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mimeType.go 11KB

  1. // Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
  2. // Extracted from github/linguist commit: 3a1bd3c3d3e741a8aaec4704f782e06f5cd2a00d
  3. package data
  4. var LanguagesMime = map[string]string{
  5. "AGS Script": "text/x-c++src",
  6. "APL": "text/apl",
  7. "ASN.1": "text/x-ttcn-asn",
  8. "ASP": "application/x-aspx",
  9. "Alpine Abuild": "text/x-sh",
  10. "AngelScript": "text/x-c++src",
  11. "Ant Build System": "application/xml",
  12. "Apex": "text/x-java",
  13. "Asymptote": "text/x-kotlin",
  14. "Brainfuck": "text/x-brainfuck",
  15. "C": "text/x-csrc",
  16. "C#": "text/x-csharp",
  17. "C++": "text/x-c++src",
  18. "C2hs Haskell": "text/x-haskell",
  19. "CMake": "text/x-cmake",
  20. "COBOL": "text/x-cobol",
  21. "COLLADA": "text/xml",
  22. "CSON": "text/x-coffeescript",
  23. "CSS": "text/css",
  24. "Cabal Config": "text/x-haskell",
  25. "ChucK": "text/x-java",
  26. "Clojure": "text/x-clojure",
  27. "Closure Templates": "text/x-soy",
  28. "Cloud Firestore Security Rules": "text/css",
  29. "CoffeeScript": "text/x-coffeescript",
  30. "Common Lisp": "text/x-common-lisp",
  31. "Common Workflow Language": "text/x-yaml",
  32. "Component Pascal": "text/x-pascal",
  33. "Crystal": "text/x-crystal",
  34. "Cuda": "text/x-c++src",
  35. "Cycript": "text/javascript",
  36. "Cython": "text/x-cython",
  37. "D": "text/x-d",
  38. "DTrace": "text/x-csrc",
  39. "Dart": "application/dart",
  40. "Dhall": "text/x-haskell",
  41. "Diff": "text/x-diff",
  42. "Dockerfile": "text/x-dockerfile",
  43. "Dylan": "text/x-dylan",
  44. "EBNF": "text/x-ebnf",
  45. "ECL": "text/x-ecl",
  46. "EQ": "text/x-csharp",
  47. "Eagle": "text/xml",
  48. "Easybuild": "text/x-python",
  49. "Ecere Projects": "application/json",
  50. "EditorConfig": "text/x-properties",
  51. "Edje Data Collection": "application/json",
  52. "Eiffel": "text/x-eiffel",
  53. "Elm": "text/x-elm",
  54. "Emacs Lisp": "text/x-common-lisp",
  55. "EmberScript": "text/x-coffeescript",
  56. "Erlang": "text/x-erlang",
  57. "F#": "text/x-fsharp",
  58. "Factor": "text/x-factor",
  59. "Forth": "text/x-forth",
  60. "Fortran": "text/x-fortran",
  61. "GCC Machine Description": "text/x-common-lisp",
  62. "GN": "text/x-python",
  63. "Game Maker Language": "text/x-c++src",
  64. "Genshi": "text/xml",
  65. "Gentoo Ebuild": "text/x-sh",
  66. "Gentoo Eclass": "text/x-sh",
  67. "Git Attributes": "text/x-sh",
  68. "Git Config": "text/x-properties",
  69. "Glyph": "text/x-tcl",
  70. "Go": "text/x-go",
  71. "Grammatical Framework": "text/x-haskell",
  72. "Groovy": "text/x-groovy",
  73. "Groovy Server Pages": "application/x-jsp",
  74. "HCL": "text/x-ruby",
  75. "HTML": "text/html",
  76. "HTML+Django": "text/x-django",
  77. "HTML+ECR": "text/html",
  78. "HTML+EEX": "text/html",
  79. "HTML+ERB": "application/x-erb",
  80. "HTML+PHP": "application/x-httpd-php",
  81. "HTML+Razor": "text/html",
  82. "HTTP": "message/http",
  83. "Hack": "application/x-httpd-php",
  84. "Haml": "text/x-haml",
  85. "Haskell": "text/x-haskell",
  86. "Haxe": "text/x-haxe",
  87. "HolyC": "text/x-csrc",
  88. "IDL": "text/x-idl",
  89. "INI": "text/x-properties",
  90. "IRC log": "text/mirc",
  91. "Ignore List": "text/x-sh",
  92. "JSON": "application/json",
  93. "JSON with Comments": "text/javascript",
  94. "JSON5": "application/json",
  95. "JSONLD": "application/json",
  96. "JSONiq": "application/json",
  97. "JSX": "text/jsx",
  98. "Java": "text/x-java",
  99. "Java Properties": "text/x-properties",
  100. "Java Server Pages": "application/x-jsp",
  101. "JavaScript": "text/javascript",
  102. "JavaScript+ERB": "application/javascript",
  103. "Julia": "text/x-julia",
  104. "Jupyter Notebook": "application/json",
  105. "KiCad Layout": "text/x-common-lisp",
  106. "Kit": "text/html",
  107. "Kotlin": "text/x-kotlin",
  108. "LFE": "text/x-common-lisp",
  109. "LTspice Symbol": "text/x-spreadsheet",
  110. "LabVIEW": "text/xml",
  111. "Latte": "text/x-smarty",
  112. "Less": "text/css",
  113. "Literate Haskell": "text/x-literate-haskell",
  114. "LiveScript": "text/x-livescript",
  115. "LookML": "text/x-yaml",
  116. "Lua": "text/x-lua",
  117. "M": "text/x-mumps",
  118. "MATLAB": "text/x-octave",
  119. "MTML": "text/html",
  120. "MUF": "text/x-forth",
  121. "Makefile": "text/x-cmake",
  122. "Markdown": "text/x-gfm",
  123. "Marko": "text/html",
  124. "Mathematica": "text/x-mathematica",
  125. "Maven POM": "text/xml",
  126. "Max": "application/json",
  127. "Metal": "text/x-c++src",
  128. "Mirah": "text/x-ruby",
  129. "Modelica": "text/x-modelica",
  130. "NSIS": "text/x-nsis",
  131. "NetLogo": "text/x-common-lisp",
  132. "NewLisp": "text/x-common-lisp",
  133. "Nginx": "text/x-nginx-conf",
  134. "Nu": "text/x-scheme",
  135. "NumPy": "text/x-python",
  136. "OCaml": "text/x-ocaml",
  137. "Objective-C": "text/x-objectivec",
  138. "Objective-C++": "text/x-objectivec",
  139. "OpenCL": "text/x-csrc",
  140. "OpenRC runscript": "text/x-sh",
  141. "Oz": "text/x-oz",
  142. "PHP": "application/x-httpd-php",
  143. "PLSQL": "text/x-plsql",
  144. "PLpgSQL": "text/x-sql",
  145. "Pascal": "text/x-pascal",
  146. "Perl": "text/x-perl",
  147. "Perl 6": "text/x-perl",
  148. "Pic": "text/troff",
  149. "Pod": "text/x-perl",
  150. "PowerShell": "application/x-powershell",
  151. "Protocol Buffer": "text/x-protobuf",
  152. "Public Key": "application/pgp",
  153. "Pug": "text/x-pug",
  154. "Puppet": "text/x-puppet",
  155. "PureScript": "text/x-haskell",
  156. "Python": "text/x-python",
  157. "R": "text/x-rsrc",
  158. "RAML": "text/x-yaml",
  159. "RHTML": "application/x-erb",
  160. "RMarkdown": "text/x-gfm",
  161. "RPM Spec": "text/x-rpm-spec",
  162. "Reason": "text/x-rustsrc",
  163. "Roff": "text/troff",
  164. "Roff Manpage": "text/troff",
  165. "Rouge": "text/x-clojure",
  166. "Ruby": "text/x-ruby",
  167. "Rust": "text/x-rustsrc",
  168. "SAS": "text/x-sas",
  169. "SCSS": "text/x-scss",
  170. "SPARQL": "application/sparql-query",
  171. "SQL": "text/x-sql",
  172. "SQLPL": "text/x-sql",
  173. "SRecode Template": "text/x-common-lisp",
  174. "SVG": "text/xml",
  175. "Sage": "text/x-python",
  176. "SaltStack": "text/x-yaml",
  177. "Sass": "text/x-sass",
  178. "Scala": "text/x-scala",
  179. "Scheme": "text/x-scheme",
  180. "Shell": "text/x-sh",
  181. "ShellSession": "text/x-sh",
  182. "Slim": "text/x-slim",
  183. "Smalltalk": "text/x-stsrc",
  184. "Smarty": "text/x-smarty",
  185. "Squirrel": "text/x-c++src",
  186. "Standard ML": "text/x-ocaml",
  187. "Svelte": "text/html",
  188. "Swift": "text/x-swift",
  189. "SystemVerilog": "text/x-systemverilog",
  190. "TOML": "text/x-toml",
  191. "TSX": "text/jsx",
  192. "Tcl": "text/x-tcl",
  193. "Tcsh": "text/x-sh",
  194. "TeX": "text/x-stex",
  195. "Terra": "text/x-lua",
  196. "Textile": "text/x-textile",
  197. "Turtle": "text/turtle",
  198. "Twig": "text/x-twig",
  199. "TypeScript": "application/typescript",
  200. "Unified Parallel C": "text/x-csrc",
  201. "Unity3D Asset": "text/x-yaml",
  202. "Uno": "text/x-csharp",
  203. "UnrealScript": "text/x-java",
  204. "VHDL": "text/x-vhdl",
  205. "Verilog": "text/x-verilog",
  206. "Visual Basic": "text/x-vb",
  207. "Volt": "text/x-d",
  208. "WebAssembly": "text/x-common-lisp",
  209. "WebIDL": "text/x-webidl",
  210. "Windows Registry Entries": "text/x-properties",
  211. "X BitMap": "text/x-csrc",
  212. "X PixMap": "text/x-csrc",
  213. "XC": "text/x-csrc",
  214. "XML": "text/xml",
  215. "XPages": "text/xml",
  216. "XProc": "text/xml",
  217. "XQuery": "application/xquery",
  218. "XS": "text/x-csrc",
  219. "XSLT": "text/xml",
  220. "YAML": "text/x-yaml",
  221. "edn": "text/x-clojure",
  222. "reStructuredText": "text/x-rst",
  223. "wisp": "text/x-clojure",
  224. }