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.travis.yml 475B

  1. language: go
  2. go:
  3. - '1.9'
  4. - '1.10'
  5. services:
  6. - postgresql
  7. - mysql
  8. addons:
  9. postgresql: "9.4"
  10. before_script:
  11. - mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE testfixtures_test;'
  12. - psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE testfixtures_test;' -U postgres
  13. install:
  14. - go get -t -tags 'sqlite postgresql mysql' ./...
  15. - curl -s | sh
  16. - bin/task dl-deps
  17. - cp .sample.env .env
  18. script:
  19. - bin/task lint
  20. - bin/task test-free