You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

locale_en-US.ini 95KB

  1. app_desc = A painless, self-hosted Git service
  2. home = Home
  3. dashboard = Dashboard
  4. explore = Explore
  5. help = Help
  6. sign_in = Sign In
  7. sign_in_with = Sign In With
  8. sign_out = Sign Out
  9. sign_up = Register
  10. link_account = Link Account
  11. register = Register
  12. website = Website
  13. version = Version
  14. page = Page
  15. template = Template
  16. language = Language
  17. notifications = Notifications
  18. create_new = Create…
  19. user_profile_and_more = Profile and Settings…
  20. signed_in_as = Signed in as
  21. enable_javascript = This website works better with JavaScript.
  22. username = Username
  23. email = Email Address
  24. password = Password
  25. re_type = Re-Type Password
  26. captcha = CAPTCHA
  27. twofa = Two-Factor Authentication
  28. twofa_scratch = Two-Factor Scratch Code
  29. passcode = Passcode
  30. u2f_insert_key = Insert your security key
  31. u2f_sign_in = Press the button on your security key. If your security key has no button, re-insert it.
  32. u2f_press_button = Please press the button on your security key…
  33. u2f_use_twofa = Use a two-factor code from your phone
  34. u2f_error = Could not read your security key.
  35. u2f_unsupported_browser = Your browser does not support U2F security keys.
  36. u2f_error_1 = An unknown error occurred. Please retry.
  37. u2f_error_2 = Please make sure to use the correct, encrypted (https://) URL.
  38. u2f_error_3 = The server could not process your request.
  39. u2f_error_4 = The security key is not permitted for this request. Please make sure that the key is not already registered.
  40. u2f_error_5 = Timeout reached before your key could be read. Please reload this page and retry.
  41. u2f_reload = Reload
  42. repository = Repository
  43. organization = Organization
  44. mirror = Mirror
  45. new_repo = New Repository
  46. new_migrate = New Migration
  47. new_mirror = New Mirror
  48. new_fork = New Repository Fork
  49. new_org = New Organization
  50. manage_org = Manage Organizations
  51. admin_panel = Site Administration
  52. account_settings = Account Settings
  53. settings = Settings
  54. your_profile = Profile
  55. your_starred = Starred
  56. your_settings = Settings
  57. all = All
  58. sources = Sources
  59. mirrors = Mirrors
  60. collaborative = Collaborative
  61. forks = Forks
  62. activities = Activities
  63. pull_requests = Pull Requests
  64. issues = Issues
  65. cancel = Cancel
  66. write = Write
  67. preview = Preview
  68. loading = Loading…
  69. [install]
  70. install = Installation
  71. title = Initial Configuration
  72. docker_helper = If you run Gitea inside Docker, please read the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">documentation</a> before changing any settings.
  73. requite_db_desc = Gitea requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL or SQLite3.
  74. db_title = Database Settings
  75. db_type = Database Type
  76. host = Host
  77. user = Username
  78. password = Password
  79. db_name = Database Name
  80. db_helper = Note to MySQL users: please use the InnoDB storage engine and the 'utf8_general_ci' character set.
  81. ssl_mode = SSL
  82. path = Path
  83. sqlite_helper = File path for the SQLite3 database.<br>Enter an absolute path if you run Gitea as a service.
  84. err_empty_db_path = The SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
  85. no_admin_and_disable_registration = You cannot disable user self-registration without creating an administrator account.
  86. err_empty_admin_password = The administrator password cannot be empty.
  87. general_title = General Settings
  88. app_name = Site Title
  89. app_name_helper = You can enter your company name here.
  90. repo_path = Repository Root Path
  91. repo_path_helper = Remote Git repositories will be saved to this directory.
  92. lfs_path = Git LFS Root Path
  93. lfs_path_helper = Files tracked by Git LFS will be stored in this directory. Leave empty to disable.
  94. run_user = Run As Username
  95. run_user_helper = Enter the operating system username that Gitea runs as. Note that this user must have access to the repository root path.
  96. domain = SSH Server Domain
  97. domain_helper = Domain or host address for SSH clone URLs.
  98. ssh_port = SSH Server Port
  99. ssh_port_helper = Port number your SSH server listens on. Leave empty to disable.
  100. http_port = Gitea HTTP Listen Port
  101. http_port_helper = Port number the Giteas web server will listen on.
  102. app_url = Gitea Base URL
  103. app_url_helper = Base address for HTTP(S) clone URLs and email notifications.
  104. log_root_path = Log Path
  105. log_root_path_helper = Log files will be written to this directory.
  106. optional_title = Optional Settings
  107. email_title = Email Settings
  108. smtp_host = SMTP Host
  109. smtp_from = Send Email As
  110. smtp_from_helper = Email address Gitea will use. Enter a plain email address or use the "Name" <> format.
  111. mailer_user = SMTP Username
  112. mailer_password = SMTP Password
  113. register_confirm = Require Email Confirmation to Register
  114. mail_notify = Enable Email Notifications
  115. server_service_title = Server and Third-Party Service Settings
  116. offline_mode = Enable Local Mode
  117. offline_mode_popup = Disable third-party content delivery networks and serve all resources locally.
  118. disable_gravatar = Disable Gravatar
  119. disable_gravatar_popup = Disable Gravatar and third-party avatar sources. A default avatar will be used unless a user locally uploads an avatar.
  120. federated_avatar_lookup = Enable Federated Avatars
  121. federated_avatar_lookup_popup = Enable federated avatar lookup using Libravatar.
  122. disable_registration = Disable Self-Registration
  123. disable_registration_popup = Disable user self-registration. Only administrators will be able to create new user accounts.
  124. allow_only_external_registration_popup = Allow Registration Only Through External Services
  125. openid_signin = Enable OpenID Sign-In
  126. openid_signin_popup = Enable user sign-in via OpenID.
  127. openid_signup = Enable OpenID Self-Registration
  128. openid_signup_popup = Enable OpenID-based user self-registration.
  129. enable_captcha = Enable CAPTCHA
  130. enable_captcha_popup = Require a CAPTCHA for user self-registration.
  131. require_sign_in_view = Require Sign-In to View Pages
  132. require_sign_in_view_popup = Limit page access to signed-in users. Visitors will only see the 'sign in' and registration pages.
  133. admin_setting_desc = Creating an administrator account is optional. The first registered user will automatically become an administrator.
  134. admin_title = Administrator Account Settings
  135. admin_name = Administrator Username
  136. admin_password = Password
  137. confirm_password = Confirm Password
  138. admin_email = Email Address
  139. install_btn_confirm = Install Gitea
  140. test_git_failed = Could not test 'git' command: %v
  141. sqlite3_not_available = This Gitea version does not support SQLite3. Please download the official binary version from %s (not the 'gobuild' version).
  142. invalid_db_setting = The database settings are invalid: %v
  143. invalid_repo_path = The repository root path is invalid: %v
  144. run_user_not_match = The 'run as' username is not the current username: %s -> %s
  145. save_config_failed = Failed to save configuration: %v
  146. invalid_admin_setting = Administrator account setting is invalid: %v
  147. install_success = Welcome! Thank you for choosing Gitea. Have fun and take care!
  148. invalid_log_root_path = The log path is invalid: %v
  149. default_keep_email_private = Hide Email Addresses by Default
  150. default_keep_email_private_popup = Hide email addresses of new user accounts by default.
  151. default_allow_create_organization = Allow Creation of Organizations by Default
  152. default_allow_create_organization_popup = Allow new user accounts to create organizations by default.
  153. default_enable_timetracking = Enable Time Tracking by Default
  154. default_enable_timetracking_popup = Enable time tracking for new repositories by default.
  155. no_reply_address = Hidden Email Domain
  156. no_reply_address_helper = Domain name for users with a hidden email address. For example, the username 'joe' will be logged in Git as '' if the hidden email domain is set to ''.
  157. [home]
  158. uname_holder = Username or Email Address
  159. password_holder = Password
  160. switch_dashboard_context = Switch Dashboard Context
  161. my_repos = Repositories
  162. show_more_repos = Show more repositories…
  163. collaborative_repos = Collaborative Repositories
  164. my_orgs = My Organizations
  165. my_mirrors = My Mirrors
  166. view_home = View %s
  167. search_repos = Find a repository…
  168. issues.in_your_repos = In your repositories
  169. [explore]
  170. repos = Repositories
  171. users = Users
  172. organizations = Organizations
  173. search = Search
  174. code = Code
  175. repo_no_results = No matching repositories found.
  176. user_no_results = No matching users found.
  177. org_no_results = No matching organizations found.
  178. code_no_results = No source code matching your search term found.
  179. code_search_results = Search results for '%s'
  180. [auth]
  181. create_new_account = Register Account
  182. register_helper_msg = Already have an account? Sign in now!
  183. social_register_helper_msg = Already have an account? Link it now!
  184. disable_register_prompt = Registration is disabled. Please contact your site administrator.
  185. disable_register_mail = Email confirmation for registration is disabled.
  186. remember_me = Remember Me
  187. forgot_password_title= Forgot Password
  188. forgot_password = Forgot password?
  189. sign_up_now = Need an account? Register now.
  190. sign_up_successful = Account was successfully created.
  191. confirmation_mail_sent_prompt = A new confirmation email has been sent to <b>%s</b>. Please check your inbox within the next %s to complete the registration process.
  192. must_change_password = Update your password
  193. allow_password_change = Require user to change password (recommended)
  194. reset_password_mail_sent_prompt = A confirmation email has been sent to <b>%s</b>. Please check your inbox within the next %s to complete the account recovery process.
  195. active_your_account = Activate Your Account
  196. account_activated = Account has been activated
  197. prohibit_login = Sign In Prohibited
  198. prohibit_login_desc = Your account is prohibited to sign in, please contact your site administrator.
  199. resent_limit_prompt = You have already requested an activation email recently. Please wait 3 minutes and try again.
  200. has_unconfirmed_mail = Hi %s, you have an unconfirmed email address (<b>%s</b>). If you haven't received a confirmation email or need to resend a new one, please click on the button below.
  201. resend_mail = Click here to resend your activation email
  202. email_not_associate = The email address is not associated with any account.
  203. send_reset_mail = Send Account Recovery Email
  204. reset_password = Account Recovery
  205. invalid_code = Your confirmation code is invalid or has expired.
  206. reset_password_helper = Recover Account
  207. reset_password_wrong_user = You are signed in as %s, but the account recovery link is for %s
  208. password_too_short = Password length cannot be less than %d characters.
  209. non_local_account = Non-local users can not update their password through the Gitea web interface.
  210. verify = Verify
  211. scratch_code = Scratch code
  212. use_scratch_code = Use a scratch code
  213. twofa_scratch_used = You have used your scratch code. You have been redirected to the two-factor settings page so you may remove your device enrollment or generate a new scratch code.
  214. twofa_passcode_incorrect = Your passcode is incorrect. If you misplaced your device, use your scratch code to sign in.
  215. twofa_scratch_token_incorrect = Your scratch code is incorrect.
  216. login_userpass = Sign In
  217. login_openid = OpenID
  218. oauth_signup_tab = Register New Account
  219. oauth_signup_title = Add Email and Password (for Account Recovery)
  220. oauth_signup_submit = Complete Account
  221. oauth_signin_tab = Link to Existing Account
  222. oauth_signin_title = Sign In to Authorize Linked Account
  223. oauth_signin_submit = Link Account
  224. openid_connect_submit = Connect
  225. openid_connect_title = Connect to an existing account
  226. openid_connect_desc = The chosen OpenID URI is unknown. Associate it with a new account here.
  227. openid_register_title = Create new account
  228. openid_register_desc = The chosen OpenID URI is unknown. Associate it with a new account here.
  229. openid_signin_desc = Enter your OpenID URI. For example:, or
  230. disable_forgot_password_mail = Account recovery is disabled. Please contact your site administrator.
  231. email_domain_blacklisted = You cannot register with your email address.
  232. authorize_application = Authorize Application
  233. authroize_redirect_notice = You will be redirected to %s if you authorize this application.
  234. authorize_application_created_by = This application was created by %s.
  235. authorize_application_description = If you grant the access, it will be able to access and write to all your account information, including private repos and organisations.
  236. authorize_title = Authorize "%s" to access your account?
  237. authorization_failed = Authorization failed
  238. authorization_failed_desc = The authorization failed because we detected an invalid request. Please contact the maintainer of the app you've tried to authorize.
  239. disable_forgot_password_mail = Account recovery is disabled. Please contact your site administrator.
  240. [mail]
  241. activate_account = Please activate your account
  242. activate_email = Verify your email address
  243. reset_password = Recover your account
  244. register_success = Registration successful
  245. register_notify = Welcome to Gitea
  246. [modal]
  247. yes = Yes
  248. no = No
  249. modify = Update
  250. [form]
  251. UserName = Username
  252. RepoName = Repository name
  253. Email = Email address
  254. Password = Password
  255. Retype = Re-Type Password
  256. SSHTitle = SSH key name
  257. HttpsUrl = HTTPS URL
  258. PayloadUrl = Payload URL
  259. TeamName = Team name
  260. AuthName = Authorization name
  261. AdminEmail = Admin email
  262. NewBranchName = New branch name
  263. CommitSummary = Commit summary
  264. CommitMessage = Commit message
  265. CommitChoice = Commit choice
  266. TreeName = File path
  267. Content = Content
  268. require_error = ` cannot be empty.`
  269. alpha_dash_error = ` should contain only alphanumeric, dash ('-') and underscore ('_') characters.`
  270. alpha_dash_dot_error = ` should contain only alphanumeric, dash ('-'), underscore ('_') and dot ('.') characters.`
  271. git_ref_name_error = ` must be a well-formed Git reference name.`
  272. size_error = ` must be size %s.`
  273. min_size_error = ` must contain at least %s characters.`
  274. max_size_error = ` must contain at most %s characters.`
  275. email_error = ` is not a valid email address.`
  276. url_error = ` is not a valid URL.`
  277. include_error = ` must contain substring '%s'.`
  278. unknown_error = Unknown error:
  279. captcha_incorrect = The CAPTCHA code is incorrect.
  280. password_not_match = The passwords do not match.
  281. username_been_taken = The username is already taken.
  282. repo_name_been_taken = The repository name is already used.
  283. visit_rate_limit = Remote visit addressed rate limitation.
  284. 2fa_auth_required = Remote visit required two factors authentication.
  285. org_name_been_taken = The organization name is already taken.
  286. team_name_been_taken = The team name is already taken.
  287. team_no_units_error = Allow access to at least one repository section.
  288. email_been_used = The email address is already used.
  289. openid_been_used = The OpenID address '%s' is already used.
  290. username_password_incorrect = Username or password is incorrect.
  291. enterred_invalid_repo_name = The repository name you entered is incorrect.
  292. enterred_invalid_owner_name = The new owner name is not valid.
  293. enterred_invalid_password = The password you entered is incorrect.
  294. user_not_exist = The user does not exist.
  295. last_org_owner = You cannot remove the last user from the 'owners' team. There must be at least one owner in any given team.
  296. cannot_add_org_to_team = An organization cannot be added as a team member.
  297. invalid_ssh_key = Can not verify your SSH key: %s
  298. invalid_gpg_key = Can not verify your GPG key: %s
  299. unable_verify_ssh_key = "Can not verify the SSH key; double-check it for mistakes."
  300. auth_failed = Authentication failed: %v
  301. still_own_repo = "Your account owns one or more repositories; delete or transfer them first."
  302. still_has_org = "Your account is a member of one or more organizations; leave them first."
  303. org_still_own_repo = "This organization still owns one or more repositories; delete or transfer them first."
  304. target_branch_not_exist = Target branch does not exist.
  305. [user]
  306. change_avatar = Change your avatar…
  307. join_on = Joined on
  308. repositories = Repositories
  309. activity = Public Activity
  310. followers = Followers
  311. starred = Starred Repositories
  312. following = Following
  313. follow = Follow
  314. unfollow = Unfollow
  315. heatmap.loading = Loading Heatmap…
  316. user_bio = Biography
  317. form.name_reserved = The username '%s' is reserved.
  318. form.name_pattern_not_allowed = The pattern '%s' is not allowed in a username.
  319. [settings]
  320. profile = Profile
  321. account = Account
  322. password = Password
  323. security = Security
  324. avatar = Avatar
  325. ssh_gpg_keys = SSH / GPG Keys
  326. social = Social Accounts
  327. applications = Applications
  328. orgs = Manage Organizations
  329. repos = Repositories
  330. delete = Delete Account
  331. twofa = Two-Factor Authentication
  332. account_link = Linked Accounts
  333. organization = Organizations
  334. uid = Uid
  335. u2f = Security Keys
  336. public_profile = Public Profile
  337. profile_desc = Your email address will be used for notifications and other operations.
  338. password_username_disabled = Non-local users are not allowed to change their username. Please contact your site administrator for more details.
  339. full_name = Full Name
  340. website = Website
  341. location = Location
  342. update_theme = Update Theme
  343. update_profile = Update Profile
  344. update_profile_success = Your profile has been updated.
  345. change_username = Your username has been changed.
  346. change_username_prompt = Note: username changes also change your account URL.
  347. continue = Continue
  348. cancel = Cancel
  349. language = Language
  350. ui = Theme
  351. lookup_avatar_by_mail = Look Up Avatar by Email Address
  352. federated_avatar_lookup = Federated Avatar Lookup
  353. enable_custom_avatar = Use Custom Avatar
  354. choose_new_avatar = Choose new avatar
  355. update_avatar = Update Avatar
  356. delete_current_avatar = Delete Current Avatar
  357. uploaded_avatar_not_a_image = The uploaded file is not an image.
  358. update_avatar_success = Your avatar has been updated.
  359. change_password = Update Password
  360. old_password = Current Password
  361. new_password = New Password
  362. retype_new_password = Re-Type New Password
  363. password_incorrect = The current password is incorrect.
  364. change_password_success = Your password has been updated. Sign in using your new password from now on.
  365. password_change_disabled = Non-local users can not update their password through the Gitea web interface.
  366. emails = Email Addresses
  367. manage_emails = Manage Email Addresses
  368. manage_themes = Select default theme
  369. manage_openid = Manage OpenID Addresses
  370. email_desc = Your primary email address will be used for notifications and other operations.
  371. theme_desc = This will be your default theme across the site.
  372. primary = Primary
  373. primary_email = Make Primary
  374. delete_email = Remove
  375. email_deletion = Remove Email Address
  376. email_deletion_desc = The email address and related information will be removed from your account. Git commits by this email address will remain unchanged. Continue?
  377. email_deletion_success = The email address has been removed.
  378. theme_update_success = Your theme was updated.
  379. theme_update_error = The selected theme does not exist.
  380. openid_deletion = Remove OpenID Address
  381. openid_deletion_desc = Removing this OpenID address from your account will prevent you from signing in with it. Continue?
  382. openid_deletion_success = The OpenID address has been removed.
  383. add_new_email = Add New Email Address
  384. add_new_openid = Add New OpenID URI
  385. add_email = Add Email Address
  386. add_openid = Add OpenID URI
  387. add_email_confirmation_sent = A confirmation email has been sent to '%s'. Please check your inbox within the next %s to confirm your email address.
  388. add_email_success = The new email address has been added.
  389. add_openid_success = The new OpenID address has been added.
  390. keep_email_private = Hide Email Address
  391. keep_email_private_popup = Your email address will be hidden from other users.
  392. openid_desc = OpenID lets you delegate authentication to an external provider.
  393. manage_ssh_keys = Manage SSH Keys
  394. manage_gpg_keys = Manage GPG Keys
  395. add_key = Add Key
  396. ssh_desc = These public SSH keys are associated with your account. The corresponding private keys allow full access to your repositories.
  397. gpg_desc = These public GPG keys are associated with your account. Keep your private keys safe as they allow commits to be verified.
  398. ssh_helper = <strong>Need help?</strong> Have a look at GitHub's guide to <a href="%s">create your own SSH keys</a> or solve <a href="%s">common problems</a> you may encounter using SSH.
  399. gpg_helper = <strong>Need help?</strong> Have a look at GitHub's guide <a href="%s">about GPG</a>.
  400. add_new_key = Add SSH Key
  401. add_new_gpg_key = Add GPG Key
  402. ssh_key_been_used = This SSH key has already been added to the server.
  403. ssh_key_name_used = An SSH key with same name is already added to your account.
  404. gpg_key_id_used = A public GPG key with same ID already exists.
  405. gpg_no_key_email_found = This GPG key is not usable with any email address associated with your account.
  406. subkeys = Subkeys
  407. key_id = Key ID
  408. key_name = Key Name
  409. key_content = Content
  410. add_key_success = The SSH key '%s' has been added.
  411. add_gpg_key_success = The GPG key '%s' has been added.
  412. delete_key = Remove
  413. ssh_key_deletion = Remove SSH Key
  414. gpg_key_deletion = Remove GPG Key
  415. ssh_key_deletion_desc = Removing an SSH key revokes its access to your account. Continue?
  416. gpg_key_deletion_desc = Removing a GPG key un-verifies commits signed by it. Continue?
  417. ssh_key_deletion_success = The SSH key has been removed.
  418. gpg_key_deletion_success = The GPG key has been removed.
  419. add_on = Added on
  420. valid_until = Valid until
  421. valid_forever = Valid forever
  422. last_used = Last used on
  423. no_activity = No recent activity
  424. can_read_info = Read
  425. can_write_info = Write
  426. key_state_desc = This key has been used in the last 7 days
  427. token_state_desc = This token has been used in the last 7 days
  428. show_openid = Show on profile
  429. hide_openid = Hide from profile
  430. ssh_disabled = SSH Disabled
  431. manage_social = Manage Associated Social Accounts
  432. social_desc = These social accounts are linked to your Gitea account. Make sure you recognize all of them as they can be used to sign in to your Gitea account.
  433. unbind = Unlink
  434. unbind_success = The social account has been unlinked from your Gitea account.
  435. manage_access_token = Manage Access Tokens
  436. generate_new_token = Generate New Token
  437. tokens_desc = These tokens grant access to your account using the Gitea API.
  438. new_token_desc = Applications using a token have full access to your account.
  439. token_name = Token Name
  440. generate_token = Generate Token
  441. generate_token_success = Your new token has been generated. Copy it now as it will not be shown again.
  442. delete_token = Delete
  443. access_token_deletion = Delete Access Token
  444. access_token_deletion_desc = Deleting a token will revoke access to your account for applications using it. Continue?
  445. delete_token_success = The token has been deleted. Applications using it no longer have access to your account.
  446. manage_oauth2_applications = Manage OAuth2 Applications
  447. edit_oauth2_application = Edit OAuth2 Application
  448. oauth2_applications_desc = OAuth2 applications enables your third-party application to securely authenticate users at this Gitea instance.
  449. remove_oauth2_application = Remove OAuth2 Application
  450. remove_oauth2_application_desc = Removing an OAuth2 application will revoke access to all signed access tokes. Continue?
  451. remove_oauth2_application_success = The application has been deleted.
  452. create_oauth2_application = Create a new OAuth2 Application
  453. create_oauth2_application_button = Create Application
  454. create_oauth2_application_success = You've successfully created a new OAuth2 application.
  455. update_oauth2_application_success = You've successfully updated the OAuth2 application.
  456. oauth2_application_name = Application Name
  457. oauth2_select_type = Which application type fits?
  458. oauth2_type_web = Web (e.g. Node.JS, Tomcat, Go)
  459. oauth2_type_native = Native (e.g. Mobile, Desktop, Browser)
  460. oauth2_redirect_uri = Redirect URI
  461. save_application = Save
  462. oauth2_client_id = Client ID
  463. oauth2_client_secret = Client Secret
  464. oauth2_regenerate_secret = Regenerate Secret
  465. oauth2_regenerate_secret_hint = Lost your secret?
  466. oauth2_client_secret_hint = The secret won't be visible if you revisit this page. Please save your secret.
  467. oauth2_application_edit = Edit
  468. oauth2_application_create_description = OAuth2 applications gives your third-party application access to user accounts on this instance.
  469. oauth2_application_remove_description = Removing an OAuth2 application will prevent it to access authorized user accounts on this instance. Continue?
  470. authorized_oauth2_applications = Authorized OAuth2 Applications
  471. authorized_oauth2_applications_description = You've granted access to your personal Gitea account to these third party applications. Please revoke access for applications no longer needed.
  472. revoke_key = Revoke
  473. revoke_oauth2_grant = Revoke Access
  474. revoke_oauth2_grant_description = Revoking access for this third party application will prevent this application from accessing your data. Are you sure?
  475. revoke_oauth2_grant_success = You've revoked access successfully.
  476. twofa_desc = Two-factor authentication enhances the security of your account.
  477. twofa_is_enrolled = Your account is currently <strong>enrolled</strong> in two-factor authentication.
  478. twofa_not_enrolled = Your account is not currently enrolled in two-factor authentication.
  479. twofa_disable = Disable Two-Factor Authentication
  480. twofa_scratch_token_regenerate = Regenerate Scratch Token
  481. twofa_scratch_token_regenerated = Your scratch token is now %s. Store it in a safe place.
  482. twofa_enroll = Enroll into Two-Factor Authentication
  483. twofa_disable_note = You can disable two-factor authentication if needed.
  484. twofa_disable_desc = Disabling two-factor authentication will make your account less secure. Continue?
  485. regenerate_scratch_token_desc = If you misplaced your scratch token or have already used it to sign in you can reset it here.
  486. twofa_disabled = Two-factor authentication has been disabled.
  487. scan_this_image = Scan this image with your authentication application:
  488. or_enter_secret = Or enter the secret: %s
  489. then_enter_passcode = And enter the passcode shown in the application:
  490. passcode_invalid = The passcode is incorrect. Try again.
  491. twofa_enrolled = Your account has been enrolled into two-factor authentication. Store your scratch token (%s) in a safe place as it is only shown once!
  492. u2f_desc = Security keys are hardware devices containing cryptographic keys. They can be used for two-factor authentication. Security keys must support the <a rel="noreferrer" href="">FIDO U2F</a> standard.
  493. u2f_require_twofa = Your account must be enrolled in two-factor authentication to use security keys.
  494. u2f_register_key = Add Security Key
  495. u2f_nickname = Nickname
  496. u2f_press_button = Press the button on your security key to register it.
  497. u2f_delete_key = Remove Security Key
  498. u2f_delete_key_desc = If you remove a security key you can no longer sign in with it. Continue?
  499. manage_account_links = Manage Linked Accounts
  500. manage_account_links_desc = These external accounts are linked to your Gitea account.
  501. account_links_not_available = There are currently no external accounts linked to your Gitea account.
  502. remove_account_link = Remove Linked Account
  503. remove_account_link_desc = Removing a linked account will revoke its access to your Gitea account. Continue?
  504. remove_account_link_success = The linked account has been removed.
  505. orgs_none = You are not a member of any organizations.
  506. repos_none = You do not own any repositories
  507. delete_account = Delete Your Account
  508. delete_prompt = This operation will permanently delete your user account. It <strong>CAN NOT</strong> be undone.
  509. confirm_delete_account = Confirm Deletion
  510. delete_account_title = Delete User Account
  511. delete_account_desc = Are you sure you want to permanently delete this user account?
  512. [repo]
  513. owner = Owner
  514. repo_name = Repository Name
  515. repo_name_helper = Good repository names use short, memorable and unique keywords.
  516. visibility = Visibility
  517. visibility_helper = Make Repository Private
  518. visibility_helper_forced = Your site administrator forces new repositories to be private.
  519. visibility_fork_helper = (Changing this will affect all forks.)
  520. clone_helper = Need help cloning? Visit <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">Help</a>.
  521. fork_repo = Fork Repository
  522. fork_from = Fork From
  523. fork_visibility_helper = The visibility of a forked repository cannot be changed.
  524. repo_desc = Description
  525. repo_lang = Language
  526. repo_gitignore_helper = Select .gitignore templates.
  527. license = License
  528. license_helper = Select a license file.
  529. readme = README
  530. readme_helper = Select a README file template.
  531. auto_init = Initialize Repository (Adds .gitignore, License and README)
  532. create_repo = Create Repository
  533. default_branch = Default Branch
  534. mirror_prune = Prune
  535. mirror_prune_desc = Remove obsolete remote-tracking references
  536. mirror_interval = Mirror Interval (valid time units are 'h', 'm', 's'). 0 to disable automatic sync.
  537. mirror_interval_invalid = The mirror interval is not valid.
  538. mirror_address = Clone From URL
  539. mirror_address_desc = Include any required authorization credentials in the URL. These must be url escaped as appropriate
  540. mirror_address_url_invalid = The provided url is invalid. You must escape all components of the url correctly.
  541. mirror_address_protocol_invalid = The provided url is invalid. Only http(s):// or git:// locations can be mirrored from.
  542. mirror_last_synced = Last Synchronized
  543. watchers = Watchers
  544. stargazers = Stargazers
  545. forks = Forks
  546. pick_reaction = Pick your reaction
  547. reactions_more = and %d more
  548. archive.title = This repo is archived. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.
  549. archive.issue.nocomment = This repo is archived. You cannot comment on issues.
  550. archive.pull.nocomment = This repo is archived. You cannot comment on pull requests.
  551. form.reach_limit_of_creation = You have already reached your limit of %d repositories.
  552. form.name_reserved = The repository name '%s' is reserved.
  553. form.name_pattern_not_allowed = The pattern '%s' is not allowed in a repository name.
  554. need_auth = Clone Authorization
  555. migrate_type = Migration Type
  556. migrate_type_helper = This repository will be a <span class="text blue">mirror</span>
  557. migrate_items = Migration Items
  558. migrate_items_wiki = Wiki
  559. migrate_items_milestones = Milestones
  560. migrate_items_labels = Labels
  561. migrate_items_issues = Issues
  562. migrate_items_pullrequests = Pull Requests
  563. migrate_items_releases = Releases
  564. migrate_repo = Migrate Repository
  565. migrate.clone_address = Migrate / Clone From URL
  566. migrate.clone_address_desc = The HTTP(S) or Git 'clone' URL of an existing repository
  567. migrate.clone_local_path = or a local server path
  568. migrate.permission_denied = You are not allowed to import local repositories.
  569. migrate.invalid_local_path = "The local path is invalid. It does not exist or is not a directory."
  570. migrate.failed = Migration failed: %v
  571. migrate.lfs_mirror_unsupported = Mirroring LFS objects is not supported - use 'git lfs fetch --all' and 'git lfs push --all' instead.
  572. migrate.migrate_items_options = When you are migrating from github and inputed username, the migration options will be display.
  573. mirror_from = mirror of
  574. forked_from = forked from
  575. fork_from_self = You cannot fork a repository you own.
  576. fork_guest_user = Sign in to fork this repository.
  577. copy_link = Copy
  578. copy_link_success = Link has been copied
  579. copy_link_error = Use ⌘C or Ctrl-C to copy
  580. copied = Copied OK
  581. unwatch = Unwatch
  582. watch = Watch
  583. unstar = Unstar
  584. star = Star
  585. fork = Fork
  586. download_archive = Download Repository
  587. no_desc = No Description
  588. quick_guide = Quick Guide
  589. clone_this_repo = Clone this repository
  590. create_new_repo_command = Creating a new repository on the command line
  591. push_exist_repo = Pushing an existing repository from the command line
  592. empty_message = This repository does not contain any content.
  593. code = Code
  594. code.desc = Access source code, files, commits and branches.
  595. branch = Branch
  596. tree = Tree
  597. filter_branch_and_tag = Filter branch or tag
  598. branches = Branches
  599. tags = Tags
  600. issues = Issues
  601. pulls = Pull Requests
  602. labels = Labels
  603. milestones = Milestones
  604. commits = Commits
  605. commit = Commit
  606. releases = Releases
  607. file_raw = Raw
  608. file_history = History
  609. file_view_raw = View Raw
  610. file_permalink = Permalink
  611. file_too_large = The file is too large to be shown.
  612. video_not_supported_in_browser = Your browser does not support the HTML5 'video' tag.
  613. audio_not_supported_in_browser = Your browser does not support the HTML5 'audio' tag.
  614. stored_lfs = Stored with Git LFS
  615. commit_graph = Commit Graph
  616. blame = Blame
  617. normal_view = Normal View
  618. editor.new_file = New File
  619. editor.upload_file = Upload File
  620. editor.edit_file = Edit File
  621. editor.preview_changes = Preview Changes
  622. editor.cannot_edit_lfs_files = LFS files cannot be edited in the web interface.
  623. editor.cannot_edit_non_text_files = Binary files cannot be edited in the web interface.
  624. editor.edit_this_file = Edit File
  625. editor.must_be_on_a_branch = You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file.
  626. editor.fork_before_edit = You must fork this repository to make or propose changes to this file.
  627. editor.delete_this_file = Delete File
  628. editor.must_have_write_access = You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file.
  629. editor.file_delete_success = File '%s' has been deleted.
  630. editor.name_your_file = Name your file…
  631. editor.filename_help = Add a directory by typing its name followed by a slash ('/'). Remove a directory by typing backspace at the beginning of the input field.
  632. editor.or = or
  633. editor.cancel_lower = Cancel
  634. editor.commit_changes = Commit Changes
  635. editor.add_tmpl = Add '<filename>'
  636. editor.add = Add '%s'
  637. editor.update = Update '%s'
  638. editor.delete = Delete '%s'
  639. editor.commit_message_desc = Add an optional extended description…
  640. editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch = Commit directly to the <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> branch.
  641. editor.create_new_branch = Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
  642. editor.new_branch_name_desc = New branch name…
  643. editor.cancel = Cancel
  644. editor.filename_cannot_be_empty = The filename cannot be empty.
  645. editor.filename_is_invalid = The filename is invalid: '%s'.
  646. editor.branch_does_not_exist = Branch '%s' does not exist in this repository.
  647. editor.branch_already_exists = Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
  648. editor.directory_is_a_file = Directory name '%s' is already used as a filename in this repository.
  649. editor.file_is_a_symlink = '%s' is a symbolic link. Symbolic links cannot be edited in the web editor
  650. editor.filename_is_a_directory = Filename '%s' is already used as a directory name in this repository.
  651. editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists = The file being edited, '%s', no longer exists in this repository.
  652. editor.file_deleting_no_longer_exists = The file being deleted, '%s', no longer exists in this repository.
  653. editor.file_changed_while_editing = The file contents have changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">Click here</a> to see them or <strong>Commit Changes again</strong> to overwrite them.
  654. editor.file_already_exists = A file named '%s' already exists in this repository.
  655. editor.no_changes_to_show = There are no changes to show.
  656. editor.fail_to_update_file = Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
  657. editor.add_subdir = Add a directory…
  658. editor.unable_to_upload_files = Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
  659. editor.upload_files_to_dir = Upload files to '%s'
  660. editor.cannot_commit_to_protected_branch = Cannot commit to protected branch '%s'.
  661. commits.desc = Browse source code change history.
  662. commits.commits = Commits
  663. commits.no_commits = No commits in common. '%s' and '%s' have entirely different histories.
  664. = Search commits…
  665. = You can prefix keywords with "author:", "committer:", "after:", or "before:", e.g. "revert author:Alice before:2019-04-01".
  666. commits.find = Search
  667. commits.search_all = All Branches
  668. = Author
  669. commits.message = Message
  670. = Date
  671. commits.older = Older
  672. commits.newer = Newer
  673. commits.signed_by = Signed by
  674. commits.gpg_key_id = GPG Key ID
  675. ext_issues = Ext. Issues
  676. ext_issues.desc = Link to an external issue tracker.
  677. issues.desc = Organize bug reports, tasks and milestones.
  678. = New Issue
  679. = Title cannot be empty
  680. = Labels
  681. = No Label
  682. = Clear labels
  683. = Milestone
  684. = No Milestone
  685. = Clear milestone
  686. = Open Milestones
  687. = Closed Milestones
  688. = Assignees
  689. = Clear assignees
  690. = No Assignees
  691. issues.no_ref = No Branch/Tag Specified
  692. issues.create = Create Issue
  693. issues.new_label = New Label
  694. issues.new_label_placeholder = Label name
  695. issues.new_label_desc_placeholder = Description
  696. issues.create_label = Create Label
  697. issues.label_templates.title = Load a predefined set of labels
  698. = No labels exist yet. Create a label with 'New Label' or use a predefined label set:
  699. issues.label_templates.helper = Select a label set
  700. issues.label_templates.use = Use Label Set
  701. issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file = Failed to load label template file '%s': %v
  702. issues.add_label_at = added the <div class="ui label has-emoji" style="color: %s\; background-color: %s">%s</div> label %s
  703. issues.remove_label_at = removed the <div class="ui label has-emoji" style="color: %s\; background-color: %s">%s</div> label %s
  704. issues.add_milestone_at = `added this to the <b>%s</b> milestone %s`
  705. issues.change_milestone_at = `modified the milestone from <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> %s`
  706. issues.remove_milestone_at = `removed this from the <b>%s</b> milestone %s`
  707. issues.deleted_milestone = `(deleted)`
  708. issues.self_assign_at = `self-assigned this %s`
  709. issues.add_assignee_at = `was assigned by <b>%s</b> %s`
  710. issues.remove_assignee_at = `was unassigned by <b>%s</b> %s`
  711. issues.remove_self_assignment = `removed their assignment %s`
  712. issues.change_title_at = `changed title from <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> %s`
  713. issues.delete_branch_at = `deleted branch <b>%s</b> %s`
  714. issues.open_tab = %d Open
  715. issues.close_tab = %d Closed
  716. issues.filter_label = Label
  717. issues.filter_label_no_select = All labels
  718. issues.filter_milestone = Milestone
  719. issues.filter_milestone_no_select = All milestones
  720. issues.filter_assignee = Assignee
  721. issues.filter_assginee_no_select = All assignees
  722. issues.filter_type = Type
  723. issues.filter_type.all_issues = All issues
  724. issues.filter_type.assigned_to_you = Assigned to you
  725. issues.filter_type.created_by_you = Created by you
  726. issues.filter_type.mentioning_you = Mentioning you
  727. issues.filter_sort = Sort
  728. issues.filter_sort.latest = Newest
  729. issues.filter_sort.oldest = Oldest
  730. issues.filter_sort.recentupdate = Recently updated
  731. issues.filter_sort.leastupdate = Least recently updated
  732. issues.filter_sort.mostcomment = Most commented
  733. issues.filter_sort.leastcomment = Least commented
  734. issues.filter_sort.nearduedate = Nearest due date
  735. issues.filter_sort.farduedate = Farthest due date
  736. issues.filter_sort.moststars = Most stars
  737. issues.filter_sort.feweststars = Fewest stars
  738. issues.filter_sort.mostforks = Most forks
  739. issues.filter_sort.fewestforks = Fewest forks
  740. issues.action_open = Open
  741. issues.action_close = Close
  742. issues.action_label = Label
  743. issues.action_milestone = Milestone
  744. issues.action_milestone_no_select = No milestone
  745. issues.action_assignee = Assignee
  746. issues.action_assignee_no_select = No assignee
  747. issues.opened_by = opened %[1]s by <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a>
  748. pulls.merged_by = merged %[1]s by <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a>
  749. pulls.merged_by_fake = merged %[1]s by %[2]s
  750. issues.closed_by = closed %[1]s by <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a>
  751. issues.opened_by_fake = opened %[1]s by %[2]s
  752. issues.closed_by_fake = closed %[1]s by %[2]s
  753. issues.previous = Previous
  754. = Next
  755. issues.open_title = Open
  756. issues.closed_title = Closed
  757. issues.num_comments = %d comments
  758. issues.commented_at = `commented <a href="#%s">%s</a>`
  759. issues.delete_comment_confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this comment?
  760. issues.no_content = There is no content yet.
  761. issues.close_issue = Close
  762. issues.close_comment_issue = Comment and Close
  763. issues.reopen_issue = Reopen
  764. issues.reopen_comment_issue = Comment and Reopen
  765. issues.create_comment = Comment
  766. issues.closed_at = `closed <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  767. issues.reopened_at = `reopened <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  768. issues.commit_ref_at = `referenced this issue from a commit <a id="%[1]s" href="#%[1]s">%[2]s</a>`
  769. issues.poster = Poster
  770. issues.collaborator = Collaborator
  771. issues.owner = Owner
  772. issues.sign_in_require_desc = <a href="%s">Sign in</a> to join this conversation.
  773. issues.edit = Edit
  774. issues.cancel = Cancel
  775. = Save
  776. issues.label_title = Label name
  777. issues.label_description = Label description
  778. issues.label_color = Label color
  779. issues.label_count = %d labels
  780. issues.label_open_issues = %d open issues
  781. issues.label_edit = Edit
  782. issues.label_delete = Delete
  783. issues.label_modify = Edit Label
  784. issues.label_deletion = Delete Label
  785. issues.label_deletion_desc = Deleting a label removes it from all issues. Continue?
  786. issues.label_deletion_success = The label has been deleted.
  787. issues.label.filter_sort.alphabetically = Alphabetically
  788. issues.label.filter_sort.reverse_alphabetically = Reverse alphabetically
  789. issues.label.filter_sort.by_size = Size
  790. issues.label.filter_sort.reverse_by_size = Reverse size
  791. issues.num_participants = %d Participants
  792. issues.attachment.open_tab = `Click to see "%s" in a new tab`
  793. = `Click to download "%s"`
  794. issues.subscribe = Subscribe
  795. issues.unsubscribe = Unsubscribe
  796. issues.lock = Lock conversation
  797. issues.unlock = Unlock conversation
  798. issues.lock.unknown_reason = Cannot lock an issue with an unknown reason.
  799. issues.lock_duplicate = An issue cannot be locked twice.
  800. issues.unlock_error = Cannot unlock an issue that is not locked.
  801. issues.lock_with_reason = "locked as <strong>%s</strong> and limited conversation to collaborators %s"
  802. issues.lock_no_reason = "locked and limited conversation to collaborators %s"
  803. issues.unlock_comment = "unlocked this conversation %s"
  804. issues.lock_confirm = Lock
  805. issues.unlock_confirm = Unlock
  806. issues.lock.notice_1 = - Other users can’t add new comments to this issue.
  807. issues.lock.notice_2 = - You and other collaborators with access to this repository can still leave comments that others can see.
  808. issues.lock.notice_3 = - You can always unlock this issue again in the future.
  809. issues.unlock.notice_1 = - Everyone would be able to comment on this issue once more.
  810. issues.unlock.notice_2 = - You can always lock this issue again in the future.
  811. issues.lock.reason = Reason for locking
  812. issues.lock.title = Lock conversation on this issue.
  813. issues.unlock.title = Unlock conversation on this issue.
  814. issues.comment_on_locked = You cannot comment on a locked issue.
  815. issues.tracker = Time Tracker
  816. issues.start_tracking_short = Start
  817. issues.start_tracking = Start Time Tracking
  818. issues.start_tracking_history = `started working %s`
  819. issues.tracker_auto_close = Timer will be stopped automatically when this issue gets closed
  820. issues.tracking_already_started = `You have already started time tracking on this <a href="%s">issue</a>!`
  821. issues.stop_tracking = Stop
  822. issues.stop_tracking_history = `stopped working %s`
  823. issues.add_time = Manually Add Time
  824. issues.add_time_short = Add Time
  825. issues.add_time_cancel = Cancel
  826. issues.add_time_history = `added spent time %s`
  827. issues.add_time_hours = Hours
  828. issues.add_time_minutes = Minutes
  829. issues.add_time_sum_to_small = No time was entered.
  830. issues.cancel_tracking = Cancel
  831. issues.cancel_tracking_history = `cancelled time tracking %s`
  832. issues.time_spent_total = Total Time Spent
  833. issues.time_spent_from_all_authors = `Total Time Spent: %s`
  834. issues.due_date = Due Date
  835. issues.invalid_due_date_format = "Due date format must be 'yyyy-mm-dd'."
  836. issues.error_modifying_due_date = "Failed to modify the due date."
  837. issues.error_removing_due_date = "Failed to remove the due date."
  838. issues.due_date_form = "yyyy-mm-dd"
  839. issues.due_date_form_add = "Add due date"
  840. issues.due_date_form_edit = "Edit"
  841. issues.due_date_form_remove = "Remove"
  842. issues.due_date_not_writer = "You need repository write access to update an issue's due date."
  843. issues.due_date_not_set = "No due date set."
  844. issues.due_date_added = "added the due date %s %s"
  845. issues.due_date_modified = "modified the due date to %s from %s %s"
  846. issues.due_date_remove = "removed the due date %s %s"
  847. issues.due_date_overdue = "Overdue"
  848. issues.due_date_invalid = "The due date is invalid or out of range. Please use the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'."
  849. issues.dependency.title = Dependencies
  850. issues.dependency.issue_no_dependencies = This issue currently doesn't have any dependencies.
  851. issues.dependency.pr_no_dependencies = This pull request currently doesn't have any dependencies.
  852. issues.dependency.add = Add dependency…
  853. issues.dependency.cancel = Cancel
  854. issues.dependency.remove = Remove
  855. issues.dependency.remove_info = Remove this dependency
  856. issues.dependency.added_dependency = `<a href="%[1]s">%[2]s</a> added a new dependency %[3]s`
  857. issues.dependency.removed_dependency = `<a href="%[1]s">%[2]s</a> removed a dependency %[3]s`
  858. issues.dependency.issue_closing_blockedby = Closing this pull request is blocked by the following issues
  859. issues.dependency.pr_closing_blockedby = Closing this issue is blocked by the following issues
  860. issues.dependency.issue_close_blocks = This issue blocks closing of the following issues
  861. issues.dependency.pr_close_blocks = This pull request blocks closing of the following issues
  862. issues.dependency.issue_close_blocked = You need to close all issues blocking this issue before you can close it.
  863. issues.dependency.pr_close_blocked = You need to close all issues blocking this pull request before you can merge it.
  864. issues.dependency.blocks_short = Blocks
  865. issues.dependency.blocked_by_short = Depends on
  866. issues.dependency.remove_header = Remove Dependency
  867. issues.dependency.issue_remove_text = This will remove the dependency from this issue. Continue?
  868. issues.dependency.pr_remove_text = This will remove the dependency from this pull request. Continue?
  869. issues.dependency.setting = Enable Dependencies For Issues and Pull Requests
  870. issues.dependency.add_error_same_issue = You cannot make an issue depend on itself.
  871. issues.dependency.add_error_dep_issue_not_exist = Dependent issue does not exist.
  872. issues.dependency.add_error_dep_not_exist = Dependency does not exist.
  873. issues.dependency.add_error_dep_exists = Dependency already exists.
  874. issues.dependency.add_error_cannot_create_circular = You cannot create a dependency with two issues blocking each other.
  875. issues.dependency.add_error_dep_not_same_repo = Both issues must be in the same repository.
  876. = You cannot approve your own pull request.
  877. = You cannot request changes on your own pull request.
  878. = "approved these changes %s"
  879. = "reviewed %s"
  880. = You need to leave a comment indicating the requested change(s).
  881. = "requested changes %s"
  882. = Pending
  883. = Review
  884. = Reviewers
  885. = Show outdated
  886. = Hide outdated
  887. pulls.desc = Enable merge requests and code reviews.
  888. = New Pull Request
  889. pulls.compare_changes = New Pull Request
  890. pulls.compare_changes_desc = Select the branch to merge into and the branch to pull from.
  891. pulls.compare_base = merge into
  892. pulls.compare_compare = pull from
  893. pulls.filter_branch = Filter branch
  894. pulls.no_results = No results found.
  895. pulls.nothing_to_compare = These branches are equal. There is no need to create a pull request.
  896. pulls.has_pull_request = `A pull request between these branches already exists: <a href="%[1]s/pulls/%[3]d">%[2]s#%[3]d</a>`
  897. pulls.create = Create Pull Request
  898. pulls.title_desc = wants to merge %[1]d commits from <code>%[2]s</code> into <code>%[3]s</code>
  899. pulls.merged_title_desc = merged %[1]d commits from <code>%[2]s</code> into <code>%[3]s</code> %[4]s
  900. pulls.tab_conversation = Conversation
  901. pulls.tab_commits = Commits
  902. pulls.tab_files = Files Changed
  903. pulls.reopen_to_merge = Please reopen this pull request to perform a merge.
  904. pulls.cant_reopen_deleted_branch = This pull request cannot be reopened because the branch was deleted.
  905. pulls.merged = Merged
  906. pulls.has_merged = The pull request has been merged.
  907. pulls.title_wip_desc = `<a href="#">Start the title with <strong>%s</strong></a> to prevent the pull request from being merged accidentally.`
  908. pulls.cannot_merge_work_in_progress = This pull request is marked as a work in progress. Remove the <strong>%s</strong> prefix from the title when it's ready
  909. pulls.data_broken = This pull request is broken due to missing fork information.
  910. pulls.files_conflicted = This pull request has changes conflicting with the target branch.
  911. pulls.is_checking = "Merge conflict checking is in progress. Try again in few moments."
  912. pulls.blocked_by_approvals = "This Pull Request doesn't have enough approvals yet. %d of %d approvals granted."
  913. pulls.can_auto_merge_desc = This pull request can be merged automatically.
  914. pulls.cannot_auto_merge_desc = This pull request cannot be merged automatically due to conflicts.
  915. pulls.cannot_auto_merge_helper = Merge manually to resolve the conflicts.
  916. pulls.no_merge_desc = This pull request cannot be merged because all repository merge options are disabled.
  917. pulls.no_merge_helper = Enable merge options in the repository settings or merge the pull request manually.
  918. pulls.no_merge_wip = This pull request can not be merged because it is marked as being a work in progress.
  919. pulls.merge_pull_request = Merge Pull Request
  920. pulls.rebase_merge_pull_request = Rebase and Merge
  921. pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request = Rebase and Merge (--no-ff)
  922. pulls.squash_merge_pull_request = Squash and Merge
  923. pulls.invalid_merge_option = You cannot use this merge option for this pull request.
  924. pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists = `You cannot perform a reopen operation because there is a pending pull request (#%d) with identical properties.`
  925. = New Milestone
  926. milestones.open_tab = %d Open
  927. milestones.close_tab = %d Closed
  928. milestones.closed = Closed %s
  929. milestones.no_due_date = No due date
  930. = Open
  931. milestones.close = Close
  932. milestones.new_subheader = Milestones organize issues and track progress.
  933. milestones.completeness = %d%% Completed
  934. milestones.create = Create Milestone
  935. milestones.title = Title
  936. milestones.desc = Description
  937. milestones.due_date = Due Date (optional)
  938. milestones.clear = Clear
  939. milestones.invalid_due_date_format = "Due date format must be 'yyyy-mm-dd'."
  940. milestones.create_success = The milestone '%s' has been created.
  941. milestones.edit = Edit Milestone
  942. milestones.edit_subheader = Milestones organize issues and track progress.
  943. milestones.cancel = Cancel
  944. milestones.modify = Update Milestone
  945. milestones.edit_success = Milestone '%s' has been updated.
  946. milestones.deletion = Delete Milestone
  947. milestones.deletion_desc = Deleting a milestone removes it from all related issues. Continue?
  948. milestones.deletion_success = The milestone has been deleted.
  949. milestones.filter_sort.closest_due_date = Closest due date
  950. milestones.filter_sort.furthest_due_date = Furthest due date
  951. milestones.filter_sort.least_complete = Least complete
  952. milestones.filter_sort.most_complete = Most complete
  953. milestones.filter_sort.most_issues = Most issues
  954. milestones.filter_sort.least_issues = Least issues
  955. ext_wiki = Ext. Wiki
  956. ext_wiki.desc = Link to an external wiki.
  957. wiki = Wiki
  958. wiki.welcome = Welcome to the Wiki.
  959. wiki.welcome_desc = The wiki lets you write and share documentation with collaborators.
  960. wiki.desc = Write and share documentation with collaborators.
  961. wiki.create_first_page = Create the First Page
  962. = Page
  963. wiki.filter_page = Filter page
  964. wiki.new_page = Page
  965. wiki.default_commit_message = Write a note about this page update (optional).
  966. wiki.save_page = Save Page
  967. wiki.last_commit_info = %s edited this page %s
  968. wiki.edit_page_button = Edit
  969. wiki.new_page_button = New Page
  970. wiki.delete_page_button = Delete Page
  971. wiki.delete_page_notice_1 = Deleting the wiki page '%s' cannot be undone. Continue?
  972. wiki.page_already_exists = A wiki page with the same name already exists.
  973. wiki.reserved_page = The wiki page name '%s' is reserved.
  974. wiki.pages = Pages
  975. wiki.last_updated = Last updated %s
  976. activity = Activity
  977. activity.period.filter_label = Period:
  978. activity.period.daily = 1 day
  979. activity.period.halfweekly = 3 days
  980. activity.period.weekly = 1 week
  981. activity.period.monthly = 1 month
  982. activity.overview = Overview
  983. activity.active_prs_count_1 = <strong>%d</strong> Active Pull Request
  984. activity.active_prs_count_n = <strong>%d</strong> Active Pull Requests
  985. activity.merged_prs_count_1 = Merged Pull Request
  986. activity.merged_prs_count_n = Merged Pull Requests
  987. activity.opened_prs_count_1 = Proposed Pull Request
  988. activity.opened_prs_count_n = Proposed Pull Requests
  989. activity.title.user_1 = %d user
  990. activity.title.user_n = %d users
  991. activity.title.prs_1 = %d Pull request
  992. activity.title.prs_n = %d Pull requests
  993. activity.title.prs_merged_by = %s merged by %s
  994. activity.title.prs_opened_by = %s proposed by %s
  995. activity.merged_prs_label = Merged
  996. activity.opened_prs_label = Proposed
  997. activity.active_issues_count_1 = <strong>%d</strong> Active Issue
  998. activity.active_issues_count_n = <strong>%d</strong> Active Issues
  999. activity.closed_issues_count_1 = Closed Issue
  1000. activity.closed_issues_count_n = Closed Issues
  1001. activity.title.issues_1 = %d Issue
  1002. activity.title.issues_n = %d Issues
  1003. activity.title.issues_closed_by = %s closed by %s
  1004. activity.title.issues_created_by = %s created by %s
  1005. activity.closed_issue_label = Closed
  1006. activity.new_issues_count_1 = New Issue
  1007. activity.new_issues_count_n = New Issues
  1008. activity.new_issue_label = Opened
  1009. activity.title.unresolved_conv_1 = %d Unresolved Conversation
  1010. activity.title.unresolved_conv_n = %d Unresolved Conversations
  1011. activity.unresolved_conv_desc = These recently changed issues and pull requests have not been resolved yet.
  1012. activity.unresolved_conv_label = Open
  1013. activity.title.releases_1 = %d Release
  1014. activity.title.releases_n = %d Releases
  1015. activity.title.releases_published_by = %s published by %s
  1016. activity.published_release_label = Published
  1017. activity.no_git_activity = There has not been any commit activity in this period.
  1018. activity.git_stats_exclude_merges = Excluding merges,
  1019. activity.git_stats_author_1 = %d author
  1020. activity.git_stats_author_n = %d authors
  1021. activity.git_stats_pushed_1 = has pushed
  1022. activity.git_stats_pushed_n = have pushed
  1023. activity.git_stats_commit_1 = %d commit
  1024. activity.git_stats_commit_n = %d commits
  1025. activity.git_stats_push_to_branch = to %s and
  1026. activity.git_stats_push_to_all_branches = to all branches.
  1027. activity.git_stats_on_default_branch = On %s,
  1028. activity.git_stats_file_1 = %d file
  1029. activity.git_stats_file_n = %d files
  1030. activity.git_stats_files_changed_1 = has changed
  1031. activity.git_stats_files_changed_n = have changed
  1032. activity.git_stats_additions = and there have been
  1033. activity.git_stats_addition_1 = %d addition
  1034. activity.git_stats_addition_n = %d additions
  1035. activity.git_stats_and_deletions = and
  1036. activity.git_stats_deletion_1 = %d deletion
  1037. activity.git_stats_deletion_n = %d deletions
  1038. search = Search
  1039. search.search_repo = Search repository
  1040. search.results = Search results for "%s" in <a href="%s">%s</a>
  1041. settings = Settings
  1042. settings.desc = Settings is where you can manage the settings for the repository
  1043. settings.options = Repository
  1044. settings.collaboration = Collaborators
  1045. settings.collaboration.admin = Administrator
  1046. settings.collaboration.write = Write
  1047. = Read
  1048. settings.collaboration.undefined = Undefined
  1049. settings.hooks = Webhooks
  1050. settings.githooks = Git Hooks
  1051. settings.basic_settings = Basic Settings
  1052. settings.mirror_settings = Mirror Settings
  1053. settings.sync_mirror = Synchronize Now
  1054. settings.mirror_sync_in_progress = Mirror synchronization is in progress. Check back in a minute.
  1055. = Website
  1056. settings.update_settings = Update Settings
  1057. settings.advanced_settings = Advanced Settings
  1058. settings.wiki_desc = Enable Repository Wiki
  1059. settings.use_internal_wiki = Use Built-In Wiki
  1060. settings.use_external_wiki = Use External Wiki
  1061. settings.external_wiki_url = External Wiki URL
  1062. settings.external_wiki_url_error = The external wiki URL is not a valid URL.
  1063. settings.external_wiki_url_desc = Visitors are redirected to the external wiki URL when clicking the wiki tab.
  1064. settings.issues_desc = Enable Repository Issue Tracker
  1065. settings.use_internal_issue_tracker = Use Built-In Issue Tracker
  1066. settings.use_external_issue_tracker = Use External Issue Tracker
  1067. settings.external_tracker_url = External Issue Tracker URL
  1068. settings.external_tracker_url_error = The external issue tracker URL is not a valid URL.
  1069. settings.external_tracker_url_desc = Visitors are redirected to the external issue tracker URL when clicking on the issues tab.
  1070. settings.tracker_url_format = External Issue Tracker URL Format
  1071. settings.tracker_url_format_error = The external issue tracker URL format is not a valid URL.
  1072. settings.tracker_issue_style = External Issue Tracker Number Format
  1073. settings.tracker_issue_style.numeric = Numeric
  1074. settings.tracker_issue_style.alphanumeric = Alphanumeric
  1075. settings.tracker_url_format_desc = Use the placeholders <code>{user}</code>, <code>{repo}</code> and <code>{index}</code> for the username, repository name and issue index.
  1076. settings.enable_timetracker = Enable Time Tracking
  1077. settings.allow_only_contributors_to_track_time = Let Only Contributors Track Time
  1078. settings.pulls_desc = Enable Repository Pull Requests
  1079. settings.pulls.ignore_whitespace = Ignore Whitespace for Conflicts
  1080. settings.pulls.allow_merge_commits = Enable Commit Merging
  1081. settings.pulls.allow_rebase_merge = Enable Rebasing to Merge Commits
  1082. settings.pulls.allow_rebase_merge_commit = Enable Rebasing with explicit merge commits (--no-ff)
  1083. settings.pulls.allow_squash_commits = Enable Squashing to Merge Commits
  1084. settings.admin_settings = Administrator Settings
  1085. settings.admin_enable_health_check = Enable Repository Health Checks (git fsck)
  1086. settings.admin_enable_close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch = Close an issue via a commit made in a non default branch
  1087. settings.danger_zone = Danger Zone
  1088. settings.new_owner_has_same_repo = The new owner already has a repository with same name. Please choose another name.
  1089. settings.convert = Convert to Regular Repository
  1090. settings.convert_desc = You can convert this mirror into a regular repository. This cannot be undone.
  1091. settings.convert_notices_1 = This operation will convert the mirror into a regular repository and cannot be undone.
  1092. settings.convert_confirm = Convert Repository
  1093. settings.convert_succeed = The mirror has been converted into a regular repository.
  1094. settings.transfer = Transfer Ownership
  1095. settings.transfer_desc = Transfer this repository to a user or to an organization for which you have administrator rights.
  1096. settings.transfer_notices_1 = - You will lose access to the repository if you transfer it to an individual user.
  1097. settings.transfer_notices_2 = - You will keep access to the repository if you transfer it to an organization that you (co-)own.
  1098. settings.transfer_form_title = Enter the repository name as confirmation:
  1099. settings.wiki_delete = Delete Wiki Data
  1100. settings.wiki_delete_desc = Deleting repository wiki data is permanent and cannot be undone.
  1101. settings.wiki_delete_notices_1 = - This will permanently delete and disable the repository wiki for %s.
  1102. settings.confirm_wiki_delete = Delete Wiki Data
  1103. settings.wiki_deletion_success = The repository wiki data has been deleted.
  1104. settings.delete = Delete This Repository
  1105. settings.delete_desc = Deleting a repository is permanent and cannot be undone.
  1106. settings.delete_notices_1 = - This operation <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone.
  1107. settings.delete_notices_2 = - This operation will permanently delete the <strong>%s</strong> repository including code, issues, comments, wiki data and collaborator settings.
  1108. settings.delete_notices_fork_1 = - Forks of this repository will become independent after deletion.
  1109. settings.deletion_success = The repository has been deleted.
  1110. settings.update_settings_success = The repository settings have been updated.
  1111. settings.transfer_owner = New Owner
  1112. settings.make_transfer = Perform Transfer
  1113. settings.transfer_succeed = The repository has been transferred.
  1114. settings.confirm_delete = Delete Repository
  1115. settings.add_collaborator = Add Collaborator
  1116. settings.add_collaborator_success = The collaborator has been added.
  1117. settings.add_collaborator_inactive_user = Can not add an inactive user as a collaborator.
  1118. settings.add_collaborator_duplicate = The collaborator is already added to this repository.
  1119. settings.delete_collaborator = Remove
  1120. settings.collaborator_deletion = Remove Collaborator
  1121. settings.collaborator_deletion_desc = Removing a collaborator will revoke their access to this repository. Continue?
  1122. settings.remove_collaborator_success = The collaborator has been removed.
  1123. settings.search_user_placeholder = Search user…
  1124. settings.org_not_allowed_to_be_collaborator = Organizations cannot be added as a collaborator.
  1125. settings.add_webhook = Add Webhook
  1126. settings.add_webhook.invalid_channel_name = Webhook channel name cannot be empty and cannot contain only a # character.
  1127. settings.hooks_desc = Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks guide</a>.
  1128. settings.webhook_deletion = Remove Webhook
  1129. settings.webhook_deletion_desc = Removing a webhook deletes its settings and delivery history. Continue?
  1130. settings.webhook_deletion_success = The webhook has been removed.
  1131. settings.webhook.test_delivery = Test Delivery
  1132. settings.webhook.test_delivery_desc = Test this webhook with a fake event.
  1133. settings.webhook.test_delivery_success = A fake event has been added to the delivery queue. It may take few seconds before it shows up in the delivery history.
  1134. settings.webhook.request = Request
  1135. settings.webhook.response = Response
  1136. settings.webhook.headers = Headers
  1137. settings.webhook.payload = Content
  1138. settings.webhook.body = Body
  1139. settings.githooks_desc = "Git hooks are powered by Git itself. You can edit hook files below to set up custom operations."
  1140. settings.githook_edit_desc = If the hook is inactive, sample content will be presented. Leaving content to an empty value will disable this hook.
  1141. settings.githook_name = Hook Name
  1142. settings.githook_content = Hook Content
  1143. settings.update_githook = Update Hook
  1144. settings.add_webhook_desc = Gitea will send <code>POST</code> requests with a specified content type to the target URL. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="%s">webhooks guide</a>.
  1145. settings.payload_url = Target URL
  1146. settings.http_method = HTTP Method
  1147. settings.content_type = POST Content Type
  1148. settings.secret = Secret
  1149. settings.slack_username = Username
  1150. settings.slack_icon_url = Icon URL
  1151. settings.discord_username = Username
  1152. settings.discord_icon_url = Icon URL
  1153. settings.slack_color = Color
  1154. settings.event_desc = Trigger On:
  1155. settings.event_push_only = Push Events
  1156. settings.event_send_everything = All Events
  1157. settings.event_choose = Custom Events…
  1158. settings.event_create = Create
  1159. settings.event_create_desc = Branch or tag created.
  1160. settings.event_delete = Delete
  1161. settings.event_delete_desc = Branch or tag deleted
  1162. settings.event_fork = Fork
  1163. settings.event_fork_desc = Repository forked
  1164. settings.event_issues = Issues
  1165. settings.event_issues_desc = Issue opened, closed, reopened, edited, assigned, unassigned, label updated, label cleared, milestoned, or demilestoned.
  1166. settings.event_issue_comment = Issue Comment
  1167. settings.event_issue_comment_desc = Issue comment created, edited, or deleted.
  1168. settings.event_release = Release
  1169. settings.event_release_desc = Release published, updated or deleted in a repository.
  1170. settings.event_pull_request = Pull Request
  1171. settings.event_pull_request_desc = Pull request opened, closed, reopened, edited, approved, rejected, review comment, assigned, unassigned, label updated, label cleared or synchronized.
  1172. settings.event_push = Push
  1173. settings.event_push_desc = Git push to a repository.
  1174. settings.event_repository = Repository
  1175. settings.event_repository_desc = Repository created or deleted.
  1176. = Active
  1177. settings.active_helper = Information about triggered events will be sent to this webhook URL.
  1178. settings.add_hook_success = The webhook has been added.
  1179. settings.update_webhook = Update Webhook
  1180. settings.update_hook_success = The webhook has been updated.
  1181. settings.delete_webhook = Remove Webhook
  1182. settings.recent_deliveries = Recent Deliveries
  1183. settings.hook_type = Hook Type
  1184. settings.add_slack_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Slack</a> into your repository.
  1185. settings.slack_token = Token
  1186. settings.slack_domain = Domain
  1187. settings.slack_channel = Channel
  1188. settings.add_discord_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Discord</a> into your repository.
  1189. settings.add_dingtalk_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Dingtalk</a> into your repository.
  1190. settings.add_telegram_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Telegram</a> into your repository.
  1191. settings.add_msteams_hook_desc = Integrate <a href="%s">Microsoft Teams</a> into your repository.
  1192. settings.deploy_keys = Deploy Keys
  1193. settings.add_deploy_key = Add Deploy Key
  1194. settings.deploy_key_desc = Deploy keys have read-only pull access to the repository.
  1195. settings.is_writable = Enable Write Access
  1196. settings.is_writable_info = Allow this deploy key to <strong>push</strong> to the repository.
  1197. settings.no_deploy_keys = There are no deploy keys yet.
  1198. settings.title = Title
  1199. settings.deploy_key_content = Content
  1200. settings.key_been_used = A deploy key with identical content is already in use.
  1201. settings.key_name_used = A deploy key with the same name already exists.
  1202. settings.add_key_success = The deploy key '%s' has been added.
  1203. settings.deploy_key_deletion = Remove Deploy Key
  1204. settings.deploy_key_deletion_desc = Removing a deploy key will revoke its access to this repository. Continue?
  1205. settings.deploy_key_deletion_success = The deploy key has been removed.
  1206. settings.branches = Branches
  1207. settings.protected_branch = Branch Protection
  1208. settings.protected_branch_can_push = Allow push?
  1209. settings.protected_branch_can_push_yes = You can push
  1210. settings.protected_branch_can_push_no = You can not push
  1211. settings.branch_protection = Branch Protection for Branch '<b>%s</b>'
  1212. settings.protect_this_branch = Enable Branch Protection
  1213. settings.protect_this_branch_desc = Prevent deletion and disable any Git pushing to the branch.
  1214. settings.protect_whitelist_committers = Enable Push Whitelist
  1215. settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc = Allow whitelisted users or teams to push to this branch (but not force push).
  1216. settings.protect_whitelist_users = Whitelisted users for pushing:
  1217. settings.protect_whitelist_search_users = Search users…
  1218. settings.protect_whitelist_teams = Whitelisted teams for pushing:
  1219. settings.protect_whitelist_search_teams = Search teams…
  1220. settings.protect_merge_whitelist_committers = Enable Merge Whitelist
  1221. settings.protect_merge_whitelist_committers_desc = Allow only whitelisted users or teams to merge pull requests into this branch.
  1222. settings.protect_merge_whitelist_users = Whitelisted users for merging:
  1223. settings.protect_merge_whitelist_teams = Whitelisted teams for merging:
  1224. settings.protect_required_approvals = Required approvals:
  1225. settings.protect_required_approvals_desc = Allow only to merge pull request with enough positive reviews of whitelisted users or teams.
  1226. settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_users = Whitelisted reviewers:
  1227. settings.protect_approvals_whitelist_teams = Whitelisted teams for reviews:
  1228. settings.add_protected_branch = Enable protection
  1229. settings.delete_protected_branch = Disable protection
  1230. settings.update_protect_branch_success = Branch protection for branch '%s' has been updated.
  1231. settings.remove_protected_branch_success = Branch protection for branch '%s' has been disabled.
  1232. settings.protected_branch_deletion = Disable Branch Protection
  1233. settings.protected_branch_deletion_desc = Disabling branch protection allows users with write permission to push to the branch. Continue?
  1234. settings.default_branch_desc = Select a default repository branch for pull requests and code commits:
  1235. settings.choose_branch = Choose a branch…
  1236. settings.no_protected_branch = There are no protected branches.
  1237. settings.edit_protected_branch = Edit
  1238. settings.protected_branch_required_approvals_min = Required approvals cannot be negative.
  1239. settings.bot_token = Bot Token
  1240. settings.chat_id = Chat ID
  1241. settings.archive.button = Archive Repo
  1242. settings.archive.header = Archive This Repo
  1243. settings.archive.text = Archiving the repo will make it entirely read-only. It is hidden from the dashboard, cannot be committed to and no issues or pull-requests can be created.
  1244. settings.archive.success = The repo was successfully archived.
  1245. settings.archive.error = An error occured while trying to archive the repo. See the log for more details.
  1246. settings.archive.error_ismirror = You cannot archive a mirrored repo.
  1247. settings.archive.branchsettings_unavailable = Branch settings are not available if the repo is archived.
  1248. settings.unarchive.button = Un-Archive Repo
  1249. settings.unarchive.header = Un-Archive This Repo
  1250. settings.unarchive.text = Un-Archiving the repo will restore its ability to recieve commits and pushes, as well as new issues and pull-requests.
  1251. settings.unarchive.success = The repo was successfully un-archived.
  1252. settings.unarchive.error = An error occured while trying to un-archive the repo. See the log for more details.
  1253. diff.browse_source = Browse Source
  1254. diff.parent = parent
  1255. diff.commit = commit
  1256. diff.data_not_available = Diff Content Not Available
  1257. diff.show_diff_stats = Show Diff Stats
  1258. diff.show_split_view = Split View
  1259. diff.show_unified_view = Unified View
  1260. diff.whitespace_button = Whitespace
  1261. diff.whitespace_show_everything = Show all changes
  1262. diff.whitespace_ignore_all_whitespace = Ignore whitespace when comparing lines
  1263. diff.whitespace_ignore_amount_changes = Ignore changes in amount of whitespace
  1264. diff.whitespace_ignore_at_eol = Ignore changes in whitespace at EOL
  1265. diff.stats_desc = <strong> %d changed files</strong> with <strong>%d additions</strong> and <strong>%d deletions</strong>
  1266. diff.bin = BIN
  1267. diff.view_file = View File
  1268. diff.file_suppressed = File diff suppressed because it is too large
  1269. diff.too_many_files = Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff
  1270. diff.comment.placeholder = Leave a comment
  1271. diff.comment.markdown_info = Styling with markdown is supported.
  1272. diff.comment.add_single_comment = Add single comment
  1273. diff.comment.add_review_comment = Add comment
  1274. diff.comment.start_review = Start review
  1275. diff.comment.reply = Reply
  1276. = Review
  1277. = Submit review
  1278. = Review comment
  1279. = Comment
  1280. = Approve
  1281. = Request changes
  1282. releases.desc = Track project versions and downloads.
  1283. release.releases = Releases
  1284. release.new_release = New Release
  1285. release.draft = Draft
  1286. release.prerelease = Pre-Release
  1287. release.stable = Stable
  1288. release.edit = edit
  1289. release.ahead = <strong>%d</strong> commits to %s since this release
  1290. release.source_code = Source Code
  1291. release.new_subheader = Releases organize project versions.
  1292. release.edit_subheader = Releases organize project versions.
  1293. release.tag_name = Tag name
  1294. = Target
  1295. release.tag_helper = Choose an existing tag or create a new tag.
  1296. release.title = Title
  1297. release.content = Content
  1298. release.prerelease_desc = Mark as Pre-Release
  1299. release.prerelease_helper = Mark this release unsuitable for production use.
  1300. release.cancel = Cancel
  1301. release.publish = Publish Release
  1302. release.save_draft = Save Draft
  1303. release.edit_release = Update Release
  1304. release.delete_release = Delete Release
  1305. release.deletion = Delete Release
  1306. release.deletion_desc = Deleting a release removes its Git tag from the repository. Repository contents and history remain unchanged. Continue?
  1307. release.deletion_success = The release has been deleted.
  1308. release.tag_name_already_exist = A release with this tag name already exists.
  1309. release.tag_name_invalid = The tag name is not valid.
  1310. release.downloads = Downloads
  1311. = Branch Name
  1312. = Search branches
  1313. branch.already_exists = A branch named '%s' already exists.
  1314. branch.delete_head = Delete
  1315. branch.delete = Delete Branch '%s'
  1316. branch.delete_html = Delete Branch
  1317. branch.delete_desc = Deleting a branch is permanent. It <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone. Continue?
  1318. branch.deletion_success = Branch '%s' has been deleted.
  1319. branch.deletion_failed = Failed to delete branch '%s'.
  1320. branch.delete_branch_has_new_commits = Branch '%s' cannot be deleted because new commits have been added after merging.
  1321. branch.create_branch = Create branch <strong>%s</strong>
  1322. branch.create_from = from '%s'
  1323. branch.create_success = Branch '%s' has been created.
  1324. branch.branch_already_exists = Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
  1325. branch.branch_name_conflict = Branch name '%s' conflicts with the already existing branch '%s'.
  1326. branch.tag_collision = Branch '%s' cannot be created as a tag with same name already exists in the repository.
  1327. branch.deleted_by = Deleted by %s
  1328. branch.restore_success = Branch '%s' has been restored.
  1329. branch.restore_failed = Failed to restore branch '%s'.
  1330. branch.protected_deletion_failed = Branch '%s' is protected. It cannot be deleted.
  1331. topic.manage_topics = Manage Topics
  1332. topic.done = Done
  1333. topic.count_prompt = You can not select more than 25 topics
  1334. topic.format_prompt = Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
  1335. [org]
  1336. org_name_holder = Organization Name
  1337. org_full_name_holder = Organization Full Name
  1338. org_name_helper = Organization names should be short and memorable.
  1339. create_org = Create Organization
  1340. repo_updated = Updated
  1341. people = People
  1342. teams = Teams
  1343. lower_members = members
  1344. lower_repositories = repositories
  1345. create_new_team = New Team
  1346. create_team = Create Team
  1347. org_desc = Description
  1348. team_name = Team Name
  1349. team_desc = Description
  1350. team_name_helper = Team names should be short and memorable.
  1351. team_desc_helper = Describe the purpose or role of the team.
  1352. team_permission_desc = Permission
  1353. team_unit_desc = Allow Access to Repository Sections
  1354. form.name_reserved = The organization name '%s' is reserved.
  1355. form.name_pattern_not_allowed = The pattern '%s' is not allowed in an organization name.
  1356. form.create_org_not_allowed = You are not allowed to create an organization.
  1357. settings = Settings
  1358. settings.options = Organization
  1359. settings.full_name = Full Name
  1360. = Website
  1361. settings.location = Location
  1362. settings.visibility = Visibility
  1363. settings.visibility.public = Public
  1364. = Limited (Visible to logged in users only)
  1365. settings.visibility.private = Private (Visible only to organization members)
  1366. settings.update_settings = Update Settings
  1367. settings.update_setting_success = Organization settings have been updated.
  1368. settings.change_orgname_prompt = Note: changing the organization name also changes the organization's URL.
  1369. settings.update_avatar_success = The organization's avatar has been updated.
  1370. settings.delete = Delete Organization
  1371. settings.delete_account = Delete This Organization
  1372. settings.delete_prompt = The organization will be permanently removed. This <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undone!
  1373. settings.confirm_delete_account = Confirm Deletion
  1374. settings.delete_org_title = Delete Organization
  1375. settings.delete_org_desc = This organization will be deleted permanently. Continue?
  1376. settings.hooks_desc = Add webhooks which will be triggered for <strong>all repositories</strong> under this organization.
  1377. members.membership_visibility = Membership Visibility:
  1378. members.public = Visible
  1379. members.public_helper = make hidden
  1380. members.private = Hidden
  1381. members.private_helper = make visible
  1382. members.member_role = Member Role:
  1383. members.owner = Owner
  1384. members.member = Member
  1385. members.remove = Remove
  1386. members.leave = Leave
  1387. members.invite_desc = Add a new member to %s:
  1388. members.invite_now = Invite Now
  1389. teams.join = Join
  1390. teams.leave = Leave
  1391. teams.read_access = Read Access
  1392. teams.read_access_helper = Members can view and clone team repositories.
  1393. teams.write_access = Write Access
  1394. teams.write_access_helper = Members can read and push to team repositories.
  1395. teams.admin_access = Administrator Access
  1396. teams.admin_access_helper = Members can pull and push to team repositories and add collaborators to them.
  1397. teams.no_desc = This team has no description
  1398. teams.settings = Settings
  1399. teams.owners_permission_desc = Owners have full access to <strong>all repositories</strong> and have <strong>administrator access</strong> to the organization.
  1400. teams.members = Team Members
  1401. teams.update_settings = Update Settings
  1402. teams.delete_team = Delete Team
  1403. teams.add_team_member = Add Team Member
  1404. teams.delete_team_title = Delete Team
  1405. teams.delete_team_desc = Deleting a team revokes repository access from its members. Continue?
  1406. teams.delete_team_success = The team has been deleted.
  1407. teams.read_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Read</strong> access: members can view and clone team repositories.
  1408. teams.write_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Write</strong> access: members can read from and push to team repositories.
  1409. teams.admin_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Admin</strong> access: members can read from, push to and add collaborators to team repositories.
  1410. teams.repositories = Team Repositories
  1411. teams.search_repo_placeholder = Search repository…
  1412. teams.add_team_repository = Add Team Repository
  1413. teams.remove_repo = Remove
  1414. teams.add_nonexistent_repo = "The repository you're trying to add does not exist; please create it first."
  1415. teams.add_duplicate_users = User is already a team member.
  1416. teams.repos.none = No repositories could be accessed by this team.
  1417. teams.members.none = No members on this team.
  1418. [admin]
  1419. dashboard = Dashboard
  1420. users = User Accounts
  1421. organizations = Organizations
  1422. repositories = Repositories
  1423. hooks = Default Webhooks
  1424. authentication = Authentication Sources
  1425. config = Configuration
  1426. notices = System Notices
  1427. monitor = Monitoring
  1428. first_page = First
  1429. last_page = Last
  1430. total = Total: %d
  1431. dashboard.statistic = Summary
  1432. dashboard.operations = Maintenance Operations
  1433. dashboard.system_status = System Status
  1434. dashboard.statistic_info = The Gitea database holds <b>%d</b> users, <b>%d</b> organizations, <b>%d</b> public keys, <b>%d</b> repositories, <b>%d</b> watches, <b>%d</b> stars, <b>%d</b> actions, <b>%d</b> accesses, <b>%d</b> issues, <b>%d</b> comments, <b>%d</b> social accounts, <b>%d</b> follows, <b>%d</b> mirrors, <b>%d</b> releases, <b>%d</b> authentication sources, <b>%d</b> webhooks, <b>%d</b> milestones, <b>%d</b> labels, <b>%d</b> hook tasks, <b>%d</b> teams, <b>%d</b> update tasks, <b>%d</b> attachments.
  1435. dashboard.operation_name = Operation Name
  1436. dashboard.operation_switch = Switch
  1437. dashboard.operation_run = Run
  1438. dashboard.clean_unbind_oauth = Clean unbound OAuth connections
  1439. dashboard.clean_unbind_oauth_success = All unbound OAuth connections have been deleted.
  1440. dashboard.delete_inactivate_accounts = Delete all unactivated accounts
  1441. dashboard.delete_inactivate_accounts_success = All unactivated accounts have been deleted.
  1442. dashboard.delete_repo_archives = Delete all repository archives
  1443. dashboard.delete_repo_archives_success = All repository archives have been deleted.
  1444. dashboard.delete_missing_repos = Delete all repositories missing their Git files
  1445. dashboard.delete_missing_repos_success = All repositories missing their Git files have been deleted.
  1446. dashboard.git_gc_repos = Garbage collect all repositories
  1447. dashboard.git_gc_repos_success = All repositories have finished garbage collection.
  1448. dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys = Update the '.ssh/authorized_keys' file with Gitea SSH keys. (Not needed for the built-in SSH server.)
  1449. dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success = The public SSH keys controlled by Gitea have been updated.
  1450. dashboard.resync_all_hooks = Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
  1451. dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success = All pre-receive, update and post-receive repository hooks have been resynchronized.
  1452. dashboard.reinit_missing_repos = Reinitialize all missing Git repositories for which records exist
  1453. dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success = All missing Git repositories for which records existed have been reinitialized.
  1454. dashboard.sync_external_users = Synchronize external user data
  1455. dashboard.sync_external_users_started = External user data synchronization has started.
  1456. dashboard.git_fsck = Execute health checks on all repositories
  1457. dashboard.git_fsck_started = Repository health checks have started.
  1458. dashboard.server_uptime = Server Uptime
  1459. dashboard.current_goroutine = Current Goroutines
  1460. dashboard.current_memory_usage = Current Memory Usage
  1461. dashboard.total_memory_allocated = Total Memory Allocated
  1462. dashboard.memory_obtained = Memory Obtained
  1463. dashboard.pointer_lookup_times = Pointer Lookup Times
  1464. dashboard.memory_allocate_times = Memory Allocations
  1465. dashboard.memory_free_times = Memory Frees
  1466. dashboard.current_heap_usage = Current Heap Usage
  1467. dashboard.heap_memory_obtained = Heap Memory Obtained
  1468. dashboard.heap_memory_idle = Heap Memory Idle
  1469. dashboard.heap_memory_in_use = Heap Memory In Use
  1470. dashboard.heap_memory_released = Heap Memory Released
  1471. dashboard.heap_objects = Heap Objects
  1472. dashboard.bootstrap_stack_usage = Bootstrap Stack Usage
  1473. dashboard.stack_memory_obtained = Stack Memory Obtained
  1474. dashboard.mspan_structures_usage = MSpan Structures Usage
  1475. dashboard.mspan_structures_obtained = MSpan Structures Obtained
  1476. dashboard.mcache_structures_usage = MCache Structures Usage
  1477. dashboard.mcache_structures_obtained = MCache Structures Obtained
  1478. dashboard.profiling_bucket_hash_table_obtained = Profiling Bucket Hash Table Obtained
  1479. dashboard.gc_metadata_obtained = GC Metadata Obtained
  1480. dashboard.other_system_allocation_obtained = Other System Allocation Obtained
  1481. dashboard.next_gc_recycle = Next GC Recycle
  1482. dashboard.last_gc_time = Since Last GC Time
  1483. dashboard.total_gc_time = Total GC Pause
  1484. dashboard.total_gc_pause = Total GC Pause
  1485. dashboard.last_gc_pause = Last GC Pause
  1486. dashboard.gc_times = GC Times
  1487. users.user_manage_panel = User Account Management
  1488. users.new_account = Create User Account
  1489. = Username
  1490. users.activated = Activated
  1491. users.admin = Admin
  1492. users.repos = Repos
  1493. users.created = Created
  1494. users.last_login = Last Sign-In
  1495. users.never_login = Never Signed-In
  1496. users.send_register_notify = Send User Registration Notification
  1497. users.new_success = The user account '%s' has been created.
  1498. users.edit = Edit
  1499. users.auth_source = Authentication Source
  1500. users.local = Local
  1501. users.auth_login_name = Authentication Sign-In Name
  1502. users.password_helper = Leave the password empty to keep it unchanged.
  1503. users.update_profile_success = The user account has been updated.
  1504. users.edit_account = Edit User Account
  1505. users.max_repo_creation = Maximal Number of Repositories
  1506. users.max_repo_creation_desc = (Enter -1 to use the global default limit.)
  1507. users.is_activated = User Account Is Activated
  1508. users.prohibit_login = Disable Sign-In
  1509. users.is_admin = Is Administrator
  1510. users.allow_git_hook = May Create Git Hooks
  1511. users.allow_import_local = May Import Local Repositories
  1512. users.allow_create_organization = May Create Organizations
  1513. users.update_profile = Update User Account
  1514. users.delete_account = Delete User Account
  1515. users.still_own_repo = This user still owns one or more repositories. Delete or transfer these repositories first.
  1516. users.still_has_org = This user is a member of an organization. Remove the user from any organizations first.
  1517. users.deletion_success = The user account has been deleted.
  1518. orgs.org_manage_panel = Organization Management
  1519. = Name
  1520. orgs.teams = Teams
  1521. orgs.members = Members
  1522. orgs.new_orga = New Organization
  1523. repos.repo_manage_panel = Repository Management
  1524. repos.owner = Owner
  1525. = Name
  1526. repos.private = Private
  1527. = Watches
  1528. repos.stars = Stars
  1529. repos.forks = Forks
  1530. repos.issues = Issues
  1531. repos.size = Size
  1532. hooks.desc = Webhooks automatically make HTTP POST requests to a server when certain Gitea events trigger. Webhooks defined here are defaults and will be copied into all new repositories. Read more in the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">webhooks guide</a>.
  1533. hooks.add_webhook = Add Default Webhook
  1534. hooks.update_webhook = Update Default Webhook
  1535. auths.auth_manage_panel = Authentication Source Management
  1536. = Add Authentication Source
  1537. = Name
  1538. auths.type = Type
  1539. auths.enabled = Enabled
  1540. auths.syncenabled = Enable User Synchronization
  1541. auths.updated = Updated
  1542. auths.auth_type = Authentication Type
  1543. auths.auth_name = Authentication Name
  1544. auths.security_protocol = Security Protocol
  1545. auths.domain = Domain
  1546. = Host
  1547. auths.port = Port
  1548. auths.bind_dn = Bind DN
  1549. auths.bind_password = Bind Password
  1550. auths.bind_password_helper = Warning: This password is stored in plain text. Use a read-only account if possible.
  1551. auths.user_base = User Search Base
  1552. auths.user_dn = User DN
  1553. auths.attribute_username = Username Attribute
  1554. auths.attribute_username_placeholder = Leave empty to use the username entered in Gitea.
  1555. auths.attribute_name = First Name Attribute
  1556. auths.attribute_surname = Surname Attribute
  1557. auths.attribute_mail = Email Attribute
  1558. auths.attribute_ssh_public_key = Public SSH Key Attribute
  1559. auths.attributes_in_bind = Fetch Attributes in Bind DN Context
  1560. auths.use_paged_search = Use Paged Search
  1561. auths.search_page_size = Page Size
  1562. auths.filter = User Filter
  1563. auths.admin_filter = Admin Filter
  1564. auths.ms_ad_sa = MS AD Search Attributes
  1565. auths.smtp_auth = SMTP Authentication Type
  1566. auths.smtphost = SMTP Host
  1567. auths.smtpport = SMTP Port
  1568. auths.allowed_domains = Allowed Domains
  1569. auths.allowed_domains_helper = Leave empty to allow all domains. Separate multiple domains with a comma (',').
  1570. auths.enable_tls = Enable TLS Encryption
  1571. auths.skip_tls_verify = Skip TLS Verify
  1572. auths.pam_service_name = PAM Service Name
  1573. auths.oauth2_provider = OAuth2 Provider
  1574. auths.oauth2_clientID = Client ID (Key)
  1575. auths.oauth2_clientSecret = Client Secret
  1576. auths.openIdConnectAutoDiscoveryURL = OpenID Connect Auto Discovery URL
  1577. auths.oauth2_use_custom_url = Use Custom URLs Instead of Default URLs
  1578. auths.oauth2_tokenURL = Token URL
  1579. auths.oauth2_authURL = Authorize URL
  1580. auths.oauth2_profileURL = Profile URL
  1581. auths.oauth2_emailURL = Email URL
  1582. auths.enable_auto_register = Enable Auto Registration
  1583. = Tips
  1584. = OAuth2 Authentication
  1585. = When registering a new OAuth2 authentication, the callback/redirect URL should be: <host>/user/oauth2/<Authentication Name>/callback
  1586. auths.tip.oauth2_provider = OAuth2 Provider
  1587. auths.tip.bitbucket = Register a new OAuth consumer on<your username>/oauth-consumers/new and add the permission 'Account' - 'Read'
  1588. auths.tip.dropbox = Create a new application at
  1589. auths.tip.facebook = Register a new application at and add the product "Facebook Login"
  1590. auths.tip.github = Register a new OAuth application on
  1591. auths.tip.gitlab = Register a new application on
  1592. auths.tip.google_plus = Obtain OAuth2 client credentials from the Google API console at
  1593. auths.tip.openid_connect = Use the OpenID Connect Discovery URL (<server>/.well-known/openid-configuration) to specify the endpoints
  1594. auths.tip.twitter = Go to, create an application and ensure that the “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter” option is enabled
  1595. auths.tip.discord = Register a new application on
  1596. auths.edit = Edit Authentication Source
  1597. auths.activated = This Authentication Source is Activated
  1598. auths.new_success = The authentication '%s' has been added.
  1599. auths.update_success = The authentication source has been updated.
  1600. auths.update = Update Authentication Source
  1601. auths.delete = Delete Authentication Source
  1602. auths.delete_auth_title = Delete Authentication Source
  1603. auths.delete_auth_desc = Deleting an authentication source prevents users from using it to sign in. Continue?
  1604. auths.still_in_used = The authentication source is still in use. Convert or delete any users using this authentication source first.
  1605. auths.deletion_success = The authentication source has been deleted.
  1606. auths.login_source_exist = The authentication source '%s' already exists.
  1607. config.server_config = Server Configuration
  1608. config.app_name = Site Title
  1609. config.app_ver = Gitea Version
  1610. config.app_url = Gitea Base URL
  1611. config.custom_conf = Configuration File Path
  1612. config.custom_file_root_path = "Custom File Root Path"
  1613. config.domain = SSH Server Domain
  1614. config.offline_mode = Local Mode
  1615. config.disable_router_log = Disable Router Log
  1616. config.run_user = Run As Username
  1617. config.run_mode = Run Mode
  1618. config.git_version = Git Version
  1619. config.repo_root_path = Repository Root Path
  1620. config.lfs_root_path = LFS Root Path
  1621. config.static_file_root_path = Static File Root Path
  1622. config.log_file_root_path = Log Path
  1623. config.script_type = Script Type
  1624. config.reverse_auth_user = Reverse Authentication User
  1625. config.ssh_config = SSH Configuration
  1626. config.ssh_enabled = Enabled
  1627. config.ssh_start_builtin_server = Use Built-In Server
  1628. config.ssh_domain = Server Domain
  1629. config.ssh_port = Port
  1630. config.ssh_listen_port = Listen Port
  1631. config.ssh_root_path = Root Path
  1632. config.ssh_key_test_path = Key Test Path
  1633. config.ssh_keygen_path = Keygen ('ssh-keygen') Path
  1634. config.ssh_minimum_key_size_check = Minimum Key Size Check
  1635. config.ssh_minimum_key_sizes = Minimum Key Sizes
  1636. config.db_config = Database Configuration
  1637. config.db_type = Type
  1638. config.db_host = Host
  1639. config.db_name = Name
  1640. config.db_user = Username
  1641. config.db_ssl_mode = SSL
  1642. config.db_path = Path
  1643. config.service_config = Service Configuration
  1644. config.register_email_confirm = Require Email Confirmation to Register
  1645. config.disable_register = Disable Self-Registration
  1646. config.allow_only_external_registration = Allow Registration Only Through External Services
  1647. config.enable_openid_signup = Enable OpenID Self-Registration
  1648. config.enable_openid_signin = Enable OpenID Sign-In
  1649. config.show_registration_button = Show Register Button
  1650. config.require_sign_in_view = Require Sign-In to View Pages
  1651. config.mail_notify = Enable Email Notifications
  1652. config.disable_key_size_check = Disable Minimum Key Size Check
  1653. config.enable_captcha = Enable CAPTCHA
  1654. config.active_code_lives = Active Code Lives
  1655. config.reset_password_code_lives = Recover Account Code Expiry Time
  1656. config.default_keep_email_private = Hide Email Addresses by Default
  1657. config.default_allow_create_organization = Allow Creation of Organizations by Default
  1658. config.enable_timetracking = Enable Time Tracking
  1659. config.default_enable_timetracking = Enable Time Tracking by Default
  1660. config.default_allow_only_contributors_to_track_time = Let Only Contributors Track Time
  1661. config.no_reply_address = Hidden Email Domain
  1662. config.default_visibility_organization = Default visibility for new Organizations
  1663. config.default_enable_dependencies = Enable Issue Dependencies by Default
  1664. config.webhook_config = Webhook Configuration
  1665. config.queue_length = Queue Length
  1666. config.deliver_timeout = Deliver Timeout
  1667. config.skip_tls_verify = Skip TLS Verification
  1668. config.mailer_config = SMTP Mailer Configuration
  1669. config.mailer_enabled = Enabled
  1670. config.mailer_disable_helo = Disable HELO
  1671. config.mailer_name = Name
  1672. config.mailer_host = Host
  1673. config.mailer_user = User
  1674. config.mailer_use_sendmail = Use Sendmail
  1675. config.mailer_sendmail_path = Sendmail Path
  1676. config.mailer_sendmail_args = Extra Arguments to Sendmail
  1677. config.send_test_mail = Send Testing Email
  1678. config.test_mail_failed = Failed to send a testing email to '%s': %v
  1679. config.test_mail_sent = A testing email has been sent to '%s'.
  1680. config.oauth_config = OAuth Configuration
  1681. config.oauth_enabled = Enabled
  1682. config.cache_config = Cache Configuration
  1683. config.cache_adapter = Cache Adapter
  1684. config.cache_interval = Cache Interval
  1685. config.cache_conn = Cache Connection
  1686. config.cache_item_ttl = Cache Item TTL
  1687. config.session_config = Session Configuration
  1688. config.session_provider = Session Provider
  1689. config.provider_config = Provider Config
  1690. config.cookie_name = Cookie Name
  1691. config.enable_set_cookie = Enable Set Cookie
  1692. config.gc_interval_time = GC Interval Time
  1693. config.session_life_time = Session Life Time
  1694. config.https_only = HTTPS Only
  1695. config.cookie_life_time = Cookie Life Time
  1696. config.picture_config = Picture and Avatar Configuration
  1697. config.picture_service = Picture Service
  1698. config.disable_gravatar = Disable Gravatar
  1699. config.enable_federated_avatar = Enable Federated Avatars
  1700. config.git_config = Git Configuration
  1701. config.git_disable_diff_highlight = Disable Diff Syntax Highlight
  1702. config.git_max_diff_lines = Max Diff Lines (for a single file)
  1703. config.git_max_diff_line_characters = Max Diff Characters (for a single line)
  1704. config.git_max_diff_files = Max Diff Files (to be shown)
  1705. config.git_gc_args = GC Arguments
  1706. config.git_migrate_timeout = Migration Timeout
  1707. config.git_mirror_timeout = Mirror Update Timeout
  1708. config.git_clone_timeout = Clone Operation Timeout
  1709. config.git_pull_timeout = Pull Operation Timeout
  1710. config.git_gc_timeout = GC Operation Timeout
  1711. config.log_config = Log Configuration
  1712. config.log_mode = Log Mode
  1713. config.macaron_log_mode = Macaron Log Mode
  1714. config.own_named_logger = Named Logger
  1715. config.routes_to_default_logger = Routes To Default Logger
  1716. config.go_log = Uses Go Log (redirected to default)
  1717. config.router_log_mode = Router Log Mode
  1718. config.disabled_logger = Disabled
  1719. config.access_log_mode = Access Log Mode
  1720. config.access_log_template = Template
  1721. config.xorm_log_mode = XORM Log Mode
  1722. config.xorm_log_sql = Log SQL
  1723. monitor.cron = Cron Tasks
  1724. = Name
  1725. monitor.schedule = Schedule
  1726. = Next Time
  1727. monitor.previous = Previous Time
  1728. monitor.execute_times = Executions
  1729. monitor.process = Running Processes
  1730. monitor.desc = Description
  1731. monitor.start = Start Time
  1732. monitor.execute_time = Execution Time
  1733. notices.system_notice_list = System Notices
  1734. notices.view_detail_header = View Notice Details
  1735. notices.actions = Actions
  1736. notices.select_all = Select All
  1737. notices.deselect_all = Deselect All
  1738. notices.inverse_selection = Inverse Selection
  1739. notices.delete_selected = Delete Selected
  1740. notices.delete_all = Delete All Notices
  1741. notices.type = Type
  1742. notices.type_1 = Repository
  1743. notices.desc = Description
  1744. notices.op = Op.
  1745. notices.delete_success = The system notices have been deleted.
  1746. [action]
  1747. create_repo = created repository <a href="%s">%s</a>
  1748. rename_repo = renamed repository from <code>%[1]s</code> to <a href="%[2]s">%[3]s</a>
  1749. commit_repo = pushed to <a href="%[1]s/src/branch/%[2]s">%[3]s</a> at <a href="%[1]s">%[4]s</a>
  1750. create_issue = `opened issue <a href="%s/issues/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  1751. close_issue = `closed issue <a href="%s/issues/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  1752. reopen_issue = `reopened issue <a href="%s/issues/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  1753. create_pull_request = `created pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  1754. close_pull_request = `closed pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  1755. reopen_pull_request = `reopened pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  1756. comment_issue = `commented on issue <a href="%s/issues/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  1757. merge_pull_request = `merged pull request <a href="%s/pulls/%s">%s#%[2]s</a>`
  1758. transfer_repo = transferred repository <code>%s</code> to <a href="%s">%s</a>
  1759. push_tag = pushed tag <a href="%s/src/tag/%s">%[2]s</a> to <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a>
  1760. delete_tag = deleted tag %[2]s from <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a>
  1761. delete_branch = deleted branch %[2]s from <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a>
  1762. compare_commits = Compare %d commits
  1763. mirror_sync_push = synced commits to <a href="%[1]s/src/%[2]s">%[3]s</a> at <a href="%[1]s">%[4]s</a> from mirror
  1764. mirror_sync_create = synced new reference <a href="%s/src/%s">%[2]s</a> to <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a> from mirror
  1765. mirror_sync_delete = synced and deleted reference <code>%[2]s</code> at <a href="%[1]s">%[3]s</a> from mirror
  1766. [tool]
  1767. ago = %s ago
  1768. from_now = %s from now
  1769. now = now
  1770. future = future
  1771. 1s = 1 second
  1772. 1m = 1 minute
  1773. 1h = 1 hour
  1774. 1d = 1 day
  1775. 1w = 1 week
  1776. 1mon = 1 month
  1777. 1y = 1 year
  1778. seconds = %d seconds
  1779. minutes = %d minutes
  1780. hours = %d hours
  1781. days = %d days
  1782. weeks = %d weeks
  1783. months = %d months
  1784. years = %d years
  1785. raw_seconds = seconds
  1786. raw_minutes = minutes
  1787. [dropzone]
  1788. default_message = Drop files or click here to upload.
  1789. invalid_input_type = You can not upload files of this type.
  1790. file_too_big = File size ({{filesize}} MB) exceeds the maximum size of ({{maxFilesize}} MB).
  1791. remove_file = Remove file
  1792. [notification]
  1793. notifications = Notifications
  1794. unread = Unread
  1795. read = Read
  1796. no_unread = No unread notifications.
  1797. no_read = No read notifications.
  1798. pin = Pin notification
  1799. mark_as_read = Mark as read
  1800. mark_as_unread = Mark as unread
  1801. mark_all_as_read = Mark all as read
  1802. [gpg]
  1803. error.extract_sign = Failed to extract signature
  1804. error.generate_hash = Failed to generate hash of commit
  1805. error.no_committer_account = No account linked to committer's email address
  1806. error.no_gpg_keys_found = "No known key found for this signature in database"
  1807. error.not_signed_commit = "Not a signed commit"
  1808. error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys = "Failed to retrieve any key attached to the committer's account"
  1809. [units]
  1810. error.no_unit_allowed_repo = You are not allowed to access any section of this repository.
  1811. error.unit_not_allowed = You are not allowed to access this repository section.