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rainbow_dash.go 1.8KB

  1. package styles
  2. import (
  3. ""
  4. )
  5. // RainbowDash style.
  6. var RainbowDash = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("rainbow_dash", chroma.StyleEntries{
  7. chroma.Comment: "italic #0080ff",
  8. chroma.CommentPreproc: "noitalic",
  9. chroma.CommentSpecial: "bold",
  10. chroma.Error: "bg:#cc0000 #ffffff",
  11. chroma.GenericDeleted: "border:#c5060b bg:#ffcccc",
  12. chroma.GenericEmph: "italic",
  13. chroma.GenericError: "#ff0000",
  14. chroma.GenericHeading: "bold #2c5dcd",
  15. chroma.GenericInserted: "border:#00cc00 bg:#ccffcc",
  16. chroma.GenericOutput: "#aaaaaa",
  17. chroma.GenericPrompt: "bold #2c5dcd",
  18. chroma.GenericStrong: "bold",
  19. chroma.GenericSubheading: "bold #2c5dcd",
  20. chroma.GenericTraceback: "#c5060b",
  21. chroma.GenericUnderline: "underline",
  22. chroma.Keyword: "bold #2c5dcd",
  23. chroma.KeywordPseudo: "nobold",
  24. chroma.KeywordType: "#5918bb",
  25. chroma.NameAttribute: "italic #2c5dcd",
  26. chroma.NameBuiltin: "bold #5918bb",
  27. chroma.NameClass: "underline",
  28. chroma.NameConstant: "#318495",
  29. chroma.NameDecorator: "bold #ff8000",
  30. chroma.NameEntity: "bold #5918bb",
  31. chroma.NameException: "bold #5918bb",
  32. chroma.NameFunction: "bold #ff8000",
  33. chroma.NameTag: "bold #2c5dcd",
  34. chroma.LiteralNumber: "bold #5918bb",
  35. chroma.Operator: "#2c5dcd",
  36. chroma.OperatorWord: "bold",
  37. chroma.LiteralString: "#00cc66",
  38. chroma.LiteralStringDoc: "italic",
  39. chroma.LiteralStringEscape: "bold #c5060b",
  40. chroma.LiteralStringOther: "#318495",
  41. chroma.LiteralStringSymbol: "bold #c5060b",
  42. chroma.Text: "#4d4d4d",
  43. chroma.TextWhitespace: "#cbcbcb",
  44. chroma.Background: " bg:#ffffff",
  45. }))