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.travis.yml 863B

  1. language: go
  2. os:
  3. - linux
  4. - osx
  5. addons:
  6. apt:
  7. update: true
  8. go:
  9. - 1.9.x
  10. - 1.10.x
  11. - 1.11.x
  12. - 1.12.x
  13. - 1.13.x
  14. - master
  15. before_install:
  16. - |
  17. if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then
  18. brew update
  19. fi
  20. - go get
  21. - go get
  22. - go get
  23. script:
  24. - $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -repotoken 3qJVUE0iQwqnCbmNcDsjYu1nh4J4KIFXx
  25. - go test -race -v . -tags ""
  26. - go test -race -v . -tags "libsqlite3"
  27. - go test -race -v . -tags "sqlite_allow_uri_authority sqlite_app_armor sqlite_foreign_keys sqlite_fts5 sqlite_icu sqlite_introspect sqlite_json sqlite_preupdate_hook sqlite_secure_delete sqlite_see sqlite_stat4 sqlite_trace sqlite_userauth sqlite_vacuum_incr sqlite_vtable sqlite_unlock_notify"
  28. - go test -race -v . -tags "sqlite_vacuum_full"