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manager_unix.go 5.0KB

  1. // Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
  3. //go:build !windows
  4. package graceful
  5. import (
  6. "context"
  7. "errors"
  8. "os"
  9. "os/signal"
  10. "runtime/pprof"
  11. "strconv"
  12. "syscall"
  13. "time"
  14. ""
  15. ""
  16. ""
  17. ""
  18. )
  19. func pidMsg() systemdNotifyMsg {
  20. return systemdNotifyMsg("MAINPID=" + strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid()))
  21. }
  22. // Notify systemd of status via the notify protocol
  23. func (g *Manager) notify(msg systemdNotifyMsg) {
  24. conn, err := getNotifySocket()
  25. if err != nil {
  26. // the err is logged in getNotifySocket
  27. return
  28. }
  29. if conn == nil {
  30. return
  31. }
  32. defer conn.Close()
  33. if _, err = conn.Write([]byte(msg)); err != nil {
  34. log.Warn("Failed to notify NOTIFY_SOCKET: %v", err)
  35. return
  36. }
  37. }
  38. func (g *Manager) start() {
  39. // Now label this and all goroutines created by this goroutine with the graceful-lifecycle manager
  40. pprof.SetGoroutineLabels(g.managerCtx)
  41. defer pprof.SetGoroutineLabels(g.ctx)
  42. g.isChild = len(os.Getenv(listenFDsEnv)) > 0 && os.Getppid() > 1
  43. g.notify(statusMsg("Starting Gitea"))
  44. g.notify(pidMsg())
  45. go g.handleSignals(g.managerCtx)
  46. // Handle clean up of unused provided listeners and delayed start-up
  47. startupDone := make(chan struct{})
  48. go func() {
  49. defer func() {
  50. close(startupDone)
  51. // Close the unused listeners
  52. closeProvidedListeners()
  53. }()
  54. // Wait for all servers to be created
  55. g.createServerCond.L.Lock()
  56. for {
  57. if g.createdServer >= numberOfServersToCreate {
  58. g.createServerCond.L.Unlock()
  59. g.notify(readyMsg)
  60. return
  61. }
  62. select {
  63. case <-g.IsShutdown():
  64. g.createServerCond.L.Unlock()
  65. return
  66. default:
  67. }
  68. g.createServerCond.Wait()
  69. }
  70. }()
  71. if setting.StartupTimeout > 0 {
  72. go func() {
  73. select {
  74. case <-startupDone:
  75. return
  76. case <-g.IsShutdown():
  77. g.createServerCond.Signal()
  78. return
  79. case <-time.After(setting.StartupTimeout):
  80. log.Error("Startup took too long! Shutting down")
  81. g.notify(statusMsg("Startup took too long! Shutting down"))
  82. g.notify(stoppingMsg)
  83. g.doShutdown()
  84. }
  85. }()
  86. }
  87. }
  88. func (g *Manager) handleSignals(ctx context.Context) {
  89. ctx, _, finished := process.GetManager().AddTypedContext(ctx, "Graceful: HandleSignals", process.SystemProcessType, true)
  90. defer finished()
  91. signalChannel := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
  92. signal.Notify(
  93. signalChannel,
  94. syscall.SIGHUP,
  95. syscall.SIGUSR1,
  96. syscall.SIGUSR2,
  97. syscall.SIGINT,
  98. syscall.SIGTERM,
  99. syscall.SIGTSTP,
  100. )
  101. watchdogTimeout := getWatchdogTimeout()
  102. t := &time.Ticker{}
  103. if watchdogTimeout != 0 {
  104. g.notify(watchdogMsg)
  105. t = time.NewTicker(watchdogTimeout / 2)
  106. }
  107. pid := syscall.Getpid()
  108. for {
  109. select {
  110. case sig := <-signalChannel:
  111. switch sig {
  112. case syscall.SIGHUP:
  113. log.Info("PID: %d. Received SIGHUP. Attempting GracefulRestart...", pid)
  114. g.DoGracefulRestart()
  115. case syscall.SIGUSR1:
  116. log.Warn("PID %d. Received SIGUSR1. Releasing and reopening logs", pid)
  117. g.notify(statusMsg("Releasing and reopening logs"))
  118. if err := releasereopen.GetManager().ReleaseReopen(); err != nil {
  119. log.Error("Error whilst releasing and reopening logs: %v", err)
  120. }
  121. case syscall.SIGUSR2:
  122. log.Warn("PID %d. Received SIGUSR2. Hammering...", pid)
  123. g.DoImmediateHammer()
  124. case syscall.SIGINT:
  125. log.Warn("PID %d. Received SIGINT. Shutting down...", pid)
  126. g.DoGracefulShutdown()
  127. case syscall.SIGTERM:
  128. log.Warn("PID %d. Received SIGTERM. Shutting down...", pid)
  129. g.DoGracefulShutdown()
  130. case syscall.SIGTSTP:
  131. log.Info("PID %d. Received SIGTSTP.", pid)
  132. default:
  133. log.Info("PID %d. Received %v.", pid, sig)
  134. }
  135. case <-t.C:
  136. g.notify(watchdogMsg)
  137. case <-ctx.Done():
  138. log.Warn("PID: %d. Background context for manager closed - %v - Shutting down...", pid, ctx.Err())
  139. g.DoGracefulShutdown()
  140. return
  141. }
  142. }
  143. }
  144. func (g *Manager) doFork() error {
  145. g.lock.Lock()
  146. if g.forked {
  147. g.lock.Unlock()
  148. return errors.New("another process already forked. Ignoring this one")
  149. }
  150. g.forked = true
  151. g.lock.Unlock()
  152. g.notify(reloadingMsg)
  153. // We need to move the file logs to append pids
  154. setting.RestartLogsWithPIDSuffix()
  155. _, err := RestartProcess()
  156. return err
  157. }
  158. // DoGracefulRestart causes a graceful restart
  159. func (g *Manager) DoGracefulRestart() {
  160. if setting.GracefulRestartable {
  161. log.Info("PID: %d. Forking...", os.Getpid())
  162. err := g.doFork()
  163. if err != nil {
  164. if err.Error() == "another process already forked. Ignoring this one" {
  165. g.DoImmediateHammer()
  166. } else {
  167. log.Error("Error whilst forking from PID: %d : %v", os.Getpid(), err)
  168. }
  169. }
  170. // doFork calls RestartProcess which starts a new Gitea process, so this parent process needs to exit
  171. // Otherwise some resources (eg: leveldb lock) will be held by this parent process and the new process will fail to start
  172. log.Info("PID: %d. Shutting down after forking ...", os.Getpid())
  173. g.doShutdown()
  174. } else {
  175. log.Info("PID: %d. Not set restartable. Shutting down...", os.Getpid())
  176. g.notify(stoppingMsg)
  177. g.doShutdown()
  178. }
  179. }