您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

locale_en-US.ini 126KB

  1. home = Home
  2. dashboard = Dashboard
  3. explore = Explore
  4. help = Help
  5. sign_in = Sign In
  6. sign_in_with = Sign In With
  7. sign_out = Sign Out
  8. sign_up = Register
  9. link_account = Link Account
  10. register = Register
  11. website = Website
  12. version = Version
  13. powered_by = Powered by %s
  14. page = Page
  15. template = Template
  16. language = Language
  17. notifications = Notifications
  18. create_new = Create…
  19. user_profile_and_more = Profile and Settings…
  20. signed_in_as = Signed in as
  21. enable_javascript = This website works better with JavaScript.
  22. toc = Table of Contents
  23. licenses = Licenses
  24. username = Username
  25. email = Email Address
  26. password = Password
  27. re_type = Re-Type Password
  28. captcha = CAPTCHA
  29. twofa = Two-Factor Authentication
  30. twofa_scratch = Two-Factor Scratch Code
  31. passcode = Passcode
  32. u2f_insert_key = Insert your security key
  33. u2f_sign_in = Press the button on your security key. If your security key has no button, re-insert it.
  34. u2f_press_button = Please press the button on your security key…
  35. u2f_use_twofa = Use a two-factor code from your phone
  36. u2f_error = Could not read your security key.
  37. u2f_unsupported_browser = Your browser does not support U2F security keys.
  38. u2f_error_1 = An unknown error occurred. Please retry.
  39. u2f_error_2 = Please make sure to use the correct, encrypted (https://) URL.
  40. u2f_error_3 = The server could not process your request.
  41. u2f_error_4 = The security key is not permitted for this request. Please make sure that the key is not already registered.
  42. u2f_error_5 = Timeout reached before your key could be read. Please reload this page and retry.
  43. u2f_reload = Reload
  44. repository = Repository
  45. organization = Organization
  46. mirror = Mirror
  47. new_repo = New Repository
  48. new_migrate = New Migration
  49. new_mirror = New Mirror
  50. new_fork = New Repository Fork
  51. new_org = New Organization
  52. manage_org = Manage Organizations
  53. admin_panel = Site Administration
  54. account_settings = Account Settings
  55. settings = Settings
  56. your_profile = Profile
  57. your_starred = Starred
  58. your_settings = Settings
  59. all = All
  60. sources = Sources
  61. mirrors = Mirrors
  62. collaborative = Collaborative
  63. forks = Forks
  64. activities = Activities
  65. pull_requests = Pull Requests
  66. issues = Issues
  67. milestones = Milestones
  68. cancel = Cancel
  69. save = Save
  70. add = Add
  71. add_all = Add All
  72. remove = Remove
  73. remove_all = Remove All
  74. write = Write
  75. preview = Preview
  76. loading = Loading…
  77. error404 = The page you are trying to reach either <strong>does not exist</strong> or <strong>you are not authorized</strong> to view it.
  78. [error]
  79. occurred = An error has occurred
  80. report_message = If you are sure this is a Gitea bug, please search for issue on <a href="https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues">GitHub</a> and open new issue if necessary.
  81. [startpage]
  82. app_desc = A painless, self-hosted Git service
  83. install = Easy to install
  84. install_desc = Simply <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/install-from-binary/">run the binary</a> for your platform, ship it with <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/tree/master/docker">Docker</a>, or get it <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/install-from-package/">packaged</a>.
  85. platform = Cross-platform
  86. platform_desc = Gitea runs anywhere <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://golang.org/">Go</a> can compile for: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM, etc. Choose the one you love!
  87. lightweight = Lightweight
  88. lightweight_desc = Gitea has low minimal requirements and can run on an inexpensive Raspberry Pi. Save your machine energy!
  89. license = Open Source
  90. license_desc = Go get <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://code.gitea.io/gitea">code.gitea.io/gitea</a>! Join us by <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea">contributing</a> to make this project even better. Don't be shy to be a contributor!
  91. [install]
  92. install = Installation
  93. title = Initial Configuration
  94. docker_helper = If you run Gitea inside Docker, please read the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">documentation</a> before changing any settings.
  95. requite_db_desc = Gitea requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL or SQLite3.
  96. db_title = Database Settings
  97. db_type = Database Type
  98. host = Host
  99. user = Username
  100. password = Password
  101. db_name = Database Name
  102. db_helper = Note to MySQL users: please use the InnoDB storage engine and if you use "utf8mb4", your InnoDB version must be greater than 5.6 .
  103. db_schema = Schema
  104. db_schema_helper = Leave blank for database default ("public").
  105. ssl_mode = SSL
  106. charset = Charset
  107. path = Path
  108. sqlite_helper = File path for the SQLite3 database.<br>Enter an absolute path if you run Gitea as a service.
  109. err_empty_db_path = The SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
  110. no_admin_and_disable_registration = You cannot disable user self-registration without creating an administrator account.
  111. err_empty_admin_password = The administrator password cannot be empty.
  112. err_empty_admin_email = The administrator email cannot be empty.
  113. err_admin_name_is_reserved = Administrator Username is invalid, username is reserved
  114. err_admin_name_pattern_not_allowed = Administrator username is invalid, the username matches a reserved pattern
  115. err_admin_name_is_invalid = Administrator Username is invalid
  116. general_title = General Settings
  117. app_name = Site Title
  118. app_name_helper = You can enter your company name here.
  119. repo_path = Repository Root Path
  120. repo_path_helper = Remote Git repositories will be saved to this directory.
  121. lfs_path = Git LFS Root Path
  122. lfs_path_helper = Files tracked by Git LFS will be stored in this directory. Leave empty to disable.
  123. run_user = Run As Username
  124. run_user_helper = Enter the operating system username that Gitea runs as. Note that this user must have access to the repository root path.
  125. domain = SSH Server Domain
  126. domain_helper = Domain or host address for SSH clone URLs.
  127. ssh_port = SSH Server Port
  128. ssh_port_helper = Port number your SSH server listens on. Leave empty to disable.
  129. http_port = Gitea HTTP Listen Port
  130. http_port_helper = Port number the Giteas web server will listen on.
  131. app_url = Gitea Base URL
  132. app_url_helper = Base address for HTTP(S) clone URLs and email notifications.
  133. log_root_path = Log Path
  134. log_root_path_helper = Log files will be written to this directory.
  135. optional_title = Optional Settings
  136. email_title = Email Settings
  137. smtp_host = SMTP Host
  138. smtp_from = Send Email As
  139. smtp_from_helper = Email address Gitea will use. Enter a plain email address or use the "Name" <email@example.com> format.
  140. mailer_user = SMTP Username
  141. mailer_password = SMTP Password
  142. register_confirm = Require Email Confirmation to Register
  143. mail_notify = Enable Email Notifications
  144. server_service_title = Server and Third-Party Service Settings
  145. offline_mode = Enable Local Mode
  146. offline_mode_popup = Disable third-party content delivery networks and serve all resources locally.
  147. disable_gravatar = Disable Gravatar
  148. disable_gravatar_popup = Disable Gravatar and third-party avatar sources. A default avatar will be used unless a user locally uploads an avatar.
  149. federated_avatar_lookup = Enable Federated Avatars
  150. federated_avatar_lookup_popup = Enable federated avatar lookup using Libravatar.
  151. disable_registration = Disable Self-Registration
  152. disable_registration_popup = Disable user self-registration. Only administrators will be able to create new user accounts.
  153. allow_only_external_registration_popup = Allow Registration Only Through External Services
  154. openid_signin = Enable OpenID Sign-In
  155. openid_signin_popup = Enable user sign-in via OpenID.
  156. openid_signup = Enable OpenID Self-Registration
  157. openid_signup_popup = Enable OpenID-based user self-registration.
  158. enable_captcha = Enable registration CAPTCHA
  159. enable_captcha_popup = Require a CAPTCHA for user self-registration.
  160. require_sign_in_view = Require Sign-In to View Pages
  161. require_sign_in_view_popup = Limit page access to signed-in users. Visitors will only see the 'sign in' and registration pages.
  162. admin_setting_desc = Creating an administrator account is optional. The first registered user will automatically become an administrator.
  163. admin_title = Administrator Account Settings
  164. admin_name = Administrator Username
  165. admin_password = Password
  166. confirm_password = Confirm Password
  167. admin_email = Email Address
  168. install_btn_confirm = Install Gitea
  169. test_git_failed = Could not test 'git' command: %v
  170. sqlite3_not_available = This Gitea version does not support SQLite3. Please download the official binary version from %s (not the 'gobuild' version).
  171. invalid_db_setting = The database settings are invalid: %v
  172. invalid_repo_path = The repository root path is invalid: %v
  173. run_user_not_match = The 'run as' username is not the current username: %s -> %s
  174. save_config_failed = Failed to save configuration: %v
  175. invalid_admin_setting = Administrator account setting is invalid: %v
  176. install_success = Welcome! Thank you for choosing Gitea. Have fun and take care!
  177. invalid_log_root_path = The log path is invalid: %v
  178. default_keep_email_private = Hide Email Addresses by Default
  179. default_keep_email_private_popup = Hide email addresses of new user accounts by default.
  180. default_allow_create_organization = Allow Creation of Organizations by Default
  181. default_allow_create_organization_popup = Allow new user accounts to create organizations by default.
  182. default_enable_timetracking = Enable Time Tracking by Default
  183. default_enable_timetracking_popup = Enable time tracking for new repositories by default.
  184. no_reply_address = Hidden Email Domain
  185. no_reply_address_helper = Domain name for users with a hidden email address. For example, the username 'joe' will be logged in Git as 'joe@noreply.example.org' if the hidden email domain is set to 'noreply.example.org'.
  186. [home]
  187. uname_holder = Username or Email Address
  188. password_holder = Password
  189. switch_dashboard_context = Switch Dashboard Context
  190. my_repos = Repositories
  191. show_more_repos = Show more repositories…
  192. collaborative_repos = Collaborative Repositories
  193. my_orgs = My Organizations
  194. my_mirrors = My Mirrors
  195. view_home = View %s
  196. search_repos = Find a repository…
  197. filter = Other Filters
  198. show_archived = Archived
  199. show_both_archived_unarchived = Showing both archived and unarchived
  200. show_only_archived = Showing only archived
  201. show_only_unarchived = Showing only unarchived
  202. show_private = Private
  203. show_both_private_public = Showing both public and private
  204. show_only_private = Showing only private
  205. show_only_public = Showing only public
  206. issues.in_your_repos = In your repositories
  207. [explore]
  208. repos = Repositories
  209. users = Users
  210. organizations = Organizations
  211. search = Search
  212. code = Code
  213. repo_no_results = No matching repositories found.
  214. user_no_results = No matching users found.
  215. org_no_results = No matching organizations found.
  216. code_no_results = No source code matching your search term found.
  217. code_search_results = Search results for '%s'
  218. code_last_indexed_at = Last indexed %s
  219. [auth]
  220. create_new_account = Register Account
  221. register_helper_msg = Already have an account? Sign in now!
  222. social_register_helper_msg = Already have an account? Link it now!
  223. disable_register_prompt = Registration is disabled. Please contact your site administrator.
  224. disable_register_mail = Email confirmation for registration is disabled.
  225. remember_me = Remember Me
  226. forgot_password_title= Forgot Password
  227. forgot_password = Forgot password?
  228. sign_up_now = Need an account? Register now.
  229. sign_up_successful = Account was successfully created.
  230. confirmation_mail_sent_prompt = A new confirmation email has been sent to <b>%s</b>. Please check your inbox within the next %s to complete the registration process.
  231. must_change_password = Update your password
  232. allow_password_change = Require user to change password (recommended)
  233. reset_password_mail_sent_prompt = A confirmation email has been sent to <b>%s</b>. Please check your inbox within the next %s to complete the account recovery process.
  234. active_your_account = Activate Your Account
  235. account_activated = Account has been activated
  236. prohibit_login = Sign In Prohibited
  237. prohibit_login_desc = Your account is prohibited to sign in, please contact your site administrator.
  238. resent_limit_prompt = You have already requested an activation email recently. Please wait 3 minutes and try again.
  239. has_unconfirmed_mail = Hi %s, you have an unconfirmed email address (<b>%s</b>). If you haven't received a confirmation email or need to resend a new one, please click on the button below.
  240. resend_mail = Click here to resend your activation email
  241. email_not_associate = The email address is not associated with any account.
  242. send_reset_mail = Send Account Recovery Email
  243. reset_password = Account Recovery
  244. invalid_code = Your confirmation code is invalid or has expired.
  245. reset_password_helper = Recover Account
  246. reset_password_wrong_user = You are signed in as %s, but the account recovery link is for %s
  247. password_too_short = Password length cannot be less than %d characters.
  248. non_local_account = Non-local users can not update their password through the Gitea web interface.
  249. verify = Verify
  250. scratch_code = Scratch code
  251. use_scratch_code = Use a scratch code
  252. twofa_scratch_used = You have used your scratch code. You have been redirected to the two-factor settings page so you may remove your device enrollment or generate a new scratch code.
  253. twofa_passcode_incorrect = Your passcode is incorrect. If you misplaced your device, use your scratch code to sign in.
  254. twofa_scratch_token_incorrect = Your scratch code is incorrect.
  255. login_userpass = Sign In
  256. login_openid = OpenID
  257. oauth_signup_tab = Register New Account
  258. oauth_signup_title = Add Email and Password (for Account Recovery)
  259. oauth_signup_submit = Complete Account
  260. oauth_signin_tab = Link to Existing Account
  261. oauth_signin_title = Sign In to Authorize Linked Account
  262. oauth_signin_submit = Link Account
  263. openid_connect_submit = Connect
  264. openid_connect_title = Connect to an existing account
  265. openid_connect_desc = The chosen OpenID URI is unknown. Associate it with a new account here.
  266. openid_register_title = Create new account
  267. openid_register_desc = The chosen OpenID URI is unknown. Associate it with a new account here.
  268. openid_signin_desc = Enter your OpenID URI. For example: https://anne.me, bob.openid.org.cn or gnusocial.net/carry.
  269. disable_forgot_password_mail = Account recovery is disabled. Please contact your site administrator.
  270. email_domain_blacklisted = You cannot register with your email address.
  271. authorize_application = Authorize Application
  272. authorize_redirect_notice = You will be redirected to %s if you authorize this application.
  273. authorize_application_created_by = This application was created by %s.
  274. authorize_application_description = If you grant the access, it will be able to access and write to all your account information, including private repos and organisations.
  275. authorize_title = Authorize "%s" to access your account?
  276. authorization_failed = Authorization failed
  277. authorization_failed_desc = The authorization failed because we detected an invalid request. Please contact the maintainer of the app you've tried to authorize.
  278. disable_forgot_password_mail = Account recovery is disabled. Please contact your site administrator.
  279. sspi_auth_failed = SSPI authentication failed
  280. [mail]
  281. activate_account = Please activate your account
  282. activate_email = Verify your email address
  283. reset_password = Recover your account
  284. register_success = Registration successful
  285. register_notify = Welcome to Gitea
  286. [modal]
  287. yes = Yes
  288. no = No
  289. modify = Update
  290. [form]
  291. UserName = Username
  292. RepoName = Repository name
  293. Email = Email address
  294. Password = Password
  295. Retype = Re-Type Password
  296. SSHTitle = SSH key name
  297. HttpsUrl = HTTPS URL
  298. PayloadUrl = Payload URL
  299. TeamName = Team name
  300. AuthName = Authorization name
  301. AdminEmail = Admin email
  302. NewBranchName = New branch name
  303. CommitSummary = Commit summary
  304. CommitMessage = Commit message
  305. CommitChoice = Commit choice
  306. TreeName = File path
  307. Content = Content
  308. SSPISeparatorReplacement = Separator
  309. SSPIDefaultLanguage = Default Language
  310. require_error = ` cannot be empty.`
  311. alpha_dash_error = ` should contain only alphanumeric, dash ('-') and underscore ('_') characters.`
  312. alpha_dash_dot_error = ` should contain only alphanumeric, dash ('-'), underscore ('_') and dot ('.') characters.`
  313. git_ref_name_error = ` must be a well-formed Git reference name.`
  314. size_error = ` must be size %s.`
  315. min_size_error = ` must contain at least %s characters.`
  316. max_size_error = ` must contain at most %s characters.`
  317. email_error = ` is not a valid email address.`
  318. url_error = ` is not a valid URL.`
  319. include_error = ` must contain substring '%s'.`
  320. glob_pattern_error = ` glob pattern is invalid: %s.`
  321. unknown_error = Unknown error:
  322. captcha_incorrect = The CAPTCHA code is incorrect.
  323. password_not_match = The passwords do not match.
  324. lang_select_error = Select a language from the list.
  325. username_been_taken = The username is already taken.
  326. repo_name_been_taken = The repository name is already used.
  327. visit_rate_limit = Remote visit addressed rate limitation.
  328. 2fa_auth_required = Remote visit required two factors authentication.
  329. org_name_been_taken = The organization name is already taken.
  330. team_name_been_taken = The team name is already taken.
  331. team_no_units_error = Allow access to at least one repository section.
  332. email_been_used = The email address is already used.
  333. openid_been_used = The OpenID address '%s' is already used.
  334. username_password_incorrect = Username or password is incorrect.
  335. password_complexity = Password does not pass complexity requirements:
  336. password_lowercase_one = At least one lowercase character
  337. password_uppercase_one = At least one uppercase character
  338. password_digit_one = At least one digit
  339. password_special_one = At least one special character (punctuation, brackets, quotes, etc.)
  340. enterred_invalid_repo_name = The repository name you entered is incorrect.
  341. enterred_invalid_owner_name = The new owner name is not valid.
  342. enterred_invalid_password = The password you entered is incorrect.
  343. user_not_exist = The user does not exist.
  344. team_not_exist = The team does not exist.
  345. last_org_owner = You cannot remove the last user from the 'owners' team. There must be at least one owner in any given team.
  346. cannot_add_org_to_team = An organization cannot be added as a team member.
  347. invalid_ssh_key = Can not verify your SSH key: %s
  348. invalid_gpg_key = Can not verify your GPG key: %s
  349. unable_verify_ssh_key = "Can not verify the SSH key; double-check it for mistakes."
  350. auth_failed = Authentication failed: %v
  351. still_own_repo = "Your account owns one or more repositories; delete or transfer them first."
  352. still_has_org = "Your account is a member of one or more organizations; leave them first."
  353. org_still_own_repo = "This organization still owns one or more repositories; delete or transfer them first."
  354. target_branch_not_exist = Target branch does not exist.
  355. [user]
  356. change_avatar = Change your avatar…
  357. join_on = Joined on
  358. repositories = Repositories
  359. activity = Public Activity
  360. followers = Followers
  361. starred = Starred Repositories
  362. following = Following
  363. follow = Follow
  364. unfollow = Unfollow
  365. heatmap.loading = Loading Heatmap…
  366. user_bio = Biography
  367. disabled_public_activity = This user has disabled the public visibility of the activity.
  368. form.name_reserved = The username '%s' is reserved.
  369. form.name_pattern_not_allowed = The pattern '%s' is not allowed in a username.
  370. form.name_chars_not_allowed = User name '%s' contains invalid characters.
  371. [settings]
  372. profile = Profile
  373. account = Account
  374. password = Password
  375. security = Security
  376. avatar = Avatar
  377. ssh_gpg_keys = SSH / GPG Keys
  378. social = Social Accounts
  379. applications = Applications
  380. orgs = Manage Organizations
  381. repos = Repositories
  382. delete = Delete Account
  383. twofa = Two-Factor Authentication
  384. account_link = Linked Accounts
  385. organization = Organizations
  386. uid = Uid
  387. u2f = Security Keys
  388. public_profile = Public Profile
  389. profile_desc = Your email address will be used for notifications and other operations.
  390. password_username_disabled = Non-local users are not allowed to change their username. Please contact your site administrator for more details.
  391. full_name = Full Name
  392. website = Website
  393. location = Location
  394. update_theme = Update Theme
  395. update_profile = Update Profile
  396. update_profile_success = Your profile has been updated.
  397. change_username = Your username has been changed.
  398. change_username_prompt = Note: username changes also change your account URL.
  399. continue = Continue
  400. cancel = Cancel
  401. language = Language
  402. ui = Theme
  403. privacy = Privacy
  404. keep_activity_private = Hide the activity from the profile page
  405. keep_activity_private_popup = Makes the activity visible only for you and the admins
  406. lookup_avatar_by_mail = Look Up Avatar by Email Address
  407. federated_avatar_lookup = Federated Avatar Lookup
  408. enable_custom_avatar = Use Custom Avatar
  409. choose_new_avatar = Choose new avatar
  410. update_avatar = Update Avatar
  411. delete_current_avatar = Delete Current Avatar
  412. uploaded_avatar_not_a_image = The uploaded file is not an image.
  413. uploaded_avatar_is_too_big = The uploaded file has exceeded the maximum size.
  414. update_avatar_success = Your avatar has been updated.
  415. change_password = Update Password
  416. old_password = Current Password
  417. new_password = New Password
  418. retype_new_password = Re-Type New Password
  419. password_incorrect = The current password is incorrect.
  420. change_password_success = Your password has been updated. Sign in using your new password from now on.
  421. password_change_disabled = Non-local users can not update their password through the Gitea web interface.
  422. emails = Email Addresses
  423. manage_emails = Manage Email Addresses
  424. manage_themes = Select default theme
  425. manage_openid = Manage OpenID Addresses
  426. email_desc = Your primary email address will be used for notifications and other operations.
  427. theme_desc = This will be your default theme across the site.
  428. primary = Primary
  429. activated = Activated
  430. requires_activation = Requires activation
  431. primary_email = Make Primary
  432. activate_email = Send Activation
  433. activations_pending = Activations Pending
  434. delete_email = Remove
  435. email_deletion = Remove Email Address
  436. email_deletion_desc = The email address and related information will be removed from your account. Git commits by this email address will remain unchanged. Continue?
  437. email_deletion_success = The email address has been removed.
  438. theme_update_success = Your theme was updated.
  439. theme_update_error = The selected theme does not exist.
  440. openid_deletion = Remove OpenID Address
  441. openid_deletion_desc = Removing this OpenID address from your account will prevent you from signing in with it. Continue?
  442. openid_deletion_success = The OpenID address has been removed.
  443. add_new_email = Add New Email Address
  444. add_new_openid = Add New OpenID URI
  445. add_email = Add Email Address
  446. add_openid = Add OpenID URI
  447. add_email_confirmation_sent = A confirmation email has been sent to '%s'. Please check your inbox within the next %s to confirm your email address.
  448. add_email_success = The new email address has been added.
  449. email_preference_set_success = Email preference has been set successfully.
  450. add_openid_success = The new OpenID address has been added.
  451. keep_email_private = Hide Email Address
  452. keep_email_private_popup = Your email address will be hidden from other users.
  453. openid_desc = OpenID lets you delegate authentication to an external provider.
  454. manage_ssh_keys = Manage SSH Keys
  455. manage_gpg_keys = Manage GPG Keys
  456. add_key = Add Key
  457. ssh_desc = These public SSH keys are associated with your account. The corresponding private keys allow full access to your repositories.
  458. gpg_desc = These public GPG keys are associated with your account. Keep your private keys safe as they allow commits to be verified.
  459. ssh_helper = <strong>Need help?</strong> Have a look at GitHub's guide to <a href="%s">create your own SSH keys</a> or solve <a href="%s">common problems</a> you may encounter using SSH.
  460. gpg_helper = <strong>Need help?</strong> Have a look at GitHub's guide <a href="%s">about GPG</a>.
  461. add_new_key = Add SSH Key
  462. add_new_gpg_key = Add GPG Key
  463. ssh_key_been_used = This SSH key has already been added to the server.
  464. ssh_key_name_used = An SSH key with same name is already added to your account.
  465. gpg_key_id_used = A public GPG key with same ID already exists.
  466. gpg_no_key_email_found = This GPG key is not usable with any email address associated with your account.
  467. subkeys = Subkeys
  468. key_id = Key ID
  469. key_name = Key Name
  470. key_content = Content
  471. add_key_success = The SSH key '%s' has been added.
  472. add_gpg_key_success = The GPG key '%s' has been added.
  473. delete_key = Remove
  474. ssh_key_deletion = Remove SSH Key
  475. gpg_key_deletion = Remove GPG Key
  476. ssh_key_deletion_desc = Removing an SSH key revokes its access to your account. Continue?
  477. gpg_key_deletion_desc = Removing a GPG key un-verifies commits signed by it. Continue?
  478. ssh_key_deletion_success = The SSH key has been removed.
  479. gpg_key_deletion_success = The GPG key has been removed.
  480. add_on = Added on
  481. valid_until = Valid until
  482. valid_forever = Valid forever
  483. last_used = Last used on
  484. no_activity = No recent activity
  485. can_read_info = Read
  486. can_write_info = Write
  487. key_state_desc = This key has been used in the last 7 days
  488. token_state_desc = This token has been used in the last 7 days
  489. show_openid = Show on profile
  490. hide_openid = Hide from profile
  491. ssh_disabled = SSH Disabled
  492. manage_social = Manage Associated Social Accounts
  493. social_desc = These social accounts are linked to your Gitea account. Make sure you recognize all of them as they can be used to sign in to your Gitea account.
  494. unbind = Unlink
  495. unbind_success = The social account has been unlinked from your Gitea account.
  496. manage_access_token = Manage Access Tokens
  497. generate_new_token = Generate New Token
  498. tokens_desc = These tokens grant access to your account using the Gitea API.
  499. new_token_desc = Applications using a token have full access to your account.
  500. token_name = Token Name
  501. generate_token = Generate Token
  502. generate_token_success = Your new token has been generated. Copy it now as it will not be shown again.
  503. generate_token_name_duplicate = <strong>%s</strong> has been used as an application name already. Please use a new one.
  504. delete_token = Delete
  505. access_token_deletion = Delete Access Token
  506. access_token_deletion_desc = Deleting a token will revoke access to your account for applications using it. Continue?
  507. delete_token_success = The token has been deleted. Applications using it no longer have access to your account.
  508. manage_oauth2_applications = Manage OAuth2 Applications
  509. edit_oauth2_application = Edit OAuth2 Application
  510. oauth2_applications_desc = OAuth2 applications enables your third-party application to securely authenticate users at this Gitea instance.
  511. remove_oauth2_application = Remove OAuth2 Application
  512. remove_oauth2_application_desc = Removing an OAuth2 application will revoke access to all signed access tokens. Continue?
  513. remove_oauth2_application_success = The application has been deleted.
  514. create_oauth2_application = Create a new OAuth2 Application
  515. create_oauth2_application_button = Create Application
  516. create_oauth2_application_success = You've successfully created a new OAuth2 application.
  517. update_oauth2_application_success = You've successfully updated the OAuth2 application.
  518. oauth2_application_name = Application Name
  519. oauth2_select_type = Which application type fits?
  520. oauth2_type_web = Web (e.g. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
  521. oauth2_type_native = Native (e.g. Mobile, Desktop, Browser)
  522. oauth2_redirect_uri = Redirect URI
  523. save_application = Save
  524. oauth2_client_id = Client ID
  525. oauth2_client_secret = Client Secret
  526. oauth2_regenerate_secret = Regenerate Secret
  527. oauth2_regenerate_secret_hint = Lost your secret?
  528. oauth2_client_secret_hint = The secret won't be visible if you revisit this page. Please save your secret.
  529. oauth2_application_edit = Edit
  530. oauth2_application_create_description = OAuth2 applications gives your third-party application access to user accounts on this instance.
  531. oauth2_application_remove_description = Removing an OAuth2 application will prevent it to access authorized user accounts on this instance. Continue?
  532. authorized_oauth2_applications = Authorized OAuth2 Applications
  533. authorized_oauth2_applications_description = You've granted access to your personal Gitea account to these third party applications. Please revoke access for applications no longer needed.
  534. revoke_key = Revoke
  535. revoke_oauth2_grant = Revoke Access
  536. revoke_oauth2_grant_description = Revoking access for this third party application will prevent this application from accessing your data. Are you sure?
  537. revoke_oauth2_grant_success = You've revoked access successfully.
  538. twofa_desc = Two-factor authentication enhances the security of your account.
  539. twofa_is_enrolled = Your account is currently <strong>enrolled</strong> in two-factor authentication.
  540. twofa_not_enrolled = Your account is not currently enrolled in two-factor authentication.
  541. twofa_disable = Disable Two-Factor Authentication
  542. twofa_scratch_token_regenerate = Regenerate Scratch Token
  543. twofa_scratch_token_regenerated = Your scratch token is now %s. Store it in a safe place.
  544. twofa_enroll = Enroll into Two-Factor Authentication
  545. twofa_disable_note = You can disable two-factor authentication if needed.
  546. twofa_disable_desc = Disabling two-factor authentication will make your account less secure. Continue?
  547. regenerate_scratch_token_desc = If you misplaced your scratch token or have already used it to sign in you can reset it here.
  548. twofa_disabled = Two-factor authentication has been disabled.
  549. scan_this_image = Scan this image with your authentication application:
  550. or_enter_secret = Or enter the secret: %s
  551. then_enter_passcode = And enter the passcode shown in the application:
  552. passcode_invalid = The passcode is incorrect. Try again.
  553. twofa_enrolled = Your account has been enrolled into two-factor authentication. Store your scratch token (%s) in a safe place as it is only shown once!
  554. u2f_desc = Security keys are hardware devices containing cryptographic keys. They can be used for two-factor authentication. Security keys must support the <a rel="noreferrer" href="https://fidoalliance.org/">FIDO U2F</a> standard.
  555. u2f_require_twofa = Your account must be enrolled in two-factor authentication to use security keys.
  556. u2f_register_key = Add Security Key
  557. u2f_nickname = Nickname
  558. u2f_press_button = Press the button on your security key to register it.
  559. u2f_delete_key = Remove Security Key
  560. u2f_delete_key_desc = If you remove a security key you can no longer sign in with it. Continue?
  561. manage_account_links = Manage Linked Accounts
  562. manage_account_links_desc = These external accounts are linked to your Gitea account.
  563. account_links_not_available = There are currently no external accounts linked to your Gitea account.
  564. remove_account_link = Remove Linked Account
  565. remove_account_link_desc = Removing a linked account will revoke its access to your Gitea account. Continue?
  566. remove_account_link_success = The linked account has been removed.
  567. orgs_none = You are not a member of any organizations.
  568. repos_none = You do not own any repositories
  569. delete_account = Delete Your Account
  570. delete_prompt = This operation will permanently delete your user account. It <strong>CAN NOT</strong> be undone.
  571. confirm_delete_account = Confirm Deletion
  572. delete_account_title = Delete User Account
  573. delete_account_desc = Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user account?
  574. email_notifications.enable = Enable Email Notifications
  575. email_notifications.onmention = Only Email on Mention
  576. email_notifications.disable = Disable Email Notifications
  577. email_notifications.submit = Set Email Preference
  578. [repo]
  579. owner = Owner
  580. repo_name = Repository Name
  581. repo_name_helper = Good repository names use short, memorable and unique keywords.
  582. repo_size = Repository Size
  583. template = Template
  584. template_select = Select a template.
  585. template_helper = Make repository a template
  586. template_description = Template repositories let users generate new repositories with the same directory structure, files, and optional settings.
  587. visibility = Visibility
  588. visibility_description = Only the owner or the organization members if they have rights, will be able to see it.
  589. visibility_helper = Make Repository Private
  590. visibility_helper_forced = Your site administrator forces new repositories to be private.
  591. visibility_fork_helper = (Changing this will affect all forks.)
  592. clone_helper = Need help cloning? Visit <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">Help</a>.
  593. fork_repo = Fork Repository
  594. fork_from = Fork From
  595. fork_visibility_helper = The visibility of a forked repository cannot be changed.
  596. use_template = Use this template
  597. generate_repo = Generate Repository
  598. generate_from = Generate From
  599. repo_desc = Description
  600. repo_lang = Language
  601. repo_gitignore_helper = Select .gitignore templates.
  602. issue_labels = Issue Labels
  603. issue_labels_helper = Select an issue label set.
  604. license = License
  605. license_helper = Select a license file.
  606. readme = README
  607. readme_helper = Select a README file template.
  608. auto_init = Initialize Repository (Adds .gitignore, License and README)
  609. create_repo = Create Repository
  610. default_branch = Default Branch
  611. mirror_prune = Prune
  612. mirror_prune_desc = Remove obsolete remote-tracking references
  613. mirror_interval = Mirror Interval (valid time units are 'h', 'm', 's'). 0 to disable automatic sync.
  614. mirror_interval_invalid = The mirror interval is not valid.
  615. mirror_address = Clone From URL
  616. mirror_address_desc = Put any required credentials in the Clone Authorization section.
  617. mirror_address_url_invalid = The provided url is invalid. You must escape all components of the url correctly.
  618. mirror_address_protocol_invalid = The provided url is invalid. Only http(s):// or git:// locations can be mirrored from.
  619. mirror_last_synced = Last Synchronized
  620. watchers = Watchers
  621. stargazers = Stargazers
  622. forks = Forks
  623. pick_reaction = Pick your reaction
  624. reactions_more = and %d more
  625. unit_disabled = The site administrator has disabled this repository section.
  626. language_other = Other
  627. desc.private = Private
  628. desc.public = Public
  629. desc.private_template = Private template
  630. desc.public_template = Template
  631. desc.internal = Internal
  632. desc.internal_template = Internal template
  633. desc.archived = Archived
  634. template.items = Template Items
  635. template.git_content = Git Content (Default Branch)
  636. template.git_hooks = Git Hooks
  637. template.git_hooks_tooltip = You are currently unable to modify or remove git hooks once added. Select this only if you trust the template repository.
  638. template.webhooks = Webhooks
  639. template.topics = Topics
  640. template.avatar = Avatar
  641. template.issue_labels = Issue Labels
  642. template.one_item = Must select at least one template item
  643. template.invalid = Must select a template repository
  644. archive.title = This repo is archived. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
  645. archive.issue.nocomment = This repo is archived. You cannot comment on issues.
  646. archive.pull.nocomment = This repo is archived. You cannot comment on pull requests.
  647. form.reach_limit_of_creation = You have already reached your limit of %d repositories.
  648. form.name_reserved = The repository name '%s' is reserved.
  649. form.name_pattern_not_allowed = The pattern '%s' is not allowed in a repository name.
  650. need_auth = Clone Authorization
  651. migrate_type = Migration Type
  652. migrate_type_helper = This repository will be a <span class="text blue">mirror</span>
  653. migrate_type_helper_disabled = Your site administrator has disabled new mirrors.
  654. migrate_items = Migration Items
  655. migrate_items_wiki = Wiki
  656. migrate_items_milestones = Milestones
  657. migrate_items_labels = Labels
  658. migrate_items_issues = Issues
  659. migrate_items_pullrequests = Pull Requests
  660. migrate_items_releases = Releases
  661. migrate_repo = Migrate Repository
  662. migrate.clone_address = Migrate / Clone From URL
  663. migrate.clone_address_desc = The HTTP(S) or Git 'clone' URL of an existing repository
  664. migrate.clone_local_path = or a local server path
  665. migrate.permission_denied = You are not allowed to import local repositories.
  666. migrate.invalid_local_path = "The local path is invalid. It does not exist or is not a directory."
  667. migrate.failed = Migration failed: %v
  668. migrate.lfs_mirror_unsupported = Mirroring LFS objects is not supported - use 'git lfs fetch --all' and 'git lfs push --all' instead.
  669. migrate.migrate_items_options = When migrating from github, input a username and migration options will be displayed.
  670. migrated_from = Migrated from <a href="%[1]s">%[2]s</a>
  671. migrated_from_fake = Migrated From %[1]s
  672. migrate.migrating = Migrating from <b>%s</b> ...
  673. migrate.migrating_failed = Migrating from <b>%s</b> failed.
  674. mirror_from = mirror of
  675. forked_from = forked from
  676. generated_from = generated from
  677. fork_from_self = You cannot fork a repository you own.
  678. fork_guest_user = Sign in to fork this repository.
  679. copy_link = Copy
  680. copy_link_success = Link has been copied
  681. copy_link_error = Use ⌘C or Ctrl-C to copy
  682. copied = Copied OK
  683. unwatch = Unwatch
  684. watch = Watch
  685. unstar = Unstar
  686. star = Star
  687. fork = Fork
  688. download_archive = Download Repository
  689. no_desc = No Description
  690. quick_guide = Quick Guide
  691. clone_this_repo = Clone this repository
  692. create_new_repo_command = Creating a new repository on the command line
  693. push_exist_repo = Pushing an existing repository from the command line
  694. empty_message = This repository does not contain any content.
  695. code = Code
  696. code.desc = Access source code, files, commits and branches.
  697. branch = Branch
  698. tree = Tree
  699. filter_branch_and_tag = Filter branch or tag
  700. branches = Branches
  701. tags = Tags
  702. issues = Issues
  703. pulls = Pull Requests
  704. labels = Labels
  705. org_labels_desc = Organization level labels that can be used with <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organization
  706. org_labels_desc_manage = manage
  707. milestones = Milestones
  708. commits = Commits
  709. commit = Commit
  710. releases = Releases
  711. file_raw = Raw
  712. file_history = History
  713. file_view_raw = View Raw
  714. file_permalink = Permalink
  715. file_too_large = The file is too large to be shown.
  716. video_not_supported_in_browser = Your browser does not support the HTML5 'video' tag.
  717. audio_not_supported_in_browser = Your browser does not support the HTML5 'audio' tag.
  718. stored_lfs = Stored with Git LFS
  719. symbolic_link = Symbolic link
  720. commit_graph = Commit Graph
  721. blame = Blame
  722. normal_view = Normal View
  723. line = line
  724. lines = lines
  725. editor.new_file = New File
  726. editor.upload_file = Upload File
  727. editor.edit_file = Edit File
  728. editor.preview_changes = Preview Changes
  729. editor.cannot_edit_lfs_files = LFS files cannot be edited in the web interface.
  730. editor.cannot_edit_non_text_files = Binary files cannot be edited in the web interface.
  731. editor.edit_this_file = Edit File
  732. editor.this_file_locked = File is locked
  733. editor.must_be_on_a_branch = You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file.
  734. editor.fork_before_edit = You must fork this repository to make or propose changes to this file.
  735. editor.delete_this_file = Delete File
  736. editor.must_have_write_access = You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file.
  737. editor.file_delete_success = File '%s' has been deleted.
  738. editor.name_your_file = Name your file…
  739. editor.filename_help = Add a directory by typing its name followed by a slash ('/'). Remove a directory by typing backspace at the beginning of the input field.
  740. editor.or = or
  741. editor.cancel_lower = Cancel
  742. editor.commit_signed_changes = Commit Signed Changes
  743. editor.commit_changes = Commit Changes
  744. editor.add_tmpl = Add '<filename>'
  745. editor.add = Add '%s'
  746. editor.update = Update '%s'
  747. editor.delete = Delete '%s'
  748. editor.commit_message_desc = Add an optional extended description…
  749. editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch = Commit directly to the <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> branch.
  750. editor.create_new_branch = Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
  751. editor.create_new_branch_np = Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit.
  752. editor.propose_file_change = Propose file change
  753. editor.new_branch_name_desc = New branch name…
  754. editor.cancel = Cancel
  755. editor.filename_cannot_be_empty = The filename cannot be empty.
  756. editor.filename_is_invalid = The filename is invalid: '%s'.
  757. editor.branch_does_not_exist = Branch '%s' does not exist in this repository.
  758. editor.branch_already_exists = Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
  759. editor.directory_is_a_file = Directory name '%s' is already used as a filename in this repository.
  760. editor.file_is_a_symlink = '%s' is a symbolic link. Symbolic links cannot be edited in the web editor
  761. editor.filename_is_a_directory = Filename '%s' is already used as a directory name in this repository.
  762. editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists = The file being edited, '%s', no longer exists in this repository.
  763. editor.file_deleting_no_longer_exists = The file being deleted, '%s', no longer exists in this repository.
  764. editor.file_changed_while_editing = The file contents have changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">Click here</a> to see them or <strong>Commit Changes again</strong> to overwrite them.
  765. editor.file_already_exists = A file named '%s' already exists in this repository.
  766. editor.commit_empty_file_header = Commit an empty file
  767. editor.commit_empty_file_text = The file you're about commit is empty. Proceed?
  768. editor.no_changes_to_show = There are no changes to show.
  769. editor.fail_to_update_file = Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
  770. editor.push_rejected_no_message = The change was rejected by the server without a message. Please check githooks.
  771. editor.push_rejected = The change was rejected by the server with the following message:<br>%s<br> Please check githooks.
  772. editor.add_subdir = Add a directory…
  773. editor.unable_to_upload_files = Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
  774. editor.upload_file_is_locked = File '%s' is locked by %s.
  775. editor.upload_files_to_dir = Upload files to '%s'
  776. editor.cannot_commit_to_protected_branch = Cannot commit to protected branch '%s'.
  777. editor.no_commit_to_branch = Unable to commit directly to branch because:
  778. editor.user_no_push_to_branch = User cannot push to branch
  779. editor.require_signed_commit = Branch requires a signed commit
  780. commits.desc = Browse source code change history.
  781. commits.commits = Commits
  782. commits.no_commits = No commits in common. '%s' and '%s' have entirely different histories.
  783. commits.search = Search commits…
  784. commits.search.tooltip = You can prefix keywords with "author:", "committer:", "after:", or "before:", e.g. "revert author:Alice before:2019-04-01".
  785. commits.find = Search
  786. commits.search_all = All Branches
  787. commits.author = Author
  788. commits.message = Message
  789. commits.date = Date
  790. commits.older = Older
  791. commits.newer = Newer
  792. commits.signed_by = Signed by
  793. commits.signed_by_untrusted_user = Signed by untrusted user
  794. commits.signed_by_untrusted_user_unmatched = Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer
  795. commits.gpg_key_id = GPG Key ID
  796. ext_issues = Ext. Issues
  797. ext_issues.desc = Link to an external issue tracker.
  798. issues.desc = Organize bug reports, tasks and milestones.
  799. issues.filter_assignees = Filter Assignee
  800. issues.filter_milestones = Filter Milestone
  801. issues.filter_labels = Filter Label
  802. issues.filter_reviewers = Filter Reviewer
  803. issues.new = New Issue
  804. issues.new.title_empty = Title cannot be empty
  805. issues.new.labels = Labels
  806. issues.new.add_labels_title = Apply labels
  807. issues.new.no_label = No Label
  808. issues.new.clear_labels = Clear labels
  809. issues.new.no_items = No items
  810. issues.new.milestone = Milestone
  811. issues.new.add_milestone_title = Set milestone
  812. issues.new.no_milestone = No Milestone
  813. issues.new.clear_milestone = Clear milestone
  814. issues.new.open_milestone = Open Milestones
  815. issues.new.closed_milestone = Closed Milestones
  816. issues.new.assignees = Assignees
  817. issues.new.add_assignees_title = Assign users
  818. issues.new.clear_assignees = Clear assignees
  819. issues.new.no_assignees = No Assignees
  820. issues.new.no_reviewers = No reviewers
  821. issues.new.add_reviewer_title = Request review
  822. issues.no_ref = No Branch/Tag Specified
  823. issues.create = Create Issue
  824. issues.new_label = New Label
  825. issues.new_label_placeholder = Label name
  826. issues.new_label_desc_placeholder = Description
  827. issues.create_label = Create Label
  828. issues.label_templates.title = Load a predefined set of labels
  829. issues.label_templates.info = No labels exist yet. Create a label with 'New Label' or use a predefined label set:
  830. issues.label_templates.helper = Select a label set
  831. issues.label_templates.use = Use Label Set
  832. issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file = Failed to load label template file '%s': %v
  833. issues.add_label_at = added the <div class="ui label" style="color: %s\; background-color: %s">%s</div> label %s
  834. issues.remove_label_at = removed the <div class="ui label" style="color: %s\; background-color: %s">%s</div> label %s
  835. issues.add_milestone_at = `added this to the <b>%s</b> milestone %s`
  836. issues.change_milestone_at = `modified the milestone from <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> %s`
  837. issues.remove_milestone_at = `removed this from the <b>%s</b> milestone %s`
  838. issues.deleted_milestone = `(deleted)`
  839. issues.self_assign_at = `self-assigned this %s`
  840. issues.add_assignee_at = `was assigned by <b>%s</b> %s`
  841. issues.remove_assignee_at = `was unassigned by <b>%s</b> %s`
  842. issues.remove_self_assignment = `removed their assignment %s`
  843. issues.change_title_at = `changed title from <b><strike>%s</strike></b> to <b>%s</b> %s`
  844. issues.delete_branch_at = `deleted branch <b>%s</b> %s`
  845. issues.open_tab = %d Open
  846. issues.close_tab = %d Closed
  847. issues.filter_label = Label
  848. issues.filter_label_exclude = `Use <code>alt</code> + <code>click/enter</code> to exclude labels`
  849. issues.filter_label_no_select = All labels
  850. issues.filter_milestone = Milestone
  851. issues.filter_milestone_no_select = All milestones
  852. issues.filter_assignee = Assignee
  853. issues.filter_assginee_no_select = All assignees
  854. issues.filter_type = Type
  855. issues.filter_type.all_issues = All issues
  856. issues.filter_type.assigned_to_you = Assigned to you
  857. issues.filter_type.created_by_you = Created by you
  858. issues.filter_type.mentioning_you = Mentioning you
  859. issues.filter_sort = Sort
  860. issues.filter_sort.latest = Newest
  861. issues.filter_sort.oldest = Oldest
  862. issues.filter_sort.recentupdate = Recently updated
  863. issues.filter_sort.leastupdate = Least recently updated
  864. issues.filter_sort.mostcomment = Most commented
  865. issues.filter_sort.leastcomment = Least commented
  866. issues.filter_sort.nearduedate = Nearest due date
  867. issues.filter_sort.farduedate = Farthest due date
  868. issues.filter_sort.moststars = Most stars
  869. issues.filter_sort.feweststars = Fewest stars
  870. issues.filter_sort.mostforks = Most forks
  871. issues.filter_sort.fewestforks = Fewest forks
  872. issues.action_open = Open
  873. issues.action_close = Close
  874. issues.action_label = Label
  875. issues.action_milestone = Milestone
  876. issues.action_milestone_no_select = No milestone
  877. issues.action_assignee = Assignee
  878. issues.action_assignee_no_select = No assignee
  879. issues.opened_by = opened %[1]s by <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a>
  880. pulls.merged_by = merged %[1]s by <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a>
  881. pulls.merged_by_fake = merged %[1]s by %[2]s
  882. issues.closed_by = by <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a> closed %[1]s
  883. issues.opened_by_fake = opened %[1]s by %[2]s
  884. issues.closed_by_fake = by %[2]s closed %[1]s
  885. issues.previous = Previous
  886. issues.next = Next
  887. issues.open_title = Open
  888. issues.closed_title = Closed
  889. issues.num_comments = %d comments
  890. issues.commented_at = `commented <a href="#%s">%s</a>`
  891. issues.delete_comment_confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this comment?
  892. issues.context.copy_link = Copy Link
  893. issues.context.quote_reply = Quote Reply
  894. issues.context.edit = Edit
  895. issues.context.delete = Delete
  896. issues.no_content = There is no content yet.
  897. issues.close_issue = Close
  898. issues.pull_merged_at = `merged commit <a href="%[1]s">%[2]s</a> into <b>%[3]s</b> %[4]s`
  899. issues.close_comment_issue = Comment and Close
  900. issues.reopen_issue = Reopen
  901. issues.reopen_comment_issue = Comment and Reopen
  902. issues.create_comment = Comment
  903. issues.closed_at = `closed this issue <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  904. issues.reopened_at = `reopened this issue <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  905. issues.commit_ref_at = `referenced this issue from a commit <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  906. issues.ref_issue_from = `<a href="%[3]s">referenced this issue %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  907. issues.ref_pull_from = `<a href="%[3]s">referenced this pull request %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  908. issues.ref_closing_from = `<a href="%[3]s">referenced a pull request %[4]s that will close this issue</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  909. issues.ref_reopening_from = `<a href="%[3]s">referenced a pull request %[4]s that will reopen this issue</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  910. issues.ref_closed_from = `<a href="%[3]s">closed this issue %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  911. issues.ref_reopened_from = `<a href="%[3]s">reopened this issue %[4]s</a> <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  912. issues.ref_from = `from %[1]s`
  913. issues.poster = Poster
  914. issues.collaborator = Collaborator
  915. issues.owner = Owner
  916. issues.re_request_review=Re-request review
  917. issues.remove_request_review=Remove review request
  918. issues.remove_request_review_block=Can't remove review request
  919. issues.sign_in_require_desc = <a href="%s">Sign in</a> to join this conversation.
  920. issues.edit = Edit
  921. issues.cancel = Cancel
  922. issues.save = Save
  923. issues.label_title = Label name
  924. issues.label_description = Label description
  925. issues.label_color = Label color
  926. issues.label_count = %d labels
  927. issues.label_open_issues = %d open issues
  928. issues.label_edit = Edit
  929. issues.label_delete = Delete
  930. issues.label_modify = Edit Label
  931. issues.label_deletion = Delete Label
  932. issues.label_deletion_desc = Deleting a label removes it from all issues. Continue?
  933. issues.label_deletion_success = The label has been deleted.
  934. issues.label.filter_sort.alphabetically = Alphabetically
  935. issues.label.filter_sort.reverse_alphabetically = Reverse alphabetically
  936. issues.label.filter_sort.by_size = Smallest size
  937. issues.label.filter_sort.reverse_by_size = Largest size
  938. issues.num_participants = %d Participants
  939. issues.attachment.open_tab = `Click to see "%s" in a new tab`
  940. issues.attachment.download = `Click to download "%s"`
  941. issues.subscribe = Subscribe
  942. issues.unsubscribe = Unsubscribe
  943. issues.lock = Lock conversation
  944. issues.unlock = Unlock conversation
  945. issues.lock.unknown_reason = Cannot lock an issue with an unknown reason.
  946. issues.lock_duplicate = An issue cannot be locked twice.
  947. issues.unlock_error = Cannot unlock an issue that is not locked.
  948. issues.lock_with_reason = "locked as <strong>%s</strong> and limited conversation to collaborators %s"
  949. issues.lock_no_reason = "locked and limited conversation to collaborators %s"
  950. issues.unlock_comment = "unlocked this conversation %s"
  951. issues.lock_confirm = Lock
  952. issues.unlock_confirm = Unlock
  953. issues.lock.notice_1 = - Other users can’t add new comments to this issue.
  954. issues.lock.notice_2 = - You and other collaborators with access to this repository can still leave comments that others can see.
  955. issues.lock.notice_3 = - You can always unlock this issue again in the future.
  956. issues.unlock.notice_1 = - Everyone would be able to comment on this issue once more.
  957. issues.unlock.notice_2 = - You can always lock this issue again in the future.
  958. issues.lock.reason = Reason for locking
  959. issues.lock.title = Lock conversation on this issue.
  960. issues.unlock.title = Unlock conversation on this issue.
  961. issues.comment_on_locked = You cannot comment on a locked issue.
  962. issues.tracker = Time Tracker
  963. issues.start_tracking_short = Start
  964. issues.start_tracking = Start Time Tracking
  965. issues.start_tracking_history = `started working %s`
  966. issues.tracker_auto_close = Timer will be stopped automatically when this issue gets closed
  967. issues.tracking_already_started = `You have already started time tracking on this <a href="%s">issue</a>!`
  968. issues.stop_tracking = Stop
  969. issues.stop_tracking_history = `stopped working %s`
  970. issues.add_time = Manually Add Time
  971. issues.add_time_short = Add Time
  972. issues.add_time_cancel = Cancel
  973. issues.add_time_history = `added spent time %s`
  974. issues.del_time_history= `deleted spent time %s`
  975. issues.add_time_hours = Hours
  976. issues.add_time_minutes = Minutes
  977. issues.add_time_sum_to_small = No time was entered.
  978. issues.cancel_tracking = Cancel
  979. issues.cancel_tracking_history = `cancelled time tracking %s`
  980. issues.time_spent_total = Total Time Spent
  981. issues.time_spent_from_all_authors = `Total Time Spent: %s`
  982. issues.due_date = Due Date
  983. issues.invalid_due_date_format = "Due date format must be 'yyyy-mm-dd'."
  984. issues.error_modifying_due_date = "Failed to modify the due date."
  985. issues.error_removing_due_date = "Failed to remove the due date."
  986. issues.push_commit_1 = "added %d commit %s"
  987. issues.push_commits_n = "added %d commits %s"
  988. issues.force_push_codes = `force-pushed %[1]s from <a href="%[3]s">%[2]s</a> to <a href="%[5]s">%[4]s</a> %[6]s`
  989. issues.due_date_form = "yyyy-mm-dd"
  990. issues.due_date_form_add = "Add due date"
  991. issues.due_date_form_edit = "Edit"
  992. issues.due_date_form_remove = "Remove"
  993. issues.due_date_not_writer = "You need repository write access to update an issue's due date."
  994. issues.due_date_not_set = "No due date set."
  995. issues.due_date_added = "added the due date %s %s"
  996. issues.due_date_modified = "modified the due date to %s from %s %s"
  997. issues.due_date_remove = "removed the due date %s %s"
  998. issues.due_date_overdue = "Overdue"
  999. issues.due_date_invalid = "The due date is invalid or out of range. Please use the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'."
  1000. issues.dependency.title = Dependencies
  1001. issues.dependency.issue_no_dependencies = This issue currently doesn't have any dependencies.
  1002. issues.dependency.pr_no_dependencies = This pull request currently doesn't have any dependencies.
  1003. issues.dependency.add = Add dependency…
  1004. issues.dependency.cancel = Cancel
  1005. issues.dependency.remove = Remove
  1006. issues.dependency.remove_info = Remove this dependency
  1007. issues.dependency.added_dependency = `added a new dependency %s`
  1008. issues.dependency.removed_dependency = `removed a dependency %s`
  1009. issues.dependency.issue_closing_blockedby = Closing this pull request is blocked by the following issues
  1010. issues.dependency.pr_closing_blockedby = Closing this issue is blocked by the following issues
  1011. issues.dependency.issue_close_blocks = This issue blocks closing of the following issues
  1012. issues.dependency.pr_close_blocks = This pull request blocks closing of the following issues
  1013. issues.dependency.issue_close_blocked = You need to close all issues blocking this issue before you can close it.
  1014. issues.dependency.pr_close_blocked = You need to close all issues blocking this pull request before you can merge it.
  1015. issues.dependency.blocks_short = Blocks
  1016. issues.dependency.blocked_by_short = Depends on
  1017. issues.dependency.remove_header = Remove Dependency
  1018. issues.dependency.issue_remove_text = This will remove the dependency from this issue. Continue?
  1019. issues.dependency.pr_remove_text = This will remove the dependency from this pull request. Continue?
  1020. issues.dependency.setting = Enable Dependencies For Issues and Pull Requests
  1021. issues.dependency.add_error_same_issue = You cannot make an issue depend on itself.
  1022. issues.dependency.add_error_dep_issue_not_exist = Dependent issue does not exist.
  1023. issues.dependency.add_error_dep_not_exist = Dependency does not exist.
  1024. issues.dependency.add_error_dep_exists = Dependency already exists.
  1025. issues.dependency.add_error_cannot_create_circular = You cannot create a dependency with two issues blocking each other.
  1026. issues.dependency.add_error_dep_not_same_repo = Both issues must be in the same repository.
  1027. issues.review.self.approval = You cannot approve your own pull request.
  1028. issues.review.self.rejection = You cannot request changes on your own pull request.
  1029. issues.review.approve = "approved these changes %s"
  1030. issues.review.comment = "reviewed %s"
  1031. issues.review.left_comment = left a comment
  1032. issues.review.content.empty = You need to leave a comment indicating the requested change(s).
  1033. issues.review.reject = "requested changes %s"
  1034. issues.review.wait = "was requested for review %s"
  1035. issues.review.add_review_request = "requested review from %s %s"
  1036. issues.review.remove_review_request = "removed review request for %s %s"
  1037. issues.review.remove_review_request_self = "refused to review %s"
  1038. issues.review.pending = Pending
  1039. issues.review.review = Review
  1040. issues.review.reviewers = Reviewers
  1041. issues.review.show_outdated = Show outdated
  1042. issues.review.hide_outdated = Hide outdated
  1043. issues.review.show_resolved = Show resolved
  1044. issues.review.hide_resolved = Hide resolved
  1045. issues.review.resolve_conversation = Resolve conversation
  1046. issues.review.un_resolve_conversation = Unresolve conversation
  1047. issues.review.resolved_by = marked this conversation as resolved
  1048. issues.assignee.error = Not all assignees was added due to an unexpected error.
  1049. pulls.desc = Enable pull requests and code reviews.
  1050. pulls.new = New Pull Request
  1051. pulls.compare_changes = New Pull Request
  1052. pulls.compare_changes_desc = Select the branch to merge into and the branch to pull from.
  1053. pulls.compare_base = merge into
  1054. pulls.compare_compare = pull from
  1055. pulls.filter_branch = Filter branch
  1056. pulls.no_results = No results found.
  1057. pulls.nothing_to_compare = These branches are equal. There is no need to create a pull request.
  1058. pulls.has_pull_request = `A pull request between these branches already exists: <a href="%[1]s/pulls/%[3]d">%[2]s#%[3]d</a>`
  1059. pulls.create = Create Pull Request
  1060. pulls.title_desc = wants to merge %[1]d commits from <code>%[2]s</code> into <code id="branch_target">%[3]s</code>
  1061. pulls.merged_title_desc = merged %[1]d commits from <code>%[2]s</code> into <code>%[3]s</code> %[4]s
  1062. pulls.change_target_branch_at = `changed target branch from <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> %s`
  1063. pulls.tab_conversation = Conversation
  1064. pulls.tab_commits = Commits
  1065. pulls.tab_files = Files Changed
  1066. pulls.reopen_to_merge = Please reopen this pull request to perform a merge.
  1067. pulls.cant_reopen_deleted_branch = This pull request cannot be reopened because the branch was deleted.
  1068. pulls.merged = Merged
  1069. pulls.merged_as = The pull request has been merged as <a rel="nofollow" class="ui sha" href="%[1]s"><code>%[2]s</code></a>.
  1070. pulls.is_closed = The pull request has been closed.
  1071. pulls.has_merged = The pull request has been merged.
  1072. pulls.title_wip_desc = `<a href="#">Start the title with <strong>%s</strong></a> to prevent the pull request from being merged accidentally.`
  1073. pulls.cannot_merge_work_in_progress = This pull request is marked as a work in progress. Remove the <strong>%s</strong> prefix from the title when it's ready
  1074. pulls.data_broken = This pull request is broken due to missing fork information.
  1075. pulls.files_conflicted = This pull request has changes conflicting with the target branch.
  1076. pulls.is_checking = "Merge conflict checking is in progress. Try again in few moments."
  1077. pulls.required_status_check_failed = Some required checks were not successful.
  1078. pulls.required_status_check_missing = Some required checks are missing.
  1079. pulls.required_status_check_administrator = As an administrator, you may still merge this pull request.
  1080. pulls.blocked_by_approvals = "This Pull Request doesn't have enough approvals yet. %d of %d approvals granted."
  1081. pulls.blocked_by_rejection = "This Pull Request has changes requested by an official reviewer."
  1082. pulls.blocked_by_outdated_branch = "This Pull Request is blocked because it's outdated."
  1083. pulls.can_auto_merge_desc = This pull request can be merged automatically.
  1084. pulls.cannot_auto_merge_desc = This pull request cannot be merged automatically due to conflicts.
  1085. pulls.cannot_auto_merge_helper = Merge manually to resolve the conflicts.
  1086. pulls.num_conflicting_files_1 = "%d conflicting file"
  1087. pulls.num_conflicting_files_n = "%d conflicting files"
  1088. pulls.approve_count_1 = "%d approval"
  1089. pulls.approve_count_n = "%d approvals"
  1090. pulls.reject_count_1 = "%d change request"
  1091. pulls.reject_count_n = "%d change requests"
  1092. pulls.waiting_count_1 = "%d waiting review"
  1093. pulls.waiting_count_n = "%d waiting reviews"
  1094. pulls.no_merge_desc = This pull request cannot be merged because all repository merge options are disabled.
  1095. pulls.no_merge_helper = Enable merge options in the repository settings or merge the pull request manually.
  1096. pulls.no_merge_wip = This pull request can not be merged because it is marked as being a work in progress.
  1097. pulls.no_merge_not_ready = This pull request is not ready to be merged, check review status and status checks.
  1098. pulls.no_merge_access = You are not authorized to merge this pull request.
  1099. pulls.merge_pull_request = Merge Pull Request
  1100. pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request = Rebase and Merge
  1101. pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request = Rebase and Merge (--no-ff)
  1102. pulls.squash_merge_pull_request = Squash and Merge
  1103. pulls.require_signed_wont_sign = The branch requires signed commits but this merge will not be signed
  1104. pulls.invalid_merge_option = You cannot use this merge option for this pull request.
  1105. pulls.merge_conflict = Merge Failed: There was a conflict whilst merging: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br>Hint: Try a different strategy
  1106. pulls.rebase_conflict = Merge Failed: There was a conflict whilst rebasing commit: %[1]s<br>%[2]s<br>%[3]s<br>Hint:Try a different strategy
  1107. pulls.unrelated_histories = Merge Failed: The merge head and base do not share a common history. Hint: Try a different strategy
  1108. pulls.merge_out_of_date = Merge Failed: Whilst generating the merge, the base was updated. Hint: Try again.
  1109. pulls.push_rejected = Merge Failed: The push was rejected with the following message:<br>%s<br>Review the githooks for this repository
  1110. pulls.push_rejected_no_message = Merge Failed: The push was rejected but there was no remote message.<br>Review the githooks for this repository
  1111. pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists = `You cannot perform a reopen operation because there is a pending pull request (#%d) with identical properties.`
  1112. pulls.status_checking = Some checks are pending
  1113. pulls.status_checks_success = All checks were successful
  1114. pulls.status_checks_warning = Some checks reported warnings
  1115. pulls.status_checks_failure = Some checks failed
  1116. pulls.status_checks_error = Some checks reported errors
  1117. pulls.update_branch = Update branch
  1118. pulls.update_branch_success = Branch update was successful
  1119. pulls.update_not_allowed = You are not allowed to update branch
  1120. pulls.outdated_with_base_branch = This branch is out-of-date with the base branch
  1121. pulls.closed_at = `closed this pull request <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  1122. pulls.reopened_at = `reopened this pull request <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  1123. milestones.new = New Milestone
  1124. milestones.open_tab = %d Open
  1125. milestones.close_tab = %d Closed
  1126. milestones.closed = Closed %s
  1127. milestones.no_due_date = No due date
  1128. milestones.open = Open
  1129. milestones.close = Close
  1130. milestones.new_subheader = Milestones organize issues and track progress.
  1131. milestones.completeness = %d%% Completed
  1132. milestones.create = Create Milestone
  1133. milestones.title = Title
  1134. milestones.desc = Description
  1135. milestones.due_date = Due Date (optional)
  1136. milestones.clear = Clear
  1137. milestones.invalid_due_date_format = "Due date format must be 'yyyy-mm-dd'."
  1138. milestones.create_success = The milestone '%s' has been created.
  1139. milestones.edit = Edit Milestone
  1140. milestones.edit_subheader = Milestones organize issues and track progress.
  1141. milestones.cancel = Cancel
  1142. milestones.modify = Update Milestone
  1143. milestones.edit_success = Milestone '%s' has been updated.
  1144. milestones.deletion = Delete Milestone
  1145. milestones.deletion_desc = Deleting a milestone removes it from all related issues. Continue?
  1146. milestones.deletion_success = The milestone has been deleted.
  1147. milestones.filter_sort.closest_due_date = Closest due date
  1148. milestones.filter_sort.furthest_due_date = Furthest due date
  1149. milestones.filter_sort.least_complete = Least complete
  1150. milestones.filter_sort.most_complete = Most complete
  1151. milestones.filter_sort.most_issues = Most issues
  1152. milestones.filter_sort.least_issues = Least issues
  1153. signing.will_sign = This commit will be signed with key '%s'
  1154. signing.wont_sign.error = There was an error whilst checking if the commit could be signed
  1155. signing.wont_sign.nokey = There is no key available to sign this commit
  1156. signing.wont_sign.never = Commits are never signed
  1157. signing.wont_sign.always = Commits are always signed
  1158. signing.wont_sign.pubkey = The commit will not be signed because you do not have a public key associated with your account
  1159. signing.wont_sign.twofa = You must have two factor authentication enabled to have commits signed
  1160. signing.wont_sign.parentsigned = The commit will not be signed as the parent commit is not signed
  1161. signing.wont_sign.basesigned = The merge will not be signed as the base commit is not signed
  1162. signing.wont_sign.headsigned = The merge will not be signed as the head commit is not signed
  1163. signing.wont_sign.commitssigned = The merge will not be signed as all the associated commits are not signed
  1164. signing.wont_sign.approved = The merge will not be signed as the PR is not approved
  1165. ext_wiki = Ext. Wiki
  1166. ext_wiki.desc = Link to an external wiki.
  1167. wiki = Wiki
  1168. wiki.welcome = Welcome to the Wiki.
  1169. wiki.welcome_desc = The wiki lets you write and share documentation with collaborators.
  1170. wiki.desc = Write and share documentation with collaborators.
  1171. wiki.create_first_page = Create the First Page
  1172. wiki.page = Page
  1173. wiki.filter_page = Filter page
  1174. wiki.new_page = Page
  1175. wiki.default_commit_message = Write a note about this page update (optional).
  1176. wiki.save_page = Save Page
  1177. wiki.last_commit_info = %s edited this page %s
  1178. wiki.edit_page_button = Edit
  1179. wiki.new_page_button = New Page
  1180. wiki.file_revision = Page Revision
  1181. wiki.wiki_page_revisions = Wiki Page Revisions
  1182. wiki.back_to_wiki = Back to wiki page
  1183. wiki.delete_page_button = Delete Page
  1184. wiki.delete_page_notice_1 = Deleting the wiki page '%s' cannot be undone. Continue?
  1185. wiki.page_already_exists = A wiki page with the same name already exists.
  1186. wiki.reserved_page = The wiki page name '%s' is reserved.
  1187. wiki.pages = Pages
  1188. wiki.last_updated = Last updated %s
  1189. activity = Activity
  1190. activity.period.filter_label = Period:
  1191. activity.period.daily = 1 day
  1192. activity.period.halfweekly = 3 days
  1193. activity.period.weekly = 1 week
  1194. activity.period.monthly = 1 month
  1195. activity.period.quarterly = 3 months
  1196. activity.period.semiyearly = 6 months
  1197. activity.period.yearly = 1 year
  1198. activity.overview = Overview
  1199. activity.active_prs_count_1 = <strong>%d</strong> Active Pull Request
  1200. activity.active_prs_count_n = <strong>%d</strong> Active Pull Requests
  1201. activity.merged_prs_count_1 = Merged Pull Request
  1202. activity.merged_prs_count_n = Merged Pull Requests
  1203. activity.opened_prs_count_1 = Proposed Pull Request
  1204. activity.opened_prs_count_n = Proposed Pull Requests
  1205. activity.title.user_1 = %d user
  1206. activity.title.user_n = %d users
  1207. activity.title.prs_1 = %d Pull request
  1208. activity.title.prs_n = %d Pull requests
  1209. activity.title.prs_merged_by = %s merged by %s
  1210. activity.title.prs_opened_by = %s proposed by %s
  1211. activity.merged_prs_label = Merged
  1212. activity.opened_prs_label = Proposed
  1213. activity.active_issues_count_1 = <strong>%d</strong> Active Issue
  1214. activity.active_issues_count_n = <strong>%d</strong> Active Issues
  1215. activity.closed_issues_count_1 = Closed Issue
  1216. activity.closed_issues_count_n = Closed Issues
  1217. activity.title.issues_1 = %d Issue
  1218. activity.title.issues_n = %d Issues
  1219. activity.title.issues_closed_by = %s closed by %s
  1220. activity.title.issues_created_by = %s created by %s
  1221. activity.closed_issue_label = Closed
  1222. activity.new_issues_count_1 = New Issue
  1223. activity.new_issues_count_n = New Issues
  1224. activity.new_issue_label = Opened
  1225. activity.title.unresolved_conv_1 = %d Unresolved Conversation
  1226. activity.title.unresolved_conv_n = %d Unresolved Conversations
  1227. activity.unresolved_conv_desc = These recently changed issues and pull requests have not been resolved yet.
  1228. activity.unresolved_conv_label = Open
  1229. activity.title.releases_1 = %d Release
  1230. activity.title.releases_n = %d Releases
  1231. activity.title.releases_published_by = %s published by %s
  1232. activity.published_release_label = Published
  1233. activity.no_git_activity = There has not been any commit activity in this period.
  1234. activity.git_stats_exclude_merges = Excluding merges,
  1235. activity.git_stats_author_1 = %d author
  1236. activity.git_stats_author_n = %d authors
  1237. activity.git_stats_pushed_1 = has pushed
  1238. activity.git_stats_pushed_n = have pushed
  1239. activity.git_stats_commit_1 = %d commit
  1240. activity.git_stats_commit_n = %d commits
  1241. activity.git_stats_push_to_branch = to %s and
  1242. activity.git_stats_push_to_all_branches = to all branches.
  1243. activity.git_stats_on_default_branch = On %s,
  1244. activity.git_stats_file_1 = %d file
  1245. activity.git_stats_file_n = %d files
  1246. activity.git_stats_files_changed_1 = has changed
  1247. activity.git_stats_files_changed_n = have changed
  1248. activity.git_stats_additions = and there have been
  1249. activity.git_stats_addition_1 = %d addition
  1250. activity.git_stats_addition_n = %d additions
  1251. activity.git_stats_and_deletions = and
  1252. activity.git_stats_deletion_1 = %d deletion
  1253. activity.git_stats_deletion_n = %d deletions
  1254. search = Search
  1255. search.search_repo = Search repository
  1256. search.results = Search results for "%s" in <a href="%s">%s</a>
  1257. settings = Settings
  1258. settings.desc = Settings is where you can manage the settings for the repository
  1259. settings.options = Repository
  1260. settings.collaboration = Collaborators
  1261. settings.collaboration.admin = Administrator
  1262. settings.collaboration.write = Write
  1263. settings.collaboration.read = Read
  1264. settings.collaboration.owner = Owner
  1265. settings.collaboration.undefined = Undefined
  1266. settings.hooks = Webhooks
  1267. settings.githooks = Git Hooks
  1268. settings.basic_settings = Basic Settings
  1269. settings.mirror_settings = Mirror Settings
  1270. settings.sync_mirror = Synchronize Now
  1271. settings.mirror_sync_in_progress = Mirror synchronization is in progress. Check back in a minute.
  1272. settings.email_notifications.enable = Enable Email Notifications
  1273. settings.email_notifications.onmention = Only Email on Mention
  1274. settings.email_notifications.disable = Disable Email Notifications
  1275. settings.email_notifications.submit = Set Email Preference
  1276. settings.site = Website
  1277. settings.update_settings = Update Settings
  1278. settings.advanced_settings = Advanced Settings
  1279. settings.wiki_desc = Enable Repository Wiki
  1280. settings.use_internal_wiki = Use Built-In Wiki
  1281. settings.use_external_wiki = Use External Wiki
  1282. settings.external_wiki_url = External Wiki URL
  1283. settings.external_wiki_url_error = The external wiki URL is not a valid URL.
  1284. settings.external_wiki_url_desc = Visitors are redirected to the external wiki URL when clicking the wiki tab.
  1285. settings.issues_desc = Enable Repository Issue Tracker
  1286. settings.use_internal_issue_tracker = Use Built-In Issue Tracker
  1287. settings.use_external_issue_tracker = Use External Issue Tracker
  1288. settings.external_tracker_url = External Issue Tracker URL
  1289. settings.external_tracker_url_error = The external issue tracker URL is not a valid URL.
  1290. settings.external_tracker_url_desc = Visitors are redirected to the external issue tracker URL when clicking on the issues tab.
  1291. settings.tracker_url_format = External Issue Tracker URL Format
  1292. settings.tracker_url_format_error = The external issue tracker URL format is not a valid URL.
  1293. settings.tracker_issue_style = External Issue Tracker Number Format
  1294. settings.tracker_issue_style.numeric = Numeric
  1295. settings.tracker_issue_style.alphanumeric = Alphanumeric
  1296. settings.tracker_url_format_desc = Use the placeholders <code>{user}</code>, <code>{repo}</code> and <code>{index}</code> for the username, repository name and issue index.
  1297. settings.enable_timetracker = Enable Time Tracking
  1298. settings.allow_only_contributors_to_track_time = Let Only Contributors Track Time
  1299. settings.pulls_desc = Enable Repository Pull Requests
  1300. settings.pulls.ignore_whitespace = Ignore Whitespace for Conflicts
  1301. settings.pulls.allow_merge_commits = Enable Commit Merging
  1302. settings.pulls.allow_rebase_merge = Enable Rebasing to Merge Commits
  1303. settings.pulls.allow_rebase_merge_commit = Enable Rebasing with explicit merge commits (--no-ff)
  1304. settings.pulls.allow_squash_commits = Enable Squashing to Merge Commits
  1305. settings.admin_settings = Administrator Settings
  1306. settings.admin_enable_health_check = Enable Repository Health Checks (git fsck)
  1307. settings.admin_enable_close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch = Close an issue via a commit made in a non default branch
  1308. settings.danger_zone = Danger Zone
  1309. settings.new_owner_has_same_repo = The new owner already has a repository with same name. Please choose another name.
  1310. settings.convert = Convert to Regular Repository
  1311. settings.convert_desc = You can convert this mirror into a regular repository. This cannot be undone.
  1312. settings.convert_notices_1 = This operation will convert the mirror into a regular repository and cannot be undone.
  1313. settings.convert_confirm = Convert Repository
  1314. settings.convert_succeed = The mirror has been converted into a regular repository.
  1315. settings.convert_fork = Convert to Regular Repository
  1316. settings.convert_fork_desc = You can convert this fork into a regular repository. This cannot be undone.
  1317. settings.convert_fork_notices_1 = This operation will convert the fork into a regular repository and cannot be undone.
  1318. settings.convert_fork_confirm = Convert Repository
  1319. settings.convert_fork_succeed = The fork has been converted into a regular repository.
  1320. settings.transfer = Transfer Ownership
  1321. settings.transfer_desc = Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights.
  1322. settings.transfer_notices_1 = - You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.
  1323. settings.transfer_notices_2 = - You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.
  1324. settings.transfer_form_title = Enter the repository name as confirmation:
  1325. settings.wiki_delete = Delete Wiki Data
  1326. settings.wiki_delete_desc = Deleting repository wiki data is permanent and cannot be undone.
  1327. settings.wiki_delete_notices_1 = - This will permanently delete and disable the repository wiki for %s.
  1328. settings.confirm_wiki_delete = Delete Wiki Data
  1329. settings.wiki_deletion_success = The repository wiki data has been deleted.
  1330. settings.delete = Delete This Repository
  1331. settings.delete_desc = Deleting a repository is permanent and cannot be undone.
  1332. settings.delete_notices_1 = - This operation <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone.
  1333. settings.delete_notices_2 = - This operation will permanently delete the <strong>%s</strong> repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.
  1334. settings.delete_notices_fork_1 = - Forks of this repository will become independent after deletion.
  1335. settings.deletion_success = The repository has been deleted.
  1336. settings.update_settings_success = The repository settings have been updated.
  1337. settings.transfer_owner = New Owner
  1338. settings.make_transfer = Perform Transfer
  1339. settings.transfer_succeed = The repository has been transferred.
  1340. settings.confirm_delete = Delete Repository
  1341. settings.add_collaborator = Add Collaborator
  1342. settings.add_collaborator_success = The collaborator has been added.
  1343. settings.add_collaborator_inactive_user = Can not add an inactive user as a collaborator.
  1344. settings.add_collaborator_duplicate = The collaborator is already added to this repository.
  1345. settings.delete_collaborator = Remove
  1346. settings.collaborator_deletion = Remove Collaborator
  1347. settings.collaborator_deletion_desc = Removing a collaborator will revoke their access to this repository. Continue?
  1348. settings.remove_collaborator_success = The collaborator has been removed.
  1349. settings.search_user_placeholder = Search user…
  1350. settings.org_not_allowed_to_be_collaborator = Organizations cannot be added as a collaborator.
  1351. settings.change_team_access_not_allowed = Changing team access for repository has been restricted to organization owner
  1352. settings.team_not_in_organization = The team is not in the same organization as the repository
  1353. settings.teams = Teams
  1354. settings.add_team = Add Team
  1355. settings.add_team_duplicate = Team already has the repository
  1356. settings.add_team_success = The team now have access to the repository.
  1357. settings.search_team = Search Team…
  1358. settings.change_team_permission_tip = Team's permission is set on the team setting page and can't be changed per repository
  1359. settings.delete_team_tip = This team has access to all repositories and can't be removed
  1360. settings.remove_team_success = The team's access to the repository has been removed.
  1361. settings.add_webhook = Add Webhook
  1362. settings.add_webhook.invalid_channel_name = Webhook channel name cannot be empty and cannot contain only a # character.
  1363. settings.hooks_desc = Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks guide</a>.
  1364. settings.webhook_deletion = Remove Webhook
  1365. settings.webhook_deletion_desc = Removing a webhook deletes its settings and delivery history. Continue?
  1366. settings.webhook_deletion_success = The webhook has been removed.
  1367. settings.webhook.test_delivery = Test Delivery
  1368. settings.webhook.test_delivery_desc = Test this webhook with a fake event.
  1369. settings.webhook.test_delivery_success = A fake event has been added to the delivery queue. It may take few seconds before it shows up in the delivery history.
  1370. settings.webhook.request = Request
  1371. settings.webhook.response = Response
  1372. settings.webhook.headers = Headers
  1373. settings.webhook.payload = Content
  1374. settings.webhook.body = Body
  1375. settings.githooks_desc = "Git hooks are powered by Git itself. You can edit hook files below to set up custom operations."
  1376. settings.githook_edit_desc = If the hook is inactive, sample content will be presented. Leaving content to an empty value will disable this hook.
  1377. settings.githook_name = Hook Name
  1378. settings.githook_content = Hook Content
  1379. settings.update_githook = Update Hook
  1380. settings.add_webhook_desc = Gitea will send <code>POST</code> requests with a specified content type to the target URL. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks guide</a>.
  1381. settings.payload_url = Target URL
  1382. settings.http_method = HTTP Method
  1383. settings.content_type = POST Content Type
  1384. settings.secret = Secret
  1385. settings.slack_username = Username
  1386. settings.slack_icon_url = Icon URL
  1387. settings.discord_username = Username
  1388. settings.discord_icon_url = Icon URL
  1389. settings.slack_color = Color
  1390. settings.event_desc = Trigger On:
  1391. settings.event_push_only = Push Events
  1392. settings.event_send_everything = All Events
  1393. settings.event_choose = Custom Events…
  1394. settings.event_header_repository = Repository Events
  1395. settings.event_create = Create
  1396. settings.event_create_desc = Branch or tag created.
  1397. settings.event_delete = Delete
  1398. settings.event_delete_desc = Branch or tag deleted.
  1399. settings.event_fork = Fork
  1400. settings.event_fork_desc = Repository forked.
  1401. settings.event_release = Release
  1402. settings.event_release_desc = Release published, updated or deleted in a repository.
  1403. settings.event_push = Push
  1404. settings.event_push_desc = Git push to a repository.
  1405. settings.event_repository = Repository
  1406. settings.event_repository_desc = Repository created or deleted.
  1407. settings.event_header_issue = Issue Events
  1408. settings.event_issues = Issues
  1409. settings.event_issues_desc = Issue opened, closed, reopened, or edited.
  1410. settings.event_issue_assign = Issue Assigned
  1411. settings.event_issue_assign_desc = Issue assigned or unassigned.
  1412. settings.event_issue_label = Issue Labeled
  1413. settings.event_issue_label_desc = Issue labels updated or cleared.
  1414. settings.event_issue_milestone = Issue Milestoned
  1415. settings.event_issue_milestone_desc = Issue milestoned or demilestoned.
  1416. settings.event_issue_comment = Issue Comment
  1417. settings.event_issue_comment_desc = Issue comment created, edited, or deleted.
  1418. settings.event_header_pull_request = Pull Request Events
  1419. settings.event_pull_request = Pull Request
  1420. settings.event_pull_request_desc = Pull request opened, closed, reopened, or edited.
  1421. settings.event_pull_request_assign = Pull Request Assigned
  1422. settings.event_pull_request_assign_desc = Pull request assigned or unassigned.
  1423. settings.event_pull_request_label = Pull Request Labeled
  1424. settings.event_pull_request_label_desc = Pull request labels updated or cleared.
  1425. settings.event_pull_request_milestone = Pull Request Milestoned
  1426. settings.event_pull_request_milestone_desc = Pull request milestoned or demilestoned.
  1427. settings.event_pull_request_comment = Pull Request Comment
  1428. settings.event_pull_request_comment_desc = Pull request comment created, edited, or deleted.
  1429. settings.event_pull_request_review = Pull Request Reviewed
  1430. settings.event_pull_request_review_desc = Pull request approved, rejected, or review comment.
  1431. settings.event_pull_request_sync = Pull Request Synchronized
  1432. settings.event_pull_request_sync_desc = Pull request synchronized.
  1433. settings.branch_filter = Branch filter
  1434. settings.branch_filter_desc = Branch whitelist for push, branch creation and branch deletion events, specified as glob pattern. If empty or <code>*</code>, events for all branches are reported. See <a href="https://godoc.org/github.com/gobwas/glob#Compile">github.com/gobwas/glob</a> documentation for syntax. Examples: <code>master</code>, <code>{master,release*}</code>.
  1435. settings.active = Active
  1436. settings.active_helper = Information about triggered events will be sent to this webhook URL.
  1437. settings.add_hook_success = The webhook has been added.
  1438. settings.update_webhook = Update Webhook
  1439. settings.update_hook_success = The webhook has been updated.
  1440. settings.delete_webhook = Remove Webhook
  1441. settings.recent_deliveries = Recent Deliveries
  1442. settings.hook_type = Hook Type
  1443. settings.add_slack_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Slack</a> into your repository.
  1444. settings.slack_token = Token
  1445. settings.slack_domain = Domain
  1446. settings.slack_channel = Channel
  1447. settings.add_discord_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Discord</a> into your repository.
  1448. settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Dingtalk</a> into your repository.
  1449. settings.add_telegram_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Telegram</a> into your repository.
  1450. settings.add_matrix_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Matrix</a> into your repository.
  1451. settings.add_msteams_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Microsoft Teams</a> into your repository.
  1452. settings.add_feishu_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Feishu</a> into your repository.
  1453. settings.deploy_keys = Deploy Keys
  1454. settings.add_deploy_key = Add Deploy Key
  1455. settings.deploy_key_desc = Deploy keys have read-only pull access to the repository.
  1456. settings.is_writable = Enable Write Access
  1457. settings.is_writable_info = Allow this deploy key to <strong>push</strong> to the repository.
  1458. settings.no_deploy_keys = There are no deploy keys yet.
  1459. settings.title = Title
  1460. settings.deploy_key_content = Content
  1461. settings.key_been_used = A deploy key with identical content is already in use.
  1462. settings.key_name_used = A deploy key with the same name already exists.
  1463. settings.add_key_success = The deploy key '%s' has been added.
  1464. settings.deploy_key_deletion = Remove Deploy Key
  1465. settings.deploy_key_deletion_desc = Removing a deploy key will revoke its access to this repository. Continue?
  1466. settings.deploy_key_deletion_success = The deploy key has been removed.
  1467. settings.branches = Branches
  1468. settings.protected_branch = Branch Protection
  1469. settings.protected_branch_can_push = Allow push?
  1470. settings.protected_branch_can_push_yes = You can push
  1471. settings.protected_branch_can_push_no = You can not push
  1472. settings.branch_protection = Branch Protection for Branch '<b>%s</b>'
  1473. settings.protect_this_branch = Enable Branch Protection
  1474. settings.protect_this_branch_desc = Prevents deletion and restricts Git pushing and merging to the branch.
  1475. settings.protect_disable_push = Disable Push
  1476. settings.protect_disable_push_desc = No pushing will be allowed to this branch.
  1477. settings.protect_enable_push = Enable Push
  1478. settings.protect_enable_push_desc = Anyone with write access will be allowed to push to this branch (but not force push).
  1479. settings.protect_whitelist_committers = Whitelist Restricted Push
  1480. settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc = Only whitelisted users or teams will be allowed to push to this branch (but not force push).
  1481. settings.protect_whitelist_deploy_keys = Whitelist deploy keys with write access to push.
  1482. settings.protect_whitelist_users = Whitelisted users for pushing:
  1483. settings.protect_whitelist_search_users = Search users…
  1484. settings.protect_whitelist_teams = Whitelisted teams for pushing:
  1485. settings.protect_whitelist_search_teams = Search teams…
  1486. settings.protect_merge_whitelist_committers = Enable Merge Whitelist
  1487. settings.protect_merge_whitelist_committers_desc = Allow only whitelisted users or teams to merge pull requests into this branch.
  1488. settings.protect_merge_whitelist_users = Whitelisted users for merging:
  1489. settings.protect_merge_whitelist_teams = Whitelisted teams for merging:
  1490. settings.protect_check_status_contexts = Enable Status Check
  1491. settings.protect_check_status_contexts_desc = Require status checks to pass before merging. Choose which status checks must pass before branches can be merged into a branch that matches this rule. When enabled, commits must first be pushed to another branch, then merged or pushed directly to a branch that matches this rule after status checks have passed. If no contexts are selected, the last commit must be successful regardless of context.
  1492. settings.protect_check_status_contexts_list = Status checks found in the last week for this repository
  1493. settings.protect_required_approvals = Required approvals:
  1494. settings.protect_required_approvals_desc = Allow only to merge pull request with enough positive reviews.
  1495. settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled = Restrict approvals to whitelisted users or teams
  1496. settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_enabled_desc = Only reviews from whitelisted users or teams will count to the required approvals. Without approval whitelist, reviews from anyone with write access count to the required approvals.
  1497. settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_users = Whitelisted reviewers:
  1498. settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_teams = Whitelisted teams for reviews:
  1499. settings.dismiss_stale_approvals = Dismiss stale approvals
  1500. settings.dismiss_stale_approvals_desc = When new commits that change the content of the pull request are pushed to the branch, old approvals will be dismissed.
  1501. settings.require_signed_commits = Require Signed Commits
  1502. settings.require_signed_commits_desc = Reject pushes to this branch if they are unsigned or unverifiable.
  1503. settings.protect_protected_file_patterns = Protected file patterns (separated using semicolon '\;'):
  1504. settings.protect_protected_file_patterns_desc = Protected files that are not allowed to be changed directly even if user has rights to add, edit, or delete files in this branch. Multiple patterns can be separated using semicolon ('\;'). See <a href="https://godoc.org/github.com/gobwas/glob#Compile">github.com/gobwas/glob</a> documentation for pattern syntax. Examples: <code>.drone.yml</code>, <code>/docs/**/*.txt</code>.
  1505. settings.add_protected_branch = Enable protection
  1506. settings.delete_protected_branch = Disable protection
  1507. settings.update_protect_branch_success = Branch protection for branch '%s' has been updated.
  1508. settings.remove_protected_branch_success = Branch protection for branch '%s' has been disabled.
  1509. settings.protected_branch_deletion = Disable Branch Protection
  1510. settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc = Disabling branch protection allows users with write permission to push to the branch. Continue?
  1511. settings.block_rejected_reviews = Block merge on rejected reviews
  1512. settings.block_rejected_reviews_desc = Merging will not be possible when changes are requested by official reviewers, even if there are enough approvals.
  1513. settings.block_outdated_branch = Block merge if pull request is outdated
  1514. settings.block_outdated_branch_desc = Merging will not be possible when head branch is behind base branch.
  1515. settings.default_branch_desc = Select a default repository branch for pull requests and code commits:
  1516. settings.choose_branch = Choose a branch…
  1517. settings.no_protected_branch = There are no protected branches.
  1518. settings.edit_protected_branch = Edit
  1519. settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min = Required approvals cannot be negative.
  1520. settings.bot_token = Bot Token
  1521. settings.chat_id = Chat ID
  1522. settings.matrix.homeserver_url = Homeserver URL
  1523. settings.matrix.room_id = Room ID
  1524. settings.matrix.access_token = Access Token
  1525. settings.matrix.message_type = Message Type
  1526. settings.archive.button = Archive Repo
  1527. settings.archive.header = Archive This Repo
  1528. settings.archive.text = Archiving the repo will make it entirely read-only. It is hidden from the dashboard, cannot be committed to and no issues or pull-requests can be created.
  1529. settings.archive.success = The repo was successfully archived.
  1530. settings.archive.error = An error occurred while trying to archive the repo. See the log for more details.
  1531. settings.archive.error_ismirror = You cannot archive a mirrored repo.
  1532. settings.archive.branchsettings_unavailable = Branch settings are not available if the repo is archived.
  1533. settings.unarchive.button = Un-Archive Repo
  1534. settings.unarchive.header = Un-Archive This Repo
  1535. settings.unarchive.text = Un-Archiving the repo will restore its ability to receive commits and pushes, as well as new issues and pull-requests.
  1536. settings.unarchive.success = The repo was successfully un-archived.
  1537. settings.unarchive.error = An error occurred while trying to un-archive the repo. See the log for more details.
  1538. settings.update_avatar_success = The repository avatar has been updated.
  1539. settings.lfs=LFS
  1540. settings.lfs_filelist=LFS files stored in this repository
  1541. settings.lfs_no_lfs_files=No LFS files stored in this repository
  1542. settings.lfs_findcommits=Find commits
  1543. settings.lfs_lfs_file_no_commits=No Commits found for this LFS file
  1544. settings.lfs_noattribute=This path does not have the lockable attribute in the default branch
  1545. settings.lfs_delete=Delete LFS file with OID %s
  1546. settings.lfs_delete_warning=Deleting an LFS file may cause 'object does not exist' errors on checkout. Are you sure?
  1547. settings.lfs_findpointerfiles=Find pointer files
  1548. settings.lfs_locks=Locks
  1549. settings.lfs_invalid_locking_path=Invalid path: %s
  1550. settings.lfs_invalid_lock_directory=Cannot lock directory: %s
  1551. settings.lfs_lock_already_exists=Lock already exists: %s
  1552. settings.lfs_lock=Lock
  1553. settings.lfs_lock_path=Filepath to lock...
  1554. settings.lfs_locks_no_locks=No Locks
  1555. settings.lfs_lock_file_no_exist=Locked file does not exist in default branch
  1556. settings.lfs_force_unlock=Force Unlock
  1557. settings.lfs_pointers.found=Found %d blob pointer(s) - %d associated, %d unassociated (%d missing from store)
  1558. settings.lfs_pointers.sha=Blob SHA
  1559. settings.lfs_pointers.oid=OID
  1560. settings.lfs_pointers.inRepo=In Repo
  1561. settings.lfs_pointers.exists=Exists in store
  1562. settings.lfs_pointers.accessible=Accessible to User
  1563. settings.lfs_pointers.associateAccessible=Associate accessible %d OIDs
  1564. diff.browse_source = Browse Source
  1565. diff.parent = parent
  1566. diff.commit = commit
  1567. diff.git-notes = Notes
  1568. diff.data_not_available = Diff Content Not Available
  1569. diff.options_button = Diff Options
  1570. diff.show_diff_stats = Show Stats
  1571. diff.download_patch = Download Patch File
  1572. diff.download_diff = Download Diff File
  1573. diff.show_split_view = Split View
  1574. diff.show_unified_view = Unified View
  1575. diff.whitespace_button = Whitespace
  1576. diff.whitespace_show_everything = Show all changes
  1577. diff.whitespace_ignore_all_whitespace = Ignore whitespace when comparing lines
  1578. diff.whitespace_ignore_amount_changes = Ignore changes in amount of whitespace
  1579. diff.whitespace_ignore_at_eol = Ignore changes in whitespace at EOL
  1580. diff.stats_desc = <strong> %d changed files</strong> with <strong>%d additions</strong> and <strong>%d deletions</strong>
  1581. diff.bin = BIN
  1582. diff.view_file = View File
  1583. diff.file_before = Before
  1584. diff.file_after = After
  1585. diff.file_image_width = Width
  1586. diff.file_image_height = Height
  1587. diff.file_byte_size = Size
  1588. diff.file_suppressed = File diff suppressed because it is too large
  1589. diff.too_many_files = Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff
  1590. diff.comment.placeholder = Leave a comment
  1591. diff.comment.markdown_info = Styling with markdown is supported.
  1592. diff.comment.add_single_comment = Add single comment
  1593. diff.comment.add_review_comment = Add comment
  1594. diff.comment.start_review = Start review
  1595. diff.comment.reply = Reply
  1596. diff.review = Review
  1597. diff.review.header = Submit review
  1598. diff.review.placeholder = Review comment
  1599. diff.review.comment = Comment
  1600. diff.review.approve = Approve
  1601. diff.review.reject = Request changes
  1602. diff.committed_by = committed by
  1603. releases.desc = Track project versions and downloads.
  1604. release.releases = Releases
  1605. release.new_release = New Release
  1606. release.draft = Draft
  1607. release.prerelease = Pre-Release
  1608. release.stable = Stable
  1609. release.edit = edit
  1610. release.ahead.commits = <strong>%d</strong> commits
  1611. release.ahead.target = to %s since this release
  1612. release.source_code = Source Code
  1613. release.new_subheader = Releases organize project versions.
  1614. release.edit_subheader = Releases organize project versions.
  1615. release.tag_name = Tag name
  1616. release.target = Target
  1617. release.tag_helper = Choose an existing tag or create a new tag.
  1618. release.title = Title
  1619. release.content = Content
  1620. release.prerelease_desc = Mark as Pre-Release
  1621. release.prerelease_helper = Mark this release unsuitable for production use.
  1622. release.cancel = Cancel
  1623. release.publish = Publish Release
  1624. release.save_draft = Save Draft
  1625. release.edit_release = Update Release
  1626. release.delete_release = Delete Release
  1627. release.deletion = Delete Release
  1628. release.deletion_desc = Deleting a release removes its Git tag from the repository. Repository contents and history remain unchanged. Continue?
  1629. release.deletion_success = The release has been deleted.
  1630. release.tag_name_already_exist = A release with this tag name already exists.
  1631. release.tag_name_invalid = The tag name is not valid.
  1632. release.downloads = Downloads
  1633. release.download_count = Downloads: %s
  1634. branch.name = Branch Name
  1635. branch.search = Search branches
  1636. branch.already_exists = A branch named '%s' already exists.
  1637. branch.delete_head = Delete
  1638. branch.delete = Delete Branch '%s'
  1639. branch.delete_html = Delete Branch
  1640. branch.delete_desc = Deleting a branch is permanent. It <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone. Continue?
  1641. branch.deletion_success = Branch '%s' has been deleted.
  1642. branch.deletion_failed = Failed to delete branch '%s'.
  1643. branch.delete_branch_has_new_commits = Branch '%s' cannot be deleted because new commits have been added after merging.
  1644. branch.create_branch = Create branch <strong>%s</strong>
  1645. branch.create_from = from '%s'
  1646. branch.create_success = Branch '%s' has been created.
  1647. branch.branch_already_exists = Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
  1648. branch.branch_name_conflict = Branch name '%s' conflicts with the already existing branch '%s'.
  1649. branch.tag_collision = Branch '%s' cannot be created as a tag with same name already exists in the repository.
  1650. branch.deleted_by = Deleted by %s
  1651. branch.restore_success = Branch '%s' has been restored.
  1652. branch.restore_failed = Failed to restore branch '%s'.
  1653. branch.protected_deletion_failed = Branch '%s' is protected. It cannot be deleted.
  1654. branch.default_deletion_failed = Branch '%s' is the default branch. It cannot be deleted.
  1655. branch.restore = Restore Branch '%s'
  1656. branch.download = Download Branch '%s'
  1657. branch.included_desc = This branch is part of the default branch
  1658. branch.included = Included
  1659. topic.manage_topics = Manage Topics
  1660. topic.done = Done
  1661. topic.count_prompt = You can not select more than 25 topics
  1662. topic.format_prompt = Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
  1663. [org]
  1664. org_name_holder = Organization Name
  1665. org_full_name_holder = Organization Full Name
  1666. org_name_helper = Organization names should be short and memorable.
  1667. create_org = Create Organization
  1668. repo_updated = Updated
  1669. people = People
  1670. teams = Teams
  1671. lower_members = members
  1672. lower_repositories = repositories
  1673. create_new_team = New Team
  1674. create_team = Create Team
  1675. org_desc = Description
  1676. team_name = Team Name
  1677. team_desc = Description
  1678. team_name_helper = Team names should be short and memorable.
  1679. team_desc_helper = Describe the purpose or role of the team.
  1680. team_access_desc = Repository access
  1681. team_permission_desc = Permission
  1682. team_unit_desc = Allow Access to Repository Sections
  1683. team_unit_disabled = (Disabled)
  1684. form.name_reserved = The organization name '%s' is reserved.
  1685. form.name_pattern_not_allowed = The pattern '%s' is not allowed in an organization name.
  1686. form.create_org_not_allowed = You are not allowed to create an organization.
  1687. settings = Settings
  1688. settings.options = Organization
  1689. settings.full_name = Full Name
  1690. settings.website = Website
  1691. settings.location = Location
  1692. settings.permission = Permissions
  1693. settings.repoadminchangeteam = Repository admin can add and remove access for teams
  1694. settings.visibility = Visibility
  1695. settings.visibility.public = Public
  1696. settings.visibility.limited = Limited (Visible to logged in users only)
  1697. settings.visibility.private = Private (Visible only to organization members)
  1698. settings.update_settings = Update Settings
  1699. settings.update_setting_success = Organization settings have been updated.
  1700. settings.change_orgname_prompt = Note: changing the organization name also changes the organization's URL.
  1701. settings.update_avatar_success = The organization's avatar has been updated.
  1702. settings.delete = Delete Organization
  1703. settings.delete_account = Delete This Organization
  1704. settings.delete_prompt = The organization will be permanently removed. This <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone!
  1705. settings.confirm_delete_account = Confirm Deletion
  1706. settings.delete_org_title = Delete Organization
  1707. settings.delete_org_desc = This organization will be deleted permanently. Continue?
  1708. settings.hooks_desc = Add webhooks which will be triggered for <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organization.
  1709. settings.labels_desc = Add labels which can be used on issues for <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organization.
  1710. members.membership_visibility = Membership Visibility:
  1711. members.public = Visible
  1712. members.public_helper = make hidden
  1713. members.private = Hidden
  1714. members.private_helper = make visible
  1715. members.member_role = Member Role:
  1716. members.owner = Owner
  1717. members.member = Member
  1718. members.remove = Remove
  1719. members.leave = Leave
  1720. members.invite_desc = Add a new member to %s:
  1721. members.invite_now = Invite Now
  1722. teams.join = Join
  1723. teams.leave = Leave
  1724. teams.can_create_org_repo = Create repositories
  1725. teams.can_create_org_repo_helper = Members can create new repositories in organization. Creator will get administrator access to the new repository.
  1726. teams.read_access = Read Access
  1727. teams.read_access_helper = Members can view and clone team repositories.
  1728. teams.write_access = Write Access
  1729. teams.write_access_helper = Members can read and push to team repositories.
  1730. teams.admin_access = Administrator Access
  1731. teams.admin_access_helper = Members can pull and push to team repositories and add collaborators to them.
  1732. teams.no_desc = This team has no description
  1733. teams.settings = Settings
  1734. teams.owners_permission_desc = Owners have full access to <strong>all repositories</strong> and have <strong>administrator access</strong> to the organization.
  1735. teams.members = Team Members
  1736. teams.update_settings = Update Settings
  1737. teams.delete_team = Delete Team
  1738. teams.add_team_member = Add Team Member
  1739. teams.delete_team_title = Delete Team
  1740. teams.delete_team_desc = Deleting a team revokes repository access from its members. Continue?
  1741. teams.delete_team_success = The team has been deleted.
  1742. teams.read_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Read</strong> access: members can view and clone team repositories.
  1743. teams.write_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Write</strong> access: members can read from and push to team repositories.
  1744. teams.admin_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Admin</strong> access: members can read from, push to and add collaborators to team repositories.
  1745. teams.create_repo_permission_desc = Additionally, this team grants <strong>Create repository</strong> permission: members can create new repositories in organization.
  1746. teams.repositories = Team Repositories
  1747. teams.search_repo_placeholder = Search repository…
  1748. teams.remove_all_repos_title = Remove all team repositories
  1749. teams.remove_all_repos_desc = This will remove all repositories from the team.
  1750. teams.add_all_repos_title = Add all repositories
  1751. teams.add_all_repos_desc = This will add all the organization's repositories to the team.
  1752. teams.add_nonexistent_repo = "The repository you're trying to add does not exist; please create it first."
  1753. teams.add_duplicate_users = User is already a team member.
  1754. teams.repos.none = No repositories could be accessed by this team.
  1755. teams.members.none = No members on this team.
  1756. teams.specific_repositories = Specific repositories
  1757. teams.specific_repositories_helper = Members will only have access to repositories explicitly added to the team. Selecting this <strong>will not</strong> automatically remove repositories already added with <i>All repositories</i>.
  1758. teams.all_repositories = All repositories
  1759. teams.all_repositories_helper = Team has access to all repositories. Selecting this will <strong>add all existing</strong> repositories to the team.
  1760. teams.all_repositories_read_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Read</strong> access to <strong>all repositories</strong>: members can view and clone repositories.
  1761. teams.all_repositories_write_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Write</strong> access to <strong>all repositories</strong>: members can read from and push to repositories.
  1762. teams.all_repositories_admin_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Admin</strong> access to <strong>all repositories</strong>: members can read from, push to and add collaborators to repositories.
  1763. [admin]
  1764. dashboard = Dashboard
  1765. users = User Accounts
  1766. organizations = Organizations
  1767. repositories = Repositories
  1768. hooks = Default Webhooks
  1769. systemhooks = System Webhooks
  1770. authentication = Authentication Sources
  1771. emails = User Emails
  1772. config = Configuration
  1773. notices = System Notices
  1774. monitor = Monitoring
  1775. first_page = First
  1776. last_page = Last
  1777. total = Total: %d
  1778. dashboard.statistic = Summary
  1779. dashboard.operations = Maintenance Operations
  1780. dashboard.system_status = System Status
  1781. dashboard.statistic_info = The Gitea database holds <b>%d</b> users, <b>%d</b> organizations, <b>%d</b> public keys, <b>%d</b> repositories, <b>%d</b> watches, <b>%d</b> stars, <b>%d</b> actions, <b>%d</b> accesses, <b>%d</b> issues, <b>%d</b> comments, <b>%d</b> social accounts, <b>%d</b> follows, <b>%d</b> mirrors, <b>%d</b> releases, <b>%d</b> authentication sources, <b>%d</b> webhooks, <b>%d</b> milestones, <b>%d</b> labels, <b>%d</b> hook tasks, <b>%d</b> teams, <b>%d</b> update tasks, <b>%d</b> attachments.
  1782. dashboard.operation_name = Operation Name
  1783. dashboard.operation_switch = Switch
  1784. dashboard.operation_run = Run
  1785. dashboard.clean_unbind_oauth = Clean unbound OAuth connections
  1786. dashboard.clean_unbind_oauth_success = All unbound OAuth connections have been deleted.
  1787. dashboard.task.started=Started Task: %[1]s
  1788. dashboard.task.process=Task: %[1]s
  1789. dashboard.task.cancelled=Task: %[1]s cancelled: %[3]s
  1790. dashboard.task.error=Error in Task: %[1]s: %[3]s
  1791. dashboard.task.finished=Task: %[1]s started by %[2]s has finished
  1792. dashboard.task.unknown=Unknown task: %[1]s
  1793. dashboard.cron.started=Started Cron: %[1]s
  1794. dashboard.cron.process=Cron: %[1]s
  1795. dashboard.cron.cancelled=Cron: %s cancelled: %[3]s
  1796. dashboard.cron.error=Error in Cron: %s: %[3]s
  1797. dashboard.cron.finished=Cron: %[1]s has finished
  1798. dashboard.delete_inactive_accounts = Delete all unactivated accounts
  1799. dashboard.delete_inactive_accounts.started = Delete all unactivated accounts task started.
  1800. dashboard.delete_repo_archives = Delete all repository archives
  1801. dashboard.delete_repo_archives.started = Delete all repository archives task started.
  1802. dashboard.delete_missing_repos = Delete all repositories missing their Git files
  1803. dashboard.delete_missing_repos.started = Delete all repositories missing their Git files task started.
  1804. dashboard.delete_generated_repository_avatars = Delete generated repository avatars
  1805. dashboard.update_mirrors = Update Mirrors
  1806. dashboard.repo_health_check = Health check all repositories
  1807. dashboard.check_repo_stats = Check all repository statistics
  1808. dashboard.archive_cleanup = Delete old repository archives
  1809. dashboard.deleted_branches_cleanup = Clean-up deleted branches
  1810. dashboard.update_migration_poster_id = Update migration poster IDs
  1811. dashboard.git_gc_repos = Garbage collect all repositories
  1812. dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys = Update the '.ssh/authorized_keys' file with Gitea SSH keys.
  1813. dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys.desc = (Not needed for the built-in SSH server.)
  1814. dashboard.resync_all_hooks = Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
  1815. dashboard.reinit_missing_repos = Reinitialize all missing Git repositories for which records exist
  1816. dashboard.sync_external_users = Synchronize external user data
  1817. dashboard.server_uptime = Server Uptime
  1818. dashboard.current_goroutine = Current Goroutines
  1819. dashboard.current_memory_usage = Current Memory Usage
  1820. dashboard.total_memory_allocated = Total Memory Allocated
  1821. dashboard.memory_obtained = Memory Obtained
  1822. dashboard.pointer_lookup_times = Pointer Lookup Times
  1823. dashboard.memory_allocate_times = Memory Allocations
  1824. dashboard.memory_free_times = Memory Frees
  1825. dashboard.current_heap_usage = Current Heap Usage
  1826. dashboard.heap_memory_obtained = Heap Memory Obtained
  1827. dashboard.heap_memory_idle = Heap Memory Idle
  1828. dashboard.heap_memory_in_use = Heap Memory In Use
  1829. dashboard.heap_memory_released = Heap Memory Released
  1830. dashboard.heap_objects = Heap Objects
  1831. dashboard.bootstrap_stack_usage = Bootstrap Stack Usage
  1832. dashboard.stack_memory_obtained = Stack Memory Obtained
  1833. dashboard.mspan_structures_usage = MSpan Structures Usage
  1834. dashboard.mspan_structures_obtained = MSpan Structures Obtained
  1835. dashboard.mcache_structures_usage = MCache Structures Usage
  1836. dashboard.mcache_structures_obtained = MCache Structures Obtained
  1837. dashboard.profiling_bucket_hash_table_obtained = Profiling Bucket Hash Table Obtained
  1838. dashboard.gc_metadata_obtained = GC Metadata Obtained
  1839. dashboard.other_system_allocation_obtained = Other System Allocation Obtained
  1840. dashboard.next_gc_recycle = Next GC Recycle
  1841. dashboard.last_gc_time = Since Last GC Time
  1842. dashboard.total_gc_time = Total GC Pause
  1843. dashboard.total_gc_pause = Total GC Pause
  1844. dashboard.last_gc_pause = Last GC Pause
  1845. dashboard.gc_times = GC Times
  1846. users.user_manage_panel = User Account Management
  1847. users.new_account = Create User Account
  1848. users.name = Username
  1849. users.full_name = Full Name
  1850. users.activated = Activated
  1851. users.admin = Admin
  1852. users.restricted = Restricted
  1853. users.repos = Repos
  1854. users.created = Created
  1855. users.last_login = Last Sign-In
  1856. users.never_login = Never Signed-In
  1857. users.send_register_notify = Send User Registration Notification
  1858. users.new_success = The user account '%s' has been created.
  1859. users.edit = Edit
  1860. users.auth_source = Authentication Source
  1861. users.local = Local
  1862. users.auth_login_name = Authentication Sign-In Name
  1863. users.password_helper = Leave the password empty to keep it unchanged.
  1864. users.update_profile_success = The user account has been updated.
  1865. users.edit_account = Edit User Account
  1866. users.max_repo_creation = Maximum Number of Repositories
  1867. users.max_repo_creation_desc = (Enter -1 to use the global default limit.)
  1868. users.is_activated = User Account Is Activated
  1869. users.prohibit_login = Disable Sign-In
  1870. users.is_admin = Is Administrator
  1871. users.is_restricted = Is Restricted
  1872. users.allow_git_hook = May Create Git Hooks
  1873. users.allow_git_hook_tooltip = Git Hooks are executed as the OS user running Gitea and will have the same level of host access
  1874. users.allow_import_local = May Import Local Repositories
  1875. users.allow_create_organization = May Create Organizations
  1876. users.update_profile = Update User Account
  1877. users.delete_account = Delete User Account
  1878. users.still_own_repo = This user still owns one or more repositories. Delete or transfer these repositories first.
  1879. users.still_has_org = This user is a member of an organization. Remove the user from any organizations first.
  1880. users.deletion_success = The user account has been deleted.
  1881. emails.email_manage_panel = User Email Management
  1882. emails.primary = Primary
  1883. emails.activated = Activated
  1884. emails.filter_sort.email = Email
  1885. emails.filter_sort.email_reverse = Email (reverse)
  1886. emails.filter_sort.name = User Name
  1887. emails.filter_sort.name_reverse = User Name (reverse)
  1888. emails.updated = Email updated
  1889. emails.not_updated = Failed to update the requested email address: %v
  1890. emails.duplicate_active = This email address is already active for a different user.
  1891. emails.change_email_header = Update Email Properties
  1892. emails.change_email_text = Are your sure you want to update this email address?
  1893. orgs.org_manage_panel = Organization Management
  1894. orgs.name = Name
  1895. orgs.teams = Teams
  1896. orgs.members = Members
  1897. orgs.new_orga = New Organization
  1898. repos.repo_manage_panel = Repository Management
  1899. repos.owner = Owner
  1900. repos.name = Name
  1901. repos.private = Private
  1902. repos.watches = Watches
  1903. repos.stars = Stars
  1904. repos.forks = Forks
  1905. repos.issues = Issues
  1906. repos.size = Size
  1907. hooks.desc = Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Webhooks defined here are defaults and will be copied into all new repositories. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/webhooks/">webhooks guide</a>.
  1908. hooks.add_webhook = Add Default Webhook
  1909. hooks.update_webhook = Update Default Webhook
  1910. systemhooks.desc = Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Webhooks defined will act on all repositories on the system, so please consider any performance implications this may have. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/webhooks/">webhooks guide</a>.
  1911. systemhooks.add_webhook = Add System Webhook
  1912. systemhooks.update_webhook = Update System Webhook
  1913. auths.auth_manage_panel = Authentication Source Management
  1914. auths.new = Add Authentication Source
  1915. auths.name = Name
  1916. auths.type = Type
  1917. auths.enabled = Enabled
  1918. auths.syncenabled = Enable User Synchronization
  1919. auths.updated = Updated
  1920. auths.auth_type = Authentication Type
  1921. auths.auth_name = Authentication Name
  1922. auths.security_protocol = Security Protocol
  1923. auths.domain = Domain
  1924. auths.host = Host
  1925. auths.port = Port
  1926. auths.bind_dn = Bind DN
  1927. auths.bind_password = Bind Password
  1928. auths.bind_password_helper = Warning: This password is stored in plain text. Use a read-only account if possible.
  1929. auths.user_base = User Search Base
  1930. auths.user_dn = User DN
  1931. auths.attribute_username = Username Attribute
  1932. auths.attribute_username_placeholder = Leave empty to use the username entered in Gitea.
  1933. auths.attribute_name = First Name Attribute
  1934. auths.attribute_surname = Surname Attribute
  1935. auths.attribute_mail = Email Attribute
  1936. auths.attribute_ssh_public_key = Public SSH Key Attribute
  1937. auths.attributes_in_bind = Fetch Attributes in Bind DN Context
  1938. auths.allow_deactivate_all = Allow an empty search result to deactivate all users
  1939. auths.use_paged_search = Use Paged Search
  1940. auths.search_page_size = Page Size
  1941. auths.filter = User Filter
  1942. auths.admin_filter = Admin Filter
  1943. auths.restricted_filter = Restricted Filter
  1944. auths.restricted_filter_helper = Leave empty to not set any users as restricted. Use an asterisk ('*') to set all users that do not match Admin Filter as restricted.
  1945. auths.ms_ad_sa = MS AD Search Attributes
  1946. auths.smtp_auth = SMTP Authentication Type
  1947. auths.smtphost = SMTP Host
  1948. auths.smtpport = SMTP Port
  1949. auths.allowed_domains = Allowed Domains
  1950. auths.allowed_domains_helper = Leave empty to allow all domains. Separate multiple domains with a comma (',').
  1951. auths.enable_tls = Enable TLS Encryption
  1952. auths.skip_tls_verify = Skip TLS Verify
  1953. auths.pam_service_name = PAM Service Name
  1954. auths.oauth2_provider = OAuth2 Provider
  1955. auths.oauth2_clientID = Client ID (Key)
  1956. auths.oauth2_clientSecret = Client Secret
  1957. auths.openIdConnectAutoDiscoveryURL = OpenID Connect Auto Discovery URL
  1958. auths.oauth2_use_custom_url = Use Custom URLs Instead of Default URLs
  1959. auths.oauth2_tokenURL = Token URL
  1960. auths.oauth2_authURL = Authorize URL
  1961. auths.oauth2_profileURL = Profile URL
  1962. auths.oauth2_emailURL = Email URL
  1963. auths.enable_auto_register = Enable Auto Registration
  1964. auths.sspi_auto_create_users = Automatically create users
  1965. auths.sspi_auto_create_users_helper = Allow SSPI auth method to automatically create new accounts for users that login for the first time
  1966. auths.sspi_auto_activate_users = Automatically activate users
  1967. auths.sspi_auto_activate_users_helper = Allow SSPI auth method to automatically activate new users
  1968. auths.sspi_strip_domain_names = Remove domain names from usernames
  1969. auths.sspi_strip_domain_names_helper = If checked, domain names will be removed from logon names (eg. "DOMAIN\user" and "user@example.org" both will become just "user").
  1970. auths.sspi_separator_replacement = Separator to use instead of \, / and @
  1971. auths.sspi_separator_replacement_helper = The character to use to replace the separators of down-level logon names (eg. the \ in "DOMAIN\user") and user principal names (eg. the @ in "user@example.org").
  1972. auths.sspi_default_language = Default user language
  1973. auths.sspi_default_language_helper = Default language for users automatically created by SSPI auth method. Leave empty if you prefer language to be automatically detected.
  1974. auths.tips = Tips
  1975. auths.tips.oauth2.general = OAuth2 Authentication
  1976. auths.tips.oauth2.general.tip = When registering a new OAuth2 authentication, the callback/redirect URL should be: <host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callback
  1977. auths.tip.oauth2_provider = OAuth2 Provider
  1978. auths.tip.bitbucket = Register a new OAuth consumer on https://bitbucket.org/account/user/<your username>/oauth-consumers/new and add the permission 'Account' - 'Read'
  1979. auths.tip.nextcloud = Register a new OAuth consumer on your instance using the following menu "Settings -> Security -> OAuth 2.0 client"
  1980. auths.tip.dropbox = Create a new application at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps
  1981. auths.tip.facebook = Register a new application at https://developers.facebook.com/apps and add the product "Facebook Login"
  1982. auths.tip.github = Register a new OAuth application on https://github.com/settings/applications/new
  1983. auths.tip.gitlab = Register a new application on https://gitlab.com/profile/applications
  1984. auths.tip.google_plus = Obtain OAuth2 client credentials from the Google API console at https://console.developers.google.com/
  1985. auths.tip.openid_connect = Use the OpenID Connect Discovery URL (<server>/.well-known/openid-configuration) to specify the endpoints
  1986. auths.tip.twitter = Go to https://dev.twitter.com/apps, create an application and ensure that the “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter” option is enabled
  1987. auths.tip.discord = Register a new application on https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me
  1988. auths.tip.gitea = Register a new OAuth2 application. Guide can be found at https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/oauth2-provider/
  1989. auths.tip.yandex = Create a new application at https://oauth.yandex.com/client/new. Select following permissions from the "Yandex.Passport API" section: "Access to email address", "Access to user avatar" and "Access to username, first name and surname, gender"
  1990. auths.edit = Edit Authentication Source
  1991. auths.activated = This Authentication Source is Activated
  1992. auths.new_success = The authentication '%s' has been added.
  1993. auths.update_success = The authentication source has been updated.
  1994. auths.update = Update Authentication Source
  1995. auths.delete = Delete Authentication Source
  1996. auths.delete_auth_title = Delete Authentication Source
  1997. auths.delete_auth_desc = Deleting an authentication source prevents users from using it to sign in. Continue?
  1998. auths.still_in_used = The authentication source is still in use. Convert or delete any users using this authentication source first.
  1999. auths.deletion_success = The authentication source has been deleted.
  2000. auths.login_source_exist = The authentication source '%s' already exists.
  2001. auths.login_source_of_type_exist = An authentication source of this type already exists.
  2002. config.server_config = Server Configuration
  2003. config.app_name = Site Title
  2004. config.app_ver = Gitea Version
  2005. config.app_url = Gitea Base URL
  2006. config.custom_conf = Configuration File Path
  2007. config.custom_file_root_path = "Custom File Root Path"
  2008. config.domain = SSH Server Domain
  2009. config.offline_mode = Local Mode
  2010. config.disable_router_log = Disable Router Log
  2011. config.run_user = Run As Username
  2012. config.run_mode = Run Mode
  2013. config.git_version = Git Version
  2014. config.repo_root_path = Repository Root Path
  2015. config.lfs_root_path = LFS Root Path
  2016. config.static_file_root_path = Static File Root Path
  2017. config.log_file_root_path = Log Path
  2018. config.script_type = Script Type
  2019. config.reverse_auth_user = Reverse Authentication User
  2020. config.ssh_config = SSH Configuration
  2021. config.ssh_enabled = Enabled
  2022. config.ssh_start_builtin_server = Use Built-In Server
  2023. config.ssh_domain = Server Domain
  2024. config.ssh_port = Port
  2025. config.ssh_listen_port = Listen Port
  2026. config.ssh_root_path = Root Path
  2027. config.ssh_key_test_path = Key Test Path
  2028. config.ssh_keygen_path = Keygen ('ssh-keygen') Path
  2029. config.ssh_minimum_key_size_check = Minimum Key Size Check
  2030. config.ssh_minimum_key_sizes = Minimum Key Sizes
  2031. config.lfs_config = LFS Configuration
  2032. config.lfs_enabled = Enabled
  2033. config.lfs_content_path = LFS Content Path
  2034. config.lfs_http_auth_expiry = LFS HTTP Auth Expiry
  2035. config.db_config = Database Configuration
  2036. config.db_type = Type
  2037. config.db_host = Host
  2038. config.db_name = Name
  2039. config.db_user = Username
  2040. config.db_schema = Schema
  2041. config.db_ssl_mode = SSL
  2042. config.db_path = Path
  2043. config.service_config = Service Configuration
  2044. config.register_email_confirm = Require Email Confirmation to Register
  2045. config.disable_register = Disable Self-Registration
  2046. config.allow_only_external_registration = Allow Registration Only Through External Services
  2047. config.enable_openid_signup = Enable OpenID Self-Registration
  2048. config.enable_openid_signin = Enable OpenID Sign-In
  2049. config.show_registration_button = Show Register Button
  2050. config.require_sign_in_view = Require Sign-In to View Pages
  2051. config.mail_notify = Enable Email Notifications
  2052. config.disable_key_size_check = Disable Minimum Key Size Check
  2053. config.enable_captcha = Enable CAPTCHA
  2054. config.active_code_lives = Active Code Lives
  2055. config.reset_password_code_lives = Recover Account Code Expiry Time
  2056. config.default_keep_email_private = Hide Email Addresses by Default
  2057. config.default_allow_create_organization = Allow Creation of Organizations by Default
  2058. config.enable_timetracking = Enable Time Tracking
  2059. config.default_enable_timetracking = Enable Time Tracking by Default
  2060. config.default_allow_only_contributors_to_track_time = Let Only Contributors Track Time
  2061. config.no_reply_address = Hidden Email Domain
  2062. config.default_visibility_organization = Default visibility for new Organizations
  2063. config.default_enable_dependencies = Enable Issue Dependencies by Default
  2064. config.webhook_config = Webhook Configuration
  2065. config.queue_length = Queue Length
  2066. config.deliver_timeout = Deliver Timeout
  2067. config.skip_tls_verify = Skip TLS Verification
  2068. config.mailer_config = SMTP Mailer Configuration
  2069. config.mailer_enabled = Enabled
  2070. config.mailer_disable_helo = Disable HELO
  2071. config.mailer_name = Name
  2072. config.mailer_host = Host
  2073. config.mailer_user = User
  2074. config.mailer_use_sendmail = Use Sendmail
  2075. config.mailer_sendmail_path = Sendmail Path
  2076. config.mailer_sendmail_args = Extra Arguments to Sendmail
  2077. config.mailer_sendmail_timeout = Sendmail Timeout
  2078. config.send_test_mail = Send Testing Email
  2079. config.test_mail_failed = Failed to send a testing email to '%s': %v
  2080. config.test_mail_sent = A testing email has been sent to '%s'.
  2081. config.oauth_config = OAuth Configuration
  2082. config.oauth_enabled = Enabled
  2083. config.cache_config = Cache Configuration
  2084. config.cache_adapter = Cache Adapter
  2085. config.cache_interval = Cache Interval
  2086. config.cache_conn = Cache Connection
  2087. config.cache_item_ttl = Cache Item TTL
  2088. config.session_config = Session Configuration
  2089. config.session_provider = Session Provider
  2090. config.provider_config = Provider Config
  2091. config.cookie_name = Cookie Name
  2092. config.enable_set_cookie = Enable Set Cookie
  2093. config.gc_interval_time = GC Interval Time
  2094. config.session_life_time = Session Life Time
  2095. config.https_only = HTTPS Only
  2096. config.cookie_life_time = Cookie Life Time
  2097. config.picture_config = Picture and Avatar Configuration
  2098. config.picture_service = Picture Service
  2099. config.disable_gravatar = Disable Gravatar
  2100. config.enable_federated_avatar = Enable Federated Avatars
  2101. config.git_config = Git Configuration
  2102. config.git_disable_diff_highlight = Disable Diff Syntax Highlight
  2103. config.git_max_diff_lines = Max Diff Lines (for a single file)
  2104. config.git_max_diff_line_characters = Max Diff Characters (for a single line)
  2105. config.git_max_diff_files = Max Diff Files (to be shown)
  2106. config.git_gc_args = GC Arguments
  2107. config.git_migrate_timeout = Migration Timeout
  2108. config.git_mirror_timeout = Mirror Update Timeout
  2109. config.git_clone_timeout = Clone Operation Timeout
  2110. config.git_pull_timeout = Pull Operation Timeout
  2111. config.git_gc_timeout = GC Operation Timeout
  2112. config.log_config = Log Configuration
  2113. config.log_mode = Log Mode
  2114. config.macaron_log_mode = Macaron Log Mode
  2115. config.own_named_logger = Named Logger
  2116. config.routes_to_default_logger = Routes To Default Logger
  2117. config.go_log = Uses Go Log (redirected to default)
  2118. config.router_log_mode = Router Log Mode
  2119. config.disabled_logger = Disabled
  2120. config.access_log_mode = Access Log Mode
  2121. config.access_log_template = Template
  2122. config.xorm_log_mode = XORM Log Mode
  2123. config.xorm_log_sql = Log SQL
  2124. monitor.cron = Cron Tasks
  2125. monitor.name = Name
  2126. monitor.schedule = Schedule
  2127. monitor.next = Next Time
  2128. monitor.previous = Previous Time
  2129. monitor.execute_times = Executions
  2130. monitor.process = Running Processes
  2131. monitor.desc = Description
  2132. monitor.start = Start Time
  2133. monitor.execute_time = Execution Time
  2134. monitor.process.cancel = Cancel process
  2135. monitor.process.cancel_desc = Cancelling a process may cause data loss
  2136. monitor.process.cancel_notices = Cancel: <strong>%s</strong>?
  2137. monitor.queues = Queues
  2138. monitor.queue = Queue: %s
  2139. monitor.queue.name = Name
  2140. monitor.queue.type = Type
  2141. monitor.queue.exemplar = Exemplar Type
  2142. monitor.queue.numberworkers = Number of Workers
  2143. monitor.queue.maxnumberworkers = Max Number of Workers
  2144. monitor.queue.review = Review Config
  2145. monitor.queue.review_add = Review/Add Workers
  2146. monitor.queue.configuration = Initial Configuration
  2147. monitor.queue.nopool.title = No Worker Pool
  2148. monitor.queue.nopool.desc = This queue wraps other queues and does not itself have a worker pool.
  2149. monitor.queue.wrapped.desc = A wrapped queue wraps a slow starting queue, buffering queued requests in a channel. It does not have a worker pool itself.
  2150. monitor.queue.persistable-channel.desc = A persistable-channel wraps two queues, a channel queue that has its own worker pool and a level queue for persisted requests from previous shutdowns. It does not have a worker pool itself.
  2151. monitor.queue.pool.timeout = Timeout
  2152. monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.title = Add Workers
  2153. monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.submit = Add Workers
  2154. monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.desc = Add Workers to this pool with or without a timeout. If you set a timeout these workers will be removed from the pool after the timeout has lapsed.
  2155. monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.numberworkers.placeholder = Number of Workers
  2156. monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.timeout.placeholder = Set to 0 for no timeout
  2157. monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.mustnumbergreaterzero = Number of Workers to add must be greater than zero
  2158. monitor.queue.pool.addworkers.musttimeoutduration = Timeout must be a golang duration eg. 5m or be 0
  2159. monitor.queue.pool.flush.title = Flush Queue
  2160. monitor.queue.pool.flush.desc = Flush will add a worker that will terminate once the queue is empty, or it times out.
  2161. monitor.queue.pool.flush.submit = Add Flush Worker
  2162. monitor.queue.pool.flush.added = Flush Worker added for %[1]s
  2163. monitor.queue.settings.title = Pool Settings
  2164. monitor.queue.settings.desc = Pools dynamically grow with a boost in response to their worker queue blocking. These changes will not affect current worker groups.
  2165. monitor.queue.settings.timeout = Boost Timeout
  2166. monitor.queue.settings.timeout.placeholder = Currently %[1]v
  2167. monitor.queue.settings.timeout.error = Timeout must be a golang duration eg. 5m or be 0
  2168. monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers = Boost Number of Workers
  2169. monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers.placeholder = Currently %[1]d
  2170. monitor.queue.settings.numberworkers.error = Number of Workers to add must be greater than or equal to zero
  2171. monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers = Max Number of workers
  2172. monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers.placeholder = Currently %[1]d
  2173. monitor.queue.settings.maxnumberworkers.error = Max number of workers must be a number
  2174. monitor.queue.settings.submit = Update Settings
  2175. monitor.queue.settings.changed = Settings Updated
  2176. monitor.queue.settings.blocktimeout = Current Block Timeout
  2177. monitor.queue.settings.blocktimeout.value = %[1]v
  2178. monitor.queue.pool.none = This queue does not have a Pool
  2179. monitor.queue.pool.added = Worker Group Added
  2180. monitor.queue.pool.max_changed = Maximum number of workers changed
  2181. monitor.queue.pool.workers.title = Active Worker Groups
  2182. monitor.queue.pool.workers.none = No worker groups.
  2183. monitor.queue.pool.cancel = Shutdown Worker Group
  2184. monitor.queue.pool.cancelling = Worker Group shutting down
  2185. monitor.queue.pool.cancel_notices = Shutdown this group of %s workers?
  2186. monitor.queue.pool.cancel_desc = Leaving a queue without any worker groups may cause requests to block indefinitely.
  2187. notices.system_notice_list = System Notices
  2188. notices.view_detail_header = View Notice Details
  2189. notices.actions = Actions
  2190. notices.select_all = Select All
  2191. notices.deselect_all = Deselect All
  2192. notices.inverse_selection = Inverse Selection
  2193. notices.delete_selected = Delete Selected
  2194. notices.delete_all = Delete All Notices
  2195. notices.type = Type
  2196. notices.type_1 = Repository
  2197. notices.type_2 = Task
  2198. notices.desc = Description
  2199. notices.op = Op.
  2200. notices.delete_success = The system notices have been deleted.
  2201. [action]
  2202. create_repo = created repository <a href="%s">%s</a>
  2203. rename_repo = renamed repository from <code>%[1]s</code> to <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a>
  2204. commit_repo = pushed to <a href="%[1]s/src/branch/%[2]s">%[3]s</a> at <a href="%[1]s">%[4]s</a>
  2205. create_issue = `opened issue <a href="%s/issues/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2206. close_issue = `closed issue <a href="%s/issues/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2207. reopen_issue = `reopened issue <a href="%s/issues/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2208. create_pull_request = `created pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2209. close_pull_request = `closed pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2210. reopen_pull_request = `reopened pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2211. comment_issue = `commented on issue <a href="%s/issues/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2212. comment_pull = `commented on pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2213. merge_pull_request = `merged pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2214. transfer_repo = transferred repository <code>%s</code> to <a href="%s">%s</a>
  2215. push_tag = pushed tag <a href="%s/src/tag/%s">%[2]s</a> to <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a>
  2216. delete_tag = deleted tag %[2]s from <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a>
  2217. delete_branch = deleted branch %[2]s from <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a>
  2218. compare_branch = Compare
  2219. compare_commits = Compare %d commits
  2220. compare_commits_general = Compare commits
  2221. mirror_sync_push = synced commits to <a href="%[1]s/src/%[2]s">%[3]s</a> at <a href="%[1]s">%[4]s</a> from mirror
  2222. mirror_sync_create = synced new reference <a href="%s/src/%s">%[2]s</a> to <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a> from mirror
  2223. mirror_sync_delete = synced and deleted reference <code>%[2]s</code> at <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a> from mirror
  2224. approve_pull_request = `approved <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2225. reject_pull_request = `suggested changes for <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  2226. [tool]
  2227. ago = %s ago
  2228. from_now = %s from now
  2229. now = now
  2230. future = future
  2231. 1s = 1 second
  2232. 1m = 1 minute
  2233. 1h = 1 hour
  2234. 1d = 1 day
  2235. 1w = 1 week
  2236. 1mon = 1 month
  2237. 1y = 1 year
  2238. seconds = %d seconds
  2239. minutes = %d minutes
  2240. hours = %d hours
  2241. days = %d days
  2242. weeks = %d weeks
  2243. months = %d months
  2244. years = %d years
  2245. raw_seconds = seconds
  2246. raw_minutes = minutes
  2247. [dropzone]
  2248. default_message = Drop files or click here to upload.
  2249. invalid_input_type = You can not upload files of this type.
  2250. file_too_big = File size ({{filesize}} MB) exceeds the maximum size of ({{maxFilesize}} MB).
  2251. remove_file = Remove file
  2252. [notification]
  2253. notifications = Notifications
  2254. unread = Unread
  2255. read = Read
  2256. no_unread = No unread notifications.
  2257. no_read = No read notifications.
  2258. pin = Pin notification
  2259. mark_as_read = Mark as read
  2260. mark_as_unread = Mark as unread
  2261. mark_all_as_read = Mark all as read
  2262. [gpg]
  2263. default_key=Signed with default key
  2264. error.extract_sign = Failed to extract signature
  2265. error.generate_hash = Failed to generate hash of commit
  2266. error.no_committer_account = No account linked to committer's email address
  2267. error.no_gpg_keys_found = "No known key found for this signature in database"
  2268. error.not_signed_commit = "Not a signed commit"
  2269. error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys = "Failed to retrieve any key attached to the committer's account"
  2270. error.probable_bad_signature = "WARNING! Although there is a key with this ID in the database it does not verify this commit! This commit is SUSPICIOUS."
  2271. error.probable_bad_default_signature = "WARNING! Although the default key has this ID it does not verify this commit! This commit is SUSPICIOUS."
  2272. [units]
  2273. error.no_unit_allowed_repo = You are not allowed to access any section of this repository.
  2274. error.unit_not_allowed = You are not allowed to access this repository section.