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CERN-OHL-1.1 7.9KB

  1. CERN OHL v1.1
  2. 2011-07-08 - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  3. CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.1
  4. Preamble
  5. Through this CERN Open Hardware Licence ("CERN OHL") version 1.1, the Organization
  6. wishes to disseminate its hardware designs (as published on http://www.ohwr.org/)
  7. as widely as possible, and generally to foster collaboration among public
  8. research hardware designers. The CERN OHL is copyright of CERN. Anyone is
  9. welcome to use the CERN OHL, in unmodified form only, for the distribution
  10. of his own Open Hardware designs. Any other right is reserved.
  11. 1. Definitions
  12. In this Licence, the following terms have the following meanings:
  13. "Licence" means this CERN OHL.
  14. "Documentation" means schematic diagrams, designs, circuit or circuit board
  15. layouts, mechanical drawings, flow charts and descriptive text, and other
  16. explanatory material that is explicitly stated as being made available under
  17. the conditions of this Licence. The Documentation may be in any medium, including
  18. but not limited to computer files and representations on paper, film, or any
  19. other media.
  20. "Product" means either an entire, or any part of a, device built using the
  21. Documentation or the modified Documentation.
  22. "Licensee" means any natural or legal person exercising rights under this
  23. Licence.
  24. "Licensor" means any natural or legal person that creates or modifies Documentation
  25. and subsequently communicates to the public and/ or distributes the resulting
  26. Documentation under the terms and conditions of this Licence.
  27. A Licensee may at the same time be a Licensor, and vice versa.
  28. 2. Applicability
  29. 2.1 This Licence governs the use, copying, modification, communication to
  30. the public and distribution of the Documentation, and the manufacture and
  31. distribution of Products. By exercising any right granted under this Licence,
  32. the Licensee irrevocably accepts these terms and conditions.
  33. 2.2 This Licence is granted by the Licensor directly to the Licensee, and
  34. shall apply worldwide and without limitation in time. The Licensee may assign
  35. his licence rights or grant sub-licences.
  36. 2.3 This Licence does not apply to software, firmware, or code loaded into
  37. programmable devices which may be used in conjunction with the Documentation,
  38. the modified Documentation or with Products. The use of such software, firmware,
  39. or code is subject to the applicable licence terms and conditions.
  40. 3. Copying, modification, communication to the public and distribution of
  41. the Documentation
  42. 3.1 The Licensee shall keep intact all copyright and trademarks notices and
  43. all notices that refer to this Licence and to the disclaimer of warranties
  44. that is included in the Documentation. He shall include a copy thereof in
  45. every copy of the documentation or, as the case may be, modified Documentation,
  46. that he communicates to the public or distributes.
  47. 3.2 The Licensee may use, copy, communicate to the public and distribute verbatim
  48. copies of the Documentation, in any medium, subject to the requirements specified
  49. in section 3.1.
  50. 3.3 The Licensee may modify the Documentation or any portion thereof. The
  51. Licensee may communicate to the public and distribute the modified Documentation
  52. (thereby in addition to being a Licensee also becoming a Licensor), always
  53. provided that he shall:
  54. a. comply with section 3.1;
  55. b. cause the modified Documentation to carry prominent notices stating that
  56. the Licensee has modified the Documentation, with the date and details of
  57. the modifications;
  58. c. license the modified Documentation under the terms and conditions of this
  59. Licence or, where applicable, a later version of this Licence as may be issued
  60. by CERN; and
  61. d. send a copy of the modified Documentation to all Licensors that contributed
  62. to the parts of the Documentation that were modified, as well as to any other
  63. Licensor who has requested to receive a copy of the modified Documentation
  64. and has provided a means of contact with the Documentation.
  65. 3.4 The Licence includes a licence to those patents or registered designs
  66. that are held by the Licensor, to the extent necessary to make use of the
  67. rights granted under this Licence. The scope of this section 3.4 shall be
  68. strictly limited to the parts of the Documentation or modified Documentation
  69. created by the Licensor.
  70. 4. Manufacture and distribution of Products
  71. 4.1 The Licensee may manufacture or distribute Products always provided that
  72. the Licensee distributes to each recipient of such Products a copy of the
  73. Documentation or modified Documentation, as applicable, and complies with
  74. section 3.
  75. 4.2 The Licensee is invited to inform in writing any Licensor who has indicated
  76. its wish to receive this information about the type, quantity and dates of
  77. production of Products the Licensee has (had) manufactured.
  78. 5. Warranty and liability
  79. 5.1 DISCLAIMER – The Documentation and any modified Documentation are provided
  80. "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited
  81. to, implied warranties of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, and fitness
  82. for a particular purpose or use are disclaimed in respect of the Documentation,
  83. the modified Documentation or any Product. The Licensor makes no representation
  84. that the Documentation, modified Documentation, or any Product, does or will
  85. not infringe any patent, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary right.
  86. The entire risk as to the use, quality, and performance of a Product shall
  87. be with the Licensee and not the Licensor. This disclaimer of warranty is
  88. an essential part of this Licence and a condition for the grant of any rights
  89. granted under this Licence. The Licensee warrants that it does not act in
  90. a consumer capacity.
  91. 5.2 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY – The Licensor shall have no liability for direct,
  92. indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive or other
  93. damages of any character including, without limitation, procurement of substitute
  94. goods or services, loss of use, data or profits, or business interruption,
  95. however caused and on any theory of contract, warranty, tort (including negligence),
  96. product liability or otherwise, arising in any way in relation to the Documentation,
  97. modified Documentation and/or the use, manufacture or distribution of a Product,
  98. even if advised of the possibility of such damages, and the Licensee shall
  99. hold the Licensor(s) free and harmless from any liability, costs, damages,
  100. fees and expenses, including claims by third parties, in relation to such
  101. use.
  102. 6. General
  103. 6.1 The rights granted under this Licence do not imply or represent any transfer
  104. or assignment of intellectual property rights to the Licensee.
  105. 6.2 The Licensee shall not use or make reference to any of the names, acronyms,
  106. images or logos under which the Licensor is known, save in so far as required
  107. to comply with section 3. Any such permitted use or reference shall be factual
  108. and shall in no event suggest any kind of endorsement by the Licensor or its
  109. personnel of the modified Documentation or any Product, or any kind of implication
  110. by the Licensor or its personnel in the preparation of the modified Documentation
  111. or Product.
  112. 6.3 CERN may publish updated versions of this Licence which retain the same
  113. general provisions as this version, but differ in detail so far this is required
  114. and reasonable. New versions will be published with a unique version number.
  115. 6.4 This Licence shall terminate with immediate effect, upon written notice
  116. and without involvement of a court if the Licensee fails to comply with any
  117. of its terms and conditions, or if the Licensee initiates legal action against
  118. Licensor in relation to this Licence. Section 5 shall continue to apply.
  119. 6.5 Except as may be otherwise agreed with the Intergovernmental Organization,
  120. any dispute with respect to this Licence involving an Intergovernmental Organization
  121. shall, by virtue of the latter's Intergovernmental status, be settled by international
  122. arbitration. The arbitration proceedings shall be held at the place where
  123. the Intergovernmental Organization has its seat. The arbitral award shall
  124. be final and binding upon the parties, who hereby expressly agree to renounce
  125. any form of appeal or revision.