You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

.golangci.yml 388B

  1. run:
  2. concurrency: 8
  3. deadline: 5m
  4. tests: false
  5. linters:
  6. enable-all: true
  7. disable:
  8. - funlen
  9. - gochecknoglobals
  10. - gochecknoinits
  11. - gocognit
  12. - goconst
  13. - godox
  14. - gosec
  15. - maligned
  16. - wsl
  17. - gomnd
  18. - goerr113
  19. - exhaustive
  20. - nestif
  21. - nlreturn
  22. - exhaustivestruct
  23. - wrapcheck
  24. - errorlint
  25. - cyclop
  26. - forcetypeassert