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.stylelintrc 525B

  1. extends: stylelint-config-standard
  2. rules:
  3. at-rule-empty-line-before: null
  4. block-closing-brace-empty-line-before: null
  5. color-hex-length: null
  6. comment-empty-line-before: null
  7. declaration-block-single-line-max-declarations: null
  8. declaration-empty-line-before: null
  9. indentation: 2
  10. no-descending-specificity: null
  11. number-leading-zero: never
  12. rule-empty-line-before: null
  13. selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation: double
  14. shorthand-property-no-redundant-values: true
  15. no-invalid-position-at-import-rule: null