.markup .code-block { position: relative; } .markup .code-copy { position: absolute; top: 8px; right: 6px; padding: 9px; visibility: hidden; animation: fadeout .2s both; } /* adjustments for comment content having only 14px font size */ .repository.view.issue .comment-list .comment .markup .code-copy { right: 5px; padding: 8px; } /* can not use regular transparent button colors for hover and active states because we need opaque colors here as code can appear behind the button */ .markup .code-copy:hover { background: var(--color-secondary) !important; } .markup .code-copy:active { background: var(--color-secondary-dark-1) !important; } .markup .code-block:hover .code-copy { visibility: visible; animation: fadein .2s both; }