You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

.goreleaser.yml 781B

  1. build:
  2. binary: testfixtures
  3. main: ./cmd/testfixtures
  4. goos:
  5. - windows
  6. - darwin
  7. - linux
  8. goarch:
  9. - 386
  10. - amd64
  11. ignore:
  12. - goos: darwin
  13. goarch: 386
  14. flags:
  15. - -tags=sqlite
  16. archives:
  17. - name_template: "{{.Binary}}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}}"
  18. format_overrides:
  19. - goos: windows
  20. format: zip
  21. release:
  22. draft: true
  23. snapshot:
  24. name_template: "{{.Tag}}"
  25. checksum:
  26. name_template: "testfixtures_checksums.txt"
  27. nfpms:
  28. - vendor: testfixtures
  29. homepage:
  30. maintainer: Andrey Nering <>
  31. description: Ruby on Rails like test fixtures for Go.
  32. license: MIT
  33. formats:
  34. - deb
  35. - rpm
  36. file_name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}}"