You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

app.example.ini 98KB

  1. ; This file lists the default values used by Gitea
  2. ;; Copy required sections to your own app.ini (default is custom/conf/app.ini)
  3. ;; and modify as needed.
  4. ;; Do not copy the whole file as-is, as it contains some invalid sections for illustrative purposes.
  5. ;; If you don't know what a setting is you should not set it.
  6. ;;
  7. ;; see for additional documentation.
  8. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  9. ;; Default Configuration (non-`app.ini` configuration)
  10. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  11. ;;
  12. ;; These values are environment-dependent but form the basis of a lot of values. They will be
  13. ;; reported as part of the default configuration when running `gitea --help` or on start-up. The order they are emitted there is slightly different but we will list them here in the order they are set-up.
  14. ;;
  15. ;; - _`AppPath`_: This is the absolute path of the running gitea binary.
  16. ;; - _`AppWorkPath`_: This refers to "working path" of the `gitea` binary. It is determined by using the first set thing in the following hierarchy:
  17. ;; - The `--work-path` flag passed to the binary
  18. ;; - The environment variable `$GITEA_WORK_DIR`
  19. ;; - A built-in value set at build time (see building from source)
  20. ;; - Otherwise it defaults to the directory of the _`AppPath`_
  21. ;; - If any of the above are relative paths then they are made absolute against the
  22. ;; the directory of the _`AppPath`_
  23. ;; - _`CustomPath`_: This is the base directory for custom templates and other options.
  24. ;; It is determined by using the first set thing in the following hierarchy:
  25. ;; - The `--custom-path` flag passed to the binary
  26. ;; - The environment variable `$GITEA_CUSTOM`
  27. ;; - A built-in value set at build time (see building from source)
  28. ;; - Otherwise it defaults to _`AppWorkPath`_`/custom`
  29. ;; - If any of the above are relative paths then they are made absolute against the
  30. ;; the directory of the _`AppWorkPath`_
  31. ;; - _`CustomConf`_: This is the path to the `app.ini` file.
  32. ;; - The `--config` flag passed to the binary
  33. ;; - A built-in value set at build time (see building from source)
  34. ;; - Otherwise it defaults to _`CustomPath`_`/conf/app.ini`
  35. ;; - If any of the above are relative paths then they are made absolute against the
  36. ;; the directory of the _`CustomPath`_
  37. ;;
  38. ;; In addition there is _`StaticRootPath`_ which can be set as a built-in at build time, but will otherwise default to _`AppWorkPath`_
  39. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  40. ;; General Settings
  41. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  42. ;;
  43. ;; App name that shows in every page title
  44. APP_NAME = ; Gitea: Git with a cup of tea
  45. ;;
  46. ;; RUN_USER will automatically detect the current user - but you can set it here change it if you run locally
  47. RUN_USER = ; git
  48. ;;
  49. ;; Application run mode, affects performance and debugging. Either "dev", "prod" or "test", default is "prod"
  50. RUN_MODE = ; prod
  51. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  52. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  53. [server]
  54. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  55. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  56. ;;
  57. ;; The protocol the server listens on. One of 'http', 'https', 'http+unix', 'fcgi' or 'fcgi+unix'. Defaults to 'http'
  58. ;PROTOCOL = http
  59. ;;
  60. ;; Expect PROXY protocol headers on connections
  61. ;USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL = false
  62. ;;
  63. ;; Use PROXY protocol in TLS Bridging mode
  65. ;;
  66. ; Timeout to wait for PROXY protocol header (set to 0 to have no timeout)
  68. ;;
  69. ; Accept PROXY protocol headers with UNKNOWN type
  71. ;;
  72. ;; Set the domain for the server
  73. ;DOMAIN = localhost
  74. ;;
  75. ;; Overwrite the automatically generated public URL. Necessary for proxies and docker.
  76. ;ROOT_URL = %(PROTOCOL)s://%(DOMAIN)s:%(HTTP_PORT)s/
  77. ;;
  78. ;; when STATIC_URL_PREFIX is empty it will follow ROOT_URL
  80. ;;
  81. ;; The address to listen on. Either a IPv4/IPv6 address or the path to a unix socket.
  82. ;; If PROTOCOL is set to `http+unix` or `fcgi+unix`, this should be the name of the Unix socket file to use.
  83. ;; Relative paths will be made absolute against the _`AppWorkPath`_.
  84. ;HTTP_ADDR =
  85. ;;
  86. ;; The port to listen on. Leave empty when using a unix socket.
  87. ;HTTP_PORT = 3000
  88. ;;
  89. ;; If REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT is true, and PROTOCOL is set to https an http server
  90. ;; will be started on PORT_TO_REDIRECT and it will redirect plain, non-secure http requests to the main
  91. ;; ROOT_URL. Defaults are false for REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT and 80 for
  93. ;REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT = false
  94. ;PORT_TO_REDIRECT = 80
  95. ;;
  96. ;; expect PROXY protocol header on connections to https redirector.
  98. ;; Minimum and maximum supported TLS versions
  101. ;;
  102. ;; SSL Curve Preferences
  104. ;;
  105. ;; SSL Cipher Suites
  106. ;SSL_CIPHER_SUITES=; Will default to "ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384,ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384,ecdhe_ecdsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256,ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256,ecdhe_ecdsa_with_chacha20_poly1305,ecdhe_rsa_with_chacha20_poly1305" if aes is supported by hardware, otherwise chacha will be first.
  107. ;;
  108. ;; Timeout for any write to the connection. (Set to -1 to disable all timeouts.)
  109. ;PER_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 30s
  110. ;;
  111. ;; Timeout per Kb written to connections.
  113. ;;
  114. ;; Permission for unix socket
  116. ;;
  117. ;; Local (DMZ) URL for Gitea workers (such as SSH update) accessing web service.
  118. ;; In most cases you do not need to change the default value.
  119. ;; Alter it only if your SSH server node is not the same as HTTP node.
  120. ;; Do not set this variable if PROTOCOL is set to 'unix'.
  122. ;;
  123. ;; When making local connections pass the PROXY protocol header.
  125. ;;
  126. ;; Disable SSH feature when not available
  127. ;DISABLE_SSH = false
  128. ;;
  129. ;; Whether to use the builtin SSH server or not.
  130. ;START_SSH_SERVER = false
  131. ;;
  132. ;; Expect PROXY protocol header on connections to the built-in SSH server
  134. ;;
  135. ;; Username to use for the builtin SSH server. If blank, then it is the value of RUN_USER.
  137. ;;
  138. ;; Domain name to be exposed in clone URL
  139. ;SSH_DOMAIN = %(DOMAIN)s
  140. ;;
  141. ;; SSH username displayed in clone URLs.
  143. ;;
  144. ;; The network interface the builtin SSH server should listen on
  146. ;;
  147. ;; Port number to be exposed in clone URL
  148. ;SSH_PORT = 22
  149. ;;
  150. ;; The port number the builtin SSH server should listen on
  152. ;;
  153. ;; Root path of SSH directory, default is '~/.ssh', but you have to use '/home/git/.ssh'.
  154. ;SSH_ROOT_PATH =
  155. ;;
  156. ;; Gitea will create a authorized_keys file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server
  157. ;; If you intend to use the AuthorizedKeysCommand functionality then you should turn this off.
  159. ;;
  160. ;; Gitea will create a authorized_principals file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server
  161. ;; If you intend to use the AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand functionality then you should turn this off.
  163. ;;
  164. ;; For the built-in SSH server, choose the ciphers to support for SSH connections,
  165. ;; for system SSH this setting has no effect
  166. ;SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS =, aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr,,
  167. ;;
  168. ;; For the built-in SSH server, choose the key exchange algorithms to support for SSH connections,
  169. ;; for system SSH this setting has no effect
  170. ;SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES = curve25519-sha256, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group14-sha256, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  171. ;;
  172. ;; For the built-in SSH server, choose the MACs to support for SSH connections,
  173. ;; for system SSH this setting has no effect
  174. ;SSH_SERVER_MACS =, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha1
  175. ;;
  176. ;; For the built-in SSH server, choose the keypair to offer as the host key
  177. ;; The private key should be at SSH_SERVER_HOST_KEY and the public
  178. ;; relative paths are made absolute relative to the %(APP_DATA_PATH)s
  179. ;SSH_SERVER_HOST_KEYS=ssh/gitea.rsa, ssh/gogs.rsa
  180. ;;
  181. ;; Directory to create temporary files in when testing public keys using ssh-keygen,
  182. ;; default is the system temporary directory.
  184. ;;
  185. ;; Path to ssh-keygen, default is 'ssh-keygen' which means the shell is responsible for finding out which one to call.
  186. ;SSH_KEYGEN_PATH = ssh-keygen
  187. ;;
  188. ;; Enable SSH Authorized Key Backup when rewriting all keys, default is true
  190. ;;
  191. ;; Determines which principals to allow
  192. ;; - empty: if SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS is empty this will default to off, otherwise will default to email, username.
  193. ;; - off: Do not allow authorized principals
  194. ;; - email: the principal must match the user's email
  195. ;; - username: the principal must match the user's username
  196. ;; - anything: there will be no checking on the content of the principal
  197. ;SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW = email, username
  198. ;;
  199. ;; Enable SSH Authorized Principals Backup when rewriting all keys, default is true
  201. ;;
  202. ;; Specifies the public keys of certificate authorities that are trusted to sign user certificates for authentication.
  203. ;; Multiple keys should be comma separated.
  204. ;; E.g."ssh-<algorithm> <key>". or "ssh-<algorithm> <key1>, ssh-<algorithm> <key2>".
  205. ;; For more information see "TrustedUserCAKeys" in the sshd config manpages.
  207. ;; Absolute path of the `TrustedUserCaKeys` file gitea will manage.
  208. ;; Default this `RUN_USER`/.ssh/gitea-trusted-user-ca-keys.pem
  209. ;; If you're running your own ssh server and you want to use the gitea managed file you'll also need to modify your
  210. ;; sshd_config to point to this file. The official docker image will automatically work without further configuration.
  212. ;;
  213. ;; Enable exposure of SSH clone URL to anonymous visitors, default is false
  214. ;SSH_EXPOSE_ANONYMOUS = false
  215. ;;
  216. ;; Timeout for any write to ssh connections. (Set to -1 to disable all timeouts.)
  217. ;; Will default to the PER_WRITE_TIMEOUT.
  219. ;;
  220. ;; Timeout per Kb written to ssh connections.
  221. ;; Will default to the PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT.
  223. ;;
  224. ;; Indicate whether to check minimum key size with corresponding type
  225. ;MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK = false
  226. ;;
  227. ;; Disable CDN even in "prod" mode
  228. ;OFFLINE_MODE = false
  229. ;DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG = false
  230. ;;
  231. ;; TLS Settings: Either ACME or manual
  232. ;; (Other common TLS configuration are found before)
  233. ;ENABLE_ACME = false
  234. ;;
  235. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  236. ;;
  237. ;; ACME automatic TLS settings
  238. ;;
  239. ;; ACME directory URL (e.g. LetsEncrypt's staging/testing URL:
  240. ;; Leave empty to default to LetsEncrypt's (production) URL
  241. ;ACME_URL =
  242. ;;
  243. ;; Explicitly accept the ACME's TOS. The specific TOS cannot be retrieved at the moment.
  244. ;ACME_ACCEPTTOS = false
  245. ;;
  246. ;; If the ACME CA is not in your system's CA trust chain, it can be manually added here
  247. ;ACME_CA_ROOT =
  248. ;;
  249. ;; Email used for the ACME registration service
  250. ;; Can be left blank to initialize at first run and use the cached value
  251. ;ACME_EMAIL =
  252. ;;
  253. ;; ACME live directory (not to be confused with ACME directory URL: ACME_URL)
  254. ;; (Refer to caddy's ACME manager
  255. ;ACME_DIRECTORY = https
  256. ;;
  257. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  258. ;;
  259. ;; Manual TLS settings: (Only applicable if ENABLE_ACME=false)
  260. ;;
  261. ;; Generate steps:
  262. ;; $ ./gitea cert -ca=true -duration=8760h0m0s
  263. ;;
  264. ;; Or from a .pfx file exported from the Windows certificate store (do
  265. ;; not forget to export the private key):
  266. ;; $ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -out cert.pem -nokeys
  267. ;; $ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -out key.pem -nocerts -nodes
  268. ;; Paths are relative to CUSTOM_PATH
  269. ;CERT_FILE = https/cert.pem
  270. ;KEY_FILE = https/key.pem
  271. ;;
  272. ;; Root directory containing templates and static files.
  273. ;; default is the path where Gitea is executed
  274. ;STATIC_ROOT_PATH = ; Will default to the built-in value _`StaticRootPath`_
  275. ;;
  276. ;; Default path for App data
  277. ;APP_DATA_PATH = data ; relative paths will be made absolute with _`AppWorkPath`_
  278. ;;
  279. ;; Enable gzip compression for runtime-generated content, static resources excluded
  280. ;ENABLE_GZIP = false
  281. ;;
  282. ;; Application profiling (memory and cpu)
  283. ;; For "web" command it listens on localhost:6060
  284. ;; For "serve" command it dumps to disk at PPROF_DATA_PATH as (cpuprofile|memprofile)_<username>_<temporary id>
  285. ;ENABLE_PPROF = false
  286. ;;
  287. ;; PPROF_DATA_PATH, use an absolute path when you start gitea as service
  288. ;PPROF_DATA_PATH = data/tmp/pprof ; Path is relative to _`AppWorkPath`_
  289. ;;
  290. ;; Landing page, can be "home", "explore", "organizations", "login", or any URL such as "/org/repo" or even ""
  291. ;; The "login" choice is not a security measure but just a UI flow change, use REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW to force users to log in.
  292. ;LANDING_PAGE = home
  293. ;;
  294. ;; Enables git-lfs support. true or false, default is false.
  295. ;LFS_START_SERVER = false
  296. ;;
  297. ;;
  298. ;; LFS authentication secret, change this yourself
  300. ;;
  301. ;; LFS authentication validity period (in time.Duration), pushes taking longer than this may fail.
  302. ;LFS_HTTP_AUTH_EXPIRY = 20m
  303. ;;
  304. ;; Maximum allowed LFS file size in bytes (Set to 0 for no limit).
  305. ;LFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 0
  306. ;;
  307. ;; Maximum number of locks returned per page
  309. ;;
  310. ;; Allow graceful restarts using SIGHUP to fork
  312. ;;
  313. ;; After a restart the parent will finish ongoing requests before
  314. ;; shutting down. Force shutdown if this process takes longer than this delay.
  315. ;; set to a negative value to disable
  317. ;;
  318. ;; Allows the setting of a startup timeout and waithint for Windows as SVC service
  319. ;; 0 disables this.
  321. ;;
  322. ;; Static resources, includes resources on custom/, public/ and all uploaded avatars web browser cache time. Note that this cache is disabled when RUN_MODE is "dev". Default is 6h
  323. ;STATIC_CACHE_TIME = 6h
  324. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  325. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  326. [database]
  327. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  328. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  329. ;;
  330. ;; Database to use. Either "mysql", "postgres", "mssql" or "sqlite3".
  331. ;;
  332. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  333. ;;
  334. ;; MySQL Configuration
  335. ;;
  336. DB_TYPE = mysql
  337. HOST = ; can use socket e.g. /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
  338. NAME = gitea
  339. USER = root
  340. ;PASSWD = ;Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
  341. ;SSL_MODE = false ; either "false" (default), "true", or "skip-verify"
  342. ;CHARSET = utf8mb4 ;either "utf8" or "utf8mb4", default is "utf8mb4".
  343. ;;
  344. ;; NOTICE: for "utf8mb4" you must use MySQL InnoDB > 5.6. Gitea is unable to check this.
  345. ;;
  346. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  347. ;;
  348. ;; Postgres Configuration
  349. ;;
  350. ;DB_TYPE = postgres
  351. ;HOST = ; can use socket e.g. /var/run/postgresql/
  352. ;NAME = gitea
  353. ;USER = root
  354. ;PASSWD =
  355. ;SCHEMA =
  356. ;SSL_MODE=disable ;either "disable" (default), "require", or "verify-full"
  357. ;;
  358. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  359. ;;
  360. ;; SQLite Configuration
  361. ;;
  362. ;DB_TYPE = sqlite3
  363. ;PATH= ; defaults to data/gitea.db
  364. ;SQLITE_TIMEOUT = ; Query timeout defaults to: 500
  365. ;SQLITE_JOURNAL_MODE = ; defaults to sqlite database default (often DELETE), can be used to enable WAL mode.
  366. ;;
  367. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  368. ;;
  369. ;; MSSQL Configuration
  370. ;;
  371. ;DB_TYPE = mssql
  372. ;HOST =
  373. ;NAME = gitea
  374. ;USER = SA
  375. ;PASSWD = MwantsaSecurePassword1
  376. ;;
  377. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  378. ;;
  379. ;; Other settings
  380. ;;
  381. ;; For iterate buffer, default is 50
  383. ;;
  384. ;; Show the database generated SQL
  385. LOG_SQL = false ; if unset defaults to true
  386. ;;
  387. ;; Maximum number of DB Connect retries
  388. ;DB_RETRIES = 10
  389. ;;
  390. ;; Backoff time per DB retry (time.Duration)
  391. ;DB_RETRY_BACKOFF = 3s
  392. ;;
  393. ;; Max idle database connections on connection pool, default is 2
  394. ;MAX_IDLE_CONNS = 2
  395. ;;
  396. ;; Database connection max life time, default is 0 or 3s mysql (See #6804 & #7071 for reasoning)
  397. ;CONN_MAX_LIFETIME = 3s
  398. ;;
  399. ;; Database maximum number of open connections, default is 0 meaning no maximum
  400. ;MAX_OPEN_CONNS = 0
  401. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  402. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  403. [security]
  404. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  405. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  406. ;;
  407. ;; Whether the installer is disabled (set to true to disable the installer)
  408. INSTALL_LOCK = false
  409. ;;
  410. ;; Global secret key that will be used
  411. ;; This key is VERY IMPORTANT. If you lose it, the data encrypted by it (like 2FA secret) can't be decrypted anymore.
  412. SECRET_KEY =
  413. ;;
  414. ;; Alternative location to specify secret key, instead of this file; you cannot specify both this and SECRET_KEY, and must pick one
  415. ;; This key is VERY IMPORTANT. If you lose it, the data encrypted by it (like 2FA secret) can't be decrypted anymore.
  416. ;SECRET_KEY_URI = file:/etc/gitea/secret_key
  417. ;;
  418. ;; Secret used to validate communication within Gitea binary.
  420. ;;
  421. ;; Alternative location to specify internal token, instead of this file; you cannot specify both this and INTERNAL_TOKEN, and must pick one
  422. ;INTERNAL_TOKEN_URI = file:/etc/gitea/internal_token
  423. ;;
  424. ;; How long to remember that a user is logged in before requiring relogin (in days)
  426. ;;
  427. ;; Name of the cookie used to store the current username.
  428. ;COOKIE_USERNAME = gitea_awesome
  429. ;;
  430. ;; Name of cookie used to store authentication information.
  431. ;COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME = gitea_incredible
  432. ;;
  433. ;; Reverse proxy authentication header name of user name, email, and full name
  437. ;;
  438. ;; Interpret X-Forwarded-For header or the X-Real-IP header and set this as the remote IP for the request
  440. ;;
  441. ;; List of IP addresses and networks separated by comma of trusted proxy servers. Use `*` to trust all.
  443. ;;
  444. ;; The minimum password length for new Users
  446. ;;
  447. ;; Set to true to allow users to import local server paths
  448. ;IMPORT_LOCAL_PATHS = false
  449. ;;
  450. ;; Set to false to allow users with git hook privileges to create custom git hooks.
  451. ;; Custom git hooks can be used to perform arbitrary code execution on the host operating system.
  452. ;; This enables the users to access and modify this config file and the Gitea database and interrupt the Gitea service.
  453. ;; By modifying the Gitea database, users can gain Gitea administrator privileges.
  454. ;; It also enables them to access other resources available to the user on the operating system that is running the Gitea instance and perform arbitrary actions in the name of the Gitea OS user.
  455. ;; WARNING: This maybe harmful to you website or your operating system.
  456. ;; WARNING: Setting this to true does not change existing hooks in git repos; adjust it before if necessary.
  457. ;DISABLE_GIT_HOOKS = true
  458. ;;
  459. ;; Set to true to disable webhooks feature.
  460. ;DISABLE_WEBHOOKS = false
  461. ;;
  462. ;; Set to false to allow pushes to gitea repositories despite having an incomplete environment - NOT RECOMMENDED
  464. ;;
  465. ;;Comma separated list of character classes required to pass minimum complexity.
  466. ;;If left empty or no valid values are specified, the default is off (no checking)
  467. ;;Classes include "lower,upper,digit,spec"
  469. ;;
  470. ;; Password Hash algorithm, either "argon2", "pbkdf2", "scrypt" or "bcrypt"
  471. ;PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO = pbkdf2
  472. ;;
  473. ;; Set false to allow JavaScript to read CSRF cookie
  474. ;CSRF_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY = true
  475. ;;
  476. ;; Validate against to see if a password has been exposed
  477. ;PASSWORD_CHECK_PWN = false
  478. ;;
  479. ;; Cache successful token hashes. API tokens are stored in the DB as pbkdf2 hashes however, this means that there is a potentially significant hashing load when there are multiple API operations.
  480. ;; This cache will store the successfully hashed tokens in a LRU cache as a balance between performance and security.
  482. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  483. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  484. [camo]
  485. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  486. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  487. ;;
  488. ;; At the moment we only support images
  489. ;;
  490. ;; if the camo is enabled
  491. ;ENABLED = false
  492. ;; url to a camo image proxy, it **is required** if camo is enabled.
  493. ;SERVER_URL =
  494. ;; HMAC to encode urls with, it **is required** if camo is enabled.
  495. ;HMAC_KEY =
  496. ;; Set to true to use camo for https too lese only non https urls are proxyed
  497. ;ALLWAYS = false
  498. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  499. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  500. [oauth2]
  501. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  502. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  503. ;;
  504. ;; Enables OAuth2 provider
  505. ENABLE = true
  506. ;;
  507. ;; Algorithm used to sign OAuth2 tokens. Valid values: HS256, HS384, HS512, RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, EdDSA
  509. ;;
  510. ;; Private key file path used to sign OAuth2 tokens. The path is relative to APP_DATA_PATH.
  511. ;; This setting is only needed if JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM is set to RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384 or ES512.
  512. ;; The file must contain a RSA or ECDSA private key in the PKCS8 format. If no key exists a 4096 bit key will be created for you.
  513. ;JWT_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = jwt/private.pem
  514. ;;
  515. ;; OAuth2 authentication secret for access and refresh tokens, change this yourself to a unique string. CLI generate option is helpful in this case.
  516. ;; This setting is only needed if JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM is set to HS256, HS384 or HS512.
  517. ;JWT_SECRET =
  518. ;;
  519. ;; Lifetime of an OAuth2 access token in seconds
  521. ;;
  522. ;; Lifetime of an OAuth2 refresh token in hours
  524. ;;
  525. ;; Check if refresh token got already used
  527. ;;
  528. ;; Maximum length of oauth2 token/cookie stored on server
  529. ;MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH = 32767
  530. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  531. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  532. [log]
  533. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  534. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  535. ;; Root path for the log files - defaults to %(GITEA_WORK_DIR)/log
  536. ;ROOT_PATH =
  537. ;;
  538. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  539. ;; Main Logger
  540. ;;
  541. ;; Either "console", "file", "conn", "smtp" or "database", default is "console"
  542. ;; Use comma to separate multiple modes, e.g. "console, file"
  543. MODE = console
  544. ;;
  545. ;; Either "Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical" or "None", default is "Info"
  546. LEVEL = Info
  547. ;;
  548. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  549. ;; Router Logger
  550. ;;
  551. ;; Switch off the router log
  552. ;DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG=false
  553. ;;
  554. ;; Set the log "modes" for the router log (if file is set the log file will default to router.log)
  555. ROUTER = console
  556. ;;
  557. ;; The router will log different things at different levels.
  558. ;;
  559. ;; * started messages will be logged at TRACE level
  560. ;; * polling/completed routers will be logged at INFO
  561. ;; * slow routers will be logged at WARN
  562. ;; * failed routers will be logged at WARN
  563. ;;
  564. ;; The routing level will default to that of the system but individual router level can be set in
  565. ;; [log.<mode>.router] LEVEL
  566. ;;
  567. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  568. ;;
  569. ;; Access Logger (Creates log in NCSA common log format)
  570. ;;
  571. ;ENABLE_ACCESS_LOG = false
  572. ;;
  573. ;; Set the log "modes" for the access log (if file is set the log file will default to access.log)
  574. ;ACCESS = file
  575. ;;
  576. ;; Sets the template used to create the access log.
  577. ;ACCESS_LOG_TEMPLATE = {{.Ctx.RemoteAddr}} - {{.Identity}} {{.Start.Format "[02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700]" }} "{{.Ctx.Req.Method}} {{.Ctx.Req.URL.RequestURI}} {{.Ctx.Req.Proto}}" {{.ResponseWriter.Status}} {{.ResponseWriter.Size}} "{{.Ctx.Req.Referer}}\" \"{{.Ctx.Req.UserAgent}}"
  578. ;;
  579. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  580. ;;
  581. ;; SSH log (Creates log from ssh git request)
  582. ;;
  583. ;ENABLE_SSH_LOG = false
  584. ;;
  585. ;; Other Settings
  586. ;;
  587. ;; Print Stacktraces with logs. (Rarely helpful.) Either "Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical", default is "None"
  589. ;;
  590. ;; Buffer length of the channel, keep it as it is if you don't know what it is.
  591. ;BUFFER_LEN = 10000
  592. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  593. ;; Creating specific log configuration
  594. ;;
  595. ;; You can set specific configuration for individual modes and subloggers
  596. ;;
  597. ;; Configuration available to all log modes/subloggers
  598. ;LEVEL=
  599. ;FLAGS = stdflags
  600. ;EXPRESSION =
  601. ;PREFIX =
  602. ;COLORIZE = false
  603. ;;
  604. ;; For "console" mode only
  605. ;STDERR = false
  606. ;;
  607. ;; For "file" mode only
  608. ;LEVEL =
  609. ;; Set the file_name for the logger. If this is a relative path this
  610. ;; will be relative to ROOT_PATH
  611. ;FILE_NAME =
  612. ;; This enables automated log rotate(switch of following options), default is true
  613. ;LOG_ROTATE = true
  614. ;; Max size shift of a single file, default is 28 means 1 << 28, 256MB
  615. ;MAX_SIZE_SHIFT = 28
  616. ;; Segment log daily, default is true
  617. ;DAILY_ROTATE = true
  618. ;; delete the log file after n days, default is 7
  619. ;MAX_DAYS = 7
  620. ;; compress logs with gzip
  621. ;COMPRESS = true
  622. ;; compression level see godoc for compress/gzip
  624. ;
  625. ;; For "conn" mode only
  626. ;LEVEL =
  627. ;; Reconnect host for every single message, default is false
  628. ;RECONNECT_ON_MSG = false
  629. ;; Try to reconnect when connection is lost, default is false
  630. ;RECONNECT = false
  631. ;; Either "tcp", "unix" or "udp", default is "tcp"
  632. ;PROTOCOL = tcp
  633. ;; Host address
  634. ;ADDR =
  635. ;
  636. ;; For "smtp" mode only
  637. ;LEVEL =
  638. ;; Name displayed in mail title, default is "Diagnostic message from server"
  639. ;SUBJECT = Diagnostic message from server
  640. ;; Mail server
  641. ;HOST =
  642. ;; Mailer user name and password
  643. ;USER =
  644. ;; Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
  645. ;PASSWD =
  646. ;; Receivers, can be one or more, e.g.,
  647. ;RECEIVERS =
  648. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  649. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  650. [git]
  651. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  652. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  653. ;;
  654. ;; The path of git executable. If empty, Gitea searches through the PATH environment.
  655. ;PATH =
  656. ;;
  657. ;; The HOME directory for Git
  658. ;HOME_PATH = %(APP_DATA_PATH)s/home
  659. ;;
  660. ;; Disables highlight of added and removed changes
  662. ;;
  663. ;; Max number of lines allowed in a single file in diff view
  664. ;MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINES = 1000
  665. ;;
  666. ;; Max number of allowed characters in a line in diff view
  668. ;;
  669. ;; Max number of files shown in diff view
  670. ;MAX_GIT_DIFF_FILES = 100
  671. ;;
  672. ;; Set the default commits range size
  674. ;;
  675. ;; Set the default branches range size
  677. ;;
  678. ;; Arguments for command 'git gc', e.g. "--aggressive --auto"
  679. ;; see more on
  680. ;GC_ARGS =
  681. ;;
  682. ;; If use git wire protocol version 2 when git version >= 2.18, default is true, set to false when you always want git wire protocol version 1
  683. ;; To enable this for Git over SSH when using a OpenSSH server, add `AcceptEnv GIT_PROTOCOL` to your sshd_config file.
  685. ;;
  686. ;; Respond to pushes to a non-default branch with a URL for creating a Pull Request (if the repository has them enabled)
  688. ;;
  689. ;; (Go-Git only) Don't cache objects greater than this in memory. (Set to 0 to disable.)
  690. ;LARGE_OBJECT_THRESHOLD = 1048576
  691. ;; Set to true to forcibly set core.protectNTFS=false
  693. ;; Disable the usage of using partial clones for git.
  695. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  696. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  697. [service]
  698. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  699. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  700. ;;
  701. ;; Time limit to confirm account/email registration
  703. ;;
  704. ;; Time limit to perform the reset of a forgotten password
  706. ;;
  707. ;; Whether a new user needs to confirm their email when registering.
  709. ;;
  710. ;; Whether a new user needs to be confirmed manually after registration. (Requires `REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM` to be disabled.)
  712. ;;
  713. ;; List of domain names that are allowed to be used to register on a Gitea instance
  714. ;;,
  716. ;;
  717. ;; Comma-separated list of domain names that are not allowed to be used to register on a Gitea instance
  719. ;;
  720. ;; Disallow registration, only allow admins to create accounts.
  722. ;;
  723. ;; Allow registration only using gitea itself, it works only when DISABLE_REGISTRATION is false
  725. ;;
  726. ;; Allow registration only using third-party services, it works only when DISABLE_REGISTRATION is false
  728. ;;
  729. ;; User must sign in to view anything.
  730. ;REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false
  731. ;;
  732. ;; Mail notification
  733. ;ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = false
  734. ;;
  735. ;; This setting enables gitea to be signed in with HTTP BASIC Authentication using the user's password
  736. ;; If you set this to false you will not be able to access the tokens endpoints on the API with your password
  737. ;; Please note that setting this to false will not disable OAuth Basic or Basic authentication using a token
  739. ;;
  740. ;; More detail:
  745. ;;
  746. ;; Enable captcha validation for registration
  747. ;ENABLE_CAPTCHA = false
  748. ;;
  749. ;; Enable this to require captcha validation for login
  751. ;;
  752. ;; Type of captcha you want to use. Options: image, recaptcha, hcaptcha, mcaptcha.
  753. ;CAPTCHA_TYPE = image
  754. ;;
  755. ;; Change this to use or other recaptcha service
  757. ;; Enable recaptcha to use Google's recaptcha service
  758. ;; Go to to sign up for a key
  761. ;;
  762. ;; For hCaptcha, create an account at to get your keys
  765. ;;
  766. ;; Change this to use or your self-hosted instance.
  767. ;MCAPTCHA_URL =
  768. ;;
  769. ;; Go to your configured mCaptcha instance and register a sitekey
  770. ;; and use your account's secret.
  773. ;;
  774. ;; Default value for KeepEmailPrivate
  775. ;; Each new user will get the value of this setting copied into their profile
  777. ;;
  778. ;; Default value for AllowCreateOrganization
  779. ;; Every new user will have rights set to create organizations depending on this setting
  781. ;; Default value for IsRestricted
  782. ;; Every new user will have restricted permissions depending on this setting
  784. ;;
  785. ;; Either "public", "limited" or "private", default is "public"
  786. ;; Limited is for users visible only to signed users
  787. ;; Private is for users visible only to members of their organizations
  788. ;; Public is for users visible for everyone
  790. ;;
  791. ;; Set which visibility modes a user can have
  792. ;ALLOWED_USER_VISIBILITY_MODES = public,limited,private
  793. ;;
  794. ;; Either "public", "limited" or "private", default is "public"
  795. ;; Limited is for organizations visible only to signed users
  796. ;; Private is for organizations visible only to members of the organization
  797. ;; Public is for organizations visible to everyone
  799. ;;
  800. ;; Default value for DefaultOrgMemberVisible
  801. ;; True will make the membership of the users visible when added to the organisation
  803. ;;
  804. ;; Default value for EnableDependencies
  805. ;; Repositories will use dependencies by default depending on this setting
  807. ;;
  808. ;; Dependencies can be added from any repository where the user is granted access or only from the current repository depending on this setting.
  810. ;;
  811. ;; Enable heatmap on users profiles.
  812. ;ENABLE_USER_HEATMAP = true
  813. ;;
  814. ;; Enable Timetracking
  816. ;;
  817. ;; Default value for EnableTimetracking
  818. ;; Repositories will use timetracking by default depending on this setting
  820. ;;
  821. ;; Default value for AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime
  822. ;; Only users with write permissions can track time if this is true
  824. ;;
  825. ;; Value for the domain part of the user's email address in the git log if user
  826. ;; has set KeepEmailPrivate to true. The user's email will be replaced with a
  827. ;; concatenation of the user name in lower case, "@" and NO_REPLY_ADDRESS. Default
  828. ;; value is "noreply." + DOMAIN, where DOMAIN resolves to the value from server.DOMAIN
  829. ;; Note: do not use the <DOMAIN> notation below
  830. ;NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = ; noreply.<DOMAIN>
  831. ;;
  832. ;; Show Registration button
  834. ;;
  835. ;; Show milestones dashboard page - a view of all the user's milestones
  837. ;;
  838. ;; Default value for AutoWatchNewRepos
  839. ;; When adding a repo to a team or creating a new repo all team members will watch the
  840. ;; repo automatically if enabled
  841. ;AUTO_WATCH_NEW_REPOS = true
  842. ;;
  843. ;; Default value for AutoWatchOnChanges
  844. ;; Make the user watch a repository When they commit for the first time
  845. ;AUTO_WATCH_ON_CHANGES = false
  846. ;;
  847. ;; Minimum amount of time a user must exist before comments are kept when the user is deleted.
  849. ;; Valid site url schemes for user profiles
  850. ;VALID_SITE_URL_SCHEMES=http,https
  851. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  852. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  853. ;; Other Settings
  854. ;;
  855. ;; Uncomment the [section.header] if you wish to
  856. ;; set the below settings.
  857. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  858. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  859. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  860. ;[repository]
  861. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  862. ;; Root path for storing all repository data. By default, it is set to %(APP_DATA_PATH)s/gitea-repositories.
  863. ;; A relative path is interpreted as _`AppWorkPath`_/%(ROOT)s
  864. ;ROOT =
  865. ;;
  866. ;; The script type this server supports. Usually this is `bash`, but some users report that only `sh` is available.
  867. ;SCRIPT_TYPE = bash
  868. ;;
  869. ;; DETECTED_CHARSETS_ORDER tie-break order for detected charsets.
  870. ;; If the charsets have equal confidence, tie-breaking will be done by order in this list
  871. ;; with charsets earlier in the list chosen in preference to those later.
  872. ;; Adding "defaults" will place the unused charsets at that position.
  873. ;DETECTED_CHARSETS_ORDER = UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, ISO-8859, windows-1252, ISO-8859, windows-1250, ISO-8859, ISO-8859, ISO-8859, windows-1253, ISO-8859, windows-1255, ISO-8859, windows-1251, windows-1256, KOI8-R, ISO-8859, windows-1254, Shift_JIS, GB18030, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, Big5, ISO-2022, ISO-2022, ISO-2022, IBM424_rtl, IBM424_ltr, IBM420_rtl, IBM420_ltr
  874. ;;
  875. ;; Default ANSI charset to override non-UTF-8 charsets to
  876. ;ANSI_CHARSET =
  877. ;;
  878. ;; Force every new repository to be private
  879. ;FORCE_PRIVATE = false
  880. ;;
  881. ;; Default privacy setting when creating a new repository, allowed values: last, private, public. Default is last which means the last setting used.
  882. ;DEFAULT_PRIVATE = last
  883. ;;
  884. ;; Default private when using push-to-create
  886. ;;
  887. ;; Global limit of repositories per user, applied at creation time. -1 means no limit
  889. ;;
  890. ;; Mirror sync queue length, increase if mirror syncing starts hanging (DEPRECATED: please use [queue.mirror] LENGTH instead)
  891. ;MIRROR_QUEUE_LENGTH = 1000
  892. ;;
  893. ;; Patch test queue length, increase if pull request patch testing starts hanging (DEPRECATED: please use [queue.pr_patch_checker] LENGTH instead)
  895. ;;
  896. ;; Preferred Licenses to place at the top of the List
  897. ;; The name here must match the filename in options/license or custom/options/license
  898. ;PREFERRED_LICENSES = Apache License 2.0,MIT License
  899. ;;
  900. ;; Disable the ability to interact with repositories using the HTTP protocol
  901. ;DISABLE_HTTP_GIT = false
  902. ;;
  903. ;; Value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, default is not to present
  904. ;; WARNING: This may be harmful to your website if you do not give it a right value.
  906. ;;
  907. ;; Force ssh:// clone url instead of scp-style uri when default SSH port is used
  908. ;USE_COMPAT_SSH_URI = false
  909. ;;
  910. ;; Close issues as long as a commit on any branch marks it as fixed
  911. ;; Comma separated list of globally disabled repo units. Allowed values: repo.issues, repo.ext_issues, repo.pulls,, repo.ext_wiki, repo.projects
  913. ;;
  914. ;; Comma separated list of default repo units. Allowed values: repo.code, repo.releases, repo.issues, repo.pulls,, repo.projects.
  915. ;; Note: Code and Releases can currently not be deactivated. If you specify default repo units you should still list them for future compatibility.
  916. ;; External wiki and issue tracker can't be enabled by default as it requires additional settings.
  917. ;; Disabled repo units will not be added to new repositories regardless if it is in the default list.
  918. ;DEFAULT_REPO_UNITS = repo.code,repo.releases,repo.issues,repo.pulls,,repo.projects
  919. ;;
  920. ;; Prefix archive files by placing them in a directory named after the repository
  922. ;;
  923. ;; Disable migrating feature.
  924. ;DISABLE_MIGRATIONS = false
  925. ;;
  926. ;; Disable stars feature.
  927. ;DISABLE_STARS = false
  928. ;;
  929. ;; The default branch name of new repositories
  930. ;DEFAULT_BRANCH = main
  931. ;;
  932. ;; Allow adoption of unadopted repositories
  934. ;;
  935. ;; Allow deletion of unadopted repositories
  937. ;; Don't allow download source archive files from UI
  939. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  940. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  941. ;[repository.editor]
  942. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  943. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  944. ;;
  945. ;; List of file extensions for which lines should be wrapped in the Monaco editor
  946. ;; Separate extensions with a comma. To line wrap files without an extension, just put a comma
  947. ;LINE_WRAP_EXTENSIONS = .txt,.md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd,
  948. ;;
  949. ;; Valid file modes that have a preview API associated with them, such as api/v1/markdown
  950. ;; Separate the values by commas. The preview tab in edit mode won't be displayed if the file extension doesn't match
  951. ;PREVIEWABLE_FILE_MODES = markdown
  952. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  953. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  954. ;[repository.local]
  955. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  956. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  957. ;;
  958. ;; Path for local repository copy. Defaults to `tmp/local-repo` (content gets deleted on gitea restart)
  959. ;LOCAL_COPY_PATH = tmp/local-repo
  960. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  961. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  962. ;[repository.upload]
  963. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  964. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  965. ;;
  966. ;; Whether repository file uploads are enabled. Defaults to `true`
  967. ;ENABLED = true
  968. ;;
  969. ;; Path for uploads. Defaults to `data/tmp/uploads` (content gets deleted on gitea restart)
  970. ;TEMP_PATH = data/tmp/uploads
  971. ;;
  972. ;; Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
  974. ;;
  975. ;; Max size of each file in megabytes. Defaults to 3MB
  976. ;FILE_MAX_SIZE = 3
  977. ;;
  978. ;; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 5
  979. ;MAX_FILES = 5
  980. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  981. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  982. ;[repository.pull-request]
  983. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  984. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  985. ;;
  986. ;; List of prefixes used in Pull Request title to mark them as Work In Progress (matched in a case-insensitive manner)
  988. ;;
  989. ;; List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically close a related issue
  990. ;CLOSE_KEYWORDS = close,closes,closed,fix,fixes,fixed,resolve,resolves,resolved
  991. ;;
  992. ;; List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically reopen a related issue
  993. ;REOPEN_KEYWORDS = reopen,reopens,reopened
  994. ;;
  995. ;; Set default merge style for repository creating, valid options: merge, rebase, rebase-merge, squash
  996. ;DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE = merge
  997. ;;
  998. ;; In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits
  1000. ;;
  1001. ;; In the default merge message for squash commits limit the size of the commit messages to this
  1003. ;;
  1004. ;; In the default merge message for squash commits walk all commits to include all authors in the Co-authored-by otherwise just use those in the limited list
  1006. ;;
  1007. ;; In default merge messages limit the number of approvers listed as Reviewed-by: to this many
  1009. ;;
  1010. ;; In default merge messages only include approvers who are official
  1012. ;;
  1013. ;; Add co-authored-by and co-committed-by trailers if committer does not match author
  1015. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1016. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1017. ;[repository.issue]
  1018. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1019. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1020. ;; List of reasons why a Pull Request or Issue can be locked
  1021. ;LOCK_REASONS = Too heated,Off-topic,Resolved,Spam
  1022. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1023. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1024. ;[repository.release]
  1025. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1026. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1027. ;; Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
  1028. ;ALLOWED_TYPES =
  1029. ;DEFAULT_PAGING_NUM = 10
  1030. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1031. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1032. ;[repository.signing]
  1033. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1034. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1035. ;;
  1036. ;; GPG key to use to sign commits, Defaults to the default - that is the value of git config --get user.signingkey
  1037. ;; run in the context of the RUN_USER
  1038. ;; Switch to none to stop signing completely
  1039. ;SIGNING_KEY = default
  1040. ;;
  1041. ;; If a SIGNING_KEY ID is provided and is not set to default, use the provided Name and Email address as the signer.
  1042. ;; These should match a publicized name and email address for the key. (When SIGNING_KEY is default these are set to
  1043. ;; the results of git config --get and git config --get respectively and can only be overridden
  1044. ;; by setting the SIGNING_KEY ID to the correct ID.)
  1045. ;SIGNING_NAME =
  1046. ;SIGNING_EMAIL =
  1047. ;;
  1048. ;; Sets the default trust model for repositories. Options are: collaborator, committer, collaboratorcommitter
  1049. ;DEFAULT_TRUST_MODEL = collaborator
  1050. ;;
  1051. ;; Determines when gitea should sign the initial commit when creating a repository
  1052. ;; Either:
  1053. ;; - never
  1054. ;; - pubkey: only sign if the user has a pubkey
  1055. ;; - twofa: only sign if the user has logged in with twofa
  1056. ;; - always
  1057. ;; options other than none and always can be combined as comma separated list
  1058. ;INITIAL_COMMIT = always
  1059. ;;
  1060. ;; Determines when to sign for CRUD actions
  1061. ;; - as above
  1062. ;; - parentsigned: requires that the parent commit is signed.
  1063. ;CRUD_ACTIONS = pubkey, twofa, parentsigned
  1064. ;; Determines when to sign Wiki commits
  1065. ;; - as above
  1066. ;WIKI = never
  1067. ;;
  1068. ;; Determines when to sign on merges
  1069. ;; - basesigned: require that the parent of commit on the base repo is signed.
  1070. ;; - commitssigned: require that all the commits in the head branch are signed.
  1071. ;; - approved: only sign when merging an approved pr to a protected branch
  1072. ;MERGES = pubkey, twofa, basesigned, commitssigned
  1073. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1074. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1075. ;[repository.mimetype_mapping]
  1076. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1077. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1078. ;;
  1079. ;; Custom MIME type mapping for downloadable files
  1080. ;.apk=application/
  1081. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1082. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1083. ;[project]
  1084. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1085. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1086. ;; Default templates for project boards
  1087. ;PROJECT_BOARD_BASIC_KANBAN_TYPE = To Do, In Progress, Done
  1088. ;PROJECT_BOARD_BUG_TRIAGE_TYPE = Needs Triage, High Priority, Low Priority, Closed
  1089. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1090. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1091. ;[cors]
  1092. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1093. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1094. ;;
  1095. ;; More information about CORS can be found here:
  1096. ;; enable cors headers (disabled by default)
  1097. ;ENABLED = false
  1098. ;;
  1099. ;; scheme of allowed requests
  1100. ;SCHEME = http
  1101. ;;
  1102. ;; list of requesting domains that are allowed
  1103. ;ALLOW_DOMAIN = *
  1104. ;;
  1105. ;; allow subdomains of headers listed above to request
  1106. ;ALLOW_SUBDOMAIN = false
  1107. ;;
  1108. ;; list of methods allowed to request
  1110. ;;
  1111. ;; max time to cache response
  1112. ;MAX_AGE = 10m
  1113. ;;
  1114. ;; allow request with credentials
  1115. ;ALLOW_CREDENTIALS = false
  1116. ;;
  1117. ;; headers to permit
  1118. ;HEADERS = Content-Type,User-Agent
  1119. ;;
  1120. ;; set X-FRAME-OPTIONS header
  1122. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1123. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1124. ;[ui]
  1125. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1126. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1127. ;;
  1128. ;; Number of repositories that are displayed on one explore page
  1129. ;EXPLORE_PAGING_NUM = 20
  1130. ;;
  1131. ;; Number of issues that are displayed on one page
  1132. ;ISSUE_PAGING_NUM = 20
  1133. ;;
  1134. ;; Number of maximum commits displayed in one activity feed
  1135. ;FEED_MAX_COMMIT_NUM = 5
  1136. ;;
  1137. ;; Number of items that are displayed in home feed
  1138. ;FEED_PAGING_NUM = 20
  1139. ;;
  1140. ;; Number of items that are displayed in a single subsitemap
  1141. ;SITEMAP_PAGING_NUM = 20
  1142. ;;
  1143. ;; Number of maximum commits displayed in commit graph.
  1144. ;GRAPH_MAX_COMMIT_NUM = 100
  1145. ;;
  1146. ;; Number of line of codes shown for a code comment
  1148. ;;
  1149. ;; Value of `theme-color` meta tag, used by Android >= 5.0
  1150. ;; An invalid color like "none" or "disable" will have the default style
  1151. ;; More info:
  1152. ;THEME_COLOR_META_TAG = `#6cc644`
  1153. ;;
  1154. ;; Max size of files to be displayed (default is 8MiB)
  1155. ;MAX_DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE = 8388608
  1156. ;;
  1157. ;; Whether the email of the user should be shown in the Explore Users page
  1158. ;SHOW_USER_EMAIL = true
  1159. ;;
  1160. ;; Set the default theme for the Gitea install
  1161. ;DEFAULT_THEME = auto
  1162. ;;
  1163. ;; All available themes. Allow users select personalized themes regardless of the value of `DEFAULT_THEME`.
  1164. ;THEMES = auto,gitea,arc-green
  1165. ;;
  1166. ;; All available reactions users can choose on issues/prs and comments.
  1167. ;; Values can be emoji alias (:smile:) or a unicode emoji.
  1168. ;; For custom reactions, add a tightly cropped square image to public/img/emoji/reaction_name.png
  1169. ;REACTIONS = +1, -1, laugh, hooray, confused, heart, rocket, eyes
  1170. ;;
  1171. ;; Additional Emojis not defined in the utf8 standard
  1172. ;; By default we support gitea (:gitea:), to add more copy them to public/img/emoji/emoji_name.png and add it to this config.
  1173. ;; Dont mistake it for Reactions.
  1174. ;CUSTOM_EMOJIS = gitea, codeberg, gitlab, git, github, gogs
  1175. ;;
  1176. ;; Whether the full name of the users should be shown where possible. If the full name isn't set, the username will be used.
  1177. ;DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME = false
  1178. ;;
  1179. ;; Whether to search within description at repository search on explore page.
  1181. ;;
  1182. ;; Whether to enable a Service Worker to cache frontend assets
  1183. ;USE_SERVICE_WORKER = false
  1184. ;;
  1185. ;; Whether to only show relevant repos on the explore page when no keyword is specified and default sorting is used.
  1186. ;; A repo is considered irrelevant if it's a fork or if it has no metadata (no description, no icon, no topic).
  1188. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1189. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1190. ;[ui.admin]
  1191. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1192. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1193. ;;
  1194. ;; Number of users that are displayed on one page
  1195. ;USER_PAGING_NUM = 50
  1196. ;;
  1197. ;; Number of repos that are displayed on one page
  1198. ;REPO_PAGING_NUM = 50
  1199. ;;
  1200. ;; Number of notices that are displayed on one page
  1201. ;NOTICE_PAGING_NUM = 25
  1202. ;;
  1203. ;; Number of organizations that are displayed on one page
  1204. ;ORG_PAGING_NUM = 50
  1205. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1206. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1207. ;[ui.user]
  1208. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1209. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1210. ;; Number of repos that are displayed on one page
  1211. ;REPO_PAGING_NUM = 15
  1212. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1213. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1214. ;[ui.meta]
  1215. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1216. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1217. ;AUTHOR = Gitea - Git with a cup of tea
  1218. ;DESCRIPTION = Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) is a painless self-hosted Git service written in Go
  1219. ;KEYWORDS = go,git,self-hosted,gitea
  1220. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1221. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1222. ;[ui.notification]
  1223. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1224. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1225. ;;
  1226. ;; Control how often the notification endpoint is polled to update the notification
  1227. ;; The timeout will increase to MAX_TIMEOUT in TIMEOUT_STEPs if the notification count is unchanged
  1228. ;; Set MIN_TIMEOUT to -1 to turn off
  1229. ;MIN_TIMEOUT = 10s
  1230. ;MAX_TIMEOUT = 60s
  1231. ;TIMEOUT_STEP = 10s
  1232. ;;
  1233. ;; This setting determines how often the db is queried to get the latest notification counts.
  1234. ;; If the browser client supports EventSource and SharedWorker, a SharedWorker will be used in preference to polling notification. Set to -1 to disable the EventSource
  1236. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1237. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1238. ;[ui.svg]
  1239. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1240. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1241. ;;
  1242. ;; Whether to render SVG files as images. If SVG rendering is disabled, SVG files are displayed as text and cannot be embedded in markdown files as images.
  1243. ;ENABLE_RENDER = true
  1244. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1245. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1246. ;[ui.csv]
  1247. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1248. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1249. ;;
  1250. ;; Maximum allowed file size in bytes to render CSV files as table. (Set to 0 for no limit).
  1251. ;MAX_FILE_SIZE = 524288
  1252. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1253. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1254. ;[markdown]
  1255. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1256. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1257. ;;
  1258. ;; Render soft line breaks as hard line breaks, which means a single newline character between
  1259. ;; paragraphs will cause a line break and adding trailing whitespace to paragraphs is not
  1260. ;; necessary to force a line break.
  1261. ;; Render soft line breaks as hard line breaks for comments
  1263. ;;
  1264. ;; Render soft line breaks as hard line breaks for markdown documents
  1266. ;;
  1267. ;; Comma separated list of custom URL-Schemes that are allowed as links when rendering Markdown
  1268. ;; for example git,magnet,ftp (more at
  1269. ;; URLs starting with http and https are always displayed, whatever is put in this entry.
  1271. ;;
  1272. ;; List of file extensions that should be rendered/edited as Markdown
  1273. ;; Separate the extensions with a comma. To render files without any extension as markdown, just put a comma
  1274. ;FILE_EXTENSIONS = .md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd
  1275. ;;
  1276. ;; Enables math inline and block detection
  1277. ;ENABLE_MATH = true
  1278. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1279. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1280. ;[ssh.minimum_key_sizes]
  1281. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1282. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1283. ;;
  1284. ;; Define allowed algorithms and their minimum key length (use -1 to disable a type)
  1285. ;ED25519 = 256
  1286. ;ECDSA = 256
  1287. ;RSA = 2047 ; we allow 2047 here because an otherwise valid 2048 bit RSA key can be reported as having 2047 bit length
  1288. ;DSA = -1 ; set to 1024 to switch on
  1289. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1290. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1291. ;[indexer]
  1292. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1293. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1294. ;;
  1295. ;; Issue Indexer settings
  1296. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1297. ;;
  1298. ;; Issue indexer type, currently support: bleve, db or elasticsearch, default is bleve
  1299. ;ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE = bleve
  1300. ;;
  1301. ;; Issue indexer storage path, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is bleve
  1302. ;ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH = indexers/issues.bleve ; Relative paths will be made absolute against _`AppWorkPath`_.
  1303. ;;
  1304. ;; Issue indexer connection string, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is elasticsearch
  1305. ;ISSUE_INDEXER_CONN_STR = http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200
  1306. ;;
  1307. ;; Issue indexer name, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is elasticsearch
  1308. ;ISSUE_INDEXER_NAME = gitea_issues
  1309. ;;
  1310. ;; Timeout the indexer if it takes longer than this to start.
  1311. ;; Set to -1 to disable timeout.
  1312. ;STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 30s
  1313. ;;
  1314. ;; Issue indexer queue, currently support: channel, levelqueue or redis, default is levelqueue (deprecated - use [queue.issue_indexer])
  1315. ;ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE = levelqueue; **DEPRECATED** use settings in `[queue.issue_indexer]`.
  1316. ;;
  1317. ;; When ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE is levelqueue, this will be the path where the queue will be saved.
  1318. ;; This can be overridden by `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_CONN_STR`.
  1319. ;; default is queues/common
  1320. ;ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_DIR = queues/common; **DEPRECATED** use settings in `[queue.issue_indexer]`. Relative paths will be made absolute against `%(APP_DATA_PATH)s`.
  1321. ;;
  1322. ;; When `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`, this will store the redis connection string.
  1323. ;; When `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE` is `levelqueue`, this is a directory or additional options of
  1324. ;; the form `leveldb://path/to/db?option=value&....`, and overrides `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_DIR`.
  1325. ;ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_CONN_STR = "addrs= db=0"; **DEPRECATED** use settings in `[queue.issue_indexer]`.
  1326. ;;
  1327. ;; Batch queue number, default is 20
  1328. ;ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_BATCH_NUMBER = 20; **DEPRECATED** use settings in `[queue.issue_indexer]`.
  1329. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1330. ;; Repository Indexer settings
  1331. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1332. ;;
  1333. ;; repo indexer by default disabled, since it uses a lot of disk space
  1334. ;REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED = false
  1335. ;;
  1336. ;; Code search engine type, could be `bleve` or `elasticsearch`.
  1337. ;REPO_INDEXER_TYPE = bleve
  1338. ;;
  1339. ;; Index file used for code search. available when `REPO_INDEXER_TYPE` is bleve
  1340. ;REPO_INDEXER_PATH = indexers/repos.bleve
  1341. ;;
  1342. ;; Code indexer connection string, available when `REPO_INDEXER_TYPE` is elasticsearch. i.e. http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200
  1344. ;;
  1345. ;; Code indexer name, available when `REPO_INDEXER_TYPE` is elasticsearch
  1346. ;REPO_INDEXER_NAME = gitea_codes
  1347. ;;
  1348. ;; A comma separated list of glob patterns (see to include
  1349. ;; in the index; default is empty
  1351. ;;
  1352. ;; A comma separated list of glob patterns to exclude from the index; ; default is empty
  1354. ;;
  1355. ;;
  1356. ;UPDATE_BUFFER_LEN = 20; **DEPRECATED** use settings in `[queue.issue_indexer]`.
  1357. ;MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1048576
  1358. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1359. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1360. ;[queue]
  1361. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1362. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1363. ;;
  1364. ;; Specific queues can be individually configured with []. [queue] provides defaults
  1365. ;; ([queue.issue_indexer] is special due to the old configuration described above)
  1366. ;;
  1367. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1368. ;;
  1369. ;; General queue queue type, currently support: persistable-channel, channel, level, redis, dummy
  1370. ;; default to persistable-channel
  1371. ;TYPE = persistable-channel
  1372. ;;
  1373. ;; data-dir for storing persistable queues and level queues, individual queues will default to `queues/common` meaning the queue is shared.
  1374. ;DATADIR = queues/ ; Relative paths will be made absolute against `%(APP_DATA_PATH)s`.
  1375. ;;
  1376. ;; Default queue length before a channel queue will block
  1377. ;LENGTH = 20
  1378. ;;
  1379. ;; Batch size to send for batched queues
  1380. ;BATCH_LENGTH = 20
  1381. ;;
  1382. ;; Connection string for redis queues this will store the redis connection string.
  1383. ;; When `TYPE` is `persistable-channel`, this provides a directory for the underlying leveldb
  1384. ;; or additional options of the form `leveldb://path/to/db?option=value&....`, and will override `DATADIR`.
  1385. ;CONN_STR = "addrs= db=0"
  1386. ;;
  1387. ;; Provides the suffix of the default redis/disk queue name - specific queues can be overridden within in their [] sections.
  1388. ;QUEUE_NAME = "_queue"
  1389. ;;
  1390. ;; Provides the suffix of the default redis/disk unique queue set name - specific queues can be overridden within in their [] sections.
  1391. ;SET_NAME = "_unique"
  1392. ;;
  1393. ;; If the queue cannot be created at startup - level queues may need a timeout at startup - wrap the queue:
  1394. ;WRAP_IF_NECESSARY = true
  1395. ;;
  1396. ;; Attempt to create the wrapped queue at max
  1397. ;MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10
  1398. ;;
  1399. ;; Timeout queue creation
  1400. ;TIMEOUT = 15m30s
  1401. ;;
  1402. ;; Create a pool with this many workers
  1403. ;WORKERS = 0
  1404. ;;
  1405. ;; Dynamically scale the worker pool to at this many workers
  1406. ;MAX_WORKERS = 10
  1407. ;;
  1408. ;; Add boost workers when the queue blocks for BLOCK_TIMEOUT
  1409. ;BLOCK_TIMEOUT = 1s
  1410. ;;
  1411. ;; Remove the boost workers after BOOST_TIMEOUT
  1412. ;BOOST_TIMEOUT = 5m
  1413. ;;
  1414. ;; During a boost add BOOST_WORKERS
  1415. ;BOOST_WORKERS = 1
  1416. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1417. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1418. ;[admin]
  1419. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1420. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1421. ;;
  1422. ;; Disallow regular (non-admin) users from creating organizations.
  1424. ;;
  1425. ;; Default configuration for email notifications for users (user configurable). Options: enabled, onmention, disabled
  1427. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1428. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1429. ;[openid]
  1430. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1431. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1432. ;;
  1433. ;; OpenID is an open, standard and decentralized authentication protocol.
  1434. ;; Your identity is the address of a webpage you provide, which describes
  1435. ;; how to prove you are in control of that page.
  1436. ;;
  1437. ;; For more info:
  1438. ;;
  1439. ;; Current implementation supports OpenID-2.0
  1440. ;;
  1441. ;; Tested to work providers at the time of writing:
  1442. ;; - Any GNUSocial node (your.hostname.tld/username)
  1443. ;; - Any SimpleID provider (
  1444. ;; -
  1445. ;; -
  1446. ;; -
  1447. ;; - <username>
  1448. ;;
  1449. ;; Whether to allow signin in via OpenID
  1450. ;ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN = true
  1451. ;;
  1452. ;; Whether to allow registering via OpenID
  1453. ;; Do not include to rely on rhw DISABLE_REGISTRATION setting
  1454. ;;ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP = true
  1455. ;;
  1456. ;; Allowed URI patterns (POSIX regexp).
  1457. ;; Space separated.
  1458. ;; Only these would be allowed if non-blank.
  1459. ;; Example value:
  1461. ;;
  1462. ;; Forbidden URI patterns (POSIX regexp).
  1463. ;; Space separated.
  1464. ;; Only used if WHITELISTED_URIS is blank.
  1465. ;; Example value:*spammer
  1467. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1468. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1469. ;[oauth2_client]
  1470. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1471. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1472. ;;
  1473. ;; Whether a new auto registered oauth2 user needs to confirm their email.
  1474. ;; Do not include to use the REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM setting from the `[service]` section.
  1476. ;;
  1477. ;; Scopes for the openid connect oauth2 provider (separated by space, the openid scope is implicitly added).
  1478. ;; Typical values are profile and email.
  1479. ;; For more information about the possible values see
  1481. ;;
  1482. ;; Automatically create user accounts for new oauth2 users.
  1484. ;;
  1485. ;; The source of the username for new oauth2 accounts:
  1486. ;; userid = use the userid / sub attribute
  1487. ;; nickname = use the nickname attribute
  1488. ;; email = use the username part of the email attribute
  1489. ;USERNAME = nickname
  1490. ;;
  1491. ;; Update avatar if available from oauth2 provider.
  1492. ;; Update will be performed on each login.
  1493. ;UPDATE_AVATAR = false
  1494. ;;
  1495. ;; How to handle if an account / email already exists:
  1496. ;; disabled = show an error
  1497. ;; login = show an account linking login
  1498. ;; auto = link directly with the account
  1499. ;ACCOUNT_LINKING = login
  1500. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1501. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1502. ;[webhook]
  1503. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1504. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1505. ;;
  1506. ;; Hook task queue length, increase if webhook shooting starts hanging
  1507. ;QUEUE_LENGTH = 1000
  1508. ;;
  1509. ;; Deliver timeout in seconds
  1510. ;DELIVER_TIMEOUT = 5
  1511. ;;
  1512. ;; Webhook can only call allowed hosts for security reasons. Comma separated list, eg: external,, *
  1513. ;; Built-in: loopback (for localhost), private (for LAN/intranet), external (for public hosts on internet), * (for all hosts)
  1514. ;; CIDR list:, 2001:db8::/32
  1515. ;; Wildcard hosts: *, 192.168.100.*
  1516. ;; Since 1.15.7. Default to * for 1.15.x, external for 1.16 and later
  1517. ;ALLOWED_HOST_LIST = external
  1518. ;;
  1519. ;; Allow insecure certification
  1520. ;SKIP_TLS_VERIFY = false
  1521. ;;
  1522. ;; Number of history information in each page
  1523. ;PAGING_NUM = 10
  1524. ;;
  1525. ;; Proxy server URL, support http://, https//, socks://, blank will follow environment http_proxy/https_proxy
  1526. ;PROXY_URL =
  1527. ;;
  1528. ;; Comma separated list of host names requiring proxy. Glob patterns (*) are accepted; use ** to match all hosts.
  1529. ;PROXY_HOSTS =
  1530. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1531. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1532. ;[mailer]
  1533. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1534. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1535. ;;
  1536. ;; NOTICE: this section is for Gitea 1.18 and later. If you are using Gitea 1.17 or older,
  1537. ;; please refer to
  1538. ;;
  1539. ;;
  1540. ;;
  1541. ;ENABLED = false
  1542. ;;
  1543. ;; Buffer length of channel, keep it as it is if you don't know what it is.
  1544. ;SEND_BUFFER_LEN = 100
  1545. ;;
  1546. ;; Prefix displayed before subject in mail
  1548. ;;
  1549. ;; Mail server protocol. One of "smtp", "smtps", "smtp+starttls", "smtp+unix", "sendmail", "dummy".
  1550. ;; - sendmail: use the operating system's `sendmail` command instead of SMTP. This is common on Linux systems.
  1551. ;; - dummy: send email messages to the log as a testing phase.
  1552. ;; If your provider does not explicitly say which protocol it uses but does provide a port,
  1553. ;; you can set SMTP_PORT instead and this will be inferred.
  1554. ;; (Before 1.18, see the notice, this was controlled via MAILER_TYPE and IS_TLS_ENABLED.)
  1555. ;PROTOCOL =
  1556. ;;
  1557. ;; Mail server address, e.g.
  1558. ;; For smtp+unix, this should be a path to a unix socket instead.
  1559. ;; (Before 1.18, see the notice, this was combined with SMTP_PORT as HOST.)
  1560. ;SMTP_ADDR =
  1561. ;;
  1562. ;; Mail server port. Common ports are:
  1563. ;; 25: insecure SMTP
  1564. ;; 465: SMTP Secure
  1565. ;; 587: StartTLS
  1566. ;; If no protocol is specified, it will be inferred by this setting.
  1567. ;; (Before 1.18, this was combined with SMTP_ADDR as HOST.)
  1568. ;SMTP_PORT =
  1569. ;;
  1570. ;; Enable HELO operation. Defaults to true.
  1571. ;ENABLE_HELO = true
  1572. ;;
  1573. ;; Custom hostname for HELO operation.
  1574. ;; If no value is provided, one is retrieved from system.
  1575. ;HELO_HOSTNAME =
  1576. ;;
  1577. ;; If set to `true`, completely ignores server certificate validation errors.
  1578. ;; This option is unsafe. Consider adding the certificate to the system trust store instead.
  1579. ;FORCE_TRUST_SERVER_CERT = false
  1580. ;;
  1581. ;; Use client certificate in connection.
  1582. ;USE_CLIENT_CERT = false
  1583. ;CLIENT_CERT_FILE = custom/mailer/cert.pem
  1584. ;CLIENT_KEY_FILE = custom/mailer/key.pem
  1585. ;;
  1586. ;; Mail from address, RFC 5322. This can be just an email address, or the `"Name" <>` format
  1587. ;FROM =
  1588. ;;
  1589. ;; Sometimes it is helpful to use a different address on the envelope. Set this to use ENVELOPE_FROM as the from on the envelope. Set to `<>` to send an empty address.
  1590. ;ENVELOPE_FROM =
  1591. ;;
  1592. ;; Mailer user name and password, if required by provider.
  1593. ;USER =
  1594. ;;
  1595. ;; Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password.
  1596. ;PASSWD =
  1597. ;;
  1598. ;; Send mails only in plain text, without HTML alternative
  1599. ;SEND_AS_PLAIN_TEXT = false
  1600. ;;
  1601. ;; Specify an alternative sendmail binary
  1602. ;SENDMAIL_PATH = sendmail
  1603. ;;
  1604. ;; Specify any extra sendmail arguments
  1605. ;; WARNING: if your sendmail program interprets options you should set this to "--" or terminate these args with "--"
  1606. ;SENDMAIL_ARGS =
  1607. ;;
  1608. ;; Timeout for Sendmail
  1609. ;SENDMAIL_TIMEOUT = 5m
  1610. ;;
  1611. ;; convert \r\n to \n for Sendmail
  1613. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1614. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1615. ;[cache]
  1616. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1617. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1618. ;;
  1619. ;; if the cache enabled
  1620. ;ENABLED = true
  1621. ;;
  1622. ;; Either "memory", "redis", "memcache", or "twoqueue". default is "memory"
  1623. ;ADAPTER = memory
  1624. ;;
  1625. ;; For "memory" only, GC interval in seconds, default is 60
  1626. ;INTERVAL = 60
  1627. ;;
  1628. ;; For "redis" and "memcache", connection host address
  1629. ;; redis: network=tcp,addr=:6379,password=macaron,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180
  1630. ;; memcache: ``
  1631. ;; twoqueue: `{"size":50000,"recent_ratio":0.25,"ghost_ratio":0.5}` or `50000`
  1632. ;HOST =
  1633. ;;
  1634. ;; Time to keep items in cache if not used, default is 16 hours.
  1635. ;; Setting it to -1 disables caching
  1636. ;ITEM_TTL = 16h
  1637. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1638. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1639. ;; Last commit cache
  1640. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1641. ;[cache.last_commit]
  1642. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1643. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1644. ;; if the cache enabled
  1645. ;ENABLED = true
  1646. ;;
  1647. ;; Time to keep items in cache if not used, default is 8760 hours.
  1648. ;; Setting it to -1 disables caching
  1649. ;ITEM_TTL = 8760h
  1650. ;;
  1651. ;; Only enable the cache when repository's commits count great than
  1652. ;COMMITS_COUNT = 1000
  1653. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1654. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1655. ;[session]
  1656. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1657. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1658. ;;
  1659. ;; Either "memory", "file", "redis", "db", "mysql", "couchbase", "memcache" or "postgres"
  1660. ;; Default is "memory". "db" will reuse the configuration in [database]
  1661. ;PROVIDER = memory
  1662. ;;
  1663. ;; Provider config options
  1664. ;; memory: doesn't have any config yet
  1665. ;; file: session file path, e.g. `data/sessions`
  1666. ;; redis: network=tcp,addr=:6379,password=macaron,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180
  1667. ;; mysql: go-sql-driver/mysql dsn config string, e.g. `root:password@/session_table`
  1668. ;PROVIDER_CONFIG = data/sessions ; Relative paths will be made absolute against _`AppWorkPath`_.
  1669. ;;
  1670. ;; Session cookie name
  1671. ;COOKIE_NAME = i_like_gitea
  1672. ;;
  1673. ;; If you use session in https only, default is false
  1674. ;COOKIE_SECURE = false
  1675. ;;
  1676. ;; Session GC time interval in seconds, default is 86400 (1 day)
  1677. ;GC_INTERVAL_TIME = 86400
  1678. ;;
  1679. ;; Session life time in seconds, default is 86400 (1 day)
  1680. ;SESSION_LIFE_TIME = 86400
  1681. ;;
  1682. ;; SameSite settings. Either "none", "lax", or "strict"
  1683. ;SAME_SITE=lax
  1684. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1685. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1686. ;[picture]
  1687. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1688. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1689. ;;
  1690. ;AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = data/avatars
  1691. ;REPOSITORY_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = data/repo-avatars
  1692. ;;
  1693. ;; How Gitea deals with missing repository avatars
  1694. ;; none = no avatar will be displayed; random = random avatar will be displayed; image = default image will be used
  1696. ;REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK_IMAGE = /img/repo_default.png
  1697. ;;
  1698. ;; Max Width and Height of uploaded avatars.
  1699. ;; This is to limit the amount of RAM used when resizing the image.
  1700. ;AVATAR_MAX_WIDTH = 4096
  1701. ;AVATAR_MAX_HEIGHT = 3072
  1702. ;;
  1703. ;; The multiplication factor for rendered avatar images.
  1704. ;; Larger values result in finer rendering on HiDPI devices.
  1706. ;;
  1707. ;; Maximum allowed file size for uploaded avatars.
  1708. ;; This is to limit the amount of RAM used when resizing the image.
  1709. ;AVATAR_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1048576
  1710. ;;
  1711. ;; Chinese users can choose "duoshuo"
  1712. ;; or a custom avatar source, like:
  1713. ;GRAVATAR_SOURCE = gravatar
  1714. ;;
  1715. ;; This value will always be true in offline mode.
  1716. ;DISABLE_GRAVATAR = false
  1717. ;;
  1718. ;; Federated avatar lookup uses DNS to discover avatar associated
  1719. ;; with emails, see
  1720. ;; This value will always be false in offline mode or when Gravatar is disabled.
  1722. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1723. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1724. ;[attachment]
  1725. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1726. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1727. ;;
  1728. ;; Whether issue and pull request attachments are enabled. Defaults to `true`
  1729. ;ENABLED = true
  1730. ;;
  1731. ;; Comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (`.zip`), mime types (`text/plain`) or wildcard type (`image/*`, `audio/*`, `video/*`). Empty value or `*/*` allows all types.
  1732. ;ALLOWED_TYPES = .csv,.docx,.fodg,.fodp,.fods,.fodt,.gif,.gz,.jpeg,.jpg,.log,.md,.mov,.mp4,.odf,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.pdf,.png,.pptx,.svg,.tgz,.txt,.webm,.xls,.xlsx,.zip
  1733. ;;
  1734. ;; Max size of each file. Defaults to 4MB
  1735. ;MAX_SIZE = 4
  1736. ;;
  1737. ;; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 5
  1738. ;MAX_FILES = 5
  1739. ;;
  1740. ;; Storage type for attachments, `local` for local disk or `minio` for s3 compatible
  1741. ;; object storage service, default is `local`.
  1742. ;STORAGE_TYPE = local
  1743. ;;
  1744. ;; Allows the storage driver to redirect to authenticated URLs to serve files directly
  1745. ;; Currently, only `minio` is supported.
  1746. ;SERVE_DIRECT = false
  1747. ;;
  1748. ;; Path for attachments. Defaults to `data/attachments` only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `local`
  1749. ;PATH = data/attachments
  1750. ;;
  1751. ;; Minio endpoint to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  1752. ;MINIO_ENDPOINT = localhost:9000
  1753. ;;
  1754. ;; Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  1756. ;;
  1757. ;; Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  1759. ;;
  1760. ;; Minio bucket to store the attachments only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  1761. ;MINIO_BUCKET = gitea
  1762. ;;
  1763. ;; Minio location to create bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  1764. ;MINIO_LOCATION = us-east-1
  1765. ;;
  1766. ;; Minio base path on the bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  1767. ;MINIO_BASE_PATH = attachments/
  1768. ;;
  1769. ;; Minio enabled ssl only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  1770. ;MINIO_USE_SSL = false
  1771. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1772. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1773. ;[time]
  1774. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1775. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1776. ;;
  1777. ;; Specifies the format for fully outputted dates. Defaults to RFC1123
  1778. ;; Special supported values are ANSIC, UnixDate, RubyDate, RFC822, RFC822Z, RFC850, RFC1123, RFC1123Z, RFC3339, RFC3339Nano, Kitchen, Stamp, StampMilli, StampMicro and StampNano
  1779. ;; For more information about the format see
  1780. ;FORMAT =
  1781. ;;
  1782. ;; Location the UI time display i.e. Asia/Shanghai
  1783. ;; Empty means server's location setting
  1785. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1786. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1787. ;[cron]
  1788. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1789. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1790. ;;
  1791. ;; Common settings
  1792. ;;
  1793. ;; Setting this to true will enable all cron tasks periodically with default settings.
  1794. ;ENABLED = false
  1795. ;; Setting this to true will run all enabled cron tasks when Gitea starts.
  1796. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  1797. ;;
  1798. ;; Note: ``SCHEDULE`` accept formats
  1799. ;; - Full crontab specs, e.g. "* * * * * ?"
  1800. ;; - Descriptors, e.g. "@midnight", "@every 1h30m"
  1801. ;; See more:
  1802. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1803. ;; Basic cron tasks - enabled by default
  1804. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1805. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1806. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1807. ;; Clean up old repository archives
  1808. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1809. ;[cron.archive_cleanup]
  1810. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1811. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1812. ;; Whether to enable the job
  1813. ;ENABLED = true
  1814. ;; Whether to always run at least once at start up time (if ENABLED)
  1815. ;RUN_AT_START = true
  1816. ;; Whether to emit notice on successful execution too
  1817. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1818. ;; Time interval for job to run
  1819. ;SCHEDULE = @midnight
  1820. ;; Archives created more than OLDER_THAN ago are subject to deletion
  1821. ;OLDER_THAN = 24h
  1822. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1823. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1824. ;; Update mirrors
  1825. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1826. ;[cron.update_mirrors]
  1827. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1828. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1829. ;SCHEDULE = @every 10m
  1830. ;; Enable running Update mirrors task periodically.
  1831. ;ENABLED = true
  1832. ;; Run Update mirrors task when Gitea starts.
  1833. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  1834. ;; Notice if not success
  1835. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1836. ;; Limit the number of mirrors added to the queue to this number
  1837. ;; (negative values mean no limit, 0 will result in no result in no mirrors being queued effectively disabling pull mirror updating.)
  1838. ;PULL_LIMIT=50
  1839. ;; Limit the number of mirrors added to the queue to this number
  1840. ;; (negative values mean no limit, 0 will result in no mirrors being queued effectively disabling push mirror updating)
  1841. ;PUSH_LIMIT=50
  1842. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1843. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1844. ;; Repository health check
  1845. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1846. ;[cron.repo_health_check]
  1847. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1848. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1849. ;SCHEDULE = @midnight
  1850. ;; Enable running Repository health check task periodically.
  1851. ;ENABLED = true
  1852. ;; Run Repository health check task when Gitea starts.
  1853. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  1854. ;; Notice if not success
  1855. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1856. ;TIMEOUT = 60s
  1857. ;; Arguments for command 'git fsck', e.g. "--unreachable --tags"
  1858. ;; see more on
  1859. ;ARGS =
  1860. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1861. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1862. ;; Check repository statistics
  1863. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1864. ;[cron.check_repo_stats]
  1865. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1866. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1867. ;; Enable running check repository statistics task periodically.
  1868. ;ENABLED = true
  1869. ;; Run check repository statistics task when Gitea starts.
  1870. ;RUN_AT_START = true
  1871. ;; Notice if not success
  1872. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1873. ;SCHEDULE = @midnight
  1874. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1875. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1876. ;[cron.update_migration_poster_id]
  1877. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1878. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1879. ; Update migrated repositories' issues and comments' posterid, it will always attempt synchronization when the instance starts.
  1880. ;ENABLED = true
  1881. ;; Update migrated repositories' issues and comments' posterid when starting server (default true)
  1882. ;RUN_AT_START = true
  1883. ;; Notice if not success
  1884. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1885. ;; Interval as a duration between each synchronization. (default every 24h)
  1886. ;SCHEDULE = @midnight
  1887. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1888. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1889. ;; Synchronize external user data (only LDAP user synchronization is supported)
  1890. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1891. ;[cron.sync_external_users]
  1892. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1893. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1894. ;ENABLED = true
  1895. ;; Synchronize external user data when starting server (default false)
  1896. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  1897. ;; Notice if not success
  1898. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1899. ;; Interval as a duration between each synchronization (default every 24h)
  1900. ;SCHEDULE = @midnight
  1901. ;; Create new users, update existing user data and disable users that are not in external source anymore (default)
  1902. ;; or only create new users if UPDATE_EXISTING is set to false
  1903. ;UPDATE_EXISTING = true
  1904. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1905. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1906. ;; Clean-up deleted branches
  1907. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1908. ;[cron.deleted_branches_cleanup]
  1909. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1910. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1911. ;ENABLED = true
  1912. ;; Clean-up deleted branches when starting server (default true)
  1913. ;RUN_AT_START = true
  1914. ;; Notice if not success
  1915. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1916. ;; Interval as a duration between each synchronization (default every 24h)
  1917. ;SCHEDULE = @midnight
  1918. ;; deleted branches than OLDER_THAN ago are subject to deletion
  1919. ;OLDER_THAN = 24h
  1920. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1921. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1922. ;; Cleanup hook_task table
  1923. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1924. ;[cron.cleanup_hook_task_table]
  1925. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1926. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1927. ;; Whether to enable the job
  1928. ;ENABLED = true
  1929. ;; Whether to always run at start up time (if ENABLED)
  1930. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  1931. ;; Time interval for job to run
  1932. ;SCHEDULE = @midnight
  1933. ;; OlderThan or PerWebhook. How the records are removed, either by age (i.e. how long ago hook_task record was delivered) or by the number to keep per webhook (i.e. keep most recent x deliveries per webhook).
  1934. ;CLEANUP_TYPE = OlderThan
  1935. ;; If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to OlderThan, then any delivered hook_task records older than this expression will be deleted.
  1936. ;OLDER_THAN = 168h
  1937. ;; If CLEANUP_TYPE is set to PerWebhook, this is number of hook_task records to keep for a webhook (i.e. keep the most recent x deliveries).
  1938. ;NUMBER_TO_KEEP = 10
  1939. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1940. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1941. ;; Cleanup expired packages
  1942. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1943. ;[cron.cleanup_packages]
  1944. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1945. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1946. ;; Whether to enable the job
  1947. ;ENABLED = true
  1948. ;; Whether to always run at least once at start up time (if ENABLED)
  1949. ;RUN_AT_START = true
  1950. ;; Whether to emit notice on successful execution too
  1951. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1952. ;; Time interval for job to run
  1953. ;SCHEDULE = @midnight
  1954. ;; Unreferenced blobs created more than OLDER_THAN ago are subject to deletion
  1955. ;OLDER_THAN = 24h
  1956. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1957. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1958. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1959. ; Extended cron task - not enabled by default
  1960. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1961. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1962. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1963. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1964. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1965. ;; Delete all unactivated accounts
  1966. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1967. ;[cron.delete_inactive_accounts]
  1968. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1969. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1970. ;ENABLED = false
  1971. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  1972. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1973. ;SCHEDULE = @annually
  1974. ;OLDER_THAN = 168h
  1975. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1976. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1977. ;; Delete all repository archives
  1978. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1979. ;[cron.delete_repo_archives]
  1980. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1981. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1982. ;ENABLED = false
  1983. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  1984. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1985. ;SCHEDULE = @annually;
  1986. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1987. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1988. ;; Garbage collect all repositories
  1989. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1990. ;[cron.git_gc_repos]
  1991. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1992. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  1993. ;ENABLED = false
  1994. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  1995. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  1996. ;SCHEDULE = @every 72h
  1997. ;TIMEOUT = 60s
  1998. ;; Arguments for command 'git gc'
  1999. ;; The default value is same with [git] -> GC_ARGS
  2000. ;ARGS =
  2001. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2002. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2003. ;; Update the '.ssh/authorized_keys' file with Gitea SSH keys
  2004. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2005. ;[cron.resync_all_sshkeys]
  2006. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2007. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2008. ;ENABLED = false
  2009. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  2010. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  2011. ;SCHEDULE = @every 72h
  2012. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2013. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2014. ;; Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
  2015. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2016. ;[cron.resync_all_hooks]
  2017. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2018. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2019. ;ENABLED = false
  2020. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  2021. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  2022. ;SCHEDULE = @every 72h
  2023. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2024. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2025. ;; Reinitialize all missing Git repositories for which records exist
  2026. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2027. ;[cron.reinit_missing_repos]
  2028. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2029. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2030. ;ENABLED = false
  2031. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  2032. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  2033. ;SCHEDULE = @every 72h
  2034. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2035. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2036. ;; Delete all repositories missing their Git files
  2037. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2038. ;[cron.delete_missing_repos]
  2039. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2040. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2041. ;ENABLED = false
  2042. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  2043. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  2044. ;SCHEDULE = @every 72h
  2045. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2046. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2047. ;; Delete generated repository avatars
  2048. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2049. ;[cron.delete_generated_repository_avatars]
  2050. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2051. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2052. ;ENABLED = false
  2053. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  2054. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  2055. ;SCHEDULE = @every 72h
  2056. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2057. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2058. ;; Delete all old actions from database
  2059. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2060. ;[cron.delete_old_actions]
  2061. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2062. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2063. ;ENABLED = false
  2064. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  2065. ;NOTICE_ON_SUCCESS = false
  2066. ;SCHEDULE = @every 168h
  2067. ;OLDER_THAN = 8760h
  2068. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2069. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2070. ;; Check for new Gitea versions
  2071. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2072. ;[cron.update_checker]
  2073. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2074. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2075. ;ENABLED = false
  2076. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  2077. ;ENABLE_SUCCESS_NOTICE = false
  2078. ;SCHEDULE = @every 168h
  2079. ;HTTP_ENDPOINT =
  2080. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2081. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2082. ;; Delete all old system notices from database
  2083. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2084. ;[cron.delete_old_system_notices]
  2085. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2086. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2087. ;ENABLED = false
  2088. ;RUN_AT_START = false
  2089. ;NO_SUCCESS_NOTICE = false
  2090. ;SCHEDULE = @every 168h
  2091. ;OLDER_THAN = 8760h
  2092. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2093. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2094. ;; Git Operation timeout in seconds
  2095. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2096. ;[git.timeout]
  2097. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2098. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2099. ;DEFAULT = 360
  2100. ;MIGRATE = 600
  2101. ;MIRROR = 300
  2102. ;CLONE = 300
  2103. ;PULL = 300
  2104. ;GC = 60
  2105. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2106. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2107. ;[mirror]
  2108. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2109. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2110. ;; Enables the mirror functionality. Set to **false** to disable all mirrors. Pre-existing mirrors remain valid but won't be updated; may be converted to regular repo.
  2111. ;ENABLED = true
  2112. ;; Disable the creation of **new** pull mirrors. Pre-existing mirrors remain valid. Will be ignored if `mirror.ENABLED` is `false`.
  2113. ;DISABLE_NEW_PULL = false
  2114. ;; Disable the creation of **new** push mirrors. Pre-existing mirrors remain valid. Will be ignored if `mirror.ENABLED` is `false`.
  2115. ;DISABLE_NEW_PUSH = false
  2116. ;; Default interval as a duration between each check
  2117. ;DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 8h
  2118. ;; Min interval as a duration must be > 1m
  2119. ;MIN_INTERVAL = 10m
  2120. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2121. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2122. ;[api]
  2123. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2124. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2125. ;; Enables the API documentation endpoints (/api/swagger, /api/v1/swagger, …). True or false.
  2126. ;ENABLE_SWAGGER = true
  2127. ;; Max number of items in a page
  2128. ;MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS = 50
  2129. ;; Default paging number of api
  2130. ;DEFAULT_PAGING_NUM = 30
  2131. ;; Default and maximum number of items per page for git trees api
  2133. ;; Default max size of a blob returned by the blobs API (default is 10MiB)
  2134. ;DEFAULT_MAX_BLOB_SIZE = 10485760
  2135. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2136. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2137. ;[i18n]
  2138. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2139. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2140. ;; The first locale will be used as the default if user browser's language doesn't match any locale in the list.
  2141. ;LANGS = en-US,zh-CN,zh-HK,zh-TW,de-DE,fr-FR,nl-NL,lv-LV,ru-RU,uk-UA,ja-JP,es-ES,pt-BR,pt-PT,pl-PL,bg-BG,it-IT,fi-FI,tr-TR,cs-CZ,sv-SE,ko-KR,el-GR,fa-IR,hu-HU,id-ID,ml-IN
  2142. ;NAMES = English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台灣),Deutsch,Français,Nederlands,Latviešu,Русский,Українська,日本語,Español,Português do Brasil,Português de Portugal,Polski,Български,Italiano,Suomi,Türkçe,Čeština,Српски,Svenska,한국어,Ελληνικά,فارسی,Magyar nyelv,Bahasa Indonesia,മലയാളം
  2143. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2144. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2145. ;[highlight.mapping]
  2146. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2147. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2148. ;; Extension mapping to highlight class
  2149. ;; e.g. .toml=ini
  2150. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2151. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2152. ;[other]
  2153. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2154. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2155. ;SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING = false
  2156. ;; Show version information about Gitea and Go in the footer
  2157. ;SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION = true
  2158. ;; Show template execution time in the footer
  2160. ;; Generate sitemap. Defaults to `true`.
  2161. ;ENABLE_SITEMAP = true
  2162. ;; Enable/Disable RSS/Atom feed
  2163. ;ENABLE_FEED = true
  2164. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2165. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2166. ;[markup]
  2167. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2168. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2169. ;; Set the maximum number of characters in a mermaid source. (Set to -1 to disable limits)
  2171. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2172. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2173. ;[markup.sanitizer.1]
  2174. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2175. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2176. ;; The following keys can appear once to define a sanitation policy rule.
  2177. ;; This section can appear multiple times by adding a unique alphanumeric suffix to define multiple rules.
  2178. ;; e.g., [markup.sanitizer.1] -> [markup.sanitizer.2] -> [markup.sanitizer.TeX]
  2179. ;ELEMENT = span
  2180. ;ALLOW_ATTR = class
  2181. ;REGEXP = ^(info|warning|error)$
  2182. ;;
  2183. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2184. ;; Other markup formats e.g. asciidoc
  2185. ;;
  2186. ;; uncomment and enable the below section.
  2187. ;; (You can add other markup formats by copying the section and adjusting
  2188. ;; the section name suffix "asciidoc" to something else.)
  2189. ;[markup.asciidoc]
  2190. ;ENABLED = false
  2191. ;; List of file extensions that should be rendered by an external command
  2192. ;FILE_EXTENSIONS = .adoc,.asciidoc
  2193. ;; External command to render all matching extensions
  2194. ;RENDER_COMMAND = "asciidoc --out-file=- -"
  2195. ;; Don't pass the file on STDIN, pass the filename as argument instead.
  2196. ;IS_INPUT_FILE = false
  2197. ;; How the content will be rendered.
  2198. ;; * sanitized: Sanitize the content and render it inside current page, default to only allow a few HTML tags and attributes. Customized sanitizer rules can be defined in [markup.sanitizer.*] .
  2199. ;; * no-sanitizer: Disable the sanitizer and render the content inside current page. It's **insecure** and may lead to XSS attack if the content contains malicious code.
  2200. ;; * iframe: Render the content in a separate standalone page and embed it into current page by iframe. The iframe is in sandbox mode with same-origin disabled, and the JS code are safely isolated from parent page.
  2201. ;RENDER_CONTENT_MODE=sanitized
  2202. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2203. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2204. ;[metrics]
  2205. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2206. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2207. ;; Enables metrics endpoint. True or false; default is false.
  2208. ;ENABLED = false
  2209. ;; If you want to add authorization, specify a token here
  2210. ;TOKEN =
  2211. ;; Enable issue by label metrics; default is false
  2212. ;ENABLED_ISSUE_BY_LABEL = false
  2213. ;; Enable issue by repository metrics; default is false
  2215. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2216. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2217. ;[task]
  2218. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2219. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2220. ;;
  2221. ;; Task queue type, could be `channel` or `redis`.
  2222. ;QUEUE_TYPE = channel
  2223. ;;
  2224. ;; Task queue length, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `channel`.
  2225. ;QUEUE_LENGTH = 1000
  2226. ;;
  2227. ;; Task queue connection string, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`.
  2228. ;; If there is a password of redis, use `addrs= password=123 db=0`.
  2229. ;QUEUE_CONN_STR = "addrs= db=0"
  2230. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2231. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2232. ;[migrations]
  2233. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2234. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2235. ;;
  2236. ;; Max attempts per http/https request on migrations.
  2237. ;MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3
  2238. ;;
  2239. ;; Backoff time per http/https request retry (seconds)
  2240. ;RETRY_BACKOFF = 3
  2241. ;;
  2242. ;; Allowed domains for migrating, default is blank. Blank means everything will be allowed.
  2243. ;; Multiple domains could be separated by commas.
  2244. ;; Wildcard is supported: ", *"
  2246. ;;
  2247. ;; Blocklist for migrating, default is blank. Multiple domains could be separated by commas.
  2248. ;; When ALLOWED_DOMAINS is not blank, this option has a higher priority to deny domains.
  2249. ;; Wildcard is supported.
  2251. ;;
  2252. ;; Allow private addresses defined by RFC 1918, RFC 1122, RFC 4632 and RFC 4291 (false by default)
  2253. ;; If a domain is allowed by ALLOWED_DOMAINS, this option will be ignored.
  2254. ;ALLOW_LOCALNETWORKS = false
  2255. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2256. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2257. ;[federation]
  2258. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2259. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2260. ;;
  2261. ;; Enable/Disable federation capabilities
  2262. ;ENABLED = false
  2263. ;;
  2264. ;; Enable/Disable user statistics for nodeinfo if federation is enabled
  2266. ;;
  2267. ;; Maximum federation request and response size (MB)
  2268. ;MAX_SIZE = 4
  2269. ;;
  2270. ;; WARNING: Changing the settings below can break federation.
  2271. ;;
  2272. ;; HTTP signature algorithms
  2273. ;ALGORITHMS = rsa-sha256, rsa-sha512, ed25519
  2274. ;;
  2275. ;; HTTP signature digest algorithm
  2277. ;;
  2278. ;; GET headers for federation requests
  2279. ;GET_HEADERS = (request-target), Date
  2280. ;;
  2281. ;; POST headers for federation requests
  2282. ;POST_HEADERS = (request-target), Date, Digest
  2283. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2284. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2285. ;[packages]
  2286. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2287. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2288. ;;
  2289. ;; Enable/Disable package registry capabilities
  2290. ;ENABLED = true
  2291. ;;
  2292. ;; Path for chunked uploads. Defaults to APP_DATA_PATH + `tmp/package-upload`
  2293. ;CHUNKED_UPLOAD_PATH = tmp/package-upload
  2294. ;;
  2295. ;; Maximum count of package versions a single owner can have (`-1` means no limits)
  2297. ;; Maximum size of packages a single owner can use (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2299. ;; Maximum size of a Composer upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2301. ;; Maximum size of a Conan upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2302. ;LIMIT_SIZE_CONAN = -1
  2303. ;; Maximum size of a Container upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2305. ;; Maximum size of a Generic upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2306. ;LIMIT_SIZE_GENERIC = -1
  2307. ;; Maximum size of a Helm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2308. ;LIMIT_SIZE_HELM = -1
  2309. ;; Maximum size of a Maven upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2310. ;LIMIT_SIZE_MAVEN = -1
  2311. ;; Maximum size of a npm upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2312. ;LIMIT_SIZE_NPM = -1
  2313. ;; Maximum size of a NuGet upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2314. ;LIMIT_SIZE_NUGET = -1
  2315. ;; Maximum size of a Pub upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2316. ;LIMIT_SIZE_PUB = -1
  2317. ;; Maximum size of a PyPI upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2318. ;LIMIT_SIZE_PYPI = -1
  2319. ;; Maximum size of a RubyGems upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2321. ;; Maximum size of a Vagrant upload (`-1` means no limits, format `1000`, `1 MB`, `1 GiB`)
  2322. ;LIMIT_SIZE_VAGRANT = -1
  2323. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2324. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2325. ;; default storage for attachments, lfs and avatars
  2326. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2327. ;[storage]
  2328. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2329. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2330. ;; storage type
  2331. ;STORAGE_TYPE = local
  2332. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2333. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2334. ;; settings for repository archives, will override storage setting
  2335. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2336. ;[storage.repo-archive]
  2337. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2338. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2339. ;; storage type
  2340. ;STORAGE_TYPE = local
  2341. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2342. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2343. ;; lfs storage will override storage
  2344. ;;
  2345. ;[lfs]
  2346. ;STORAGE_TYPE = local
  2347. ;;
  2348. ;; Where your lfs files reside, default is data/lfs.
  2349. ;PATH = data/lfs
  2350. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2351. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2352. ;; settings for packages, will override storage setting
  2353. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2354. ;[storage.packages]
  2355. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2356. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2357. ;; storage type
  2358. ;STORAGE_TYPE = local
  2359. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2360. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  2361. ;; customize storage
  2362. ;[storage.my_minio]
  2363. ;STORAGE_TYPE = minio
  2364. ;;
  2365. ;; Minio endpoint to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  2366. ;MINIO_ENDPOINT = localhost:9000
  2367. ;;
  2368. ;; Minio accessKeyID to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  2370. ;;
  2371. ;; Minio secretAccessKey to connect only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  2373. ;;
  2374. ;; Minio bucket to store the attachments only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  2375. ;MINIO_BUCKET = gitea
  2376. ;;
  2377. ;; Minio location to create bucket only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  2378. ;MINIO_LOCATION = us-east-1
  2379. ;;
  2380. ;; Minio enabled ssl only available when STORAGE_TYPE is `minio`
  2381. ;MINIO_USE_SSL = false
  2382. ;[proxy]
  2383. ;; Enable the proxy, all requests to external via HTTP will be affected
  2384. ;PROXY_ENABLED = false
  2385. ;; Proxy server URL, support http://, https//, socks://, blank will follow environment http_proxy/https_proxy/no_proxy
  2386. ;PROXY_URL =
  2387. ;; Comma separated list of host names requiring proxy. Glob patterns (*) are accepted; use ** to match all hosts.
  2388. ;PROXY_HOSTS =