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.drone.yml 7.8KB

  1. workspace:
  2. base: /go
  3. path: src/
  4. clone:
  5. git:
  6. image: plugins/git:next
  7. depth: 50
  8. tags: true
  9. pipeline:
  10. download_translations:
  11. image: jonasfranz/crowdin
  12. pull: true
  13. secrets: [ crowdin_key ]
  14. project_identifier: gitea
  15. ignore_branch: true
  16. download: true
  17. export_dir: options/locale/
  18. when:
  19. event: [ push ]
  20. branch: [ master ]
  21. update-translations:
  22. image: alpine:3.7
  23. commands:
  24. - mv ./options/locale/locale_en-US.ini ./options/
  25. - sed -i -e 's/="/=/g' -e 's/"$$//g' ./options/locale/*.ini
  26. - sed -i -e 's/\\\\"/"/g' ./options/locale/*.ini
  27. - mv ./options/locale_en-US.ini ./options/locale/
  28. when:
  29. event: [ push ]
  30. branch: [ master ]
  31. git_push:
  32. image: appleboy/drone-git-push
  33. pull: true
  34. secrets: [ git_push_ssh_key ]
  35. remote:
  36. force: false
  37. commit: true
  38. commit_message: "[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin"
  39. author_name: GiteaBot
  40. author_email:
  41. when:
  42. event: [ push ]
  43. branch: [ master ]
  44. pre-build:
  45. image: webhippie/nodejs:latest
  46. pull: true
  47. commands:
  48. - npm install
  49. - make stylesheets-check
  50. when:
  51. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]
  52. build-without-gcc:
  53. image: golang:1.9
  54. pull: true
  55. commands:
  56. - go build -o gitea_no_gcc # test if build succeeds without the sqlite tag
  57. when:
  58. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]
  59. build:
  60. image: golang:1.11
  61. pull: true
  62. environment:
  63. TAGS: bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify
  64. commands:
  65. - make clean
  66. - make generate
  67. - make vet
  68. - make lint
  69. - make fmt-check
  70. - make swagger-check
  71. - make swagger-validate
  72. - make misspell-check
  73. - make test-vendor
  74. - make build
  75. when:
  76. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]
  77. test:
  78. image: golang:1.11
  79. pull: true
  80. group: test
  81. environment:
  82. TAGS: bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify
  83. commands:
  84. - make unit-test-coverage
  85. when:
  86. event: [ push, pull_request ]
  87. branch: [ master ]
  88. test:
  89. image: golang:1.11
  90. pull: true
  91. group: test
  92. environment:
  93. TAGS: bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify
  94. commands:
  95. - make test
  96. when:
  97. event: [ push, pull_request ]
  98. branch: [ release/* ]
  99. test:
  100. image: golang:1.11
  101. pull: true
  102. group: test
  103. environment:
  104. TAGS: bindata
  105. commands:
  106. - make test
  107. when:
  108. event: [ tag ]
  109. test-sqlite:
  110. image: golang:1.11
  111. pull: true
  112. group: test
  113. environment:
  114. TAGS: bindata
  115. commands:
  116. - curl -s | bash
  117. - apt-get install -y git-lfs
  118. - (sleep 1200 && (echo 'kill -ABRT $(pidof gitea) $(pidof integrations.sqlite.test)' | sh)) &
  119. - make test-sqlite
  120. when:
  121. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]
  122. test-mysql:
  123. image: golang:1.11
  124. pull: true
  125. group: test
  126. environment:
  127. TAGS: bindata
  128. TEST_LDAP: "1"
  129. commands:
  130. - curl -s | bash
  131. - apt-get install -y git-lfs
  132. - make integration-test-coverage
  133. when:
  134. event: [ push, pull_request ]
  135. branch: [ master ]
  136. test-mysql:
  137. image: golang:1.11
  138. pull: true
  139. group: test
  140. environment:
  141. TAGS: bindata
  142. TEST_LDAP: "1"
  143. commands:
  144. - curl -s | bash
  145. - apt-get install -y git-lfs
  146. - (sleep 1200 && (echo 'kill -ABRT $(pidof gitea) $(pidof integrations.test)' | sh)) &
  147. - make test-mysql
  148. when:
  149. event: [ tag ]
  150. test-pgsql:
  151. image: golang:1.11
  152. pull: true
  153. group: test
  154. environment:
  155. TAGS: bindata
  156. TEST_LDAP: "1"
  157. commands:
  158. - curl -s | bash
  159. - apt-get install -y git-lfs
  160. - (sleep 1200 && (echo 'kill -ABRT $(pidof gitea) $(pidof integrations.test)' | sh)) &
  161. - make test-pgsql
  162. when:
  163. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]
  164. generate-coverage:
  165. image: golang:1.11
  166. pull: true
  167. environment:
  168. TAGS: bindata
  169. commands:
  170. - make coverage
  171. when:
  172. event: [ push, pull_request ]
  173. branch: [ master ]
  174. coverage:
  175. image: robertstettner/drone-codecov
  176. secrets: [ codecov_token ]
  177. files:
  178. - coverage.all
  179. when:
  180. event: [ push, pull_request ]
  181. branch: [ master ]
  182. static:
  183. image: karalabe/xgo-latest:latest
  184. pull: true
  185. environment:
  186. TAGS: bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify
  187. commands:
  188. - export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
  189. - make release
  190. when:
  191. event: [ push, tag ]
  192. build-docs:
  193. image: webhippie/hugo:latest
  194. pull: true
  195. commands:
  196. - cd docs
  197. - make trans-copy
  198. - make clean
  199. - make build
  200. publish-docs:
  201. image: lucap/drone-netlify:latest
  202. pull: true
  203. secrets: [ netlify_token ]
  204. site_id: d2260bae-7861-4c02-8646-8f6440b12672
  205. path: docs/public/
  206. when:
  207. event: [ push ]
  208. branch: [ master ]
  209. docker:
  210. image: plugins/docker:17.12
  211. pull: true
  212. secrets: [ docker_username, docker_password ]
  213. repo: gitea/gitea
  214. tags: [ '${DRONE_BRANCH##release/v}' ]
  215. when:
  216. event: [ push ]
  217. branch: [ release/* ]
  218. docker:
  219. image: plugins/docker:17.12
  220. secrets: [ docker_username, docker_password ]
  221. pull: true
  222. repo: gitea/gitea
  223. default_tags: true
  224. when:
  225. event: [ push, tag ]
  226. gpg-sign:
  227. image: plugins/gpgsign:1
  228. pull: true
  229. secrets: [ gpgsign_key, gpgsign_passphrase ]
  230. detach_sign: true
  231. files:
  232. - dist/release/*
  233. excludes:
  234. - dist/release/*.sha256
  235. when:
  236. event: [ push, tag ]
  237. release:
  238. image: plugins/s3:1
  239. pull: true
  240. secrets: [ aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key ]
  241. bucket: releases
  242. endpoint:
  243. path_style: true
  244. strip_prefix: dist/release/
  245. source: dist/release/*
  246. target: /gitea/${DRONE_TAG##v}
  247. when:
  248. event: [ tag ]
  249. release:
  250. image: plugins/s3:1
  251. pull: true
  252. secrets: [ aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key ]
  253. bucket: releases
  254. endpoint:
  255. path_style: true
  256. strip_prefix: dist/release/
  257. source: dist/release/*
  258. target: /gitea/${DRONE_BRANCH##release/v}
  259. when:
  260. event: [ push ]
  261. branch: [ release/* ]
  262. release:
  263. image: plugins/s3:1
  264. pull: true
  265. secrets: [ aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key ]
  266. bucket: releases
  267. endpoint:
  268. path_style: true
  269. strip_prefix: dist/release/
  270. source: dist/release/*
  271. target: /gitea/master
  272. when:
  273. event: [ push ]
  274. branch: [ master ]
  275. github:
  276. image: plugins/github-release:1
  277. pull: true
  278. secrets: [ github_token ]
  279. files:
  280. - dist/release/*
  281. when:
  282. event: [ tag ]
  283. upload_translations:
  284. image: jonasfranz/crowdin
  285. pull: true
  286. secrets: [ crowdin_key ]
  287. project_identifier: gitea
  288. ignore_branch: true
  289. download: false
  290. files:
  291. locale_en-US.ini: options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
  292. when:
  293. event: [ push ]
  294. branch: [ master ]
  295. discord:
  296. image: appleboy/drone-discord:1.0.0
  297. pull: true
  298. secrets: [ discord_webhook_id, discord_webhook_token ]
  299. when:
  300. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]
  301. status: [ changed, failure ]
  302. services:
  303. mysql:
  304. image: mysql:5.7
  305. environment:
  306. - MYSQL_DATABASE=test
  308. when:
  309. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]
  310. pgsql:
  311. image: postgres:9.5
  312. environment:
  313. - POSTGRES_DB=test
  314. when:
  315. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]
  316. ldap:
  317. image: gitea/test-openldap:latest
  318. when:
  319. event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]