problems with this method of configuration necessitating configuration through multiple sections.

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