選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。

user.go 6.1KB

  1. // Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
  3. // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
  4. package models
  5. import (
  6. "errors"
  7. "fmt"
  8. "os"
  9. "path/filepath"
  10. "strings"
  11. "time"
  12. "github.com/dchest/scrypt"
  13. "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base"
  14. git "github.com/libgit2/git2go"
  15. )
  16. var UserPasswdSalt string
  17. func init() {
  18. UserPasswdSalt = base.Cfg.MustValue("security", "USER_PASSWD_SALT")
  19. }
  20. // User types.
  21. const (
  22. UT_INDIVIDUAL = iota + 1
  24. )
  25. // Login types.
  26. const (
  27. LT_PLAIN = iota + 1
  28. LT_LDAP
  29. )
  30. // A User represents the object of individual and member of organization.
  31. type User struct {
  32. Id int64
  33. LowerName string `xorm:"unique not null"`
  34. Name string `xorm:"unique not null"`
  35. Email string `xorm:"unique not null"`
  36. Passwd string `xorm:"not null"`
  37. LoginType int
  38. Type int
  39. NumFollowers int
  40. NumFollowings int
  41. NumStars int
  42. NumRepos int
  43. Avatar string `xorm:"varchar(2048) not null"`
  44. AvatarEmail string `xorm:"not null"`
  45. Location string
  46. Website string
  47. Created time.Time `xorm:"created"`
  48. Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated"`
  49. }
  50. // A Follow represents
  51. type Follow struct {
  52. Id int64
  53. UserId int64 `xorm:"unique(s)"`
  54. FollowId int64 `xorm:"unique(s)"`
  55. Created time.Time `xorm:"created"`
  56. }
  57. var (
  58. ErrUserOwnRepos = errors.New("User still have ownership of repositories")
  59. ErrUserAlreadyExist = errors.New("User already exist")
  60. ErrUserNotExist = errors.New("User does not exist")
  61. ErrEmailAlreadyUsed = errors.New("E-mail already used")
  62. )
  63. // IsUserExist checks if given user name exist,
  64. // the user name should be noncased unique.
  65. func IsUserExist(name string) (bool, error) {
  66. return orm.Get(&User{LowerName: strings.ToLower(name)})
  67. }
  68. func IsEmailUsed(email string) (bool, error) {
  69. return orm.Get(&User{Email: email})
  70. }
  71. func (user *User) NewGitSig() *git.Signature {
  72. return &git.Signature{
  73. Name: user.Name,
  74. Email: user.Email,
  75. When: time.Now(),
  76. }
  77. }
  78. // RegisterUser creates record of a new user.
  79. func RegisterUser(user *User) (err error) {
  80. isExist, err := IsUserExist(user.Name)
  81. if err != nil {
  82. return err
  83. } else if isExist {
  84. return ErrUserAlreadyExist
  85. }
  86. isExist, err = IsEmailUsed(user.Email)
  87. if err != nil {
  88. return err
  89. } else if isExist {
  90. return ErrEmailAlreadyUsed
  91. }
  92. user.LowerName = strings.ToLower(user.Name)
  93. user.Avatar = base.EncodeMd5(user.Email)
  94. user.AvatarEmail = user.Email
  95. if err = user.EncodePasswd(); err != nil {
  96. return err
  97. }
  98. if _, err = orm.Insert(user); err != nil {
  99. return err
  100. }
  101. if err = os.MkdirAll(UserPath(user.Name), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
  102. if _, err := orm.Id(user.Id).Delete(&User{}); err != nil {
  103. return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(
  104. "both create userpath %s and delete table record faild", user.Name))
  105. }
  106. return err
  107. }
  108. return nil
  109. }
  110. // UpdateUser updates user's information.
  111. func UpdateUser(user *User) (err error) {
  112. _, err = orm.Id(user.Id).Update(user)
  113. return err
  114. }
  115. // DeleteUser completely deletes everything of the user.
  116. func DeleteUser(user *User) error {
  117. count, err := GetRepositoryCount(user)
  118. if err != nil {
  119. return errors.New("modesl.GetRepositories: " + err.Error())
  120. } else if count > 0 {
  121. return ErrUserOwnRepos
  122. }
  123. // TODO: check issues, other repos' commits
  124. _, err = orm.Delete(user)
  125. // TODO: delete and update follower information.
  126. return err
  127. }
  128. // EncodePasswd encodes password to safe format.
  129. func (user *User) EncodePasswd() error {
  130. newPasswd, err := scrypt.Key([]byte(user.Passwd), []byte(UserPasswdSalt), 16384, 8, 1, 64)
  131. user.Passwd = fmt.Sprintf("%x", newPasswd)
  132. return err
  133. }
  134. func UserPath(userName string) string {
  135. return filepath.Join(RepoRootPath, userName)
  136. }
  137. func GetUserByKeyId(keyId int64) (*User, error) {
  138. user := new(User)
  139. has, err := orm.Sql("select a.* from user as a, public_key as b where a.id = b.owner_id and b.id=?", keyId).Get(user)
  140. if err != nil {
  141. return nil, err
  142. }
  143. if !has {
  144. err = errors.New("not exist key owner")
  145. return nil, err
  146. }
  147. return user, nil
  148. }
  149. func GetUserById(id int64) (*User, error) {
  150. user := new(User)
  151. has, err := orm.Id(id).Get(user)
  152. if err != nil {
  153. return nil, err
  154. }
  155. if !has {
  156. return nil, ErrUserNotExist
  157. }
  158. return user, nil
  159. }
  160. func GetUserByName(name string) (*User, error) {
  161. if len(name) == 0 {
  162. return nil, ErrUserNotExist
  163. }
  164. user := &User{
  165. LowerName: strings.ToLower(name),
  166. }
  167. has, err := orm.Get(user)
  168. if err != nil {
  169. return nil, err
  170. }
  171. if !has {
  172. return nil, ErrUserNotExist
  173. }
  174. return user, nil
  175. }
  176. // LoginUserPlain validates user by raw user name and password.
  177. func LoginUserPlain(name, passwd string) (*User, error) {
  178. user := User{LowerName: strings.ToLower(name), Passwd: passwd}
  179. if err := user.EncodePasswd(); err != nil {
  180. return nil, err
  181. }
  182. has, err := orm.Get(&user)
  183. if !has {
  184. err = ErrUserNotExist
  185. }
  186. if err != nil {
  187. return nil, err
  188. }
  189. return &user, nil
  190. }
  191. // FollowUser marks someone be another's follower.
  192. func FollowUser(userId int64, followId int64) error {
  193. session := orm.NewSession()
  194. defer session.Close()
  195. session.Begin()
  196. _, err := session.Insert(&Follow{UserId: userId, FollowId: followId})
  197. if err != nil {
  198. session.Rollback()
  199. return err
  200. }
  201. _, err = session.Exec("update user set num_followers = num_followers + 1 where id = ?", followId)
  202. if err != nil {
  203. session.Rollback()
  204. return err
  205. }
  206. _, err = session.Exec("update user set num_followings = num_followings + 1 where id = ?", userId)
  207. if err != nil {
  208. session.Rollback()
  209. return err
  210. }
  211. return session.Commit()
  212. }
  213. // UnFollowUser unmarks someone be another's follower.
  214. func UnFollowUser(userId int64, unFollowId int64) error {
  215. session := orm.NewSession()
  216. defer session.Close()
  217. session.Begin()
  218. _, err := session.Delete(&Follow{UserId: userId, FollowId: unFollowId})
  219. if err != nil {
  220. session.Rollback()
  221. return err
  222. }
  223. _, err = session.Exec("update user set num_followers = num_followers - 1 where id = ?", unFollowId)
  224. if err != nil {
  225. session.Rollback()
  226. return err
  227. }
  228. _, err = session.Exec("update user set num_followings = num_followings - 1 where id = ?", userId)
  229. if err != nil {
  230. session.Rollback()
  231. return err
  232. }
  233. return session.Commit()
  234. }