yp05327 7 months ago
No account linked to committer's email address

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modules/context/repo.go View File

@@ -563,6 +563,7 @@ func RepoAssignment(ctx *Context) context.CancelFunc {
ctx.Data["CanWriteCode"] = ctx.Repo.CanWrite(unit_model.TypeCode)
ctx.Data["CanWriteIssues"] = ctx.Repo.CanWrite(unit_model.TypeIssues)
ctx.Data["CanWritePulls"] = ctx.Repo.CanWrite(unit_model.TypePullRequests)
ctx.Data["CanWriteActions"] = ctx.Repo.CanWrite(unit_model.TypeActions)

canSignedUserFork, err := repo_module.CanUserForkRepo(ctx, ctx.Doer, ctx.Repo.Repository)
if err != nil {

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options/locale/locale_en-US.ini View File

@@ -3529,6 +3529,9 @@ runs.status = Status
runs.actors_no_select = All actors
runs.status_no_select = All status
runs.no_results = No results matched.
runs.no_workflows = There are no workflows yet.
runs.no_workflows.quick_start = Don't know how to start with Gitea Action? See <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">the quick start guide</a>.
runs.no_workflows.documentation = For more information on the Gitea Action, see <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">the documentation</a>.
runs.no_runs = The workflow has no runs yet.
runs.empty_commit_message = (empty commit message)

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templates/repo/actions/list.tmpl View File

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
<div class="ui container">
{{template "base/alert" .}}

{{if .workflows}}
<div class="ui stackable grid">
<div class="four wide column">
<div class="ui fluid vertical menu">
@@ -78,6 +79,9 @@
{{template "repo/actions/runs_list" .}}
{{template "repo/actions/no_workflows" .}}
{{template "base/footer" .}}

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templates/repo/actions/no_workflows.tmpl View File

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<div class="empty-placeholder">
{{svg "octicon-no-entry" 48}}
<h2>{{ctx.Locale.Tr "actions.runs.no_workflows"}}</h2>
{{if and .CanWriteCode .CanWriteActions}}
<p>{{ctx.Locale.Tr "actions.runs.no_workflows.quick_start" "https://docs.gitea.com/usage/actions/quickstart/" | Safe}}</p>
<p>{{ctx.Locale.Tr "actions.runs.no_workflows.documentation" "https://docs.gitea.com/usage/actions/overview/" | Safe}}</p>
